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<br /> Hame Federa�Sav�ngs& Loan Associativn af Home Federa�Sa�ings& Loan Assflciat�on❑f
<br /> �rand �sland �rand �siand
<br /> Z21 Sou�h Locust Street 2�� Sou�h Locust S�reet
<br /> �RAND ISLAND,NE��SOl �RAND�Si.,AND, NE 685�1.
<br /> (5�ace Above This Line Fqr Reca�rding Data}
<br /> L�AN�R���NAT�R CQMPANY NAME: Home Federa�Sa�ings&Laan Associa��nn af Grand �s�and
<br /> NMLS��MPANY�DENTIFIER: 445443
<br /> L�AN�RI��NAT�R NAIV�E: L�sa Mayer
<br /> NMLS�R�G�NAT�R IDENT�FIER: 494569 �
<br /> D�ED �]F TRLT�'�''
<br /> TH�S DEED �F TRUST�"Security�nstrument"� �s made on July 1,�OI 4. The gran�ors are 'V�i���am R Eari and
<br /> Karen I� Ear�, Husband and ��fe, whase addr�ss is 1.37 Ponderosa Dr, �RAND ISLAND, Nebraska C8S�3
<br /> �"Borrflwer"}. Borrflwer�s nat neGessari�y the same as the Person or Persons wh� sign the Hnme Equ�ty Line af
<br /> �redi�Agreemen�, dated Ju�y I,�U1.4�"Con�rac�"�. The ob��ga��ons af B�rrov�ers wha did no�si�n�he Can�-ac�
<br /> are expia�ned fur�her in �he section ti�led Succe�sars and Ass�gns Bound; Ja�n�t and Se��raz Liabi���y;
<br /> Ac�ammoda��an Signers. Th� �rustee is Arend R. �aac�, At�orney v�h�se a�dress is P.�. Bflx 79�, Grand
<br /> Is�and, Nebraska fi$�U2 �"Trus��e"�. The benefc�ary �s �I�me Federa� Savings & L�an Associa��an of�rand
<br /> Is�and, �hxch is organ�zed and ex�s�ing under the Ia�vs of the Un��ed Sta�es of America and whase address �s 221.
<br /> South Lacus� Street, Grand �sland, Nebras�a 688�� �"Lender"�. W�i��am R Earl and �aren L Ear� ha�e
<br /> en�ered into a�ont�-ac�v���h Lender as of Ju�y �,��I 4,under�he�erms af wh�ch Borrov�er may, from time ta tim�, �
<br /> obtain advances not t� exceed, a� any �ime, a �x'�MA�IMIJM PR.�N�IFAL AM�UNT (E��LUI��NG
<br /> PR�TECT�VE ADVAN�'ES)xY� of F`�f�y Thou�and and ��I��� Dollars �U.S. �Sa,UUU.U�} �"Credit L�mi�"}.
<br /> Any par�y in�eres�ed in �he .d�tails re�a��d �a Lender's con��nuing obliga�ion �o make ad�an�es �a Borrower is
<br /> ad�ised�o consul�d�rectly v�i��� Lender. If n�t paid ear��er,the sums owing under Borrower's�ontrac��i�h Lender
<br /> wil�be due�n Ju�y �5,�fl�9. Th�s Security Ins�rument secures tt� Lender: �a}the repayment of�he debt under the
<br /> Cantract, w��h �nteres�, �n�luding future ad�ances, and all rene�a�s, extensions and mad�fcat�ans of t��e Contract;
<br /> �b}�he pa�men��f a��o�her�ums, �ui�h in�erest, advanced to protect the secur�t��f this Se�uri�y �nstrument under
<br /> the prov�sions of�he section.�itled Protection of LQnder's R�gh�s in the Property; and �c� the performance af
<br /> Borrawer`s cfl�enan�s and agreernents under�his Secur�ty�nstrumen�and�he Con�ra��. Far�his purpase,Borrav�er,
<br /> in cons�dera�ian of�he deb�and the trust here�n crea�ed, irre�ocably gran�s and �onve�s�a Trus�ee, in �rus�, with
<br /> povver af sa�e,t�e fo�low�ng described property loca�ed in�h�Coun�y of Hal�, State of�ebraska:
<br /> Address: 137 Ponderasa Dr,�RAND I�SLAND,Nebraska 6SSfl3
<br /> Lega� I7escr�p�ion: Lot ,Four �4}, S��ck Tw� �Z) Pvnderosa Lake Es�ates Th�rd Subdi�isi�n �n the city
<br /> of Grand Is�and,HaIi�onty,Nebraska a
<br /> �� �
<br /> T�GETHER WIT� aX� �he �mpro�emen�s now he ftez erec�ed o e ro er�y, and all easemep�s,
<br /> P p
<br /> appur�enances, and fix�ures now or hereafter a part of the property. A�l r�p�acements and add��ions sha�1 also b�
<br /> ���ered by �his Secur��.y I�s�rumen�. AlI af the foreg��ng �s referred to in this Securi�y �ns�rumen� as the
<br /> i►praperty."
<br /> B�RR�'L]�ER��VENANTS that BorrovWer is �a�wfuIly seised af the es�ate hereby c�nveyed and l�as �he r�gh��o
<br /> grata� and con�ey �he Praper�y and �ha� �he ProperCy is unencumbered, e�c�pt f�r �ncumbrances o� recard.
<br /> Borrower �rarran�s and vv��l d�fend generaIi� �he ��tle �o tl�� Proper�y aga�nst a�� claims and demands, subject ta
<br /> any en�umhrances af record.
<br /> Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follo�vs:
<br /> Payment of Principa�and �n�ere��; �ther Charges.Sorrower sha��pramptly pay�hen due�he principal �f and
<br /> �n�eres�on�he deb�ovved under�he Con�ract and�a�e charges flr any other fees and charges due under�he�on�ra��.
<br /> 0 2404-2414 C�m�liance Systems,Ir�c.�DG6-D357-2DI3L2.10.1.Sg5 .. .
<br /> Consi�mer Rea�Estate-Security Ir�st�vmer�t L]L203d Pa�e I af 5 www,com��iar�cesystems.com
<br />