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201502710 <br /> �E�� �� �'R�1��' <br /> �.o�� n�a� �7''��5���7 (�c��a�ir���d� ���� � <br /> Lenc�e= sueh it�-SiFt�nleriCs a�d clr�CUR�Gr+t�tion as may be requestud £i� wE:nd�r 'frUm tian� to tirrt� tra p�rttiit sueFf <br /> ��rLici�satian. <br /> �S��alFc�tir�n of PVet E�rc+cr�eds. It all ar ariy part af tli� Pr��aerty is cci��de�nrz�r� t�y emin�nt cl�m�in p�or��ciings ar kry <br /> any pr�ceec�ir�9 Qr pur�h�se i� lieii s�f rond�;rnt�atiun, L�nd�r rnaY�t if�el�vtir�n r�c�uira ch�c �If or any Furtiori �f the <br /> n�:#: �rac�;�d:a raf t{i� awarc# b� a�a�aiied [a the Ins��flt��ln�ss r�r r.h�; repair �r �estoraticsn of t�e Pr+aper[y. The ��et <br /> p�c,r�:e�ts r�fi the asr,rarr4 shrail me<�r� Ch� �ward aPt�r pavR�er+t ofi all rea;rsn�hl� cc�sts, e�p�ensr:s, anti�.torneys'fef;> <br /> irzcu?r���y'�rust�e or Lenel�r in connQGti:�n v+ii�h th�; cc�nci�rnn�tioi�. <br /> IMP(�SITIt?PU C�F TA7�ES. �E�S �1NF7 CH6IRGES �Y GGiL'l��itVN9E€1f?'A0.. AUTHi�&�1�'I�S. TI�e #�Il�w�ing prouisidn� relatine <br /> tr,gcauemment4l taxes.i�ees and rl7arc�es are a pa�2 r,t titii� �eed of Trust; <br /> �utr�nf �ax��, Fe�s and �F�arg�zs: U�or� r�q�est �y l_encler, Triastnr sh��l exe�cute such dacuments i� �dt�i€it�n tca <br /> this #�eed nt'i�ru:�x antl take wha�ev�r attier�ctiur� is r�:quastecf kay Lenc�er tca ��er#�:ct 7n�1 rc�r,iinaae l.enr�e�`� fe� nn <br /> the ���1 6�r'o�a2riy. 'frtdstnr �h�li ��':rnbur�e Lr�nder for afi taxes, as des��iE�eri belpw, Lc�e�ethes v�fith ali �r�eras�s <br /> int,urr«d in recc�r�iri�, �erf�eti�c� or cc�ntinuing this D�ed �f Tru�t, ir�ciu�inr� sn+ithaut limi?at�csn ali tax�s, fi�es, <br /> �Jc?t;ua��?niacy stam�s, anc� cath€�r�:ha:ges for recorciinr� �r reyis�erinr�?his ���r�I+af Trust. <br /> 3�xes; T�� follotvin�a st�all .�on�tituE� taxes t� u�rhieh tl�i:� �er,tion �sp�lies> {1} ;� s�serif�r, tax sJ�r,� ihis t�rt�e cif <br /> l�e�r� of 7ra�st nr u�tin zll a� arry part of th� Sn�iel�t�dt�ess se�uead �y t£�is [J�:�d of Trust; {2! :a 5her.�Fic t:�x nn <br /> Barevwer v�rhr:ch B�rra��rer �5 authari�ee� ,r rE:quirz�i ta deduct Prom payrne�its on the in�e#�tei�rre�� �ecurec! tay tF�is <br /> typc� of aa�a of Trust; (3) a tax �,7 t#�is ty�e nt E�eerJ�f'fYust r.h�rgpabla ac�ainst th� L�:nder or the halder uf ih� <br /> Csreciit Rc�re€�m�a�t; �nc� t�1 � s��ci€i�: [zaX Urt z��l or any pa?tiqn t�f t9�e inde�tecJnes��ar r�n �ayrroents �f princ«�23 �ncl <br /> isit�resc rn�t1�b��r St�rri�wtr. <br /> Subseys�ent 