<br /> �E�� �F �'�1���'
<br /> LQar� �f�: ��(3���`€� ��ot��lr��t�d� R�c�� 5
<br /> not nade u+itf�in the tirn� re�uirc;d by the prc,rnis:�e,:y n�t�; �v+�er„cir�g such ir�rc�el�t:ac#ne�s, �r� r��fia�it cc�urs �,nd�r
<br /> che instrume�c �ar.iar�ng s.�r,h �nc�€:ht��nes� ar��� is n�c c�:r�cl during any auplica�l2 qraue perioci in s�rci� instr�.�m�:ni.
<br /> or arly sui[cir 4th�r ac[iora is c:c�r�mr�ce� to fareu;ase �ny exisiing Eien on i?te f'ra��erty.
<br /> Ric�ht ta Gure. ;f any c��f�ult, c�thvr than a �?ef�uEt in,aayrnent is €:urabi� and i#Trust4r #-,as nor b�,en g�uer� a nr�t�ce
<br /> �f a br�ach ai tlie same�r�n�,risit�n�f tt�is C�ee;� �€Trust withfn rhe �re;•cding twelv�{12) months, it rrz�y be cur�cJ if
<br /> T�ru:Stt�r; �fitPt L€3���€�r sends wri�te�1 riotie€:te 7ru52or rl�mar�rlint� cure�f sus�h def�atllt: f>� �t�res tl�� d�fault wifttin
<br /> twer3ty t24f days; ��r (�} if the c;urr� reyuir�s rnore th�n twenty l�C) days, ianmed:��ely initi�tes stc�� whicl�
<br /> Lender deems in E.ender"s sal€; �iser�ti�n tr� be sLift�cient to r.ure t#�e dei�i�fY �nd ther�eafeer w�ntdr7ues a�ict
<br /> cGmF,let�s a19 reaspna��le c�nd n���s5ary ��eps �uf#i�iertx tU�rniivGe r�rs��liartGe as sc�Uft a� r�asp9�ak�ly+�1ra�Yir.�l.
<br /> F€E�;Fi`3'S L�N� �t�MEl�3�5 �N E�LFAUET. 1f an �vEn� of E?�:favit ocGurs urrc3�r this beecl trf i rus�, 3t arzy tirn� thr3re�fter,
<br /> 1`rustee c�r t,�ncl�r tttay ex�rc�i��r�ny�or�e Jr r�are s�f the toii�wii�c� rights anci remed':�s>
<br /> A�celeration E1�on l7e�aui+k: Adr�it���al R�medi�,�. if any E�ren�rsf �iefauft rsccurs �s per the ierr��, ef t�:ia t�vte
<br /> ss�ured her�l�y, Lend�e may Ja�;las� �il IrzdU�itedness s�cure�! t�y this C?Wed oh`Tr�st ta bn due a,id �3y<�t�le �nti
<br /> the ��me��i�li 3:hE�r��rUar� hecorrse clue:�ncl payaGlL with�ut�ny p�ese�tmcntr de�mard, �ratest or rat+�e r�f any
<br /> kind. �(-ssr�:�ftec, Len�/nr m�y:
<br /> 1�1 Ei2her ir� �er.��n s�r by agerit, with t�r in.�iti�,aut Lrir��`sne7 �ny acti�n c�r proc.e��inc}, or by a: r��ei4��a
<br /> s�p�auinteil h�r a c�ust �nc� w€ti7caut re�ard tU th� �c14c{uacy csi 'sts sEcurityy, Errter �Jpa� and take pcssse:�sion
<br /> caf the F'ro�erty, �r an�r ��riC tY��:rei�f, in iis t�t.+n n�zrr� trr in ti�e; �a��e �ryt 7ru5�ee, ancl du �ny acts u�hiu� it
<br /> dec�m:� r:fcet��ry c�r clPsir��le to preserv� t17e v�#u�, rn�ekeEak�ility ar r�nta�ility Uf th�+ f�t'n��:rty. �r esarf c+f
<br /> th� F'rcp�riy or interest isr th� Fr����rYy; iner�ase the incrarna �ram thE Pra�erty or �re�t�ct ihc; sPcfarity of
