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��15�35�1 <br /> ParGel 'I: Part vf the North Haif vf the Northwest Quarter�N% NW�4} and part vf the N�rthwest C,�uarter <br /> of �he Northeas� C,�uarter �N111l14 N E"/�} of Sec�ion 31, Township 1� Nvrth, Range '[� VIlest vf the �th <br /> P.M., Hall C�unty, Nebraska, more particula��y described as fallvws: Beginning at the Saufh�►vest <br /> Corn�r of said Narth �ne-Ha[f of fhe Northwest Quart�r �N'/ NW%4}; �hence running North along and <br /> upan the VIlest line of fhe North Half af the Northwest Quar�er �N�/ N`l11��} a distanc� of��4.45 f��t; <br /> thence North 69°3�' East a distan�e af 865.� feet; thence South 69°4�' East a distanc� of���.64 feet; <br /> thence North 89°�8' East a distance of 189.5 feet; thence Nor�h 5�°43' East a dis�ance of 87�.5 fee�; <br /> th�nce North 89�48' East a distance of�5�.2� feet; thence South 3�°44' Eas�a disfan�e of 54�.98 feet; <br /> thence Sauth 7�°47' Easf a distance of 735.3�fee�; thence S�uth 43°�8' East a distance of 258.33 feet <br /> ta a paint �n fhe Soufh f in� �f said Narth�rest (�uarter of the Northeast Quarter �NW%a NE%}; �hence <br /> South 89°3�' V11est a[ang and upvn th� S�uth [ine vf �he Northwest Quarter of th� Narkheast C�uarte� <br /> �NVI!%4 N E%} a d�stance af �,'I��.7 feet to the Sou�hwest corner of fhe N�rthwest Quarter of �he <br /> North�ast Quarter �N�11lI4 NEI�}, a[so being �he Southeasf corner o� �h� North Half ofi the Northwest <br /> Quarter �N�/ NW%4}; thence 5outh 89°�3' West along and upon th� South line of the North Half af the <br /> Narth��st Quarter�N�/� NW%4} a distanc� ❑f�,445.95 feet t�the point of be�inning. <br /> Parcel 2: The Sauth Half of the 5oufiheast C�uarter {S�� SE%4}��f Sec�ion T�n {'I�}, Tv�rvnship Ele�en <br /> �1'i} Narth, Range EIeW�n �'[�}1Nest af the�th P.M., HaII Caunty, Nebraska <br /> Farc�E 3: The VIlest Ha[f af the Sauthwes� C,�uarter �V11�/ SVI!%4} af Secf�on Faur�4}, Township Nine �9} <br /> North, Rang� Twelve �1�} V11es� of the 5fh P.M., Hall �vunty, Nebraska Excepting a cer�ain tract more <br /> particulaT�y described in Deed recarded as Documenf Na. 92-��4822 and Excepting Lot �ne ��}, <br /> Urkosk�A�res Subdivision, Hall �ounty, Nebraska <br /> Parcel �: The Soufhw�st C�uarter �SVI!%} of Sec�ian Five ���, Township Eleven ���} Narth, Range <br /> Tv�relve �1�} Vllest af the 6th P.M., Hall �vun�y, Nebraska EXCEPT L�� �ne (�}, �edar Tree Pheasant <br /> Farm Su bd ivisi�n, Hal[ Cau nty, Nebraska. <br /> Parcel �: The Sou�heast Quart�r {SE%4} af Section Thir�y Five �35}, Township Eleven ���} Nortn, <br /> Range ECeven �1�}�lVest of th��th P.M., Hall Caun�y, N�braska <br /> Parcel �: The Northwest C�uarter of �he S�uthwest Quarter �NVII%4 SW%} of 5e�tion Thirty Six �36}, <br /> Township Twe�ve �1�} N�rth, Range Twelv� ��2}1Nest of th��th P.M., Hall Caunty, fVebraska <br /> Parcel ?': The East Half vf the N�rtheast �uarter �E�/� NE'�4} of Section Thirty Five �35}, Townsh�p <br /> TweE�e�'[2} N�rth, Range Thir�een �'13}West of the 6th P.M., Buffalv �ounty, Neb�raska <br /> Par�el 8: A�ract af land be�ng part af�he Northwes�Quart�r vf the Nar�heast Quar�er�NVI!%NE1�} and <br /> part af the Northeast Quarter of �he North�est C�uarter �N E%4 N1N%4} Eocated in Section Ten �'��}, and <br /> part af�overnment Lot Thirteen �13}, part of Go�ernment Lof Fourteen ��4} and accreti�ns laca�ed in <br /> S�ction Three �3}, ali in Township Eight t8} Narth, Range Fourteen ��4} V1lest of the �th P.M., Buffaio <br /> �ounty, N�braska, more particularly described as follows: R�ferring to fhe Svufhwest corner of the <br /> Northeast Quarter of �he Northwes� Quarter of Section Ten �'I�} and assuming �he South line af �he <br /> Northeast C�uarter af��he Northwest C�uarter and Sauth [ine �f the Nvrth Ha[f of the Northeas� �uarter <br /> S�ction Ten �'I�}, Township Eigh��8} North, Range Faurteen �14} We�t of�he�th P.M., BuffalQ �aunty, <br /> Nebraska, as bearing S 89° �2' ��" E and afC bearings contained herein ar� re[ative �herefio; thence N <br /> ��° 4�' 48" W and on the �llles� C�ne of th� North�as� Quarter of the Northwes� C�uarter of said Secti�n <br /> ��, a distanc� af 33.� feet ta a poin�on the North I�ne ❑f a Public Road �Ki[go�e Road}; thence l�a�ing <br /> �he VIlest line of�h� Northeasf C�uarter of the Northw�st�uarter of said 5ect��n ��, S 89° ��' ��' E and <br /> on the North line of said Publi� Road �Kilgore Road} a distanc� of 42.42 fee�ta�he A�TUAL PLA�E �F <br /> BEG�NNING; thence c�ntinuing S 89° 52' ��" E and �n th� North Iine af said Pub1iG Rvad �Krlgvre <br /> Raad} a distance vf 769.�7 fee�; thence S '17° �47" �9" E and con�inuing ❑n the North�r[y [ine vf said <br /> Publ�c rvad �Ki[gvre Raad} a distance a# 8.�7 feet; thence N �4° 'I7' 53" E and cvntinu�ng on the <br /> Northerly line of said Public Road �Kiigvre Road} a distance of 'I�77.02 feet; �hence N 49° 4�'' �4" E <br /> and cvnfiinuing on the No�therly irne af sa�d Pu�lic Road �KiCgo�e R�ad} a dis�ance �f 5��.�8 feet; <br /> thenc� N 5�° 57' �3" E and cvnfinurng on �he Northerly f ine of said Publ�c Raad �I��Igore Road} a <br /> distance of 3�4.9� fee�; thence leaving the Northerly [ine of said Public Road �Kifg�re R�a�} N ��° 49' <br /> App#:5322�82; CEF#:76876; Nofe#:�D4 22�K5 Legaf❑ac.Date:May 29,2�15 <br /> F�RNI 5���,Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents Page�of S <br />