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� ��15��93� <br /> Inspect�on. Lend�r or x�s agen� may m.ak� reasanab�� entries upon and inspections of�he Proper�y. Lender sha�� <br /> g��e Borrflvver notice at the t�me of or pr�or to an �nspecti�n spe��fying reasonab�e cause f�r�the i.nspe�t�on. <br /> Condemnat�on. The proceeds of ar�y awar�or cla�m.for damages, direc�or conseyuen��a�, in conne�tifln with any <br /> condemna��on or flther taking af any par�af�he Property, or for con�eyan�e �n ��eu flf condemna�ion, are hereby <br /> assigned and sha�l be pa�d to Lender. <br /> �n �he e�en� �f a�ota� ta�xng af�he Property, �h� proceeds sha�l be appl�ed �o �he sums secured by t}�is Securit� <br /> Instrumen�, vvhether or n�� �hen due, v���h any ex�ess pa�d to Borrovver. �n the ��en� �f. a par��a� taking af�he <br /> Property in which the fair marke� �a�ue of the Property �mm�diately befare�he �a�xng �s equai �a ar gr�a�er than <br /> �he am�unt of�he sums rsecured by �h�s Security �nstrumex�t immediate�y bef�re the tak�r�g, unless Borro�er and <br /> Lender otherv��s�agree �n wri�ing, the sums se�ured by th�s Secur�ty�.ns�rumen�sha�I he redu�ed by th�amaunt of <br /> �he proceeds mul.tip��ed b�the fa��avv�ng fraction: �a}�he�Qta��am�oun��f the su�ns secured�nar�ed�ateiy befare the <br /> tak�ng, d�vided by �b� the fa�r �narke� va�ue of�he Praperty immediate�y befare the �ak�ng. An ba�ance shal� be <br /> � <br /> pa�d ta Barrawer. �n �he even�.�f a part�al �ak�ng of the Prape�-ty in whieh �he fair marke� va�ue of the Proper�y <br /> �mmedia�e�y before �he �ak��g xs Iess �han �he amoun� of the sums secured �mmedia�ely before �he �ak�ng, un�ess <br /> Borra�er and L�nder��herv��se abree �n vsrrx��ng flr un�less Appl_�cab�e Law othe�-vvise prfl�ides, the proceeds sha�I <br /> be appZxed ta�he sums secured by th�s Secur�ty�ns�rumen�whe�her�r not the sums ar�then due. <br /> If the Property is abandoned�by Borro�er, or�f, a�er n�tice by Lender�o Barrovver tha�the condemnor�ffers�o <br /> mak� an award flr set��e a cla�m far damages, Barrov�er f�.�ls �o respand to�,ender�v�thin the m�n�mu�m number af <br /> days estab��shed by Appl�cable Law af�er�he date th.e na�iee�s given, Lender is authori2ed�a co��ect and app]y�he <br /> proceeds, a� its �p�ion, ei�her �o res�arat�on or repair of�he Property or to the sums secured by �his Security <br /> Ins�rume�.�,v�rhe�her or na��hen due. <br /> Unle�s Lender and Barrower a�her��se agree �n writ�ng, any app��ca�ian af praceeds to pr�ncxpa� shal�na�ex�end <br /> or pos�pane the due da�e of the pa�ment�due under�he�antrac�or change the amaunt of such pa�men�s. <br /> Bvrro�er No� Re�eased; Farbearance By Lender Nat a �Vai��r. Extensxon �f �he ��xne for payment or <br /> mod�f�catian af amor��za�ifln of�he sums secured �y this Security �n�trumen� gran.�ed �y Lender to B�rro�ver or <br /> any su�cessor in xn�eres� of Borro�er shal� not apera�e �� re�ease the �iabil�ty af �he ar�g�nal Sorravver ar <br /> Borrower's successors �n �nterest. Lender sha��nat be requxred ta��mumence proceed�ng�agaxnst any successvr in <br /> �nterest or refuse�o extend time far paymen�ar v�hervv�se mod�fy amor��za�ian of the sums se�ured by�h�s Security <br /> �nstru�nent by reason flf ar�y de�mand made by the origina� Borrower ar B4rrovver's su�cess�rs �n �nteres�. An�y <br /> forbearance by Lender �n ex�r��sing any r�ght or remedy sha��not be a wai�er of or pre��ude �he exerc�se of any <br /> r�ght�r rem�dy. <br /> Successors and Ass�gns B�und; J��nt and �e�vera� L�a�il�ty; Accammodat�on S�gners. The covenants and <br /> agreements flf�h�s Securxty Inst-rumen�sha�� bind