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2UOU01133 <br /> �1. LENDER'S RIGNT TO CONBMFNCE ON [:�1=FEN� LEGAL A!�TEC?�l3. Gxa!�tor shall in�mediately provide t_ender with written notice of any actual or <br /> i!?rea�ened action, suii, or other prcceeciir:g afte��ting the Fro�erty. Gr��ntor here;bv'app��i��is Lender as fts 2ttorney-i�i tact to commence,intervene in,and <br /> c�efend such aciions,suits,or other legal proceedings and to cornprornise or serilc�any claim or coritroversy pe�lair�ing 14iereto. Lender shall not be liable to <br /> Urantor for any aciion,error,mistake,omission or delay pertaining to tl�!e actions descrihed in this paragraph or any darnages resulting therefrom. Nothing <br /> cantained herein will prevent Lender frorn takir!y lhe actions de�-criLed in±his�.�araqrapl�n��is own nan?e. <br /> i2. INDEMNIFICATION. Lender shall�irt assurrie cr be responsible for tfie performa�ice of any o(Gran?or's obli,yatioris with respect to the Property under <br /> ��ny circumstances. Grantor shall irrnx-:�iately prrvic��Lender�nitYi wtitr.en r�e?�ce o�and ir�demnify and hofd Lender and its sliareholders,direc�ors,officers, <br /> �-mployees and agents harmless trorn all daims; darn�ges, liabilities !incl�adinp aitorneys' fees and legal expenses). causes of action, actions, suits and <br /> other legal proceedings(cumulatively"Clairns")pertainir�g to the Property(�ncluding.bu±not IL nited io,those involving Hazardous Materials). Granlor,upon <br /> the request of Lender, shall hire legal counsel to de(end L_ender from such Ciaims,and pay the attorneys'fees,legal expenses and other cosis incurred in <br /> connection therewith In the a.lternative, Ls:nder shali be entitled ro employ its cnnm legal counsel to defend such Ciaims at Grantor's cost. Grantor's <br /> c�bligation to indemnify Lender iander tl�is parayraph shali survive the termiriation,release ar foreciosure of this Deed of Trus1. <br /> i3. TAXES AND ASSESS�MEN7S. Gra��ior sl�<�II pay atl ta�;es and assc>�n�er�t=.relating to Frnperty when due and irr?n�edia?ely provide Lender evidence <br /> ��f payment of same. Upon the reyuest uf I_ender. Gr<7ntor shaA cleposit i��i?h i F�nder ear.t� irx��ith one-tw�lith (1�`12j of ihe estimated annual insurance <br /> premium, taxes and assessmenis pertaini�ig to 1he Property. So lon,q as tY�ere is no de�anit, these amoums shaA be applied to the payment of taxes, <br /> assessments and insurance as required on lhe Property. In the e�ier!i of deial.ilt,Lender shall have the rigtit,at i1s sole option,to apply ihe funds so held to <br /> �,ay any taxes or againsl the Obligatior.s. Any(urids ap[11ied Lender's c���ion,be applic:d in reversr.order ot the due daie thereof. <br /> ?4. INSPECTIC?N OF PROPERTY, Bl'lOKS, RECC)RDS ANU REPORTS. Grarrior sha!I allow Lender or its agents to examine and inspect the Property <br /> -�nd examine, inspect and rrk3ke copies ot Grantor's books and records pertaining to the Pruperry from time to iime. Grantor shall provide any assistance <br /> required by Lender for ihese purposes A!I of tlie signatures and iritorrr�ation conlained in Grant�r"s books and records shall be genuine,true,accurate and <br /> complete in ali respects. Grantor shall note the existence of Lender's beneficial interest;n i1s books and records pertaining to the Property. Additionally, <br /> earantor shail report, in a form satisfactc�ry to l.ender,such information as Le�ider may!equest regarding Grantor's financial condition or the Property. The <br /> information shali be for such periods,shall reFlect Grantor's records at such time,arid shall be rendered with such frequency as Lender may designate. All <br /> informaiion turnished by Grantor to Lender shall be true,acaarate and complet?in all respcacis,and signed by Grantor if Lender requesls. <br /> E5. ESTOPPFL CERTIFICATES. UVithin ten(?0)days