7axes. I# any ��,x ti� which this s�:c�ie�n a�plies is enacteci sutrs�quPnt tc� th7�, date nf this aeec� a; <br /> �rusr., rohis ���ent<staall have t#i� sarne �f#ec[ �s �n Eur�rit �f Dafauit, a�d Lencler rn3y �xerr,isc �ny crr �il �sf sts <br /> �i{ai9abie rpm��iics for �n Event elf Deiault as �arer+i�ed be�ous� t���less Tf�rst�r either #1► ��ys 2he t�ix hefnre it <br /> t»���rse:c �e3ir,qceant, �r {1t conte�ts thc t�x �3�� Garc�vid:�d a�c+vs in t�e T�xe� anrl Lieris�vctinn �rid dep�siCs witta <br /> L�:niier c;ash or a �ufl±ci�nt crsrpor�te.s�irwty l�onc€er�iri7er�Qct�rity satisfacFo�y Eo L�;nd��r <br /> S�GUF3ITY A�FiE�It��NT; FIE�tA11iC6flE� S7/A'f��E�tTS, l�h�; inUon+'sng prc�v#si�ns r�latinc� to thas Deed o€ 7rw�t �s a <br /> se�ur�ty agr�emer�t are � ��rt c�i iPais t�ead cf Ttust. <br /> �eeurity �l�r�eoYaent: Thi:; instrurner�t s#�aIB Lc�nstituCe a Seer�rity A;r�reeraj�nt to tlie �xt�rit any �# the Pr�perty <br /> �o�strtures fi�tur�s, anr� �cn�ier �hail hav�alf oi the rights af a ��curet3 �rariy unt�sr the Ur.ifr�rrn C�im�ne�cial Cocl� <br /> as• �rraentl��fr�m time to tiR�e. <br /> Security Int�r�st, U��n reyuest iay Lr:r+�er, Tr�star sl�a#I r.�ke tivhat�v�r �r..ian is r�q�fested hy L.en�ie:r to ncrf�,ct <br /> and ct�ntinuE �.ender°s security' in�e�Hst ii�Et» F'eraant�i €'rcip�ity. In additi�n tc� r�crardi��g 2#iis i7eed esf"Erust in the <br /> real propFriy rer.orr�s, L�:nd€:r may, �� jny tirne and with�ut €�art�t�r auihr�rization frorn Tru�icar, fil� executac3 <br /> caurlter�arts, C:.�ies �r re�r�sd��cLions of this f?eecl c�x Tri�st �s �s tin�n::ing st�t�m�:nt. ?'rustrir shail rn�mburse <br /> r encJer fcar a9! exp«r�ses inc:tirrecl in �a�riectir�,c� Qr cnntinuinc� thir� se.c��r?ty �+g�on ciEfault, Trustc,r sk-,a11 n�t <br /> r�Fnzc�ve, sev�r or cietach,f�c PFrsona3l �'rc,perty f�orri the �'r�p�rty. U�c�r� cisr`auli, Trustor ahail assern�ie any <br /> ��rss�naf �'rr��erty �7ut �ffixpci tc� the Wr�,�erty ira :a nsan�er anci at � g�lar:e re�sc�nt-�bly c�n��:nient ia l"riestr�r �n� <br /> Lend�r �nd r�ake it av�il�k�le tc� Lesi��r vwittiin t£�ree (3� tia}is afier r�r�i�t ��t writtwat t�er��end from L�nrj�r ta t_i7� <br /> ca�tcnt p�ermiYzed hg+�pp3ir.�hle i�v�s. <br /> Arldr�sses. �'h� maiiing �dc�resss�s of 7rustar (rlebtatl �n�:i �en�:ier ;secur�t� pariy} from wh#ch iafocm�tirn <br /> c�t�cwrns'nc� the ser�irisy in2e€n�£ granted kay Ehis ��:ecl af Trt�s3 m�y bc ohtzin�cl feacn �s rec�uireri by the C}ni€orm <br /> Comraie�iia# G�d�} are as stater�c�r�Yh� fir5t ta�ge uF tllis ��.