<br /> th� Fru��±ty; �nd, tviih crr without t�kinq pc��sessic,n c�f ihe F"rapeety, �uc. Y�r car otf��rwise cr�ilpc:t c1�e
<br /> re.nts. 'tssu�� an:t �r�f'rts �,a the F'rn��rty; ii�clt�i-J#n3 th�s� p�st d�i� �n�J �tn�:�z�icl, a.nc� a�ply t��e s�sine, Ie:ss
<br /> c�s�is �riii �x�aens�s n€uuerat#o�+ aaii�cUil�cti�r��ttorn�ys` fe�:sr to anp ir��i��at�dn�ss s�c�a�ed by this �?eed
<br /> G,f Trust, aiE in sucl�tl �r��r as #.e�cer may determEne, Th� rnt�ring vpc�n anii t<a9�ing �nssessi�rn n# �he
<br /> Pro��rty, th� ca1lPr;tir;n of s�r;h rsats, is�u�� �nti psofits, �nci th� a���ii��t�o� there�� sha31 nc�t iure ur
<br /> waive uny r3efault gr rr�tice af c��f�ult ur,�ier ti-,€s° C�eer� czf Tru�Y or inualic3ate �ny act donU Er� res��or�se ta
<br /> such d�:fzu1;or p�rsuant to sur.h noti�G nfi ci€�f�ulF; �snd, n�,tr��iihsi�nc3ir.g the cnntinu3nce irs F,:�ssessi�r� nf
<br /> tI7Q #�rrz�erty �r tfze c:�ll�ctian, rer.eipi a�i1 ��plic�tior Q€ fen£�, is�ues �r prafEt�, Tr�stae ut :E erider SF�aIE
<br /> bE entF�l�d t�� exercis� �v�ry ric,ht �rc�v9ct��1 far in tt�� f�c�f� or tFsW Rei�t�:c� �3acum�nfs c�r t�y l�w ci��n thE55
<br /> t�cciarrr�nc�czf a-�ny Gue�E of t��:f<;uEY,inclut�ing thg righY t� �xerci��thf: po�ver pt�ale;
<br /> i�Y Gt�rnrn�r�ce �n acrior� en fcar�r.ia7se�3iis l3e�ci at�T'ru�t�s � mc�rtg�g€;, ��apninz� ra.ceiver.�r specificaliy
<br /> arzfarr_.e any of ihe�av�±�a�ts h�rGaf, an�i
<br /> 4c} €��iiver tc� 7rustee a writt�.:��i�+clarativn ot de#aul�arz�J cle�n��d 1crF sale ancl �vvrittera notice Ut c3efWult
<br /> �n� �I�ction to cause Trustcrr'S �nte�es[ irs tl�e ProaerEy�o be so€ii; �ti�hich r�c�tic�:Tru3;ee sh�ll cfluse itr be
<br /> eJtaly t'tter�:`r�r r�corcl in th���ir�r�.riat�i7k�iCes tit Fh�:C:Qunty in w17s`r.h tlie �rc,��erty is loca�ed: �nd
<br /> Er�k V'�'�th r�.>�a�ct to �II or an;� ra�rf�f t.f�� Nrr;sr�n€,I #�rc��serty. L€;n�J€�r shal# hav� ali ths rights �nc! e�.m�dio�
<br /> taf v ueuurec! part}r und�r th� Ne#�rask� U�ifnrr�i �ornmeraial Cvri�,
<br /> �eareclmsur�by P�tws�rof 5ate. If LertrJ�r el�cts tr� foru�ic��,E�+,��x�rci�� e�f ti7�F'uw�r c�f Saie E�er�iri c;ur�tairr�[l.
<br /> L�;ntier shaEl n:e�tify Tri�st�e an�i sh�€I de�asit��ith Trustee thi;; E3e��i r�� '�rust <ind ih� f��t� and �uch r�cei�it�
<br /> ancl�vsder�ce of expen:�iti�rc;�m�cle �nr�seeureci�y this t]�:c�of Triaat as Trusi�e may�i:�u#r�,
<br /> E�} 11�ar-, rEcei�x of suc#�n�t;c� from €_�r�der, l-ria�tr:e sh�lJ e�uuse t�� l�e e�cart#�d, �,a�btish�c� ans� deiivrrer!