an�benef t the success�rs and assign� of Lender and Bvrr�v�er, <br /> subje�� t� the pr��is�ons of se���an t��Xed Transfer of �h� Proper�y or a I3ene�c�al Interes� in I3arrower. <br /> Barrawer's cavenan�s atad agreemen�s shail be j��n�and severa�.Any persQr�vvho co--signs th�s Secur��y�nstrument <br /> bu� has na personal Izabi���y und�r the Can�ract �"Accommoda��on Signer"�: �a� �s c�-sign�ng �hxs Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rumen� on�y �o mortgage, grant and canvey �hat Accomrr�adat��n Signer's �nteres� in �he Praperty under the <br /> terms of �he Security �ns�rument; �b� �s na� personal�y obl�gated �o pay the sums secured by th�s Security <br /> �ns�rumen�; and(�� agrees that Lender and any ather Borrvwer may agree�o ex�end,madify, forbear ar make any <br /> a�commadati�ns�vi��regard���he terms�f�h�s Se�ur�ty�nsf:rumen�ar the�ontract vvi�hau�that Ac�ammodatian <br /> Signer's consent. <br /> L�ar� Charges. �f�he �oan secured by �hYs Security �nstrum�nt �s subje�t �o a Iav� v�h�ch se�s max�mum�. �oan <br /> charges, and�hat �avv �s f�a�ly in�erpre�ed s���he �nteres�or o�her��an�harges co��ec�ed or��be cQ�Iect�d �n <br /> conne��ion v�ith �he �oan exceed �he permitt�d �imi�s, �h�n: �a} atty such loan charge shall b� reduced by �he <br /> amount necessary�o reduce �he charg�to �he permi�ted l�m�.ts and��� any sum�.s a�ready co��e�ted from Borrawer <br /> which ex�eeded perm�tted �im��s w�I� he refunde� �o Borrower. Lender may choose �o make �his refund by <br /> reducing the pr�n��pa� awed under�he Can�rac� �r by mak�ng a d�re��paymen��a Borra�er. �f a refund reduces <br /> prin�ipal,the reduG�i�n v�ii�be treated as a par��a�prepayment under�he Con�ract. <br /> Natices. Any no�i�e �o Borrower prnvided for �n �his Securxty �nstrumen� sha�� be given by de�ivering it or �y <br /> ma�i�ng��by f rst�lass ma��unl�ss App�zcabie La�v requires use of another me�hod. The no�ice sha�1 be dire��ed�o <br /> �h� Proper�y Addr�ss or any a�her address Borrawer designa�es by na�ice t� Lender. Borrflwer agrees to pr�vide <br /> Lender with Borravver's m.os� curren�ma�l�ng address, as �t may change fram time-tfl-���mE.e. Any na��ce �a Lender <br /> shali be gi�en by#irst class�ma�l�a Lender's address stated herein or any o�her address Lender designates�y n.a��ce <br /> �o B�rrower. Any no�ice prov�ded f�r�n�h�s Security�nstrument shall be deeme��o ha�e been g�ven�o B�rr�wer <br /> ar Lender vvhen gi�en as pravXded�n th�s paragraph. <br /> ���erning Law; Se�erab����y.Th�s S�curx�y�ns�rumen�sha�i be go��rned by federa�Iaw and�he�aws of the s�a�e <br /> �f Nebraska. �n �he e�en� �hat any pra�is�on or c�ause of�his Se�ur�ty �nstrun�en� �r �he �antrac� conflicts ���h <br /> App���abie Law, such cvnfl��t sha�� not affec� other pro��sior�s of thxs Secur�ty �ns�rumer�t or�he Contrac� v�hYch <br /> can be g��en effect v�rithau�the c�nfli���ng pro��s��n. T�this end the prfl��sxons of this Secur��y�nstrument and�he <br /> Cnntrac�are dec�ared�o be s���rab�e. : <br /> Svrrflwer's Copy,Borro�ver sha��be gi�en ane copy of�h�s Security Instrument. � <br /> Transfer of�he Pra�erty or a Benef�ciaZ In�erest in Borrow�r. �f aX�flr any par�of the Property or any interest <br /> �n i� is �o�d �r �ransferr�d �or �f a ben�f��al �n�erest in B�rro��r is sold ar transferred and B�rrov�er �s �flt a <br /> natural person� v�ithou� Lender's pr�or written �onsen�, L�nder may, at �ts �p��on, r�qu�re �m�media�e pay�nen� in <br /> �2D04-2013 CompIiance Syscems,Inc.�F9G-4157-2013L2.D.721 <br /> ��nsumer Real Estate-Secur�ty Ir�strurrte�t DL2�3d Page 3 of S www.campliancesysterr�s.corr� <br />