attc�r ariy fFpUes;by Lend;�r,Grantor shall deliver to Lender.ur any intended transferee of Lender's <br /> rights v�rith respect to the Obligations, a signed and acknowledged staterr�ent spec;fying (a) the outstanding balance on the Obligations; and(b) whether <br /> Grantor po;sesses any claims,defenses,set offs or counterciairns N!ith respeci ia itie c;bligations and,if so,the nature of such daims,defenses,set-offs or <br /> cai-u�terclafms. Grarrtor will be conclusively bound by any representation iha± Lender may rT�=�ke to the intended transferee vvith respect to lhese matters in <br /> �!�e event that Granlor fails to provide ihe request?d siaternenl in a timely rn3nner. <br /> i6. f�EFAUI.T. Grantor shall be in default unde��this Deed of Trust and the Tr�siee's�wer shall become operative in ihe event that Grantor,Borrower or <br /> any guarantor of ihe Obligaiians: <br /> (a) fails 1a pay any Qbligatir�n to�eride!Urhen due; <br /> �b) fails to perforn�any C)bliqaiion o! breaches any u�arranty or c,ovenant to lender coniained in this Deed of Trust or any other present or future <br /> agreen�nt; <br /> (c) destroys,loses or darnages the Praperty in any rr.aierial resp�ct or;i�biects the Froperty to seizure,confiscation,or condernnation; <br /> (d) seeks to rev�ke,tenninate��r other�visc:li�rti�rts liabihty undeY anu qii ira!7ty i� Len:J::r; <br /> (e) dies. becorr�s legally incornpetent, is dissolved or?erm�natec!, h�cor��:: u��o!vent. ��iakes an assiqnment ior the benefit of r,redilors, fails io pay <br /> debis as ihey becorrie due,files a petilion ur�der the federai bar!kruptcy laws.f?as an irr✓<,luntary petition in Uankruptcy(iled in which Grantor,Borrower <br /> or any guarantor is nanred,or has property taken in�der any vdrii or pro;ess af co�.art <br /> (f) allows goods to tx:us�d,iransporlf�d or stored on the Property.the possession,transportation,or use ot v.�hich,is iflegal; <br /> (g) allows any party other than Granlor or f�orro�h�sr ti�assurne ix unclertaite anv Cil�iiyation wilhoui the written r,ansent of Lender:or <br /> (h) causes I_ender to deein ils�!(i�+secure due?o a significant decline ii�ihe value ot �he Property;or if�ender, in good faith. for any reason,believes <br /> that ihe prospeci ot payment�r perfonnar?ce is inipaired. <br /> 17. RIGHTS QF LEN�ER ON DEFAULT. !f ihere is��default under tt��s Deed af Trust, Lerider shall be entitled to exercise one or more of the following <br /> ���n?�:dies v��ithout notice or demar.d l,Uxcept as req�aired hy law�) <br /> (a) io declare the Obligations im+t�diaiely due and p2,yable in!t�Il; <br /> (b) to collect The oulstandinq Ob!ihation>with or u,i? resrrting to judir.ial process: <br /> (c) to require Grantor io deliver anJ !r.ak.e available to Lender a!�}r �er,en<ai prc4�eny or Chattels constitutir!y ihe Properly at a place reasonably <br /> convenienl to Grantor and I_e�d�r: <br /> (d) lo enter upon and take �CBSE'SS!OIl of the Property �.vitlia�ai aF�piyirig for or obtaining the appointment of a receiver and, at Lender's option, to <br /> appoini a receiver without bond, +,vi�houl tirst brinying suit en the OI.>ligations arid wilhoi�t otherwise meeting any statutory conditions regarding <br /> Yeceivers,it being intended ihal�_ender shall have 1liis contractual right lo app��int a receiver; <br /> (e) to employ a managing ac�ent af the Property and let the sarne,either in Tr«stee's own nan�e,in the name of Lender or in 1he name of Grantor,and <br /> receive the rents. ir.comes,issues and p!ofits of the Property and apply the sarne,after�a�ment of all necessary charges and expenses,on accourn of <br /> ihe Obligations; <br /> (() ta pay ai�y surns in any torm or rnanner deemed expedient by Lender io protec:k tl7e security of this Deed of Trust or to cure any default other lhan <br /> payi7ienl of interes?or principa!on the Obligations; <br /> (,y) to foreclose tliis Deed of Trust judicially or nonj+idicially and to direct the sale of the property through exercise of ihe power of sale as referenced in <br /> paragraph 20 hereof ir�acccardance��vith lppiicable law: <br /> (h) to set-o!f Grantor's c�bligations aqairst any a�T��mts owed Grafito� by Lender IC�dudi�lg, bui not limited to, rnnnies, instruments, and deposit <br /> accounts maintained with Lender or any currently er.;stii�g or future a}iiliaie o(L.ender;ai�d <br /> ji)to exercise all other righrs available tu Lernier under any other written agreernent or applicable law. <br /> !er!der� rigliis are cumi.dative and iTi�y be exercised togeiher, separately, and in any order. In the event that Lender institules an aclion seeking the <br /> ��co���ry of any of the Property by way of a Krrejudgmerit remedy in an action against Grantor, Grantor waives the posting of any bond which might <br /> cti���Z�ise be required. Lender or l_ender's designee inay purchase the Property at any sale. Proceeds of any Trustees sale hereunder shall be applied <br /> dirst, to the cosis and expenses ui exercising the power of sale and of the sale, induding the payment of the Trustee's fees ar,tually incurred and not to <br /> s�xceed the aiTwunt which rnay be provided for in this Deed of Trust, second,to paymt.nt of the Obligations secured hereby,third,to the payment of junior <br /> i�ust deeds,mortga,yes,or otlier Gerdiolders,and the balarics,if any,tc the person or�rs��ns legally erititled thereto. The property or any part thereof rnay <br /> k;e sold in one parcel,or in suc�i parcels,rrianner or order as Lender in its sole disr,retion rr.ay elect,and one or more exercises of the power herein grarned <br /> r-l�al!not extinguish or exhaust Ihe power urdess th�entire property is sald or the obligaiions are paid in full. <br /> 13. TRUSTEE'S EXERCISE QF PUWER QF SALE pN DEFAUL7: It Ler�de!eler,ts to sell Grantor's interesi in lhe Property by exercise of the power of <br /> sale herein conlained,lender shall notify Tn�st��e in the rr.anner IhF;n eeyi�ir<�d by la�.�f <br /> ;:��an receipt�f such notice of Lend��r�nc!at!he direction of Lender. Trustec�sha�l �,aiise to be recorded, p��blislred and delivered such notices of default <br /> and notices of sa!e as n�y then be reyuired by law and by this Deed ot Triist. Tru�!ee shall,only at the direction of Lender and without demand on Grantor, <br /> :�(ter such tirne as n�y ihen be required by law and after record�tior�af siacFi noiice of deiault and afler notice o!s�le having been given as required by law, <br /> ;c>II tlie Property at 1he tirr�and piace of safe(ixed by it in s�ich notice ot sale,either as N�hole or in separate lols or parcels or items as Lender shall deem <br /> ��pedient,and in such order as ii rri�V determine,a1 pi iblic auction to the high�sl Lidder for cash in lawful money of the United States payable at the time of <br /> sale, or as otherwise may?hen Fx;requi�ed by law. Trustee shall c!eliver tc� =.>i�c,!! purchasEr er purchasers thereof its good and sufficient deed or deeds <br /> ronveyiny the property so soid, but wittiout any covei;ani or wan;�nty, exK�ress er imp!ied. The recitals in sudi c�eed of any mariers or iacts shall be <br /> coiiclusive pr�of of!he iri.ithfulness thereoi. Ar�y person,induding,�v�thout li�nitation.Gramor,Trustee or l.ender,may piirchase at such sale. Trustee may <br /> in ihe nkanner provided by law postpone saiE;oi alf or any portion of the�r,�periy. <br /> 1.). REQUEST FOR NOTICES: Grantor r�;guesis lhal�3 r,opy of any notice of defai�it and a copy o(any notice o(sale hereunder be mailed to each person <br /> �^:�!io is a party hereto at the address o1 s!icPi person,et(orth herein ai�he same time and in t{ie same manner required as though a separate request thereof <br /> !�<�d been filed by each such person. <br />