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zoo �ol � 3� <br /> (c) All applicable laws and regulations, induding, withoiil limitation, the Arnericans �uith Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 12101 et seq. (and all <br /> regu!ations promulgated ihereunderl ar!d all zoning and building laws and reyulations relatiny to the Property by virtue of any federal,state or municipal <br /> authority witli jurisdir,tian c�ver th!e Prop�rty. presently are and shal� be obser�ed and complied with in all material respects, and all rigMs, licenses, <br /> �rrnits, and cerlificates of eccu��ancy (includirig but not limited to zcming va!i�nces. special exceptions for nonconfom�ing uses, and final inspection <br /> a�pr�vals), whether temparary or pennaneni, which are �riaterial to the use and ocaapancy of the Property, presenlly are and shall be obtained, <br /> preserved and,where nece�sary,renewed: <br /> (d) Grantor has�he right and is duly authorized to execule and perform its Obligations under this Deed of Trusi ar�d these actions do not and shall not <br /> coriflict withi the provisions of any stati�te,reg�.�lation,ordinanr.e,rule of iaw,conlract or olher agreement whicl�i may�be binding on Granior at any tirne; <br /> (ej P��action or proceeding is or shall be pending or�hreatened U�hich n�+ght meteria�ly affect the Property;and <br /> (!) Grantar has not violated�.�nd sliall no1•✓iolate anV stai!ite,regulation,orditiance,rule of la�v,contract or other agreement fincluding,but not limited to, <br /> lhose governing Hazardous M�Terials)which might rnateria!ly affect the Property er Lender's riqhis or interest in 1he Property pursuarn to this Deed of <br /> ?ru5t. <br /> 3. PRIQR DEEDS OF TRUST. Crantor repr�sents and warrar+ts th�lt iPtU`?"C are��o�rior deeds of trust a(fecting a�iy part of the Properiy except as set forth <br /> cm ScYiediile B atiached to lhis Deed of Trt�st, �n�hicF! Grantor agret>s to pa�v' �?�i�! perfc�rn!in a tirr�ly rnanner. !f there are any prior deeds of trust ihen <br /> iuranlor agrees to pay all amounts owed,and pertorm all obligations rc:qiiired.�.r!c1Pr such eleeds of trust and ttae indebtedness secured thereby and further <br /> ��qrees ihat a default i.�nder any prior deed of shali he a defau!t u�7der i!i�s[:�eed o1 T!iis!r�nd shall entitle Lerider ta all rig�its and ren�dies contained <br /> l�erein or in the Obligations to wl�ich Lender would be entiii�d i+i the event of any o�f�er cJefa!�it. <br /> A. TRANSFERS OF THE PROPERTY OR BENEFICIAL INTEFIESTS Itd GRANTOF�S�R BORROWERS. In the event of a sale, conveyance, lease, <br /> comract for deed or iransfer to any person of alI or any part of lhe real propert�✓described in S:hedule A,or any interest therein,or of all or any beneficial <br /> ir!terest in Borrower or Grantor(rf Borrawer or Uranlor is nor a natural per.�or�o!-����rGo!?s b��t is a corporation,liir.iled liabili�y company,partnership,irust,or <br /> other legal entity),Lender may,at it,optirn�i declare 1he outs!a�?din,q princinal balar�ce of the C)b�ivations plus accrued interest thereon immed'+ately due and <br /> payable. At Lender's request,Grantor rn�Borrower,as tl�e case rnay be, sliai!iurnish a co;nplE�tn slaterrxant se[tin�!crth all ot its stod<holders,n�mbers,or <br /> E�artners,as appropriate,and ihe extc;nt of t'rieir respective o�nr�ership inlerest�s. <br /> 5. