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- � ��15��93� <br /> fu�l �f a�I sums se�ured by �his Security Instrument. However, �his �ption sha11 no� be exercised by Ler�der if <br /> exercise is prohz�i�ed by federallaw as of�he date of�his Secur�ty�nst�rument. . <br /> �f Lender exercises this �p�ion, Lender shall gi�e Barr�wer no�ice of accelera�ion. The no�i�e shall pra�xde a <br /> periad of n�t less than the Ynin�rnum number of days esta�I�sh�d b� Appli�ab�� Lav� from �he da�� �he na�ice �s <br /> de�i�ered or ma�led wi�hin which Borrov�er mus� pay al� sums s�cured by �his Securi�y �nstrument. If Borrower <br /> fails �o pay �hese sums prior�o the e�piration of this perifld, Lender may invo�e any remedies permitted�y this <br /> Security��s�runl�n�v�rithau�fur�her no�ice Qr demand on Borr�v��r. <br /> �3orr�wer's Right �o R.einstate. �f B�rro��r meets cer�ain c�nditi�ns, B�rrov�rer s�all ha�e �he righ� �� have <br /> enforcemen��f this Secur�t� �nstrum�n� discon��nued a� any�ime prinr t�the earlier�f: �a} 5 days �or such ather <br /> perYod as A�p�icable Law may specify for reins�atemen��beft�re sa�e of the Property pursuant to any power of sa�e <br /> cantained in th�s Securi�y Instrumen�; or �b� en�.ry �f a judgm�n� enforcing this Security �nstrumen�. Those <br /> cflnd��ior�s are that Borr��er: �a) pays Lender aIl sums which�hen v�rau�d be due under�his Secur��y �nstrument <br /> and�he C`�ntra��as if no acc�:lerati�n had occurred;�b}cures an�default of any��her covenants�r agreemen�s;�c� <br /> pays al��xpenses�ncurred in.�enforcing�his Securi�y Ins�rumen�, in�luding,bu�not�inn:��ed ta,reasonable at�orneys' <br /> fees to�he��tent per�m��ted by law; and�d}takes such a�ti�n as Lender may reasonab�y requ�re�� assure tha�the <br /> �ien�f th�s Security�nstru�ne�at,Lender's rights �n�he Proper�y and Bvrr�wer's obligation��pay the sums se�ured <br /> by th�s Secur�ty �ns�rum.en� shal� continue unchanged. Up�n reinstat�m.ent by B�rrower, this Security �nstrumen� <br /> and the ob��gat�ons secured her��y sha11 remain fu�ly �ffective as if no acc�leratlon had o�curred. I�ov�ever, �h�s <br /> r�ght�a r��ns�a��sha�1 nv�app�y�n�he case of a�ce�era���n under�he sectifln t�tled Transfer vf the Propert�or a <br /> Benef�ci�l Interes�in�3orrower. . <br /> Ha�ardau�Substances.Barrov�er shal�no�cause or permi�the presence,use, disp�sa�, s��rage, or�release�f any <br /> Ha�ardous Substan�es on ar in�he Praperty.�3arrovver sha�l no�do,nor a�l�vir anyane e�se ta do,any�hing affecting <br /> the Prop�rty tha� is in v�olati�n of any Env�r�nmenta� Lav`r. The pr��eding t�vo sen�ences sha�l n�� apply ta the <br /> presence,use,or storage on�he Property�f sma11�uantities af Ha2ardous Su�stances�ha�are genera�ly rec��n�zed <br /> to be appr�priate t�n�rma�residential uses anc�t�ma�n�enance of the Property. <br /> Borr�wer sha1�prompt�y give Len�er v�ritten natice of any investigati�n,claim,de�nand, �av�su�t or�ther act�an b� <br /> any gov�rnmenta� or regula�ary agency �r pr��ate parCy in�alving the Property and any Ha�ard�us Substan�e or <br /> Env�r�nr.