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� <br /> m = <br /> .� � n 2 � n N a <br /> � � ?, � � C D � f�D <br /> ' m <�' r,n (' � �$� rn z —1 N � <br /> � ('! :C i �\ m t,i. Q7 --� rn CL <br /> :� ��) � � � � O � <br /> � OC'i- ~ O "*1 O N <br /> -,�' o -,� z = <br /> � �:� ��� -- n� � cA <br /> `� � � 'T7 T> a� <br /> o �7 $� � r � � C <br /> � 4' � r A � � <br /> L� N �„ ~ ''9' <br /> � �� w z <br /> `� � c� P <br /> cn <br /> 2 0 � � (; i 13 3 �������� 6520010$743050001 <br /> ���� �� �"����'�" 04625//KMZ04 <br /> `�. <br /> ---� <br /> �_. -_ CiORRO�IUER � _. _ _ _ GRANT'OFt .� _ _._ _ . __. , ' � <br /> I ~ ? <br /> � `PRDY ?F. N0715KA � i 7'ROY n1J�I:SfCA, RP.7HER.YN F. NQ'LISKA, HUSBAND AMD W.I.FE \ <br /> \` <br /> IKATHERYN N07,ISKA i � � <br /> ," , ' AD�RESS 'r . � _ ADOR£93; : <br /> j 1.2.1 CAkEY N , <br /> , GRAND I9LANU, NE 68RU7.3S1R I <br /> jTELEPH�NF Nb. IDEh1TIFICATIOhI h10. I T�LEPMC7Mt NSi, 1DErlTIFICAI'IUN 1d0. <br /> 507-9�3-82?9 � <br /> _ __ I ._ _ _ __ _ __ _ <br /> __ __ _ _ <br /> ���, TRUSTFE: U.^, PANY. NA'PT_ONAL ABSOCIATION � <br /> '�, FARGO. NU 5H103 <br /> ��,. . . ... _... . . . _ _. __.._.. _... . .. _. _.__ ._.. _... _----_ . . . _ - - -..- . -.__- . ._-- <br /> In coiisideration of 1he loan or olf�er credit accommodation hereinafter sper,ifiec�and any fufure advances or fiifure Qbligations,as defined herein,which <br /> may hereinafter be advanced or ir�ciu�red and the trust hereinaRer rnentic�i�ed and other•good and valuabie consideration.the receipt and sufficiency of which <br /> are herc�l�y acl<nowledged. Granter herehy irrevocably warrants, k,,?rgain�, se�is, iransfers, grants, conveys and assigns to Trustee, his successors and <br /> assigns,IN TRUST WITH POWER UF SALE for ihe be�iefii and security uf U.>. li,4NK nrA�r:rovai, assocraTzcmT vv <br /> _ _ . .._. _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ <br /> - - - - _ __ <br /> ("Lender"), the <br /> bene�iciary under ihis Deed of Trust,under and s�.ik�ier,t�o the terrr,�>an:i c:nr��iitior�s;l�erei��set for!I�,wifii righl of e!itry a+!d possession all of Granfor's present <br /> and future estate,rigM,title and interest in and to the rc,ai properiy ciescrikx;cJ in Schedule t��n�riicl�is attached[o ihis Deed of Trust and incorporated herein <br /> hy ihis reference,together with all presen� and future improve�ner�+.s and tixti.�res; a11 tang:bie personal ��roperty including without limitation all machinery, <br /> equipmenl, building materials, and gaod:+ of every naiure (excluding cor!siin?er c�oods) noNi or hereafter located on or iised in connection with the real <br /> praperty. whether or not affixed to 1he land; privileqes, hereditan�nis. and appuri�nances including all developrnent rights associated�vith the Property, <br /> ��ihether previously or subsequenfly transferred to tY�e Property from olher reai�rorerty or naw or hereafter susceptibie of transfer frorn this Property to oiher <br /> r�al property:leases,licenses and other agreemer�ts;renis,issues and profits;tivater,�,�ell,ditc!�.re.<,ervoir and mineral righls and siocks pertaining to the real <br /> property (curnulatively "Properly");to have and tn hold the Property and ihe �ights hereby grant�d for the use and benefit of Lender, his successors and <br /> �ssigns,until payment in full of aII Ohlinetin!is secured hereby. <br /> Moreover,in fia►lher consideratior�,Grantor does,for Grantor and Gran?or's I�eirs,repre:,eniatives and assigns,hereby expressly warrant,covenant,and <br /> agree with Lender and Trustee ancl iheir successors and assigns as fol!ows: <br /> !. OBLIGATIONS. rhis L�eed of Triisl s!i��1.! seaire tl!e payment and pE�r(orn!ai�r,e o( <ill preserit and fiitiire indebtedness, liabilities, obligations and <br /> +:ovenants of Bormwer or Grantor(curnulati•�ely"c7bligatiu+is"1!c�!..E�nder r;�;r:.��aid to: <br /> (a)this Deed of Trust and the following rromissory notes and other r:igree!nent,: <br /> � PRINCtPAL AMOUNTI NOTE! 