<br /> 6���� �3F T��!aT
<br /> Lcra�o i�v. 8?��579�1 �'��r�tar��i€�d� Page �
<br /> PRQPEt3TY qAlUi#�� I�+�iSURAM1IC�. The fcailawin� prt�v+sions ret�ti,�� t� ir�suriny tl�� �ro�er�,,are a �ar�o#this Cee�i �#
<br /> Truat,
<br /> A�'lai�titena�tce ra€ It�su€�,nce. TrustUr shall �rescur� and m�intain �r�liCi�, �f fir� lnsurznce tinrtth st�n�i�r� ��terid�c3
<br /> cs�verage �nciarserr,�;nts on a r�apl�s�.err�Qnt t�asis ��r the fiall insur�al�#w val�e cc�v�tirsg ail Irn�arcveme��s an th� Reai
<br /> Prfl�erty� in �n arr�r�unt sutfirier�t to 2vaid �p�licatiur�, r�f any cainsuran�e cE�us�, aitd .nri3h a :�tandarr� ��art��ge�
<br /> clau5�in ia�i�.�r uf Ler�cler, to��th��r wi2h such csth�r hazarcl and liabitity in5ur�nc� �i��:encE�r r��y reasrinably require.
<br /> F�r�lici�� shall tse written in form, �maunts, c�v�ra�es and hasas rea�on�btv accept�l�ie tra l.er�der �nd i�sued �ay a
<br /> r.orn���ny :r c�m�,�nies re�a�o��bly �cceptaL�3e to �:eride�, `�rs�sic�r; �rpaaz request of Ler!dee, wili tielivar tc� Le�d�r
<br /> from tirne ��a time th� �aalici�s �r c��tificate�uf insurance in farm saCisfactory r.o lender, inelu:�ing �ti�lalati�ns tli�,
<br /> covetag�;s wrill rant b� canc�.fie� c�r dirninifihed wirhfll�r at le�st ten tT�) clays priar �vvritier� ngtic� tc� L�ndsr. C�ch
<br /> insi�ranc� pr�liry al4u shatl incls�d� an ��do.rsen�ent �rc�vidin� ttiat caverar�e in f�iror c,f Lend�:r wilE��t be im�.�a�reJ
<br /> ixi �r�y way� by anyy act, t�rr�i�5ion pr d�iault,�f'�r«stc�r pr a�y r�thc:r p�sGan. 4hauf� the R��9 �ropr.��ty k�� locater� in
<br /> �n �r�a d�s€gn�teci by th� ta�#mirsisirat�r i�� thQ Fei�Jes-�t E�ier��ncy f�lzaria�etaierit A�ency �� a spsci�il flnoci hazard
<br /> ar�a, Tru�tc�r� �g���s te� �F�tairi �nr� mainc�3ra �et��:rdl. �=ic�ocl Insur�nee, if a�,�ailable, fc,r ttae rrs�xirrsurn arnount af
<br /> Bar�rawer's credit li�e and tYr� fu?I ur;paic9 �rio��ipal k��iance og a�-ry pri�r Eie�tis �n th� �ro��rtv �eGurit�y the lo�n, u�
<br /> tn Chr: rnaxim�m �ic,licy Einirts ��t un��r tl-se f��tional Flood insur�nce Proc�rartt, oe as t�therwis� req�irf:� by Lender,
<br /> ancl tc� rnain[ain sut;h in�ura�ace for the terrn of th.:loan.