<br /> Eo �r��tar �uct� N�tic.e �a( ��i�ult �nd ���ti�� f�fi 5a1� �s ther� requir�� by E��w �n;� t�y itai� Cl��d csf Tru�t:
<br /> T�ustes .�h�ll, w:t�iout dem�snd ar� Tr«sti�r; after sut�h t�me �3s rr�ay then b�: rec�uir��€ hy I�w and aftnr
<br /> re4ardatian �# su�h N4ki�,e i�F bet��lt arzd o�t�r ?�otice at�ale h�uiri�j Ueen c�iuen �s require� by law, s�iE
<br /> ih� Pr�pEt-ty at th�: time and �lace pf sale fix�.d by it isi su�h f�atica �af �ral�, either av a wtin3e, or in
<br /> se�,artar.e#r�ts flr�arce!s or items as Trust,�e �h�fE de?sr� Gxp�e�epnt, an�! in s�ch�rcler 7s ii m�ay d�r:erm�ne,
<br /> �'[ pubisG �u�tit�n to fhw hie�F�Pst�Si�r3er tcsr G�sh in l�wf��E ��crzey ai Fhe l}nitc�d `�`tt�tes p�y��le �t t17� timF
<br /> c�f 5<�le. Trust�e stsaEi deli��r to sucYs �urchaser �r purcFias�r:5 tt��r��( iis ��a�# arrr� su(fic9ent c�eW+;1 c+s
<br /> r_ie��s c:onu�yinr� ih� �r�p�:rty s� s�ld, b+�i v�Jith�i�t ar�y c�,ven<3nt ��� �rvarranty, Qxpress �ar iRo�,liPc�. The�
<br /> r�citai� in sucf� c�e�+� c�€ ai.y rratter5 «r ��cts �I��II be cor��lusiv�. �arc��f aF tl�� trut�sfu#n��s t:Ezera�ifi. Ai�y
<br /> pr�r�r�n, incluc9ing without Eirnitation Tr�star� �`rustee, czr Len�ier, rn�3N�.+ur�;�av�:�t such scl�,
<br /> {t�) ,�s rnay kr� permittes� by law, a`lHr d�rau�.tiriy all cr�st�, t�es �trzd axp�rises �a� Trustr�i attc� rsf ifzis
<br /> Trus2, in�ludins� cs�sts c,f�;vic��nCcy �f titl� ir c�nner;tir,n with�ale; ��zasYe� sha#I <��ly Fhe �r�cee�Js nf sale
<br /> tca �ayr�aerii Ufi {i} a:l s�rns�xpr i7�1ec� ur�r�ar t}ie t�rms of tt�rs l�e�d �f�rus2�,r ur���er the tern�� caf the Nntn
<br /> not then repatti, ir��luc�ing taut r�dt €irnitGt� tt� �Ccru+�c� irit�r�st a#�c� la£� chdre��5, liil all tatt�er 5urn� Cf��n
<br /> .secur��1 hereby, �nr.i #i�it the r�m�itt�er, ifi�n�:to thn �,er„�n c�r p�rsrns l�qalEy et�titled theretU.
<br /> ;i:} Trustee mi3�t��the sn€mner pravici��J h�,� IaL�� past�;�n� sal�af rall ar any�c�rti,�n�.�f thc F'ra�pf�rt�y.