��n�al Law of which Borrov�rer has actual kn�wledge. �f Borrower learns, �r is notif�ed �y any <br /> g�vernmen�al�r regula�ory authori�y,tha�any remflva�or o�her remed�ati�n�f any Ha�ardous Substance a�fecting <br /> the Praperty is ne�essary, Borr�v�er shall promptly take al� necessary remedial a�tians in accordance v�ith <br /> En�virflnmen�al Law. <br /> As used in�h�s paragraph, "Ha�ardous Subs�an�es" are those substances d�fined as to�ic ar hazard�us substances <br /> b� En���•�nm�nta� Lav� and the fol�owing substances: gasoline, �erosene, other f�ammabl� �r �o��c petro�eum <br /> products, t��ic pes�icides and herbic�des, v�la�ile so��vents, ma�erzals c�n�azn�ng as�estos �r farmaldehyde, and <br /> rad�tiactive ma��rials. As used in�his paragraph, "Environmen�al Law"means federai�aws and la�vs of the state of <br /> Nebraska�hat re�ate�a health,safety or en��ranmen�al pr��ectiori. <br /> Accelerat�on y Remedies. Lender shall give notice to I3vrro�ver pr�or t� accelerat�on f�ilawing Borr�wer's <br /> breach�f any co�enant nr agreement�n�h�s Securi�y Instrument or the Contract under whi�h acceleration <br /> �s perm��ted[�ut not prior ta acceleration under the section titl��l 'I`ransf�r of t�e Property ar a B�nef�c�al <br /> Intere5t in Borrower, unless Applicable Lav� pr�v�de5 otherw�se�. The n�tice sha�� specif�: �a� the d�fau��; <br /> �b� the action requirec� to cure th� defaul�; (c} a da�e, nat le�s than �he m�nimum number af day5 <br /> estab�ishec� �y Appli�ab�Q Law from the dat�th�natice is g��en �o Borrawer, by wh�ch th�defaul�must be <br /> cured; �nd �d) that fa�Zur� �o cure the defau�t �n or before the da�e �pec��ied in the natice �nay re�ult in <br /> acceleratran af the �ums secured by thi� SQcur�ty Instrument and 5aie af the Property. '�`fl the ext�nt <br /> permitt�d by law, the noti�e shall further �nform Bvrruwer of the right�o reins�ate after accelerati�n and <br /> the righ��t�bring a court action to a5sert the non-existence of a d�fauit or an�ot�ier defense of Bvrrower to <br /> acc�l�ra�ion and �aie. If the default is not cured �n ar before th�date specified in �h� notice, Lender at i�s <br /> op�i�n may r�quire �mmed�ate payment ir� full of al� sums ��cured by th�s Securi�y Instrument with�ut <br /> further demand and may in�ake the pawer af sa�e and ar�y Qth�r remedie� perm�tted by App�icab�e Law. <br /> T� the �xtent perrn�tted by law, Lender shali be entitled �o col�ect a�l �xpense� incurred �n pursuing the <br /> r�m�dies pr��id�d in this Section, including, but na�Xim�tQd �v, reasanah�e attarneys' fee�and cost5�f title <br /> ev�denc�. <br /> If�he power�f sale is �n�oked,Trustee sha�� recard a n�tice of�efault in each county in which any par� af <br /> the Praper�y is located and shal�ma�l copies�f such nntice�n �he manner prescribed by App��cable Law t� <br /> I3�rro�v�r and tv the vther persnns pres�ribed by Applicah�e L�vv. After the time required by Appiicabie <br /> Law, Tr�xst�e shail gi�ve pub��c n�t�ce of saie t� the per5��n� and in the manner prescribed by Applicab�e <br /> Law. Tr���ee,without demand on Borr�w�r,shall selY the Pra��r�y at public auct�on to the highest �idder <br /> a�the ti�e and p�ace and unr�er the t�rms designated in the natice of sale in one ar mare parcels and in any <br /> order Trus�ee det�rm�nes. Trustee may postpan� 5a�e of a�� vr any parcel of the Property by puhl�c <br /> amnounrement at the time and plac��f any previously schedu�ed sale.Lend�r or its de�ignee may pu�-cha�e <br /> the Pro�e�ty�t any sale. <br /> Upan r�cei�t of payment of the pr�ce b�d, Trus�ee sha�l deii�er t� �he purchaser Trus�ee'� deed Cvn��ying <br /> the Pro�erty. The recita�s in the Trust�e's d�ed sha��be prir�a facie eviden�e of the truth of the stat�men�s <br /> n�ade th�rein. Trustee 5ha�� apply the pra�e�ds of the s�l� in the foliowing �rder: (a} to al� costs and <br /> expenses of��ercising the p�v�er of sa�e, and the 5a�e, including the payment of the Trustee'� fee� actua�Iy <br /> C�2D44-2�I3 Gomplian�e Systems,In�.9F96-4157-2g13L2.�.72I <br /> Consumer 1Zea1 Esta#e-5ecurity Ir�strument DL2�36 Pa�e 4 of 5 www.camgliancesystems.Gorn <br />