<br /> ��E� f��' �'��ST
<br /> �.�a� �€�: s������z� ��c�r��er�u��1 p��� 2
<br /> cc3ntr�l a3�I�e f'roger[��; (21 use, aperat�: or rnar3age fihe i'i'[apertY: �nd d3! c411ect tl» F��nZc fri�sn ttiw Pr�iperty.
<br /> 47uty to 3��inC�in:. 7rutitcir sFsall m�intain f?�n, F'r�7pe�rty ?n ;yorati Cc�sit�itior� an� ptc�fst�tiy ���rf�r� �£I r�p�'t��,
<br /> se�alacan�eni�, �nd m�int�nar�Ge �ecessAry R.ea �rc�serue it� valu+:.
<br /> Casnpii�nce WW�ih Env"sr�rzrra�n��! L�w�. 7rust�r r��xc;�er�t:� �nd u,��rrarits ta L�n�l�r th�t. {11 C3u�9n�� the �iRriod nf
<br /> l"cu�tor's i�t�rnershi�nfi the Pr���rty� tt�wr�I�a�laQer+ �i� use.genera�i�nn, �sanufacture, stor���, treatment, c1fs��U�al.
<br /> re3ease ar thrc�atc;ned eeie��e of �ny� N�xarclous �u6star�c� tiy ar�y �ersars e�n, unclar, abeui or firom thc: Pro�erty;
<br /> {fl Trustor has no kr�au,riedye �af; �r reason t�; t�+:licve thai there nas bc:er�. �xce�t �s previ��usly r�as�E�,sed t� and
<br /> ar,kncaw3edg�d by Lentlsr iri rr,rritEng, (�} an�i :�rea�h oa vir�i�tir�n �€ any En�ironrnenral �.aw5, it�i ariy us�,
<br /> genPration, +�ar�ut�ctur�, sX�r���, treatmunt; dis�aosm#, r�#�as� or threatr;nec§ rele��5� of any f-lar.�rcl�us 5uhst��c«
<br /> on, ur�der; at�out ar fror�i the �'r��erty t�y any {�rinr o�uners ur accu�ar3ts c�f the �raW�rty, or ;c1 �ny �c�ual tir
<br /> tl�reat�n�� IiCi�aYi�an <�r �fa':rrts Uf any kirrd t�y �ny pers�ar reE�ting tas 5uc3� zr�atters; and 13? Exc�pt a� �ar�viqusly
<br /> c�iscl�?sec�tr� arz�a�l�nt�wle�#get�i �y l.a:r,rf�r ir� Uurrtiir��. {a} neither'frustrar n�r ar�y te���nt. cc�ntr�r,trrr, ayent ar vtl3cr
<br /> auth�rir�d vs�s o¢the Pr:3p�riy� sh�ti ��s�. �en�ratF, mar�u#aetur�,stor�, trtat, dis�c�s� �f c�r r•�:IgA�e A�y Hazars�;�us
<br /> �ut�stanc�:t�n; un�er, s3��aut�r frort� the 3'rc�{�erty; ancl {I�# �ny;;uch��tivity�hall U� cc�nductec� iri p�am3�lianGe Uvi[h
<br /> ail ap�ticahle fc�t��r�il, sT.at�; ant) lo�al laws, rigulati+�i�s �rr� s�rdinnnce�, inr,i�#ding w3Yhtaut iirttit<atiearl �3I1
<br /> C�vironmerat�sl �aws, Trustor �sathnr�x.�� t_ander and its ��ents !o �:nt�r u,�csn tPiw Pro�erty to mafi�� s�sch
<br /> ins�-;�-;ction� and test�, at 'fra�tcrr`s ex�Rr,se, as Lei�e�€�r rnay rJeem ���ro#��iate ro cietermin� curn�li�nc� cif tiz�
<br /> Prt�g�er[y witM tl�:� :5ectaon a# tF3� Qeec� �af Tr�St. l�ny in��aecci�ns ��r tr:sis n-sa�ie F�y L.�nder sh�li i3� fc�r L�ntit�r`s