<br /> ,+��pl"reatirar� �€ €'ros:eeds. 3"rUst�ar sFsall �rci�ptly nt�ti€�,� Len�ier c�f any fnss or ci�m�r�� r�s th�Praperty: L�ndei mt�y
<br /> malce praaf �if i�ss if Trusto� fail:� tis dtr so within fiitsen ;SE�} days Qf th� c�s�alty. W#�efhes or nat l.ender`a
<br /> ��:;urit�is ini�aie€:�, L�nrl�r may, �t Lender's �$eGtion, re��ive arid retain the prnc�t�ds of any ir��tcr�nc�; �rd aF,�a6y
<br /> tlie �roceeds to [he redueti�n a� th�w Ind�btec€ness. payrnen� o# �ny li�;n atfet:ting th� F'rnp�rtY, pr t�e se�turNtica+-i
<br /> �neJ �e��ir o� th� I�rcaperty. If L��ad�:e elects tc� �p�ty �1-�e proc�eds tu rPsts�r�tic�n ar�d r�pair, l'ru.�ic�r shall rep�ir or
<br /> r��ilace ih� ��nl�r��ci or destrc�y��i Errtprtav�rn�ttfs in a mannEr satisfact�arK tc Lenr�er. �enr�ee sh�ll, i.i��an
<br /> sdiis�actor�� �tanf c�f 5vch �x�a�ncJitu,re, Pry or r�:irn�surse T'risst�r `rr,m th� prr�cc;?ds f�r th�: rQ�son€�bBw �o:tit uf
<br /> re�air ,�r re�rc�r�tion it Truste�f i� not in def�uiT ur��'er Chis C?e�d «f TYust. Arzy �rCsr;�eds wlzicti hsv�, nc�fi #aeeri
<br /> �iisi?urs�d vvit#�ia� 1 SC� d�y� af[�r t�i�is rc�r�i�[ and whsuPi �.eri�ier I,as nc�t cc,mmitt�:r� 't:. Fhe cepair or re:>fic��ation cif
<br /> the Pro�erty shall b� usec3 fir,t ta �ay anY. amount nwing tts l.�:r.d�r under this C3ee�1 oi Tri�st, then ta �ay �ccrue�
<br /> intereit, �ancl the r�ma#ncler, if any, �h<�li b� ap�#ied to Yhi� �rineipal t��l�nee G� rhe Inda�iE��r��ss, #f i:en�ief haEcls
<br /> any proceerls afCsr p�y�nzent ir� #ull caf tf3e I�d�tit�dness, su�:h �arc�eeeds �hall f�e �qid t;a "�rustur as �'rusiar's
<br /> snteresi� rs�ay a;sF�car.
<br /> Cam�6iance with �xis4iz�c� lnd�bt�drsr:ss. Quring the �erifld ir� which �ny Exi�tin� In�iPbt�:dn��s de�eri6stl L�a#ow is
<br /> dn eft�ct, cnmpl§ance witkl ih� insur�nce fr�U•isic,ns �cr�eai���d i:7 the i7strurnsrzt P�riclencing suGh Exi�tirrg
<br /> h�clehtedn��s sh�i€ �c�nstiiuie Gcsrr.p�ianc� with ihe irzsuranee �ravisions un+�er this Gee�i of T'ruaY, t� th� extent
<br /> etampliarac;� with ihe inrms of thi� �e�d a#Ttusi w�,uld r.t�ns3itiet� � clu�lscatir�n n# inst�r�nce r�c�viremenc. If �rzy
<br /> �rpr��d� irom the insuranc� �ecpm� pay�bE� prz It�s�. the pro�isi4ns in this i�eed of�"ru5t ��r divisit�ti �3'f �rtaceetl�
<br /> �hal€ �p�aiy�anly tr� thac�s�rtic�ri r�4 t?1� F�rot:�ec4�nat payah€F tca fhe hc�l�ier c�#t:h� �xi�tir�� Incl�t�tc�c9n�ss.
<br /> i.E�i�7�R'� �XP�Nf51TURES. If'Trus�or f�i'rs tA1 t€� ke�:p the. Pro�aert�,� fr�e �f all tax�;s, lien�, s�:curit�+ inter�st,,
<br /> �.�ciamhr<�nc�s, a�rJ nthFr clairi-s5, f�3) t� �t�vis�e �ny r�r�uie�:i i��ur�nc�; r�n th� Fraperty, I�'.] t4 ma3:e re�t�irs Lz� tfze
<br /> �'rugerty ur lu c�m��ly wdlh ariy c��iliraat`so� ta �r�ainiais� Existinr� I�zc�efat�cfrr�ss in gs�ud stat�c:inc� �s r�quis�cl t��low, t�iera
<br /> Lr�n:��r rri�y �o sca. If any ��tic�n �r �rc�c.eeriing is GUrrim�ncFci th�i vvc�uid mat�rially �ff�c, Lent��:r°s 'rns:er�.sts in thc
<br /> Prok�riy, r.nen l_endee pn Trusr.ar's behaEf ma�,�, bi�t ':s nc�t r�quireci tfl, r�kn �ny actior� rh,at I_encJ�r k�eli�ve� ta k?c;
