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20150303/ <br />The following Restrictive Covenants are hereby amended: <br />1. Paragraphs 8 and 9 of Article II of said Declaration of Protective Covenants, <br />Restrictions and Conditions recorded as Document No. 92 -10147 on February 25, 1992, in the <br />Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, shall be deleted and replaced by the <br />following paragraphs: <br />8. No more dogs than allowed by the Grand Island City Code shall be <br />allowed to reside on any one lot at the same time, whether housed indoors or <br />outdoors. <br />9. No more cats than allowed by the Grand Island City Code shall be allowed <br />to reside on any one lot at the same time, whether housed indoors or outdoors. <br />2. Paragraph 10 of Article II of said Declaration of Protective Covenants, <br />Restrictions and Conditions recorded as Document No. 92 -10147 on February 25, 1992, in the <br />Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, is amended to read as follows: <br />10. All dogs and cats permitted to reside in Kenmare must have current <br />licenses at all times. Other than as allowed by paragraphs 8 and 9 of this Article, <br />no fowl and no other animal of any kind shall be kept on any lot in Kenmare, <br />whether housed indoors or outdoors, except for live fish, caged birds, and/or <br />children's common pets which are housed within the residence and continuously <br />kept in cages. <br />3. Paragraphs 15 and 16 of Article II of said Declaration of Protective Covenants, <br />Restrictions and Conditions recorded as Document No. 92 -10147 on February 25, 1992, in the <br />Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, shall be deleted and replaced by the <br />following paragraph: <br />15. Side and lakeside yard fences shall be constructed only with metal with <br />the vertical elements being no more than one -half inch (1/2") in diameter and <br />spaced not closer than three inches (3 ") apart. The metal fencing may be <br />supported by brick columns or by metal columns of a greater diameter than one - <br />half inch (1/2 "), but such supporting columns shall not be placed closer than <br />twelve feet (12') apart. The foundation of the metal fencing may be opaque to a <br />height no more than one foot (1') off of the ground level. Above that one foot <br />(1') level the horizontal elements shall be made of metal and shall not be more <br />