<br /> C3EEC� t�� T�L&��`
<br /> �o�n �J�: `I�?t�'#�572 {�a�t�'�i�i���l� �a�� �
<br /> A,ttr�en�ys' &=��s° Expcnses. If L,�nc1�r instftut�:s :as�y sui� �ir ��;ticn ir, enforc� any i�f tt,� terrns s�f �ti�is L��ei�! �af
<br /> Tr�,st. �.e.nder shalE �� errxitl�d tc� recaver su�:;17 surri a� ti7e 4aurt m�y c�djucl�� reas:in��al� as �ttnrnr.yra' i�Es�t tri�l
<br /> ar�u u�zan ar�y v�,��•�l. 4"Ul,cather esr �nt �ny� crrurt actiar� is in��xuecJ, �nci Ec� th� c�;ct��i� nvc �rol-si#�it�c� 1�y !�^sl. aEl
<br /> reasn��hle m;x�s�:ns�s- L�n�tcr 3r�cur� 4{�a; in L�ndPr's apin�c�n are nece�aary at any time far thw psa[�c[ic�r� caF iis
<br /> irzt�r�st c�r [he. e�f�scement nf its ri�hts vfZa€I k�ec�rn� a par� �#LI7r� Eneipt�te:�ne5s ��y�able t�n detn�mnr�anci sty:�31 ka4�r
<br /> inter�st ar th� Nate rz�#w fr�r�7 the��te of rh�:F±sF�c>nriiturE untfl re�aic�. E�:�i���sEs ccverec9 by thi� �sar�gra�h i:nclut��,
<br /> wdEhoi�# 9im��ntian, hcswev�r s�sbject to �ny iin�its i�ncler a�,y�Eic�bir 1�3w, Ler��ier's �itafney�' fEes ancl L�,7clr�r`� #Pg�i
<br /> ax�enses, v,�lz�;zi�.er ur nc;t thcrr; is a Eau+s�aft, inci�sding dtiar�r,wy�` fees �r�c! �xp�ns�_5 ft�� �ian6�ru�tcy �rcr.ec�iny<:�
<br /> ft`nc£ur�irts�eifr�rts tc�incdi�v or wa�:�2e a�y �41t�rr��Y.ic st<'�y [ir?n}uncti�,ri1, aR�s�als, zirit� any ���tici}a3t�r��ic�st ju�grnent
<br /> Golle:eticrn •sert�i�es; the cc��t at sear�hin� rerorEis. �,hEaining tit9e rc�r,rrs {or�:#udin� �c�r��;ic�sur�: r:3p�risl. SirvQyors'
<br /> rPpc,rt5, and a��rr3isal iue�, titl� irts�trance; and fees far thr. �Tri�sfea, t� Yhc �xt�ni pe;;nitY�c# bY' �pnlir.:ati€e S,avv:
<br /> l'r�ssE�r�is� wilf Fiay any cc�urt crr>ts, in acldition t�sEl atheP aUrrzs prca•dided�v i�U�.
<br /> Rights ef'Crust�ss. i rust��sliail have a�l �f Yhp rights�nd iiuties e�f l:�r�d�r a:s �et;��th in this snctir�r�.
<br /> 6't�1fi�'Ef�S ANL� t���4�A3'ICJ�ES t�F TFtUS7EE. "fne fe9lrswin� tarovisivns r�lazi�-,r�ta t6�e �nw�rs �nd c�bligacio�s r,f Trusice
<br /> are p�rt of ti,is �ned�f��'ru:�t:
<br /> Pou�.r�rs o#?ruste�. In acldits�n tc, a]B F�r,rroers �t-�rustee arasing as a n�aFt�:r uf law, Trustee �I�a�l h�ve xh� p�weR tc�
<br /> t�k� rhe f�-�Iic��,vinc� aetians •vvith res�ect t�7 the Prr�F�Arty �,pos, the v�rit��;n rer�ue:�t �f l.�nder ancl Trusfi�r; tai jcain in
<br /> �rep�rin� az�i� f'tiir�� a m�� r�r pi�sY �# th�: Fi��i F'ro�erty, irteludinq �ihe dedicalioa of str�ets c�r nther rights tc, t��
<br /> pubBect f�} juiri in �,�r��nEfri�; �m,r ease�rr�cr�t or cre�?ing any t�siricYic�r on Che �i�ai f rUperty; anti [e3 j4in ir� 4any
<br /> �q�F�ardin�tic�n c�r ath�r ac�rrv�rri�nt a,`f�ctin� tihis G1�er�cst Tr�Fst ar the inter�st o€ L�nci�r unrliar th�s �3e�d caf Trust.
