<br /> �3��� �F "��i�S�'
<br /> ���� r��: ��a������7 tGr�r����cu�dl ���� �
<br /> �f trhe Pr�F,��i1+, or�r�y part;�er�e#, ir�its qvvr, nams or in;he narrs� �f T'rcpstea, :�nrJ cia �ny �cts ��1-,ach it
<br /> ci��:,�-�� neee�sary or des�r�ble to pr�serve the v�6u�, marketability�r rQrrta�sitity caf ttl� Prop�rty, or g�arz v�f
<br /> if�� Pro���rty or`srit�rest i� it;� Prc��ai�rty; ir7csease tE�e iri�.orrie €rc�m th� Prc��.erty�r prvte�t the scc�riry o�
<br /> the f'�s�pertyr and, witF, �r witFio�t taking p�,sses.�:r�� �;t the Pro�e�ty, su�s fic�r or ot9�erwise cnllect the
<br /> r�nt�; +ssu�� ancl ,esrbtifs of the F�rop�rty, in�i�clinc� tfiuse past ciue an�i urb�aaicl, anc3 a�pl� the ��r��:, l�ss
<br /> ccasts an�i��perise4 or opee�teon�r�d �ollection aitarne��s` f€=,es;ts� �r�y i�c€ebt�cEn�ss sec�r�r# by this C?e��
<br /> c�t Trust, al! in such r�r�I�r r�s L.Pnder rn��� cieterr�7ine. Tl�e �nteris�c� u�on and takiric� �aoss��siota �f fh�
<br /> �'r�party, �h,e �c�liection r�f such r���Es, 3ssues arid �.�ra�its, ansi the applir.atic�n therrtio� sh3ii nat c�ire r�r
<br /> w�i��e any r�e#ai�it ar n�#ici� c�f c��:f�u1t zmder ihis l�e�d of Ts�sst ar Fnvaiitiat� �ny aLt ct�ne in r��ponsw to
<br /> �uch d�fault oe�,s�r-s�ar�t tc� suvh netoce af cJuf�ulE; ���ti, n�tv�iEhstandir���ttte ccantirivanc� i:rs pc�sses�yan of
<br /> ttlw �'rop�r[}r or ttie c�,ilectior�, x���i�t an�1 af��li�aatiQn os�ers#s, issue:� i�r p�ofi9ts, �r�osi�r-. or I_�n�cr �h�i3
<br /> be �nf±tl:ed to exnrr.ise every ri�hg �ravici�d far in the C�e�iir Agre�:menz ar tt�� Fi�J�t��l L�ocusnents or i�y
<br /> �aw upon zh� occ�rrence flf any�vent�f c��fa;�It, i�Tciudir�� ths r��i�t t�exer�ise th� �a�wer of sain;
<br /> ik�) Cacz,n�a�ce ar� �cti��n tQ f�,r�clas�t3�i� C�e��1 v#T�u�i as a rnort9a9�, a}a��aint a receiv�;r oF s�iecifical�y
<br /> Wnforce�ny of the cavanants h€:re���f, and
<br /> �c} �?e[i�r�r tca Trus��e � avriYten c���i�ratic�n n#zl�faulY�nd d�m�ncf fear�ai� anci a writ�-r.n n�ti1.e c�f deYzia#t
<br /> and eleetian F�caus�Trusinr°s interest in the Pro#�erty t� t�� st�#rJ, which ricti��Tru�EF� �}ie111 Grltls�tc� l��
<br /> tiuly fii€�tk fc�r reci�rtd cn thQ���ropritZTe offices rf the Cour�cy;r�v�ihi�;h iPi� Prti�erEy is IracaE�t�;dr�d
<br /> (d) Vl+iths rFspc;�t tn 31# c,r;�r�y p��rt c�f 4.h� ��rsnn�l Propat•Cy, L€�nder�17�€I hau� a�l thr rig?pts �n�1 r�rra�di��
<br /> gf� sec+�rec par[�Yr uncier tki� �Je�arask� �nif�arm C�zrrirn�reia€C�*t�c�.
