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��15�347� <br /> c�ntinue to pay�� Lender�he a�moun��f the separately des�gnated paymen�s that�r�re due wh�n the <br /> �nsurance co�erage ceased��be�n effec�. Lfender ur�l� accept, us�and r�tain these paymen�s as a <br /> non-refundable�oss reserve in�ieu of M�r�gage �nsurance. Such�oss reserv�sha�l be non-refundable, <br /> no�withstand�ng�he fact that th�Loan is ult�mate�y pa�d in fuil, and Lender shall no�be requ�red to pay <br /> Barrawer any �n�eres�or earnings on such loss reser�e. Lend�r can no �ong�r requ�re 1o�s reser�e payments <br /> if Mortgag��nsuranc�co�rerage�in�he amoun�and for�he period�ha�Lender r�qu�res}pravided b�an <br /> insurer selected by L�rider again becomes a�ailable, is o�ta�ned, and I.�nder re�uires separate�y designated <br /> payments toward the premiums for Mor�gage�nsurance. �f Lender required N�or�gage�nsurance as a <br /> condi�ian af mak�ng�he Loan and Barrovwer was requ�red to mak�separately designa�ed payments taward the <br /> premiums for M�rtgage�nsuranc�y Borrow�r shall pa��he premiums required to main�ain�Vlortgage <br /> �nsurance in effec�., ar ta pr�vide a non-refundable Ioss re�erve, un�il Lend�r's requirement for Mor�gage <br /> �nsurance ends �n ac�ardance wi�h any vvr��ten agr�emen��etwe�n Borrawer and Len�er prov�ding for such <br /> �erminat�on or until�erm�na��an�s required b�Appli�ab�e Lav�r. Noth�n� in this Sect�an 1�affec�s <br /> Borrovver's ob��ga�ion to pay in�er�st at the rate pr�vided in the Note. <br /> Mortgag��nsurance reimburses Lend�r�or any enti�y�hat purchases the N�te} far��r�ain 1os��s i�m�.ay �ncur <br /> if B�rrnwer do�s no�repay the I.oan as agree�.. Borrovver is n��a part�to �he Mor�gage�nsurance. � <br /> Mor�gage�nsur�rs e�aivate the�r to�a� risk an a�l su�h insurance in force fram time�o t�me, and rx�ay enter <br /> into agreements w��h ather par��es tha�share or mod�fy�heir risk, or r�duce losses. These agreeme�ats are an <br /> terms and cond�ti�ns that are satisfac�ory to the mortgage insurer and�he o�her par�y (or par�ies}to these <br /> agreements. These agreemen�s may requ�re th�mor�gage insurer�o �aake payments using an�r source of funds <br /> tha�the mor�gage insurer may have ava�lab�e�v�rhic�may �nclude fun�.s obtained from M�r�gage�nsuranGe <br /> p remiums}. <br /> As a result of the5e agreements, Lender, ar�.�purchaser of�h� Nate, anoth�r�nsurer, any reinsurer, any other <br /> en��ty, or any af�Iiate of any of�he for�ga�ng, may receive�direct�y or�ndir�c��y} amoun�s tha�der�ve from <br /> �or rn�ght�a��ha.r�cteri�ed �.s} a pQr��o�of��z�-ower's payments f�r Mar�gage�nsurance, in exchange f�r <br /> sharing�r m�dify�ng the mor�gage insurer's risk, or redu��ng l��ses. �f such agreement prov�des�ha�an <br /> affzl�ate of Lender takes a share of the�nsurer's r�sk in e�change for a share of�he premiums paid to�he <br /> �nsurer, ��e arrangement is of��n termed "Gap�ive re�nsuran�e." Fur�h�r: <br /> �a� Any su�h agreements wii�no�affect the amounts that Borrvwer has agreed to pay far Mortgage <br /> Insurances �r any other terms af the Loan. �uch agr�ements w���not�ncrease the amount <br /> Borrower wi��owe for Mortgage Insurance, and they w�ll nat ent�t�e Barrflwer ta any refund, <br /> �h3 Any such agreement�w�l�not affect the rights Borra►wer has -if any-with respec�to thE <br /> Mortgage Insurance under the I-�on�eo►wners Protect�o�Act of 1998 or any other law. These righ�s <br /> may�nc�u�e t�.e r�ght to receive certa�n c�xsc�osures, to request an�.ob�a�n cance�lation o�the <br /> Martgage Insurance, to ha�e the Martgage Insurance terminated au��mat�cally, andlar to rece�ve <br /> a refund of a�y Mor�gage Insurance prem�ums that w�re unearned at the t�me Qf suc�a <br /> cance�lat�an or term�nation. <br /> ��. Assignment of M�s�e��aneous Proc�eds; Fvrfeiture. AX� Miscellaneous Proce�ds are hereby assigned�o <br /> and sha��be pa�d�o Lender. <br /> If the Pr�per��r�s damaged, such Misce��ane�us Proceeds shall be applied t� restora�ian or repair of�he <br /> Proper�y, if the res�oration or repa�r is e�onomically feasible and Lender's security is n���essened. During <br /> such r�pair and restorat�on per�ad, Lend�r sha11 ha�e�he r�ght to ho�d such Misc�llaneous Proc�eds u�t�� <br /> Lend�r has had an oppor�uni��r to inspect such Propert��o ensure the v�r�rk has b�en complete�.�a Lender's <br /> NEBRASKA-Sing(e Farr�ily-�a�nie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFDRM INSTRUM�NT Farm 3028 11�1 <br /> VMP Q <br /> VMPfitN�y{7�p2f <br /> Waiters Kfuwer�ir�ar►cia�Ser�ices Page 9 of 17 <br />