�.� of�'trust: <br /> �llRTHER AS��ftt1N�ES: aLTTOFiPI�'F-�Id-Fld�T', The follc;wing �arovisir�s�@ reir�iirrs� tc, furtlzer r��suranc,�s �r,cl <br /> �ttorn��ct�re a part ti€tFiis a��d�d 7rust: <br /> 3=urEhee Avsuran�es. �it any tisn�, and 4rc�n� time ta time, upo� recguest �f L,�nder, Trustar v�,rfil rn�ke, �x�cute ar�i <br /> J�li.eer, c�r w#II �,aus� in ta�: matier s:xer.�st�;d �7r de?i+rer�;c6, tn L�7der�r zt� �e�nd�:r's d€�sign�:e, anrJ when r�qt3estec� hy <br /> l_�nd�r, �au:se Lc� hP iile:#, rer,�rd�e�, r�filetl, �e rerec�rc�e�1, as th� rase m�y ��e, �t such tion�s �nd in suGh s�ffi�:�s <br /> ar�ca pta��s as Len�er rn�V d��rn a�aprcapriat�, arhy �nd atl s�sch ma€t�r��#��, c�e�ds o# ir+rst. �;��curiYy �eecl5, security <br /> agraemnnts, ftcrancing ;;t:7temc:nis, cnert:in6�at?��n st�a3ememts, insiruments r�fi further �s.5��rance. cc:riifi�r.�tes, �nd <br /> c�Eher dc�cu�nents �s irs�y, ii� Fhw sr�le c�pir�ic�n uf €_wr7tler. Yr�* ne�c��sarq t�r s��sir��la Er�ur��r fa �ff�sstuat€�, reat�E�te; <br /> �er#ect� z�ontirsuc., ar Fir���>,rv�, [1D F3vrrs�wer°� rird 7'rustorr atsCis�r�ii�n;;unc��r �he Gf�:�1it Agreemerit, th�s �l�:e�! nf <br /> Trust, �nt3 the RQBatPd C�ocilmLt�Es, ��ef I�} th� li:,ns an�1�ecurit+j i�rterests rre<�t:Pc! hy thi� fJe�� nf Trust nn the <br /> PrUp�rty� wtzetiier rt�w cwr��d ur here�fiCer �icquir�Cl by �`ru�tor, Un:ess pr�ihi4�itecl l�y I�w ti�� �,�nt�9�r ayr�es t� tl�� <br /> t;antracy� in �rvriti!�g; �"rustar shali r�lm6urse Lender for a91 cr�sts �n�i ex�aenses incurred in connection v�iiYh the <br /> m�tt�;rs r�fierred tn Fn this �,3ragra,�h, <br /> Attorney-ir�-FaG�. ff 1'rusinr fs3ils ti� dc� �ny n€Fhc things ref�:rrec� tcz ii� the pt�ce�Eing �ara�r<n�h, t;encler may�n sc� <br /> far�r�d in ihs rsa��e at Tr�sstc+r aricl �t 7rustirr's �x�����e,. �nr surl)�:ur}�oses, l�rustor' l7ar�hy irrev�ie��aly a(a�aiPz�ES <br /> Lender �s TrusEor's aitr�rrze:y-in-f�c:t for [he pwrpc�se r�f rraakiny, �;xecuting, dclivering, Ei#ing, recarcling, ard d:sir� �II <br /> orher ahin�s as may be neressary nr cl��ir�t�ir, ir� t_���er`s �nle�{�ini;�n, id acc�rn�lish t�e ma�ters rFfrrreti 2a in <br /> C�Se Fr�c��inr7 Raraqra�h. <br /> FULL �'�RFORMANC�: If �a�raw�r anei �'ruatwr p�sy afi tha Inr��btedn�ss w;�err �1ue, terrninat�s tlie cs�dit I€ne accczur3t, <br /> 3nc#�ru:at�ir uEhcrwi��: �i�r�orms a!I xh�; nbliga�ians i:nptasecl upor�Trw:;r.cir un�lf,r Yhas 0�:2>,s� ot�rusr., Lend�:r:shalE ex�t,uts� <br /> ar�d de9ivar ic� �1'rvste� e re��est tQr full rece�nv�j�anLe and �hail exee�eta an�� uelives t� nxu�trar sufitak�le statnn7ents of <br /> terrT�iri�tic�rz Qfi �ny firlrat�cis�i� s�a��rrrerit c�ri '€i#� ea�i��er�4iny l:en�ef's security iriCerest in iiB� f�erits ant€ ih� ��;rs�anal <br /> F'r��c�rty, Any reca;�L�.