<br /> "Trustee. Truste� s#1�11 rra��t a-0"s �ualific�tSc,n.� rer�zEirPci for l�ra�stkye unr�er �pplic.abl�: €ta�sr; ln addition to the riyhis
<br /> �nci remei�ins s2a f.arFh aat�avc, �Jiiki r�:.�G�ect to �ll or any �art �f t�s� Pr�g,erey, the `�rusceg shall i��v� the righi z�
<br /> €�reClC+Sw I�y r�ntirw_. arrr� szlP., ��ii Lendnr will haue3 lh� right t� fUr��l�a9� k�y }udi�;�l fQrerl�sure, it� either G�as� t�
<br /> �cc�rcl�3nce>rvittr arrd co thw fuEl exter�t�,rc��,�idet# hY a�,�9icnt�le P�3ev.
<br /> Successor Tru�ta�. l.�rzder:, at Lfl�zcl�r's csJation, rn��trnm time tc time <��rcaini a succes�or Trustee ter any�rust�e
<br /> ap�c��ntFd une#cr this �?e��;d o� �'rust by an instrument exeUutPcl �nr_i �cknewl�rJge�� 9�y :.en�er �nd rerorticcl in rh�
<br /> e�lFpce uf the aer�rrEFr of HAI�I d;c�unty, �Y�s#C c;f N�:tfr�sK�. The iriutruir�etrt stial9 cori[ais�, in adt�ifiiar� tca afi aiher
<br /> m�tters rei�uie�.d kiy st�ts� leev, ti7e 3��n�es r�f the �rigin3E l.ende�, Tr�.�sFr:e, ancl '�r�,stc�r, th� br.nl: <3nd p�c��: tc�r
<br /> i:r,nzF�uter sS�st�:ri ref�;rence) wher� tPii� ���d s�f Trust rs racartf�ci, and ttze tixirna �3nei �Jdr�ss rr� thr-. st�rce.s.sar
<br /> trust�e, �iTu the ir3�trurvj�r�t�h�ll l��e:cef�ttec� ar�d a�:#�nnwleci,qprf k�y�i?the tierref'scidri��ur���r this [?�eri of i rust or
<br /> th:�ir st��:ces;s�rs in int��esti. 7ta� �ucces��sr tauste�, withc�uz conveyan�p nfi ihe Prn�erty, �hall sur,cceti fia al! the
<br /> titte, Rr�w�r, and �i��;es can�err�sr upun :h�:Tru�>te� i�, thi� 13�e�i r�f'�rust 4nd t�y a���#icsit�le 1aw. This n�ocaclure ��a-
<br /> s��b�titutie�n ot�ruatee s°�afl gr�vern t� c!�¢exe,6usjnn rsf ali�ther pr,avisians fur substitutic7n:
<br /> i�(3'�IGES. A��y rsr�ttcr r�auir�e� t� �e giiuen uneJer t:�is f3eed r�f Tnast. ineludinq v�itP3c�ui iirnitati«n �rpy r�oEice o6 r�ef�ult
<br /> an<! �nj�nUaiC� uf sa�e sB-iall �� ��iv�rz isi vvrifidnc�; anti sl��i1 6r> €�ff�ctar��e v�nc�n dctuallyl �IelivFr�r�, when<3r,ttlall�r �ec.�ivt:d
<br /> fay t�tet�esi;�ile {unless utherwise reou"sred by daw1, wherr de�aos'steci u�itits� ri�ti�rsally r�:cpt7nizei� av;irni�ht.co�tiur, �r, ifi
