<br /> Appiicab�e Law. As used �n �his Security Instrumen�, the �er�� "Applicable La�v" sha11 mean al1 contralling
<br /> appl��abie federal, sta�e and ]oca� sta�ute�, regu�ati�ns, ordinances and a�m�n�strative rules and arders ��hat ha�e
<br /> �he effect o�law�as well as all applicab��f�nal,nan-appealable�ud�clal opini�ns.
<br /> Charges; Liens. Borro�ver sha1� pay,aIl �a�es, assessments, charges, fines and i�nposit�ons attributab�e to the
<br /> Pr�per�y�►�vhi�h may at�ain priority over this Secur�ty �nstrumen�, and leasehold paymen�ts or gr�und ren�s, if any.
<br /> At the re9uest of Lender, Borrower sha1�prorr�p�iy furr�ish�o Lende�re�e�pts e��denc�ng�he paym�n�s.
<br /> Borrower shall pr�m�tly d�scharge any Iien which has priori� over this Se�urx�y Instrument un�ess Borr�wer: �a�
<br /> agrees in wri�ing �a the payrr�ent flf the �bligatiom secured by �he ��en in a �nanner acceptab�e to Lender; �1�}
<br /> contes�s �n goa�. faith �he �ien by, or defends against enfarcemen� �f the lien �n, lebal proceedings which �n the
<br /> Lender's �pin�an opera�� �o preven� the enfarcement of�he lien; ar �c� se�ures from �h� ho�der �f the lien an
<br /> agreemen�sa�isfactory to Lender sub�rdina�ting�he l�en��tl�is Se�urity Instru�nent. If Lender determ�nes�hat any
<br /> pa�-t of the Property is sub�ect�o a l�en which may a�taira pr�ori�;y over th�s Security�nstrumen�, Lender may gi�e
<br /> Borrawer a na��ce identify�ng the �ien. Borrower s�all satisfy the ��en ar take one �r m�re of th� a�tions se� farth
<br /> aba�e vvithi�� T D days�f the giv�ng�f notice. .
<br /> I�Cazard o�Pr��erty Insur�nce. Borr�vver sha�l keep��e impro�e�nents now e�is�ing�r hereafter erected on the
<br /> Properfiy�insured against loss by f re,ha�ards included within the�erm"ex�ended c�verage" and any o�her hazards,
<br /> inc�uding f�oods ar �flDC�lI7�, for �vhich Lender re�uires �nsuran�e. Th�s �nsurance sha�l be mair�tained in the
<br /> amaun�s and f�r the periods�ha�Lend�r requires. The�nsurance ca�-rier praviding�he insurance shal�be chosen by
<br /> Borrower suhjec� �� Lender's appro�al v�hich sha�� not be unreasonably withhe�d. If B�rrawer fails to mainta�n
<br /> co�rerage described above, Lender may, a� Lender's op�ian, oh�ain co�erage ta prot�ct Lender's r�gh�s �n the
<br /> Proper�y in accordance w�th section titled Pro�e�tian of L�nder's l��ghts�n the Praperty.
<br /> A�� insurance p��icies and renewals shall be acceptabl� �o Lender and shall include a standard m��gage c�ause.
<br /> Lender s��a�l have the right�a ho�d the p��ic�es and renev�als. �f Lend�r requ�es, Borrower shalt pr�mptly gi�e�o
<br /> Lender a��receip�s of paid pr�miums and rene�al na�ices. �n�he event�f loss, B�rr�wer sha�l give prflmp�noti�e
<br /> �o�he insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof of loss�f not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lerider and Borr�wer o�hervvis� agree in wr�ting, insurance praceeds shal� be a�plied �o res�ora�ion or
<br /> repa�r �f�he Frope�-ty damaged, if, in Le�der's sole.discretion, �l�e r�st�rat�on or repair �s ecanami�a�ly feas�ble
<br /> and Lencler's security is not lessened. �f, �n Lende�-'s sole discre�ian, the restora��on or repair �s no� ecan�mica�ly
<br /> feasible ar L,ender's security�ou�d b�lesse�ed,the insurance pr�ceeds sha�l�e app�ied�a the sums s�cured by�his
<br /> Security �ns�rumen�, whether �r not then due, �nr�th ariy e�cess paid �a I3arro�rer. �f B�rr�wer abandons the
<br /> Proper�y, �r does nflt answer v�ri�hin the number of days prescribed by App�icable Law as set f�r�h�n a na�ice fr�m
<br /> Lender�� Borrornjer�hat the �nsurance �arrier has offered to settle a claim, �then Lender may colleCt the insuran�e
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use the pr�ceeds �� repair flr restare �h� Proper�y or �a pa� sums secured by th�s S�curity
<br /> �ns�rume�n�t,whe�her�r na�then due.The period of�ime far Borrov��r to ansv�er as set for�h�n the n�tice will beg�n
<br /> v�hen,the no�ice is gi�en.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrowver othet-vv�se agree �n wr�ting, ax�y app�i�atian of proceeds�a pr�ncipal sha�l no�extend
<br /> or pnstpone�he due date of the payments due under�he C�n�ract or change�he amoun�of the paymen�s. �f under
<br /> �he sec�ion�i�led A�celera�ion; ]�.�medies, �h� Propert�y is acquired by Lender, Barrower's righ��a any insuran�e
<br /> pol�cies and proceeds resu��ing from damage �� #:he Praper�y pr�or ta the acqu�s���on sha�l pass ta Lender to the
<br /> ex�ent of�he sums secured t�y this Se�uri�.y�ns�rumen�irnmediately pr�or t�the acquisi��on.