<br /> �ur�os�s Qriiy and shall 1ot he �[�nsttu�r�ta create �r�y rEspafisik�€lit�r r�r li�t�ilaty�r�.ikze }�arS r�f Lef7c7er to 7rustor �ir
<br /> tn �ny c�ther ��;ruon. 3he repr�s�nt�ntic�r�s �ncl warranties et,nt�ined hrer�iro are based ot� Trustor's �iu� cislic7ence in
<br /> ir�v�s;is�a*ines the Frc�perry f,�r t-i���rclaus• Su�sianees: Tru�t�r ��ereby i11 rc:BEases anrl waiv�;s �ny�fiuiure �I�irns
<br /> ay�ir�st l.�n��r for- 'snderrsnrty ar c�nftrbutif�n in i��c ev�;nt Tru��ar �es:�imes tiaGle ��r cEeanu� crr otl��s ca�is unCE�r
<br /> ar��r ss�ch law+rs; �nd 12# ayre��ta iri�Seri�nily, dete�c€, �ncl hcl�1 harml�s> L�;r�c��;r �g�inst any.�ntf �II cEaitns, Ic�s:•as,
<br /> li�biiiti�s,d�mac�est�err�iti�;s, ��ct ex��cr!��;s vuhi�h �.�n��r ir�ay r�irer_.tly ur i�directly stast�in f�r si�ff�:r re:3ulting irfla-�
<br /> � t�r��ch u3 t��i� s�i;tion of thc. �Qe� �if Tre[st �r �s � r,c�nsequ�nc� c�f any �s�. �����ratie�n, .nan�sfacture, siora�e,
<br /> dis#�osa€, tele�s4 Wr t�reatertet� relQasa raccua°i�r�� prie�r to 3'rs�stt�r's t�wt�er5a�ip t�r iniee�si i�r th�: �ro�3�rtti�, uvhether car
<br /> rsnt t�7� 5arne Lvas ur shawl� h�rvp be�n kr���w�z tG �`rust�r, 7"he �ar�uision� �i this secticin of th�; f�eed �f Triist,
<br /> inc.iusiinc�the d�13g2tion tr� incle;r�nify nnd t1ef�:nt1, uhuli surviVe th��ayrr5en'E�f Ghe lr�cJ�t-rterin�ss ar�rl the satisfiactaa�
<br /> ar��i recQnv�yance c�#t#�� I"sen o#this f3e�ct af l�r�ast an� �hall not be afSecFed by E.�nder's ac�uis#tii�n af any interw�b
<br /> in the Pr��flrty, wh�iher Uy�fare�lusur�e�r rsti-,erwis�:
<br /> IVuisar�Ge, U1f�ste, l'rusiiar �half rz�t cause, cc�nci�ct r�r �€:rn�it any n�is�nec nnr r.�irnmst; �ermEr; ��r su€fer any
<br /> stripp�ing r�f ae ����xe at� ,�r io the Proper��� or araY �ic�rtion c,f th� �'ru�erty. Witt����t 1'rmifinc� thr3 ��:n�raEity� r�f ihe
<br /> fr�r�z�csir���, l"r•��tror�vil# n�;t r�mrsvc, c,r gr�nt ro:�s�y other pariy thc; rig�t?a re:-�o�i�, any Yi�r.ber, rninera3s (in�:ludi�g
<br /> c�il �fnd qasi.s:c?al. clay, scaria, soi€: �raus�l c�r rock�rc,�Jia�.ts �.vinc��ue�Gn�Jer's�rinr written cQrrsen�.
<br /> Remcav�l c�fi lmpra�veaszer�ts, Trustar•s1��11 r��t riemalish r,r r�mnve 1ny Irrzpr�iv�;ment:>frarra the Fteai P��n��rty with�::,t
<br /> Lender's peiar tivritten cc�ns�nt. As � �+anciitivn to tti� rem�val crf any Iars�rovernents, L�n�f�r m�y rr�c��,ir�Tfi�,sior te
<br /> rnaka arr�r,gern�n�s �atis��r.xt�ry to Lencier ta re��lace such, Jrnpcme�ements witt� fm�rrav�rri�n�� of at least �yupl
<br /> 'v�lu�.