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS. In consideration of the Obligatiar�s, which are secu�ed by this Deed of Trust, Grantor absolutely assigns to Lender all <br /> Grantor's estate, right, title. interest, claim and dern:�nr1 now owned or hnreafter acquired �n all er.isting and future leases of the Property (including <br /> r�xtensions, renewais and subleases). al! agre�me��ts for i.ise and eccupanc:y of the P!operty(all such leases and agreements whether written or oral,are <br /> I!ereafler re(erred to as the "Leases"), �n:J afl g!iarant;e; of lessees' perfornk�nce the Leases, toqether witl� tYie immediate and continuing right io <br /> collect and receive all ot the renis,insoi��,recei�!s,revenue�,issuFss;profits arn-�otlier in�nme of any nature now or hereafter due(including any income of <br /> any nature coming due during any reclen�ption period) urider the Leases or(rorn or arisiny out of the Property inr,luding minimum rents, additional rents, <br /> percentage rerns, parking or common area maintenance contribirtions. tax and irisuranr.a contributions, deficiency rents, liquidated damages following <br /> default in any Lease, all proceeds payable under any policy of irisurance col��ring loss of renis resulting from untenantability caused by destruclion or <br /> darn=�ge to the ?roperty, all proceeds p�yabie r.�s a result of a lessee's exercise of a!i oplion to purehase ihe Property, all proceeds derived from the <br /> ienninalion or rejection o1 any Lease in a bankruptcy a!other insolvency proceeding;and aA proceeds from any righis and daims of any kind which Grantor <br /> �,k�y have against any lessee under ihe L�ases or any occupanls of the Proper!y(all of ttie above are hereafter collectively referred io as the"Rents°). This <br /> r�ssi��nn�er!t is subjeci to ihe right,power and authoriiy given to the L.erider to c;nllect and aqply the R2nis. This assignment is recorded in accordance with <br /> applicable state law;ihe lien created by this assignment is iritended?o!�e SpE?Clf!C, (�BfTeeted, and cheate upon the recording of ihis Deed of Trust, all as <br /> provided by applicable state law as amencled from time to time. As IunG as it!ere is r�n default under the Obliqations or this Deed of Trust, Lender grants <br /> Grantor a revocr�ble Gcense lo collecl all Renis from the Leases when clue and to use such proceeds in Grantor's business operations. However, Lender <br /> �rkay aT any time require Grantor lo deposit a!I Renis into ar�account ma;rtained by Grantor or�ender a1 Lender's institution. Upon default in the payment <br /> c�f,or in ihe pertormance of,any of the Obliga?ions,Lender r!�ay at its opiion take passessio��of the Property and have,hold,manage,lease and operate the <br /> �'ror�erty on lerms and for a period of time Ihat Lender deems proper. Lender iYuay proceed to collect and receive all Rerns from the property,and Lender <br /> sfial!have full po�n�er to rnake alterations,renovations,repairs or replacerrx:nts to the Property as Lender may deem proper. Lender may apply all Rents in <br /> I_enders sole discretion to payment ot the Obligations or to?he payment ot the cest of s�ich alterations, renovations, repairs and replacements and any <br /> expenses incident to taking and retaining possession of ihe Propehy periodir,ally arid the rnanagement and operation of The Property. Lender may keep the <br /> F'roperty properly insured and nkay discharge any taxes,charges,claims,assessrr�nis anci other liens which may accrue. -fhe expense and cost of ihese <br /> �_�ctions may be paid irom tl�ie Rer�is received, and any unpaid arneunts shall be added to the principal of ihe Obliaations. Tliese amounis,together with <br /> e±lier costs,shall becon?e part of the Oblic�ations seaired by this Deed of Trust. <br /> G.. llSE AND MAINTFNANCE C!F PRt]PERTY, Grantor shall take al!aciions ar!d n�ke an, repairs needed to maintain the Property in good condition. <br /> Uraiitor sf�all not commit or pen7?ii any wasie to be comrni?Ted with respect 10 the Property Urantor shall use ttie Property solely in compliance wilh <br /> applicable law and insurance policies. Grantor shall not nG3ke any alierations. aclditions or improvements to the Property without Lender's prior written <br /> con>ent. Wiihout limiting ihe foreqoing,all alterations,aciditions and irnprove!nent:iri3�e io the Property shall be si�bject to the beneficial interest belonging <br /> r,L�:nder,shall noi be rernoved wiihout Lender's pr-ior ti�ritten consent,and sl�all be made at Grantor's sole expense. <br /> 'T. l..OSS OR DAMAGE. Granlor shall bear IPie entire risk of any loss,theB;des?n�r,tion or dan�ge(cuinulatively"Loss or Damage")to the Property or any <br /> }�ortion th�reof from any cause whatsoever. In ihe everif of any Lo�s or narrkage,Gr�ntor shalL at the option of Lender, repair the affected Property to its <br /> previous condition or pay or cause to be paid to Lender the r�{ecrease in t!