<br /> E3epned'se�� 14e�z �xalusiv�: '�'rust�n �ncf Lerd��, and €;3ch c�f zE��m; sF��il �ic ec�titi�d ta er�farcG p�yment ancl
<br /> (���f±arrttarzcE of asiy±rZdeU't�dnes5 or ot�lir��ri�ris s��urecl l�y t#�is L)eet�1 af�3�rust�ti�tn a�erci�e aEl ric�ht5 anr.! �a,wers
<br /> u�r�r:� ihis �7eEd r�f "I'�ust, un�Jsr t�e hlc�te, unc��r any pf the �ieEa[ed Oaeurriec�is, car uas��t any uth�r a�r��rnent or
<br /> ar�y l�vv� r�:'w ur h�v��ft�t i� fc,rc:�; nar.witl�st�nding, spme c�r 311 of stgrh inr�ebt:ci0ess ar�d n�ligriti�n5 sec=urad t�y
<br /> tt;is CjeeeJ �f'�"rust inay novu c�r fler�a:fier E�� t�ti7esenrise s�Gurt�d, vvh�th�r #3y trsnrt3age� descl c�f trus�. �,Iedt�P, liers,
<br /> assi�nment iar aihertivis>M. f�eitF,�r the ae.c��tance �;f e�is L?e�d c�f Trust rzof it� enf�re;�m�:r6t, wt�e.th�r tiy L�uci
<br /> e��tidn or �,ur�uanti t�i th�: �,Qvv�: e�f s�3e :r oiher �aov�+er� cont�in�d iri this �ceti i�f Tri�st, �halE prej�cl#ce c�r in �ny
<br /> m�ntier af;ecF Trustee°a �r L�nd�r's rit}!7t tu r�ol'sze upori e�r enfo�c� �ny otizer security i3C�vv i5r E-ier�ai'[er heltl 3;y
<br /> Trustee or L€:t�ci�;r, it being �greed ihat Trust�e �nt� Lender, and each�f#t�ei�, �hal€ k�e erstiil��' ta ento�ce thia ��eci
<br /> c�fi?r�rst ar��# any c�t�ier security n��;+v ��r herea�ter 1�Picf L�y !_enrler �r T{eb�tee in 5uch t�rr�er �inc1 rn�nn�;r �s th�;y�r
<br /> ei�he� o� th,�m may it� their ��solute �iiscretic�rt ci��terrnirie. �1c� e��ri�c�y cr�nf�rred u�4a7 or r�servecJ La 7rustPe c�r
<br /> f�eritier, is i�ciencle��; ta b� excleisrve s�€ nny �ihee remc;dy ir� thas [?eec#F?f Tr�st qr t�y la��+ prr�uitlstf or perrnitt�c:; t�u:
<br /> a�Gfi sr�atl �ie �urnulaci��e ��TcE st»I# kae in zclrJit�oRz to every other r�ra���v r�iver� in Fhis �ees� �t Trust rar no�rv �r
<br /> h�r�ar"ter existir�q at lav�csr ira�c�uity�ar by statut�. Euery�a�r�r or r�cn�dy giu�n by Ll78 Nr�t� �r�any ofi Ehe R�t�ted
<br /> �]cicum�nts to Trustee o€ �enc3sr or ta which e�ther t�€ tl�em mt3y tib c�therwi�� F�rititl�ct; r��ay b�: exe�ciSE�,
<br /> uar��usreiatly or ind�pericl�t�tly, �rc}r� ftme tcs t�rne �nd �� �ift?n �s m�y k�C d�et'rZed expedier�F l�y Trustec �ar �t;3�;?i;r:.
<br /> and =:ither �f ih�sn may purs�e inc�nsisterat rerneciies. Nathing in tF�is b�ec# afi '�"rust sh�61 �� c�nstru��i as
<br /> �rehil7#ti:�g l_gnc#�r fr�rn 5�cicing � �#efiF;enc;y�udgrnent ag�inst the Trustpr to th� �:xtent such action is �erm�tt�d Ly
<br /> 9�w.
<br /> �lectep� pf Reme�i�s: .�J ef Ler��ier's si,y£��s a«ci YEmec�i�s vvili be curnul�tiir� ancJ may #Je Pxe.rciS��F <inn� a�
<br /> t�:g�:th�r. ff Lend�r �ie�iii�s ta sp�nd mc�r;ey ar to ��rfnrm any c�f Ti��st�r`s �bl€aati�ns �ncl�r C�is t��ed of ?r�ist,
<br /> �iter Trustc�r's �allur�; ta cic�sr�, th�t r�cc;si�n hy Lencler vviil t�cat aftec€ L�n��r's righ'x ta de�kare TreaSkc+r )n de£ault
<br /> �rit# E� ex�rcis� L�r�c1Er's rPt�aedies.
<br /> #3equest for Noti�e. �rustar, Urs b-r.hai#�if 7iti�*or�nd Lenr�cr< hcre�ay requests that� ctr�y nf any ;'�l�tice t�f �e€auie
<br /> and' a copy pf�ny#Vot'ica p#Saie urid�r t�is �eed r�f�`rusC �� r:icrited tp thera �t the �r�dre5s�s s�t tc�rth isi ihQ fr�t
<br /> �ar�gr��h c�f zhes �7e�,�1 �7�Tru�i.
<br />