<br /> Len�er's Ri�ht xo �r�#er. t_end�r an� ��ndnr'� age��s �n� r��r�;�rntat�ues m���r enter u�c�n th�; fie�i Prc,�:rty at ail
<br /> re,ase;nat�l� t'sm�s �o atten�j tU Lenri�r's i�,t���sts arrd �o u�s�act t#�e t�aai f're�perty foe �ur�,os�s< cf -f�rust:r's
<br /> cr�m�li�nr� sviih tli�terms�nd e�nr�itic>ns of ihis Qeed t�f Trust:
<br /> Gon�pliaaic� u�+9th �ov�rnmer�ta! R�:qu"srements. Trustc�r shall �ram�stly Uortip€y� w�'sth all law•s, c�r�in�r;c�s, and
<br /> r��tuf�tio�as, ri�aw c�r �Sereaf�er in �if�et, �f all c��v�rnmE;nt�l 3�rthnrities ap�slica�l� tc, the tise or accup�rsay� e�f th�
<br /> �'rc��erty; Trustor rn�y�worttest [�7 g[aaci faith ar�y suuh law, rar�ir�ari�:�, r�r rei�uE�tis�»and withhc�lcl cUrn�Eiarrce �1u�irir7
<br /> any �Srpc�ed#ng, 3�ciuding �ppro�sri�te a�peal�, �o lony as Trus€ar h�� notifiecl Lenci�:r in urritir�c� �rior tr� d�iing scr
<br /> �nd s� lot��� as, r�7 l.e��er': safe o�irii�n, LBnd�r`s snteres�s sn the F�rop�rty ar� nc��j��pardir�ci. I..e�r1�r�rsay requirc�
<br /> 'Tru�for ta �e�st ad,ec�u�te S�cGrit�r�r a se�reiy �G�d, reas�r�a�1y��t'sstactary ta l.encler, tcr prot��.t l.en�ier's ir�t�r�.st.
<br /> iSu�N tm Proteci: Tru�tor agr��es neith�.:r ta abai�dc�ri o� I�ave undttenc3a�,� tt3s F'�c��ar�rty; Trustur s�ral; da aif ath�r
<br /> �Gts, in �dc�a2ic�n to tf}c,5e acts set fiorr.Pa aF�nve in�his s�czitan; whieh frflm the c:�aract�r ar.c3 use of thfi Pro�erty ar�;.
<br /> reasorsably n���ssary irs pratPct and Preservr=Tize Pr4F3er'�y.
<br /> C1t1�'QiV SA\L�- CC3f�5�N�'�Y E�9'dC���i, Lerz��r rnay� at Lenr�er'�-o�tior�: decla��ii�r����iat��y dise �nd ��yatale all suc-r�s
<br /> ser.us�:�i by thi� C7e�� af�ruwt upon the saie or�ransfer, v�ittrUut Le�€�er's �aeicrr writ�c�n �ar���r�[, a€ all or arr,� ��rt of t�e
<br /> I�eal prp�erty, ar any inter�st in the Real i'roperty� A "sale ar tr�nsfvr°' mean�ihe �anv�yanc� c�f Re�3E�'rc�perty t�r any
<br /> tigt3t, ti[l� tsr it�tare5t ir� the ��a'� Pr���rtY; �'a9��:.Eit�sr le�ai, Y�enei'icial or ec�uita�ale; urheth�r vofuntt�ry as invcil��r�Y�ry;
<br /> v�rFict#�er t�y r�utt;g3�t s�le, ci��ccl, i�stailm�:nt sal�= c�ntr�s:t, lancl cc�ntraet, c�>>tract fiar ci�ee�, leasehold int�rsst avitki a
<br /> t�rrn gr�at�r thaxi fhr�� (u} y�aes, leas�-o�ftipr d;oattract. c�r b�� szle; �ssignm�nt, ar tr�r��f�r �sf any br:n�fEci�al inYr-.rest in
<br /> c�r t�j any I�n� trusE h�t�iiF�g £�tle Lc� th� H�:al �rc��,erty, �,r by any other rr�eth4c! nf r,an^vey��c� nf an #nt�rest i�z the Reai
<br /> Pro}�erty. #-€�wi€:ver, itzis a�tic�n shaEi n�t k�e 2xetcised �Y Lencl�r ii sUcPz �x�r�cis� is �rohifait�c� t�y fiec��ral law er �Y
<br /> IVc:br�slca iavu.