<br /> rrsaileil, wh�v� t�e�nsre�d on che l��ited St�t�=s mail, a�first class. r:ertifs`�d rir r4gister�.:d ir��sl �ost-aye �repai�, +�irec�ed tia
<br /> the �ddr�ss�s sh�awn ne�r t£�e k�e�ir�ning c�fi tliis l�e�rJ cf`�'rust. AEI r,o�ins flt nt7tir.es �t for�cir.5urc: frnrn the hal�ier �af
<br /> a�y ?irrr w�ie.h i��3s pr3arity over tf�is a��s� �f T.rust shail L�e. �err�t ta 1_�r��1Pr'� acidre�s; �s �l�oaun n,�ar tlze ��c�inning t?fi
<br /> i�zis C3s�d �f �1-rusF. Any ��rsr�n mz3y chz�rigE= i�.i7 r�r her a:1rlr�ss far ncstic�� und�r tfzis D�ed ofi Trust by �iair�� ic,�rrr�l
<br /> vurirt�n n�tiee �� ti�� oi#��r �ers�,n or per��ns, sp�cifiying th�-�t ihe ��urpasr: �€ ihc; r�ot�z>�. is so rah�ric�e tY�� ��rsc�r�':s
<br /> adr#r��s: f=t�r nr�iic� �urw�s��: `frust�r �gr�e�t« k�.e� LetttlEs infiorm��! �t c+9!tirnes n#�rr�35tar`s t;i.orrer�t �dtires�, UnieS>
<br /> �th�;rv�vise �rrc�v#�ied t�r r�r��irec! b`y la�n;�, if t3���;,� is m�ur� thaa� ��i��"�ru�tUr, ar�y ,�oti�� gi�ven by Le�1rJ�r t�x any l-r�rasi�r is
<br /> �e�r�,Es}t�he not:dce gi�r��i t� �Ep Tru.sturs: It wi£t hE"�r��si:�r's resp�n�i�i#ity to te11 the athe�s c��t?��:a�e�tic:e f�am�err�ier.
<br /> iUlISG�LE.�IWEC2U5 PR6��'ISI�lt�E�. i-@��foElc�winc�mtsr,elEan�oa3s �r�vi:sion� �re�a p�3�t c�f?hi5 Qeed a#Trt�:,t:
<br /> �rs�eesd�ne:its, �,'Vi��t is Lvrsrten i� tYiis C7s��# �f �T�rv>x an� in zh� f?ei�ted f�r�curnent� is Trustnr`s �nt;re �greErn�n�
<br /> 4vi[4i Ler�der ;;�nc�rnEnc� th� ���tters ct�ver-�r� �y thi� I�ea;+, �f l'ei�st: �Fn hw atfectove, any c£��n�e ar �menJm�nt tn
<br /> Ehis Q�ec! of"frust mvGt b� in vvriririg an� must Fs�siy?iecf �y +,�hQ�ver ��vi61 be baunr� r�t�c��€i�Pted bY thze ch�ar�� c�r
<br /> �r�i�a�c�m�tit.
<br /> ���atiora �Ieadings. Ua�ric�n tap7c#inr�5 ir ehis t��eci csf �I�ruyY ar� �nr crrnv�niene� pur�,oses r,nB� �nd arc n�,t ta be
<br /> JSGCj.'�U II')�G'fK3l�''C Of t�ivflfl's:.��f"lE �7fC�4`f5f4�t15 C1f fi`£11� �.F3.fy'C��.�Of�Til��,St.. . . . . . . . .
<br /> kVi�rger. Th�r� shal!G� ni� �n�rger�a�tF�� i3�t�rest r�r estatc� createrf 6y t��is C��er!of 7r�.:st wsil`i ariy o£t��r inter�sfi qc
<br /> est�r� in the �ropflrty��t ar�y tirnt; ha,#d �iy or for the ben�fii af�enr.ier irs �ny capa�:itV, v,rothout th� v:r�rtt�n consent
<br /> C�t (_unU�r.