�e f.iir market value of ihe affected Property. <br /> 8. INSURANCE. The Property will be kept ins��red for iis fuA insurable value(r�placenx:nt cost)against a!I hazards including loss or dair�ge caused by <br /> (lood, earthquake, tornado and fira, thefi or other casualty to tlie exlent required by I_ende�. Grantor n?ay obtain ins��rance on the Property from such <br /> companies as are acceptable to Lender in its sole discretion. The insurance oolicies sha!!require the insurance company to provide Lender with at least <br /> 30 days'written notice hefore s�ich policies are alte!ed or c,ance!led i!�any+nanner. The insurance policies shall name Lender as a loss <br /> payee and provide that no ac1 or omission of Gr�ritc,r or any olher persnn sl�alf af(ect i��e right oi Lender ta be paid the insurance proceeds pertaining to the <br /> loss or daniage of the Property. !n the evenl Grantor fai!s ro acq!�ire er maintairi i��surar�ce, Lender(after providir:g notice as may be required by law) may <br /> in its discretion procure appropriaie insurance coverage upon the F'roper!y and tl�e insiarance cost shall be ari advance payable and bearing interesl as <br /> described in the "REIMBURSEMENT OF AMOUNTS EXPENDED B'✓ LE�IUE4"-1" paragraph and ser,ured hereby. Grantor shall fumish Lender with <br /> evidence of insuranct indicatirig tYie required coverag�. I..e��der may act as aitomey-i� fact for Grantor in making and setiling claims under insurance <br /> r,olicies,cancelling any policy or en�iorsiny Grantor's�ia!T�e on any draft or negutiable ii�sburrietil drawn by any insurer. All such insurance policies shall be <br /> ii7imedia?ely assigned, pledged an�delivered to l.ender as furiher securiry for the Ubligations. In 1he event of loss,Granlor shall immediately give Lender <br /> �.vritten nalice arid Lender is auihorized tv make prooi ef loss. Eact� insiirar�ce comparry is directed to rrkake payments directly to Lender instead of to <br /> �_ender and Grantor. Lender shaA t�ave ihe rigM, at its sole aption, te sapp!y si.�ch rr�o+uF=s toward the Obligations ar toward the cost of rebuilding and <br /> restoring the Property. Any amo�mts may at Le!+der's option be applied ir the inverse order ot the due dates thereof. <br /> 9. ZqNING AND PRIVATE GQVENANTS. Grantor sl�all not initiate ar consent to any change in the zuning provisions or private covenants affecting the <br /> i.�se of the Property with�ut Lender's prior �n�ritten consent. If Grantor's use o!tlie Property becomes a nonconforming use under any zoning provision, <br /> Grantor shall no1 cause or perrnit such use ta b:�discontinued or abandoned without ihe priar written consent of Lender. Grantor will immediately provide <br /> Lender witPi writi�n notice of any propnsed r,r�anaes to the zening provisions or priva?e roveriants affecting the Property. <br /> ?0. CONDEMNATION. Grantor shall imiYiediately provide l_ender with wri?ten notice of ai�y actual or threaler�ed condemnation or eminent domain <br /> proceeding pertaining to the Property. All rnonies payable to Grantor fiom such condernr?ation or taking are hereby assigned to Lender and shall be applied <br /> first to the payment of Lender's attorneys'!ees, legal expe.nses and other cost�(including anpraisal fees)in connection wilh the condemnation or eminent <br /> cJomain proceed�ngs and ihen,at the option of Lender,to ihe payment of the Ub?igations or the restoration or repair of the Property. <br /> ` <br /> NEDOTH Rev.12J97 � <br />