�y�nc�s f�e rccauir�d Pzy 3a3n+ �h�ti E�� p7iei t��y'T'r�?sfar, if perrnitieef taY ap�lic�ble [�w, <br /> EV�NTa C4F qE�Ai�€.�'. Trusinr iraili h�: in t3efauit wnder this �3e�� of Tru�t it any Uf the falPoyvin� hap�aen; fAs �ru�tor <br /> cc�rnrrtits fr�ucl �,r sn�f�:�s a m�re:rial ,rriire�;re�e�i�tir�n �t any tirne: in c�nn�cti�in wi�h ?f7e Car�clit R;gr�en�erzt. 1'h't5 c�n <br /> 'tn��u�1e. tor exaR��le, � f�ls� stater�e�t a6aut l��rrnw�er's �ae'd�rusiar's inegme> �ssets, I�.abifities, or anY other asPe�ts Qf <br /> E3c�rro,,u�r's r�r`�custor's�`iraancial �:o�c�iiion. {Ei) (3orresw�r s�o�;�� ncat rn�ei ti?� r��a�y�rr2�nt ierms r�f th� Cr�c�iY�,�r��rn�nt, <br /> iC} �Cre�star"� actic�r or in�Ciinr� ativ�r�;ti�ly affc:cts th� cc�il�t�:r�l nr 1_���d�:r's raghi5 in ihe Colla�eral. �hi=> r.�n 6nGiGiric, fe,r <br /> exarn�.�l�, f3iEur�ir� m3ir�i�i�+ requir�d insur�i'�c�, vuaste or desiructi��a use of ihe dwellins�, fail�irA t� �aay t�x�s, deat�-� oP <br /> aIB �ursons I`sa,b6e �n �I�u acc�unc, tr�ansE�r of titic e�r sale �f Lh�� d�nr�IPir,r�, creatiora o€ a ser�ior ii�ri on the dweilin�� <br /> wi;ho�;t l�G;nd�e's F�er;nissi�n, f�r�ulosur� by the hold�r af anc�iher 9iers� nr t�e �se�f€unds cr t�e dwelling tor grahibitecf <br /> piir�csses. <br /> RtGHTS;4k�R ��M��I�S C1fl] t��FAEIL'E, lf�sn F�vent �f l7efault Qccurs u�sr�ee t�is i7ee�d �t_t"�z�st, �t �ny �un� t�ereaitQr, <br /> Truste�Ur z�nd�r rtzaY exercis��r�y�r1� or rn�re o�tEie f:ilf�auvir�g riyf�ts ar�d r�reiedies: <br /> A�cel�raEian l�pc,n De�f�a�it�:A�dite�nad l�erra�d'a�ss, If.�r��� Gv�n�c�� D�fault oc�:urs a�: r��r tih� terrns�a�th� �reciii <br /> r`�yr�f�merif sec;ur�� her�bY. Le.nd�;r rnay decl�re aEl Ir�cl�btedrE�s sWctsrer� t�y this �ced �f Trust i� be clue anc! <br /> pay�h{e an�l fhe 5amc s#�aIP tFea-�uF�on l��r,arn� t�:up ai,� pay�ht.e wit�tsut z�ny pr•�sPntn7�t�t, rJ�rrs;�n�: ��rr�t��t c�r <br /> Aaat'r�e of anv ktri�l. Ti��re�sf#er; ��nder n��y: <br /> (a} [ith�r iri �a�rs�n ar tay,ay�nt, with c�r �nrit#�csui t�rin�'sny any acti�.�n c�r �rcac.eeciiny, or by � r�ceiv�r <br /> a�Rnint:ci hy � cc�i�rt 7nci U.+ith�ut r�;gard tc, ii�e adf=��i�ry of i£s sea:urity; enter ctp�z�ancS takc: pnssesssrar� <br />