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��15�347� <br /> for the r�pairs and restorat�an in a s�ngle paymen�ar in a series of progress payments as the work is <br /> �omp��te�. �f the insurance or condemna��on proceeds are no�sufficient to repair or restore�he Proper�y, <br /> Barrtiu�er is not reli�v�d of Borr�wer's obligation for�he comp�etion of su�:h repair or r�starati�n. <br /> Lender or i�s agen�may make r�asonable�n�r�es up�n and inspe��ions of the Prap�rty. �f it has reas�na��� <br /> �ause, Lender may inspect the�nter��r nf the�mproyements on�h�Property. Lender shal� give B�rr�wer <br /> n�ti�e at the time of or pri�r ta su�h an�nt�rinr�nsp�ctxon specif�ing su�h reasonable caus�. <br /> $. Barrower's Lvan App�icat�an. Borr�wer shai�be �n defauxt zf, during the Laan application process, <br /> Borr�wer ar any persons �r en�i��es act�ng at t�.�dzrect�on of Borr�wer�r vc��th Bflrrav�er's kn�w�edg�or <br /> consent ga�e ma�erially false,��adings ar inaccurat��nformat�on or s�a�emen�s�o Lender�or fazl�d ta <br /> pra�ide Lend�r vsr��h materia� inf�rmatian} in connection w�th the Loan. Ma�er�a� repr�s�ntati�ns inclu�.e, hu� <br /> are no��imi�ed to, representations�oncerning Borraw�r's occupan�y of the Prnperty as Borrow�r's prin�ipa� <br /> residenc�. <br /> 9. Pratectian of Lender's �nterest in the Pr�pe�ty and F�ights Under this Security Instrument. �f�a} <br /> Borr�wer fails to perform the co�enan�s and agreemen�s con�ained in this Securi�y �nstrument, �b� there zs a <br /> legal pro�eed�ng �ha�rnight s�gnxfzcan��y affect Lender's �nteres� �n�he Propert� andlor r�gh�s und�r�hzs <br /> Securi��r�nstrument�such as a proc��ding in bankrup�cy, probate, for condemnat�on�r forfei�ur�, for <br /> e��lut�t;����et�L uC a��e�� wl�it;�����dy d�ld�����iu�iLy t�v�� L��i� ,���:u���y ����1�ut�����!u� �u���.fu��:��a�5 uz <br /> regu�ations}, or��} Borr��er has abandaned th�Pr�pert.y, ��en Lender may do and pay for wha�e��r is <br /> reasnnabl��r apprapr�ate t�protec�Lend�r's i�ter�s��n�he Propert�r an�rig��s und�r�his S�curity <br /> Instrument, including protect�ng andlor assessing the�aiu�of th�Proper�y, and securing andlar r�pa�ring <br /> th�Property. L�nder'� actions can�nc�ude, but are na���mi��d ta: �a}paying any sums secured by a�ien <br /> w�.ich�as priority ov�r�his Security �ns�rument; �b} app�ar�ng in cnur�; and��}pay�ng reasonable attorne�rs' <br /> fees to prot�c� �ts �nterest in the Praperty andlor r�g�ts under th�s Se�urzty�nstrument, �nC�ud�ng its secured <br /> p�si�i�n in a bankruptcy pr�ceeding. Securing the Praper�y includes, �u��s not limi�ed to, enter�ng the <br /> Pr�pe�ty��ma�e repa�rs, chang�locks, repla�e or board up daors and w�ndows, drain water from pipes, <br /> e��m�inate bu�lding ar ather code v�o�atxans or dangerous condi�ions, and have utilities turned nn�r off. <br /> Although L�nder may�ake aeti�n under th�s 5ectz�n 9, L�nder does not have tn da so an.d�s not under any <br /> du�y or abligation t�do so. �t is agreed that Lender incurs no��ab��x�y far n��tak�ng any or a�� acti�ns <br /> au�horized under this Sec���n 9. <br /> An�amounts disbursed by Lender under th�s Sect��n 9 shall become additi�nal d�bt af Barrav�r�r secured by <br /> �his Secur�t�r �nstrumen�. These amounts shall bear�n��rest at the Nfl�e rate from the date of d�sbursement <br /> and�hall be pa�rab�e, v�ith such in�erest, upan nat�ce fram Lender to B�rrow�r reque�ting payment. <br /> If th�s�ecurity �n�trum.en��s on a leaseh�ld, Borrov�er shall comp�y with al� �he prov�sions of th�lease. �f <br /> Borr�wer acqu�r�s fe�title to�he Praper��r, the leasehold and�he fee ti��e sha��na�merge un�ess Lender <br /> agr�es �o the merger in writing. <br /> '1 D. Mortgage �nsuranc�. �f Le�d�r require�i Mor�gage�nsurance as a�ond�ti�n of ma.kzng the Loan, Borr�v�er <br /> shall pay�he prerniums r�quired ta maintain�he Mortgage�nsurance in effec�. �f, for any reason, the <br /> M�rtgage Insurance cov�rage required by L�nd�r c�ases ta be ava��abxe from th�mor�gag��nsurer that <br /> previously provided such�nsuranc�and Bar��wer was requir�d�o mak�s�parat�ly�i�signa�ed payments <br /> t�ward the pr�miurns fflr M�r�gage�nsuranc�, Borrower shall pay the premaiums required ta ob�ain ca�erage <br /> subs�antial�y equivalent to the Mortgag�Insurance�r�viously �n�ffec�, at a cfl�t subs�antiall��quivalen��o <br /> the cost t�Borr�w�r�f the M�r�gage Znsurance pre�viously in effect, from an ait�rna��mor�gage�nsurer <br /> se�ec�ed by Lender. If substantia���r�qu�val�nt M�r�gage Insurance coverag� is not available, Borr�wer sha�� <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-�anni�MaelFreddie Mac UNI�ORM INSTRUMENT �orm 3��$1141 <br /> VMP O VMP6tNEy{13Q2j <br /> Wolters K(uwer�irtanGial Ser�ices Page 8 of 17 <br />