<br /> z��suropriat� t� prr�tecr L�n��r's irst�r�s[s. Afi expeszs�s i�icurr�i� ar p�ai� by L�nnc�er far suchh �urpc���s will t#ien be�r
<br /> interest nt ihe rate �:ha�ge�i under tF�e wTe�it �lgfc.�menl ir�m ttie ci�t� incurre.� ar �ai� ��y L�ncter ,ci i3�e �iate �f
<br /> re�S�yrn�nY #�y Tru.�zr,r. Ali �a�ch expen5cs wi91 t,�come a �aart�f the Indebt�dnes�anci, at L��sder'S o}�xi�in, u�rilf tAi k�c:
<br /> �a:avabf�c�n dem�nd; {G} E�a a�l�tec� Cc� thie �alaszce nf tihe �ree#it Ac�reement anc� be app�rtianec� �monq ar�� �e pay�k�€e
<br /> with nny inst�llm.n,�t payments to bec�me tfue during Either t11 t:h�ferm af�ny aU�lic�t�ie insur��ce pa�icy; or t�J the
<br /> �err�airiinc7 Fer��n �f t?�e Creu'it �Sc�re�rnentr c�r ({;) �iN tre�t�d as � Ualfr�c,n ��yrn�nt�r.+hicli wil# l�r� r��.i� 8nr� payr��i1� 2t tlze
<br /> �reciii,�g�eemer�t'�rriatvrity�. TF�� �eg� �f�'rusY aise� vvill s�iute �avrnent�F thes� arnaunt,s. Tt-,� rir�hts �rav�der.i for iri
<br /> this ��r��raph shiall �c in adc�itiors Es� �ny o�hee ri�hts or.any rUm�.die:� to w�Oich Lencier may ��: �nFitle�l �n aeroe�nt �i
<br /> asly CE�Tault, Ar�y suc#1 $eti�s� �y L:ar�d�r sEz�i1 n�i k�� �or�s,r�eti as cusirtg the �tQfa�alt so as 2t� har l�e����:r trQrrt �ny
<br /> resned;,r t�at�t ot��r�rise w�auld hav�t�aci.
<br /> WAfiRANTY;�7EFEIVS�OF TITLC. 7Fie#olluevin� prr�visissns relaiin� [e��vJn�rsY�s�a c�f t�e �,ru��ny are a part cst Ehis Ci��ci
<br /> o€7���st:
<br /> Title. Trustar ivarrants that� ia1 �'�ii�tt,r #�n[ds gc;n� fir�r� n��rknt�h&e tit6e caf recprrJ t� t�� Prr,per�iy i� te� sim�lk;,
<br /> tr�e ar�s� c€�ar o{ �II Ji�rss anc! ericurnbr�nc�s otnee tl,�r� gl-,ose set lprth ir� t�� Rerl F'sc�perty da�aripti�r� cr irs ttzz
<br /> Fxisting Incis,htecir�ess sectoc;e� belca^sJ ar in a�y atl� ori�urance p�licy, ?it,� r�pcart, �r fiti�l Litl� Upinioca issu�ci ir�fave�€
<br /> cf, anc� �r�cepted hy. Lenri�r ir� ctrnn�:ctica� with this E�eec# �f`f'rr�si., <�nd (t�t '�tusic�r i�as thr: f��il right, �cav�fe,r, �r,d
<br /> auth�r�ty to�xec�rt� and d�I€ver thir ��ec� Q�Trust to Le��3�r.
<br /> Def�ns� taf Titf�. Suujeet ts_a th? exc��'tit�r� in tli� pRra�rR}�li al�csve, 'Tri_ist�r w�rrant� �nd will ttsrever c�ef�ncf th�
<br /> titi�tn the Pic�pert�+ �gains:ttie iawful cl�irns af all �a�r;���ns, ira tt�� ��;�nt ar�y actiar� �r pr+ac���in;� is cc�mmepzc�d
<br /> 2hat r�uesCions T�rust�r'S Eirle�r the inter�si�f 3�eF�sts:� or l�end�r uncler this peQc� of Trust, �rastti�r sl-a�ll def�;n;� ihc
<br /> ac:tic�ri at Trustor's �x�en��, Tr��stUr rx»y[�� th� narrsir��l �a�ixty i� such� }�rc�e�:�c#ing, hut [_eoztlez� sheil t�� �:iitii3ed �u
<br /> �rartici��at�: in th� �rtrce�riir�r� and tta be re�aresente� in the �rr,��:ee�iing �Y �t�unse€ caf Len�iir's cswn ch�oic�, 3rd
<br /> 7rustr�z wall cJeliu�r. or r;ause tc� b�: cf�Iiuc�c�, ao i_.cn��r�uch ir,�trum�:nts as Len�lnr �3y requa.>t f€am tim�, ra tirnc
<br /> t� j3��rRit SUGlz pa�rtiCi�aaticin,
<br /> ��rnp6e�r�ce V�Ii4h La�uv�. �i rustur wai�r��ts ifzvt t�� Pra�Pr�y and Trusior's crse of th� Fr��eri�,� comglses vsrir.h �I!