<br /> Preser��ti�n, N�aintenance and Pr�te�tion of the Prflp�rty; Borrower's Loan App�ication; Leasehvlds.
<br /> Borrawer shall no�destroy, damage or impair the PrQperty, allow�he Property�o deteriora�te, ar comm�t�vaste Qn
<br /> �he Prap�r�y. Borrower shail be�n defaul��f any forfeiture act�on or proceeding,�he�her civ��ar cr�minal,�s begun
<br /> �ha� in Lender's good faith j udgmen� could result in forfe��ure �f the �'roperty or o�herw�se ma�erial�y impair the
<br /> �ie�� created by �his Security �ns�rum�n� or Lender's securi�y interes�. B�rrov�er may cure such a defau�t and
<br /> reins�a�e, as pravided �n sec�ion titled �3�rrower'� I��ght �a �.eins�ate, by causing the actx�n�r proceeding�� be
<br /> dismisse�with a ru�ing�hat, in Lender's g��d fai�h dei�rminatioi�,�recludes farfeiture of�he Borrower's in�erest�n
<br /> �he Pr�perty ar a�her materia� impairment of the lien created b� this Secur�fiy �ns�rument or Lender's secur�t�
<br /> interest. Borrou�er shall also be in defau��if Borr��ver,during the�oa�applica�ion pracess,gave mat�rially false or
<br /> inaccura�:e �nformation or sta�ements to Lender �ar fa��ed �o pro�ide Lender with an� materia� �nformation} i.n
<br /> connec�i�n with the loan e�iden�ed by�he Cantrac�. �f�his Se�ur��y rns�rum.en� �s an a leasehald, �orrovver shal�
<br /> c�mply����h a��the prav�sxans af the lease. �f Borrower acqu�res fee ti�le�o the Property,�he�easehald and�he fee
<br /> title shal�n��merge unless Lender agrees�a�he merger�n writing.
<br /> I'r�tect��an ❑f Ler���rrs Righ�s ir� �he 1'r�p�r�y. �f �orrovver fa��s to perform the ca��nan�s a�nd agreemen�s
<br /> conta�ner� rn this Securi�y�nstrumen�, �r there is a�ega�praceeding tha�may sign�fcan�ly affect LenderTs r�gh�s in
<br /> �he Property (such a� a praceeding �n bankrup�cy, pro�ate, fflr candemna�ion or f�rfei�ure or �o enf�rce �aws or
<br /> r�gula�ions}, then Lender may do and pay for wha�eWer is necessary to pr��ect the Walue nf�he Proper�y and
<br /> Lender's righ�s xn�he Prope�-ty. Lender's actxons may include pa�ing any sums secured by a lxen wh��h has priority
<br /> o�er th�s Security�ns�rument, appearing in caur�,paying reasonab�e�t�orneys'fees and�n�ering�n�he Property�o
<br /> make repairs.Al�h�ugh L�nder lnay take ac�ian under t��is sec�i�n,Lender does not ha�e to do so.
<br /> An� amounts disbursed by Lender under this section shall hecome additiona� debt of Borr�wer s�cured by this
<br /> Security �ns�ru�ment. U�l��SS Borr�wer and Lender ag�ee to other terms of payment, these amounts shali bear
<br /> �n�erest �rom the da�e of d�sbursem�n� �.� �he same ra�e assessed o� advances under the Contrac� and sha11 be
<br /> paya��e,vt�ith interest,upon n�tice from Lender�o�orrower r�questing paymen�.
<br /> D Zti�4-2�14 Campliance Systerns,�nc.FD6�-0357-2d13L2.I0.1.895
<br /> Consumer Re�l Estate-Secu�ity Instrurnen�DL2035 Page 2 af� www.cvmpliancesystems.�vm
<br />