<br /> Foreclasure I�y Pawar�r#5�t�: If l.ende� elects tu fc�r�c#ca�e k�y exercis� of th� p��er c:f �a9� hetein ccini�ineii,
<br /> L�n�iEr shall nutifk� Tru:��t�:�: :�nd :�hali ci�pa9it vvfih Tr�st�� thi� E�eer! ��rf ��riisx �rsd the C:r�r�it Ar�r�en�ent anc�
<br /> s�ch recc i�ts and Pvidsncs t�f�x�enciit�res ma�e an�i�ecus•es� by ti7is E�eeci of Trust�s Trust�e r�ay requir�.
<br /> {a} U�on re�eir�t af s:;tch tzrtice frano L�rrcler, 7ru�te� shali cauae to kse reeart€e�, p�zk�lish2d Mn�d deEiv&red
<br /> to Tru�tor such hdoti�� a� #]efault anti Nots�a af ��le as �hen requir�;d by I�w �nt� tsy Xhi� �anci �f Tru�t.
<br /> .T�rugz�� sh�Il, wstl-tnut �f�rn�nci �n 'Trd�stc�r, �fiter sur,h tim� as m�y then 6�; raqe:iree� by E�c�r ar�d afFar
<br /> recordati,n of su�3-s N��ice e�f FJ�f�ult ancl afxer Ncticr ot S:ai� izavirzy k;��n �ive�i as r�tgu€rec! t�y €aw. sell
<br /> th� Prs�F��rty ac the time an� �alac� nf s�l� fixet� �y it in sueh Rtc�tice �f Sale, es[hPr �s � wh�i�. �r in
<br /> se�are�t�: tc�ts or��rr.els�7r ite�ns as Trustee sE�al3 cieea�-� ex�ez�iQnt, a�7� ':n suel� orc��r �s i# e�ay d�t�rrt}ynw.
<br /> �st�uk�lic �u��:iun cu th� hi�#tl�st �ir�d�r for c�sfa €n lawful �nc��ey t�f tk�� Urzit�� �tat�� pay�kil� at th�tirne�
<br /> of ;;a#e; Trustee sh�li d�Eiver to such pu�chaser or purch�s�rs i�ereofi its t�c�a�i anrf sufftcier�fi cie�d �r
<br /> d�eds cdnvc�ying z17� �ari�p€;�ty so s�#d, but withuut �ny c�uen�n£ r�r uv�rranty. expr€�ss d�- 'rmpli�d, '1"iz�
<br /> r�citals in s��;h c�e�d of any m�ztte�s rar faits shall k�� conci�sive pr�csf af �17� Erwt�j#ulness thereai. Any
<br /> �er�on, ine9uding withnut lirni�F�izi�n Trust��r; Trus�e�r �r L�:t�der, rr����urr,h�:�e �at.��och sal�;,
<br /> ih9 As m��y �� p�rmitted by I�vv, afier .#vduuting al� as�sts. fee:, ancf �x�€�nsea af Trustee ai�d n# ihis
<br /> 7�rust. i��lue�ing eost�rsf�vi��nc� ci#title in cr,r�n�ct:�n with saie, Pru�tee sl�all ��pf��the �raeseds c�t sa3�
<br /> to payment raf lij s!I su�ns ��penc�er� un�ier the te�ms �f th"ss C3��d u#Trust ar un�ier the terms of the
<br /> C:�e:�it ,4c,ecerrent nn� tt�en re��riri; ir�clut�ing L�€3�i r�r,t lirnii:�ef tr� �c�ruccl interesr anel i�t€� r.h�rges, iii} �II.
<br /> Qt€�er st�mG tf�es� ss:cur�d harefay; and (iii) the rem�ir±�ies, if�ny,fia� tl�e �exson or p�:-sarzs iEs�211y entitl�.ci
<br /> thcreti�,
<br /> 4r.} "frusr:e� r��y in th�rri�nn�r prc�vic��d by I�w �ar�stpor+€,s�l€a af�U car�ny parYiun r�f thc F'r�i�i�rFy.