'i NIATGtRITY LOAN <br /> I : CREDIT Ll�UlIT /iGREEMENT DATE � DATE MUMBEH - <br /> i <br /> 31,400.00 02/08/00 il 02/15/20 � 662001fJ8743050001 <br /> � I <br /> � I <br /> i i <br /> (b)all olher presenl or fufure,written ac�reer*ients with Lende�th<at refet specifically to ihis 6eed o7Trust�wi�eiher ezecutedfor tfie same or different <br /> pur�,�oses than the forego�ny); <br /> (c) any guaranty of obligations of olFier parties qiven to I_ender now or I�ereafteY executed that refers to this Deed of Trust; <br /> (d) future advances,whether obligato�y er optional,to tlie same ex!ent as i(mad��oniemporaneously with ihe execution of this Deed of Trust,made or <br /> extended�n behalf of Grantor or Borrower. Grantor agrees that if one of the e:)bliqa?ions is a line of credit,the lie!�of this Deed of?rust shall continue <br /> ��ntil payrrient in full of:�II debt due under the line nvtwithstandiny 1he fact that trom time to time(but before terminalion af the linej no 6alance may be <br /> oi.ilstandir+g. At no time during the term ot this Deed of Trust or any extension thereof shall ihe unpaid and outstanding secured principal future <br /> advances, not including sums advanced by Lender to protecl the security o!tFiis Deed of Trust,exceed the following amount: $ 3,,ano_oo ___ <br /> This provision shall not cons!iU�1e an obiigation upon or commitment of Lender to rriake additional adva�ces or loans to Grantor;and <br /> (e)all amendments,extensions,reneU,rais.modifications,replacemenis or substitutions to any of the foregoing. <br /> As used in this Parayraph 1,the lerms Urarnor and Borrower shall include and also mean any Grantor or Borrower if more ihan one. <br /> 2.. REPRESENTATIONS,WARRANTIES AND COVENAN'TS. Gran±or represe!i�s,�r�ar�anis and covenanis to Lender that: <br /> (a) Grantor has fee simple markelable titl�to tlie Property and shail m�intain ihe Propeny free of all liens, securily interests,encumbrances and claims <br /> except for this Deed ot Trust and those described in Sr,hediile B,��il�ic�i is ai1<-�cl�ed to this Ueed of lYust and incorporated herein by reference,which <br /> Granlor agrees to pay and perfomi in a+iiTiely manner; <br /> (b) Grantor is in compliance in all respecls witl�all ap�licable lederal, state anc!ocal la��s and regulalions,including,without limitation,those relating to <br /> "Hazardous Materials,"as defined herein, and olkier environmental rnailers (tt�e "Environniental Laws"), ai�d neither the federal governmern nor any <br /> other governrnental or quasi governmental entity has fiied a lien on the Prc�pertv,no;are ihnre any governmental,judicial or administrative actions with <br /> respecl to environmental matters pending,or�o ihe besl o(the Graritor's know!e.-dye,ihreatened,which involve ihe Property. Neither Grantor nor,to the <br /> best of Grantor's knowledge, any other party has used, generated, r�{eased, disc�iarged, stored, or disposed of any Hazardous Materials as defined <br /> herein,in connection with the Properiy or Iranspor?ed any Hazardous M3tenals to er(.rom ih�Property. Granior shaA not commit or permit si.ich actions <br /> to be taken in 1he future. The term "Hvardous MateriaJs" sh..�p rr�an any s�ibstanr,e, irk�terial, or waste �vhich is er becornes regulated by any <br /> governmental author�iy including.biil not lirnited to,(i)petroleum;(ii)friat�le or norifriable asbestos;(iii)polychlorinated biphenyis;(iv)those substances. <br /> nk3lerials or wastes design�.�ted as a "hazardous substance" pursuar�t to Sectinn 311 of the Ciean Water Act or listed pursuani to Seciion 307 of ihe ; <br /> Clean Water Act or any air�endmenis o�• replacerr�nts to these statut�s; (v) lfiose substances, materials or wastes defined as a "hazardous waste" <br /> pursuanl to Section 1004 of the Resource Cor�seroalian and Recavery Act c7r any ai?iendmenis or replacemenis to that statute; and (vi) those <br /> substances, materials or wastes defined as a "ha.izardaus substar.ce" purs�iant to Section 101 of ihe Comprehensive Environmental Response, <br /> Compensalion and Liabiliry Act, or any arnendme;nts or replr.icemenr, to tli�l siatute or any oiher similar slate or federal statute, rule, regulation or <br /> ordinance now or hereafier in ef!ecL Graiilor shaii not lease or pF�r�nit t!ie s�ablease a!1Y�e Property to a tenant or sublenant whose operations may <br /> result in contamination of ihe Property wiih Flazardous Materia�s or toxic si ibs?a��ces; <br />