<br /> 7AX�S ,AN[3 l�l�EifS. Txir f�lEcrwiiag �r�vi�i�ns r�lating tv the ta�ees and lic�s an th� F'rnperty �re �Za3r;flfi this L7e��i of
<br /> 7'r�,st;
<br /> Paymer�t, -['ru5le�r�#�PI!{�t�y�,vhen dt�� fanci in a11 e�e�tCs �rinr to clQiinc{u�nryl �il tt�x�s, �p�r.ial t7xr��, �sse�ssm�;nt�,
<br /> ch�rt7e� [includ'rnc; wat�r arfr� 5��,�r�r}, fine:s a+�c� irnPasitions levied ay�inst Qr an a4ec,unt of tt�� Pro�ie�ty, and sha#I
<br /> �ay u{hE� �L�� �II t:l�3irn5 f�r ws�rk ciorr� t�n c�r f4r S�Cvlcfls rE:nd�retS �r �r�Y�rial turn?5hed ,o the F'r��s�:rty. �'rustor
<br /> sha1P rr�air�t��ri th� Paa}��rFy fr�e of al! li�s�s ha���arc� priority over�r��ual tc� t178 interes� �f LPn�er �snder this�eeci crt
<br /> Tr�st, exrept frar ti�e lien �f ta��s a:�c� a�aessrnenrs ni�t d��, �xu��t far ttTe �xistiri� Irid�bt��in��s r�;fea�r�� t�
<br /> belc��r�, �nd exce�t as ri:h�rvJi�e reoui�f�r_l #n 2his �eed a#"�rust.
<br /> Rrr��t t� G�r�t�est. �frtssxi�r may�n�i�nh�ld }�aym�nt�f,�r��tax,�s5�s�n��ni,cr claim in r,onner.Tion w#t�s <� grsoci f�itF3
<br /> �is��t� raver iPie c�blif��ti�n t� p�y,se, I�rsr� �� Lentler.�s interesi ir� thw F��•Q�erty is ndr j�c,pard`srQti. #t � ii�n �ris�s c,r
<br /> is filed aa a rest�ft of ncnpaym�n.. Trustor shail v+�ithii� fifte�n (15! daYs aiter th� li�ii aris�s c��, if a lierr is fil�c#,
<br /> srJrthin fiii�Q�n (1'ij i�ays �izer 'frustc�r ha� �oxi�d o#fhe fif�nt�, s�cure t�re dist�ha�ge of Y.h€; lien, ar if rCqu�sted t�y
<br /> l:end�r, r�e��sit tiv3lh,l�entier ca�h wr t� suff?ciwnt�:c�ru�ra[�5urety bpsic�c�r itliet s€�uurity satistdcir�ey iri L�sttif r isi�r�
<br /> �maun� sp�t#icient tc :fi:>eharge Fh� Iiea pEus �ny t.osrs and attarn�:;�s' €e�s; or oth�r chary�s that Go��l�i acuru� a� a
<br /> result r�#�torec€osur�c�r salF unr�er the lien: In�ny cc�nre�2i �rustcar�hall��et�nci it�elf aati Lender�ncf shali satisfiy
<br /> �r�y advess�juc€grnent befare �nfUr�.�rnent ac�air�st the F'r�p�rty. Trust+ar sha�l r�arne�.enc9�r a$ an adc3izie�nal c�idi��e
<br /> t�n��:r any surety L��Jnci fiurnish��i 'tn FhC �;ontcst pro�;t,ecli�c�s.
<br /> Ev�dence<oi �°aymen�. Tru�tor �haEl upan �ernar�d furnish to �en�er ;;atisfaciary�vide�ce oi payment oP dhe taxes
<br /> �e �ssPs�mer�ts an�s7�aJ� autherizr th�: ap�ropriate gc�v�rnrnf;ntal esi�icoa! re; c9�lsv�r ta L�rrc�er �z any tirne �i writr.er�
<br /> stat�m�r�t ufi'th� t�x�� ar�� asssssr»ents aqairzst th� F'rc���sty.
<br /> �Eoti�e ok ��nstructi�ar�. Trustcar shali r�a[ify l.�s�der at least fi'rffeen (151 days betcr� �rny +r�rork is comrneiiced, �,r�v
<br /> ��:r�iEc:4s ar� �urnish�d„ rr�ny m3fi�ri�is are sup�3lied trz the Prc��>erlY; ii any rriUchanic°s li�r�, rn�terialrr.en's lien; czr
<br /> otl�ar lier� G�uRc! �� ass�rieci on acr.r�unt p# the �r��i�k, service�, or materi�ls. l�rustcsr�uiil up�n r�r����t of L.�ndcr
<br /> furn6�h ta t�r���ec a�i�ranee �ss�rar��.�s s�tisf�ctory to �er�d�r 4t�r7t Trustc� c�n ane! witl pay ihe cUst nf such
<br /> irr�prt�vc;mer�t�.
<br />