<br /> I;eerEedies N�4 ExcBusiv�. Truste� and �.end�r, arsd eaeh u}f th�rr�; �hall be ent':tled tv en#�rce ��V�ent and
<br /> pertnrm+anr,�r�t any ind�btr:�ine�.�c;r��lig�tir,ns.aecured by ahis l�ee�4�f Trust an�! ta exer�i�e<:i! ra�hts e�n� �c,wfrs
<br /> und�r this be�u� af �£�rusC, ut�e�er tize C;redit A�r�em�rst, unc'ler �ray ofi tE�P F?ela£�r� �ocuments, or unsler �riy oth�:r
<br /> a{�rE�rri�:ni or arsy laws nosnr +�r t��r�after irz fore�; r�atwiths€andirg, sarn� c�r �!S af suc� incfeiatedn�ss ��td
<br /> �bli�atinns sP�ur¢c� tay this ���;ed afi 3'r��st rr�ay nerw s�r h�re�ft�r ka�; catY�prwise secur�rl. whether Fiy mc�rtgz�te, d���
<br /> :�f irust, p��iic�e, [i�n, �ssigni��.i�� or ntf�etw3�e. Naith�e t�e acr.eptance r�f thi� �?e�:c1 esf Trt�s[Rpr it� er�#c�rcement,
<br /> whE�th�r k�y cc�urt ��;tfca� crr purs�ant to th� p�w�r caf sai� sar tsi'r��r ps�wers cUn[�ineci in Ehis �eE��i uE Trust, sFiall
<br /> �ar�j�i�iic� nr i� any manns�r afft;r,t Trusi��'s car Lenci�r's right t� r�alize u��n n� �:nfs�rce any �-zthr:r s�:�urity n�avv� r�r
<br /> he�4atte.r h�IrJ tay 7r�st�e or Lend�+, it��ir�� z�c�r��c�24��t 7r:�:s[�a anci Ler��er, and �z�cf� af th��:�n; shal! lie �i�tiYlsd,o
<br /> enf�,rcr this Deed af Tru�t anci �r�y rat�er<�ecurity ncw o� here�ftPr i�el�i UY �-�n�er c�r�'rust�a €n suc�� ord�F and
<br /> re�r nn�r �� fh�y or �tCh�r r,f thr rn m�y in t�ei� �b:�olute discrGti�n detcr�ninc; Nn rerner�y r,anferrer� (�pr�n t�r
<br /> r��ar��d Eo Trust�� or l:ertciar, is irttesi�ecJ 1� fa� ex,clars'sve c�'� any rather rer;ierJy itT the� �eeci �t ��rvst csr l�y I�yu
<br /> �rc�vir3ee# s�r noerr�ittpr�, Mut �;ach >hail be cumul�tiue a�� sharl be �n addiiion tcs every ocher r���dy giverro En tt3.is
<br /> [?se�� uf Tr�,sst or n��uv c�r h�r��#tar existi�� �t I�w c�r in ec�ui:y or ta+� st�tfaze, �vcry ¢�c�wer �,r r�:m��Jy giu�n p}r the
<br /> C:r��c�it l�gr�err�er�t n� any ��f th� f�siatee! C?�currt�3�Es tt� Trust�e u� L�ea�clpr r�r t� which eiiher c�# tl�erTa rr,a:ti� U�
<br /> ut�7erwi5e entst��iJ, n-��y h�: exercis�r�, �:�r��urrentiy ur inr�e�senderstEy, fram time t�a time and as oftrn �s may t�e
<br /> ci;�ernetl axpe�ierit t�y �r�ste€� Ui• LEntJ�r, ai�d �i�het tafi them rra�y pursue tneonsistent r�mer�ies. Nnthin� in this
<br /> peecJ �,f Trust shail t�e cc�nstsued as protii�iting l.�rzd�r frpm �e�kinq q defi;;ienGy ;�reiyrn�r�t €�ga�risi fhe Trustor to
<br /> the extent cu�h aet:ion is �aerrnitted hy iaw�,
<br /> Ele4t€Q�i of RPrt�edi��. All af l.encier'� ri�his Zne� remQcties wil� fa� cejrnealative <rrs� m�y be exercis�d �lc�rz�: or
<br /> ir�.yPther; ff L��der��ui��s Ic s�sen�E rrzdr��y ur ics p�rf�F�n ar�y �f Trus'tor's�lalic��ti4n� ��7der this �]ee�1 �fi 7r��5'tr
