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<br /> Dv not wrifelfype a�oue#his tr'ne. Far firingr purpvses vnly.
<br /> FQRM 5A�1{7-2D94)
<br /> RETURN T� Far�m Cred'r�S�rvices of America, P� �o�5�8� Schufte, Ka�h �
<br /> PREPARER: Grand 1sland NE 688�� 3�8 384--��5�
<br /> , � }
<br /> ln ac�ar�ance w��h the provisivns of the Nebr�aska Farm Homes�ead Pro�ection A�t, Neb. R�v, �ta�.
<br /> Sectians��-'�9�'I, et. seq., as a preface�o fhe execution, and as a part�f the fa[[vwing Trus� Deed, the
<br /> under�igned Trus�or�s} being firs�du�y swarn, elects�a Discl�im the Right ta Designat�a Home��e�d.
<br /> xlWe disclaim the right t� d�signate a homesfead �n �h� pra�perty des�rib�d in th�fo[Iowing T�u��❑�ed...
<br /> N� part of mylour horn�stead is presently, or in �he futu�e w�l1 �e, �itua�ed upan said real esta�e. IM1e
<br /> unders�and that if Ilwe est�bl�sh a homeste�d on any part af the real es#ate during �he tim� �he Trus�
<br /> Deed remains unsati�fied �nd � �ien on�he rea� esta�e, ll�ve sh�ll have no r[gh�to make a deslgna�ian af
<br /> hvme5 d in the e�ent o�a Tru�t�e's sa�e.
<br /> , ,
<br /> , � R r
<br /> n_ � �,
<br /> ��
<br /> rn da V'I�oi�a s �wskr J�rry D �fta��e wsk!
<br /> Farm�redit 5ervices vf America
<br /> Trustvr�s}:
<br /> Linda �C V1laitas��wski, A.IKIA Lind� Wai�aszev�ski and Jerry ❑ 1Naitaszewski, AIKIA Jer�1d D.
<br /> VVoi�as��wski and alkla Jerry VIloi�aszewskE, a married �oupie
<br /> Mai[ing Address:
<br /> '!D9�I 9 VIJ Capita�Ave
<br /> Vl��od Ri�er, N E 68883
<br /> This Trus� Deed and Ass��nm�nt af Rents is made May �9, ��'i 5, by and am�ng the �bave named
<br /> Trus�or�s} and AgriBank, F�B, "Trustee,"whose mailing addre�s is P� Ba�54��9, 5�. Paul, M�nnesafia
<br /> 55'I G4-�94�, and Farm �_redit Servic�s vf Amer�Ga, FLCA, 'rB�nefici�ry," whvse maiiing address is P�]
<br /> ,.�..�....._..
<br /> �ax �4�9, Dmaha, N E �8'I��, in cansideration of the ad��nc� by �3�neficiary of fhe princip�l sum
<br /> spe�ified b�i�w, tne receip�of which is hereby acknowled�ed, Trusfior�s} irrevacably transfers, c�n�eys
<br /> and assigns fo Trustee, 1N TRU�T, VIIITH R�VIlER �F SALE, for �he benefif an� securi�y of
<br /> Ben�ficiary, 1�5 succes�or�s �nd assigns, under and subje�� �o �he terms and condifiion� vf this
<br /> Trusf aeed: �he �raperty, locafed in Hall1 Buffa[o �aun�y�ies}, S�a�e of Nebraska, an�l des�r�b�d as
<br /> follows: -
<br /> App#:53�258�; CIF#:76876; Nat�#:��4 2��K5 Lega[�oc.Date:May��,2��5
<br /> F�RM 5�1�,Trust Deed and Assignmen�of Rents Page'[ af 8
<br />