<br /> er.isiing �p�,#icat?le lavus, ardi��ances, ara�i �egulatsins r�f y�v�rnr�z�rital �uthari�i�s.
<br /> 54rrviva9 af Fraendses, Ati ��rr�rnis��, ��r�s:ms;nts, and statersier�ts a rusts�r Itas rna�� ir: Lhsis D��c1 of �"Fust sh�li
<br /> surviv�tti� ea�cuti�rE �nr� r�elivery�f tE�is C3eed of�B�r€�st, shali he Gortinuir� in nature <�nct shaE( remain in fuii forcr-.
<br /> ancJ eff�ct untid suc�+tim� �s E3acrowe�'s Ir�r��I�isdri�ss i� pai� ira fufl.
<br /> �2tISTIIVG E41�{�Ef3"�'[nE11ESS, a 6-t�,filf�crvviric� �res�dis3or+s cnnc�rndrir� Exist:�g lndek,tec�n��a erE t�F�t�rt n¢this l3er�ti of�rust:
<br /> Exi�Yi�g Lien, The fi�n raf t�tis peed of `i'rust s�c�rin,y tfi� Iszd6E�t�i�ness may t�e seccnclary ai7�f in3eric>r to �n
<br /> Fxisting lien, '�r�rstc,r expr�s:�ly eavvnants �nd agreu� t�, gaav. �r se� to the pay�m:ent of, th� Exi�t#ny fnd�bt�dn�s�
<br /> aricl iQ �r�varft aozy cleiault on stf�#�incieEir�ciness, �ny cfct3ult i�ncf�r zhfti ir���rurrzsnr.s evirl�nr.ing surh ins�el�t�sin�.:as:
<br /> or ariy d�€auft �arzd�r any sEeurity r�ocurr�er-�ts#ar such� i�iciet�tedn�:sy.
<br /> 6Vo IVlrsdifica#€nn. ��^€�st�ar sh�U rscat �r�t�r irsta any ayre�tn�nt �vatii #he holder of �ny mcrtc�a�a, deecJ nf trsast, c��
<br /> c,th�r s�cu��r.y agr�E:m�:nt which has priority auer this Cse�d ,a�F 7rust by whic�� that a,yre�rrrent is m:zdifiec�,
<br /> Qmer��led: �at�t�dpd, ar renewe�i withoiat th� �rinr vrrritts;n cs�ns�nt of Lersrier. TrusYr�r shzali n�ithex rec�u�:5r nnr
<br /> �c�:�.�t a���r f4ru€e adv�nie� und�r ar�:y suclz s�eurity ar�ee�rrieait uvithnui 2P�e priar wr�ti�r� con�ent p#LPrrla��.
<br /> COIVDE�4'iIUATI(�N. TP�e ictllowing E�r�ti�isic�rr� r�fatisty 'to Gand�rnnation pr�c;�er_1in�S ase a part ot thi� L�a�c;Qf�t�rust:
<br /> Pracsedings. If anv �r�ac��e;in� iFi cGn�ernn�tian is filet�, 'rustus' �h�l! �roni�t(y n�ti#y i_�ncier i� Lwriting, a:n��
<br /> 7rtlstnr sh�El pr�rnptly take such ste�:s as rnay� b� n�Cessary to def�nd t#Ye aetipr� and ��taia� tf3e awart�. �i�ru�it�r
<br /> may t��th�;nnm�nal�arzy in s���h�Srt�ceeding, t�ut 1:e���r:�halE be�ntii;��tc��articinate i� th�; proeee�fing�nr�ta be
<br /> re&�r�sented in the p�ot'�escling tsy 4ounsul o# its aw'n cho'rc�, and i�rustc�r wil# deEiver as c�rusa to �e �eliver�c� tci
<br />