<br /> �7" 1N a distan�e of�0�.�?' fee� fia a point; fhence N 8G° 3G' '[9" W a dis�ance of 5fi7.'I 7 feef; �hence
<br /> con��nuing on �he following caurses and disfances r�spec�i�eIy; S 73° �4" ��rr 11V a d�s�ance �f�36.�5
<br /> feet; �henGe N 74� 55' ��" V11 a distance of '�D7.03 fee�; thence S 86° 38' ��" Ulr a dis�ance of�29.��
<br /> feet; fhence N 86° 5'1' 3�" ti!V a distance of '174.79 feet; thence S 8�° 3�' �6" �!V a disfance of ��4.�3
<br /> feet; thence N ��° 2�' 43" 11V a drs�ance of ��3.66 fee�; �hence N 7'3° ��' ��" UI1 a dis�ance af 29�.3�
<br /> fee�; �hence S 82°�3' 33" VV a distance of 95.48 �eet; fhence S �3° 33' �g"1N a disfance of 3�'1.��feet;
<br /> �h�nce S 8�° 5�' 3?'" W a distance af 1�7.2� feet; thence 5 D�° 19' 41" 1!V a distance of 24.5 f�et fia a
<br /> polnt on the Svuth line vf said Government Lat '14 Iocated in Section 3 and said poinfi being on the
<br /> North line of said Northeast Quar�er of the Nvrth�rest Quarter af sard Secfiivn �� and said pvin� a�sa
<br /> being 87.55 f��� Easteriy from �he Narthwes� co�ner af the northeas� Quarter af the North�est Quart�r
<br /> of said 5ection ��; thence 5 ��° �9" 0�ii VIJ a dis�ance �f 1283.95 feet to the p�ace of beginning
<br /> Parcel 9: A trac�af fand comprising a part of the Nortf�east Quarter�NE�4} and a part of the Sou�heas�
<br /> _Quarter �SE�4}, all being in S�c�ion Nineteen ���}, T��nrnship Eleven ���} North, Range Ten ���} West
<br /> of th� 5th P.M., Hall Caun�y, Nebraska and a part of the Northeas� Quarter �NEI�} o� Sec�ivn Thirty
<br /> �3�}, Tov�rnship Ele�en ��'i} North, Range Ten �1�} Vllest of the 5th P.M., Hal1 Coun�y, N�braska, said
<br /> tract being mo�-e particularly described as fol�ows: Beginning at a pvin�on the eas�line vf the Northeast
<br /> Quarker �NE%4} o� said Sec�ion Ninet�en ��9}, said paint being Tw� Hundred Twelve and Twelve
<br /> Hundredths ���2.1�} fee�south ❑f the northeast corner af fhe Northeas� Quarter�NE%.} of said Section
<br /> Nineteen ��9}; thence running sou�herly, along and upvn �he east Ilne of�he Norkheas��uarter �NE�4}
<br /> af said Section Nineteen ��9}, a d�s�ance vf Two Thausand Faur Hundred Twen�y Nine and Thirty �ne
<br /> Hundred�hs �2,4�9.3'�} feef tv �h� Northeas� corner of the South�ast Quart�r �SE�4} of said Sec�ion
<br /> Nine�e�n ��9}; thence deflecfiing righfi D�° ��' 4�" �nd running sau�herIy, aEong and upon�he eas�Iine of
<br /> �h� Southeasf C�uarter�SEI4} of said Sec#ion Ninet��n ��9}, a distance �f Tw� Thousand Six Hundred
<br /> Six�y and Fvrty Eight Hundredths �2,���.48} fee� �a fhe n�rtheast corner of �he Northeast �uarter
<br /> �NE'/4} of said Secfiion Thirty �3�}; �hen�e defl�cting rrgh� 89° ��' �5" and running westerly, a��ng and
<br /> upon �he north line of �he Northeast Quarter �NE��} o� said Sec�ivn Thirty �3�}, a distance vf �ne
<br /> Th�usand Five Hundred Fourteen and Fifty Fi�re Hundred�hs ��,��4.55} feet �o a paint of curvature;
<br /> th�nce running �outhwes�erly, alang and upan �he arc of a curv��o th� left�rhos� radius rs ��2.5� feet,
