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��15�347� <br /> Any appl�cat�on of paym�n�s, insuranc�proceeds, or Mzsce�laneous Pr�c�eds�o principal due under�he No�e <br /> sha��not ex�end or pos�pone the du�da�e, or change�he amoun�, of�he Periodic Payments. <br /> 3. �'unds for E�craw Items, B�rr�wer shall pay�o Lender on the day Per�odic Payments are due under�he <br /> N��e, untii the N�t�is paid �n ful1, a sum��he "Funds"} ta pravide for paym�nt of amounts du�for; ta} taxes <br /> and a�sessments and ather�tems which can attain pr�arity o�er�his S�curit� Instrum.ent as a��en�r <br /> encumhran��on the Proper�y; �b} �easehaid payments�r ground rents on�he Pr�per�y, if any; �c}premiums <br /> for any and aI� insurance required�y Lender under Sectian 5; and�d� M�r�gage Insurance premiums, �f any, <br /> or any sums payable hy B�rravver�a �.ende�r in�zeu of�he paym�n�of Mor�gage Insuran�e pr�m�i.ums �n <br /> accardance w��h the prav�sians of Sec�ion 1�. These items are ca��ed "Escrow �tems." A�or�gina�ian or at <br /> any�ime during�he�erm of the Loan, Lender may require�hat C�mmuni��r Assoc�atian Dues, Fees, and <br /> A�se�sm�nts, if any, be escrawed by Borrower, and such dues, fe�s and as�essmen�s sha�l be an Escrow <br /> ��em. Borrow�r sha11 prompt�y furnish�o Lender all not�ces of amounts to be paid under this Section. <br /> Borrov�rer sha�i pay Lender��e Funds for��cr�w I�ems unless Lend�r wa�ves Barrow�r's obligation�o pay <br /> the�unds for any or a�� Escravv I�ems. Lender may waive Barrower's abl�gat�on�a pay�o L.ender Funds for <br /> any or all Escr�w �tems at any�xme, Any such waiver may on��be in v�riting. �n the e�ent of such wa��er, <br /> Borr��rer shall pay d�rect�y, when and where payab�e, the amaunts due for any�scr��I�ems for�vhich <br /> payment of Funds has been wai�ed by Lender and, if Lerider requires, shai� furnish ta Lender rece�pts <br /> evidenc�ng such payment with�n such�ime period as Lender may require. Borrower's ob��gatian�a mak� <br /> such paymen�s and to pra�ide receip�s shall f�r all�aurposes be deenled to be a cavenan�and agreement <br /> contained in this �ecurity �nstrument, as the phrase "covenan�and agreement" �s used in Sec�ion 9. If <br /> Borrovver is obl�ga�ed�a pay Escrow ��ems d�re���y, pursuant to a waiver, and Barrower fa�Is�o pa�the <br /> amaun�due for an Escravv Item, L.�nder may exercise its righ�s und�r Section 9 and pay�uch amoun�and <br /> Borrawer sha���hen be ob���ated under S�c�ian 9�o repay �o Lender an�such amoun�. Lender may revoke <br /> the waiver as to any or ali Escrow Z��ms at any�ime b�r a nat��e given in accordance�vith S�c�xon �5 and, <br /> upan such revoca�ion, Borr�wer shall pay�o Lender a�I Funds, a�d �n such amaunts, ��iat are�hen requ�red <br /> �nder�his Section 3. <br /> Lender may, a�any�ime, collec�and h��d Funds in ar�amaun� �a} suf�ci�nt to permi.�Lender�o app�y the <br /> Funds at��e t�m�spec��ed under RESPA, and�b} not to�xce�d�he maximum amaun�a�ender can re�uire <br /> under RESPA. Lender sha�� estima�e the amount of Funds due on the basis of curren�data and reasonable <br /> es�ima�es of e�pendi�ures of future Es�r�vv ��ems or o�herwis�in aecordance with App�icable Law. <br /> The Funds sha��be held in an ins�itu�i�n whose depasi�s are insured by a federal agency, in��rumenta��ty, flr <br /> en�ity�inc�uding Lender, xf Lender�s an�nstitu��on whase depflsi�s ar�so insured}or in any Federal �ome <br /> Loan Ban�. Lender shall apply�he Funds to pa��he Es�raw It�ms no later than�he tim�specified under <br /> RESPA. Lender sha�1 not charge Borraw�r for holding and applying�he Funds, annuall�analyz�ng the <br /> escraw accoun�, or verify�ng�h�Escraw ��.em�, unless I..�nder pa�s B�rrower inter�s�on�he Funds a�ad <br /> App��cable Law permi�s Lender to ma1�e suc� a�harge. LJnless an agreement xs made in writ�ng or <br /> App�icab�e Law r�qu�res interes�to be paid on the Funds, Lender sha1�not be r�qu�red to pay Borrower any <br /> interest�r earnings on the Funds. Borrower and Lend�r can agree in writing, however, �hat�n�eres�shall be <br /> paid an the Funds. Lender shall gi�e to Borrower, vv��hout charge, an annual account�ng�f the Funds as <br /> required b�RESPA. <br /> �f�here�s a surplus of Funds held in escrow, as de�ned under RESPA, Lender sha11 account to Borrawer for <br /> �he excess funds �n accordan�e w�th RESPA. �f��.ere is a sho�tag�of Funds held in escravv, as def�ned under <br /> RESPA, Lender shai� not�f� Borrflwer as r�quired by RESPA, and�arrav�er sha�I pay�o Lender th�am�un� <br /> necessary ta make up�he shortag��n accordance with RESPA, bu� �n no more than ��m�n�h�y paymen�s. �f <br /> �here�s a d�fic�en�y of Funds heid zn escrov�r, as defined urider RESPA y L�nder shal�na��fy Borrav��r as <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famf�y-Fanni�MaelFreddie Mac uNI��RM lNSTRUMENT Forrn 34�8 11�1 <br /> VMP(� VMPfifNfj[13Q�j <br /> Wolters Kluwe��inan�ia�5er�ic�s Page 5 af'i 7 <br />