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��15�347� <br /> sa��sfac�ian, provided�hat such insp�ct�an shall be undertaken promptly, Lend�r ma�pay f�r the repa�rs <br /> and restoratian in a s�ngle disbursement or in a series af pr�gress payments as the work�s compie�ed. <br /> Un�ess an agreement �s mad� �n wrzt�ng ar Applicab�e I�aw r�quir�s interest ta be�a�d on such <br /> M�s�el�ane�us Proceeds, L�nder shal� not�e requ�red to pay Barraw�r an� in�er�st or earn�ngs on such <br /> Mis�e��aneous Proceeds. If the r�s�arat�on or repair is n��ec�n�mi�ally f�asible or L�nder's secur�t�wou�d <br /> be�essen�d, �he Misce��aneous Pr�ceeds sha�l be app�ied�o the sums seGured by this S�curi�y �nstrum�nt, <br /> wh�ther or nat then du�, with th��xcess, ��any, paid to Borrow�r. Such Miscellaneous Pr�c�eds shall�e <br /> app�ie�zn the�rder prov�ded for zn Sect�an�. <br /> �n the event of a t�tal takzng, d�s�ruc�ian, ar l��s zn valu�of the Proper�y, the M�sCe�lane�us Proceeds shai� <br /> be applied t� �he sums secured by this S�curit��nstrumen�, w�.ether or no��hen due, with the excess, if any, <br /> paid t�Barrower. <br /> �n the��ent��a partia� taking, destruction, ar l�ss in va�ue of the Propert� in which the fa�r market�ra�u��f <br /> the Praper�y �mm�dzate�y before�he par��al taking, destructi�n, ar loss in�a1ue is equal to or gr�a��r�han the <br /> ax�n.ount of the sums secured by�his Secur�ty �nstrum�nt immediatel��efore the par�ia� taking, destruction, or <br /> loss in Wa�ue, unl�ss B�rr�wer and Lend�r�therwis�agre��n wrzting, �he sums secure�by this 5ecurit� <br /> Ins�rumen�sha11 b�reduced�y the amount of the M�sc��lan�ous Proceeds mul�iplied b�the following <br /> frac�ion: �a} �he t��a� amoun�of th�sum�s secured�mm�diate��r before the par�za��aking, destruct�on, or loss <br /> in value di��ded by�b�the fa�r market va�ue�f the Proper�y immed�ate�y before the part�al taking, <br /> destruction, or�ass in�value. Any ba�ance sha��be paid ta B�rrovver. <br /> �n the e�ent of a par�zal �aking, destru�t�on, or�ass in va�ue of the Pr�per�y in v�h�ch the fa�r marke��a1ue af <br /> the Property immed�ate�y bef�re�he p�rt�a� �aking, de��ruct�on, or loss in value is 1e�s than the am�unt of the <br /> sum�s�cured immediate�y b�f�r��he part�al�ak�ng, de�truct��n, or�oss �n value, unless Borrower and <br /> L�nder atherw�s�agre�in writing, �he Misee�lane�us Proceecis sha�l be app�xed to�he sums secur�d by this <br /> Se�urit�Instrum�nt wheth�r or n�t the sums are then due. <br /> �f�he Prop�r�y is abandoned by Borr�wer, ar if, after nat�ce by Lender to Borr�wer�hat th�Dpp�sing Par�� <br /> �a�de�ned �n th�ne�t sentenc�} affers to ma.�e an award to �et�le a cla�m for damages, B�rrower fails to <br /> respQnd to Lender�vithin 34 da�s after the date the noti��is g�ven, Lender xs au�h�r�zed�o collect and apply <br /> the Miscellaneaus Proceeds e�ther to r�st�ration or repazr of the Praper��or�o�he sums seCured by�his <br /> Securzty Instrument, �rhether or not then due. "�ppasing Par�y" means�he thir�party that o�es B�rrower <br /> N���cel�aneous Praceeds or�he par��aga�nst whom Borrower has a righ��f actzon in r�gard to Misce��aneous <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Borrower sha��be�n d�fau�� �f any acti�n�r pr�ceed�ng, �vh��her civ�l or cr�m�na�, �s begun that, in Lender's <br /> judgment, cau�d r�su�t in f�rfe�ture�f the Pr�per�y or other ma�erial impairm�n�of L�nd�r's interest in�he <br /> Praperty flr rights under this Secur�t��nstrumen�. Borrower can�ure su�h a d�fau�t and, if acce�erat�on has <br /> occurred, re�ns�ate as pr�v�de�in S�c��an ].9, by Causing�he act��n ar praceeding to b�dismissed v��th a <br /> ruling that, �n Lender's�udgment, prec�udes forfeiture of�he Praperty�r��h�r ma��r�a� impa�rm�n��f <br /> Lender's in��rest in the Pr�per��r�r r�gh�s under thzs Securit� Instrument. 'I�he proceeds�f ariy avWard or <br /> c�a�m for damages that are at�ribu�ab���o�he�rment of Lender's interes�in the Proper��are hereby <br /> assigned an�l sha��be paid t� Lend�r, <br /> A�� M�scellaneous Pro�eeds that are not applied to restora��on�r repair of the Praperty sha��be app�ied in�he <br /> order pravzd�d for in Secti�n 2. <br /> N�BRASKA-Sin�l�Family-�annie MaelFre[fdie Mac UNIFURM�NSTRUMENT �arm 3028�1�1 <br /> VMP Q VMPS{NE)t�3D2� <br /> Wvlters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 10 of 17 <br />