<br /> a distance of F�fty Eight and Thirty Se�en Hundr�dths ��8.37} fe�t �[ong chord distan�e = �7.59' — Iong
<br /> chord deflec�ing left ��° �7' ��" frvm the previvusly described course} t� a polnt of tangency; fihence
<br /> defE�ctin� left 'i 5° �7' ��"f�om the�hord of the preWi�usly described curve an� running sou�h�nr�s�erly, a
<br /> dlstanc� of Two Hundr�d Eigh�y Three and Seventeen Hundred�hs �283.�7}feet ta a point o�curvatur�,
<br /> thence running sou�hw�st�riy, along and up�n �he arc of a curv� �a th� righf whase radius �s 494.��
<br /> feet, a disfance of Tv�ra Hundred Eighty Three and Nine�y F�ur Hundredths ��83.94} feet �long chard
<br /> distan�e = �8�.�6 — long chard def�ecting right �6° �G' 30" from fhe previously described caurse} to a
<br /> poin�; then�e def[ectEng righf '1��° �5' '15" and running northerly, a distance of Three Thausand Six
<br /> Hundr�d Twenty �n� and Se�en Hundredths �3,52�.�7} feefi; �hen�e d�flect�n� lef� 89° 58' �3" and
<br /> running wesferly, a distance of �n� Hundred Forty �ne and Three Tenths �141.3�} feet; thence
<br /> deflecting right 89° 57' 3�" and running north�rEy, a d�stan�e of�ne Thousand Nin� Hundred Forty Tw�
<br /> and Nineteen Hundredths ��,9��.19} feet to a poinf on the north line of�he Northeast C�uarter �NE%} of
<br /> said S�ction Nineteen ���}; fihence deflecting right 9�� �8' ��" and running.easterly, afong and upan�he
<br /> narth I�ne of the Nartheas� Quarter �NE%.} of said 5e�fian Nineteen �19}, a dis�ance of�ne Thousand
<br /> 5even Hundred Ninety Fi�e and Sixty Eigh� Hundredths ��,795.58} feet�o a p�int being Four Hundred
<br /> Nine and Twa Tenths ���9.��} fee�west of�he north�as�corn�r Qf the Northeasf C�uarter�NEl4} of said
<br /> Sec�ion Nineteen �19}; th�nce deflect�ng right S9° 44' 2�" and running s�utheriy, parallei with �he eas�
<br /> line of the Nvrtheast Quart�r �NE%.} af said Section Nine�een ��9�, a distance af Two Hundred Twelve
<br /> and Twelve Hundred�hs �2�2.'I�} fi�e�; �hence def�ec�ing left 89° 44' 2�" and running easterIy, paraiie�
<br /> wi�h �he nvrth line of �he Northeast C�uarter �N E�¢} of said Sec�ion Nine�een ��9}, a dis�ance of Four
<br /> Hundred Nine and Two T�nths �4�9.2�}feet t�the p�in�of beginning.
<br /> Parcef ��: A t�act of land �omprising a part of the Southeast Quarter�SE%4} and a part of the Northeas�
<br /> Quarter �NE�/�} af Se�tion Eighteen ��8}, Township E[e�en �'[1} hlorth, Range Ten ��4} VIl�st of the ��h
<br /> P.M. and all of the North�rvest Quarter �NW%4}, a part af the Northeast Quarter �N E'/}, a part of fh�
<br /> Southeast Quarter �SE'/} and a part of the Southwes� Quarter �SWl4}, of 5e��ian SeWen�een ��7},
<br /> Township Elev�n �'1�} North, Range Ten �'1�}V1les�of�he Gth P.M., all be�ng in HaII �ounty, Nebraska,
<br /> and mor� part"rcularly d�scrrbed as follov�rs: Firs� ta ascertain �he pvint vfi beginning; s�art a� �he
<br /> s�u�heas� corner �f �he Sou�heas� Quart�r �SE%4} of said Secti�n Eighfeen ��8�; �hence running
<br /> App#:53�2582; CIF#:�6875; Nate#:�D4 22�KS Lega[Doc.Dafe:May 29,2��5
<br /> F�RN15D�'�,Trust Deed and Assignmen�of Rents Rage 3 of 8
<br />