<br /> aft.cr Trusanr's f�#furc; tc c�c� so, t#�a't:i�et:isirar� �y �en�ier �ili ne�t affect Le�c�e�'s righY t� ciec#are Truste�:� in e€e#ault
<br /> and t� �xereisg LEnd�r`5 rernn,dir.5,
<br /> Rc�q�aest frar�le�ti��. TrUstc;r, on beh�lf of Tr�istnr�:�d I�err�l�r; #iernl�y requests that Ga caF�lt�f zny�loti�.e �f f�ef�ult
<br /> and a ca�y ca# any N�,tic�. nf a�ls un�fer this l�a�c�c�f Tru$t t�� rnd'sis�� t�ttz�r�i at tt}w acidr��sss swt fiorti� ir-� t�w fi�•sc
<br /> nz�r�grr��sh o#iYsis C3eed r�f'��:��t,
<br /> Aftoenetis' F�es; Exgee�ses. 1f l.�nd�r ir,stitutes any sa�it or action ta �n€oree ariy c�f [Eie [�rrns Uf �h%s ��>�ci ��f
<br /> i rust, ��an��r shdfi �iP �ntitlei� te rer:4uflr such s4�:�-s 3s ihe e��arr may <�dj�fdge reasanal�I� �r� att,�rne!/s' fees at tri�31
<br /> and upc�n an'y� apR�al. VVfiEiiher or rzt�t any �ourt actiUrF is Jnv�ilv+�d, �nd tu thie �xt��zt r�aC pr�hilaiEecl by l�u�, �ili
<br /> rea,�onal�le �xprnses l:�;nd�r inrurs ihai in l:�nder's a�iniun �zre r,eces5a�y at any tirnE f�r th�. �rt�teciior� �f its
<br /> irrterest r�r the entcirc�ir��nt df sts xi�h£s s�tali bec�,rzz�; a �iarF cit rh�: indcbx�dne:�s pay��hle �n r�em�nd anc!shaiP hcar
<br /> intE±`est aE the Cradit ,Agreement rat� frosn the c1aFe �,f the exu�nditura un#il re�aid. �x�set�ses �ovQrerl hy ;his
<br /> �a�ragra�ah in�::ud�:> 4uitheiut limitai:iar�, hawaver sut�jEct to an��limits und�r ap�licah6e I3tiv, Lender's �ttarn�ys` ,ees
<br /> �rpd �.erF�f�r's ler�ad ex��ens�s,. wk7ether r,r nca3 tl7�re is a I�wss�it, incluc�ing alt�smey�' #ces and �x�en5�s far
<br /> taar•�kru�tuy+ prc�c��s�ir�ys (inctudiri� �=i4s�rts to ntvdify or v�c�t� a�y autc�m�tic siay c�r injursr,�i�sn), a�pe�ls. and any
<br /> anticsp�tec� �c�st-juclym�nt r.t�llection s�rvic�s, th� cost c�f searr;f�iny rsi�ri�s, tabt�inin� titl� re�a�rts sir3clur�irig
<br /> fir�reclusur� reaor�s}; suryey�ry' re{�c�rrs, a�ci appr�isai z���s, i�tle ins�ir�nce, anc! fecs f��the l"r�Fstee, ta the�xter�t
<br /> #��rrxxitt�+i ��yr���licable law. Trustor�Esa wsli pdy dr�yy�.aurt ccsst�, ir� at�ciitio,z�c�z�El �iher sunis ��r�ui��d :iy;av+r.
<br /> �?ights af'd'rust�e. Trt�st�3e sfZt�ii f�ave a€I o€'tfte rdyhts �nd ciuti�s Uf L�nr_ler as set farth in this sQctiflr�,
<br /> PQWERS ,4RI[)C}RLEGATItIRI� f}B=�"RiJS���. Tf3e fa�liawir�r� pravisi�arss r�INtinq tra [h� p�wsrs �r�d ral�liga?ions rrf 7rust�.�
<br /> arP Part+�f tf�is t��ec�af Triist;
<br /> ��sur�rs c�f Truat�c. In atic�iiinr�tcs alE p�w�rs�of Tr�astes arisirtq as a snatter o#law, Trust��sh�l� �aue i�e pc�wer ro
<br /> ta£�� the fc,#Inv��inr� �r,tions +r.rith respect tcr�he Prop�rYy i�pc�thc�vrigY�n r�;que,�i a�1_ent�e� �anr� Tr�E�toe; (a) jo�n ir�
<br />