<br /> [�ot�ernirsg l.aw. Tfti� C?ee� �af 7rusi wilf �ie ��v�raiec9 tay fiadera� la�nr ap�ific�hlc� 4o Lar�r�$r ��ad, to th� �xi�nt not
<br /> pr�empted by fed�rat 9avix. the lav�rs of tha S4at�v#PJebraska withr�ut rec�ard ta it�con#ii�ts ai'law�r�visinns; This
<br /> t3e�ed r,fi 1'rust i��s l��en ac��pred by E.endsr�n Yhe State flf Neiarask�,
<br /> GE�r,ice o� 11enu�. I€ there is a �3bv.suit, `�rusror;aqrees w�pn l��ncler's ret�uest te� w�brnit tca the ]uri�:ciiceiUn c�f the
<br /> c��rts afi F-Irll Count}�, �taf� of I�feh�asi<.a.
<br /> IVa Wa"sver k,y L�r�der. 7rusf�r ur�c�ersYantl� L�nc��rr will r�ut r�iv� u� any�f Lencier's rigl�ts iarzd���€his C�e�ti �f�l"r��st
<br /> s�nte�s I..cnder cJaeS s:� 'sn vvritang. '�he fart: that l.�nc€�r d�lays or u�r�ii:s to ex�rcisi; any ri�F�t will ,t�t rn�an tf�at
<br /> L�n�1er has yiv�n up that r�c�tir. ?t L�.nf�er�oes �grec ii� irvritir�c� tc� give u� anc n# L.en+�er's rir�hts, that du�s nat
<br /> �rte�rr Trwstc�r cvi31 r.cst have ta crarnply uvitl-i t��+� Qthgr pruvisitarrs uf this D�ecJ raf l-;•�st. l-rusCor �iso Unr�erstancis
<br /> r.hax of L[;nc9�;r dc�c;s ccrns�:r�� t+a � re�uesl, tkiat ;ioes noi me�ri ttiat Trc��tUr vvill ncit ��r�v� ta y�t l.�nJer's u�ris�i7t
<br /> a���in "rf the situation ���pens again. 'f�u�tar#urtlye:r �sndersr.�n�s r.har.lust�iecaus�; L�ntier con:sents to o:re<sr rnore
<br /> Uf' ?�Ustot's rr��tu�sSs� triat C1i�e5 ,r�at �ne�r7 Lender r�vill �,� r��uiryci t�a Gon��nt tc�r�rry r�f�i�rustr,r's futurc: r�t�ue;;f.s.
<br /> ]�ru�ts�r w;�iWcs F�r�sentrrienr, �J€:rnan� €nr�ra;�m�;n�, ��ra��:st:; �nci ncatics�c}f ciishc�csr.
<br /> S�uerability. If a court finds thut any provi_;ion or ti�i€ Of.�.d of Trust i:; nfat vpli� �r shnwl�3 nc�t lae enfc�rc�d,. t�i�t
<br /> fart�y its�it�.nr#iI n�;t m�;�r.th�t the rest of this C3�:er� flf Trts,t will nc�Y k�e v�lici c�r pnfurc:ed. Ther�:tare, � courc wilt
<br /> es�fQrc� Eiie r�st caf the �resvisipe�s c�i t17i�l��ed c�r TrtrSt ev�n i# a prt���isinn nf this �ee�1 nf'1'rust m�y bp fr�unt!r.c�he
<br /> in�r�l:�3 r,r un�slfttrr.�abf�.
<br /> �wcc�s�o�s �nd Assi�rts. Subj�ct Co 2ny I�mitat"ac�zis staterl i�i ii-�is L�eci �a$Trust an transfi>r c�i Tru$'ti�e's interest,
<br /> r�is L�2,:c4 of'i'rusz sh�ll he bindinq ��i�n an� 'snure ta the ta�;n�f�t cai the parti�s, their succ�ssor� ancl a�signs. If
<br /> cvunerstzig r,f the �rp��rty L��:r�;�nes vestecl in a }�ers�n nther th7n ?'ra�star, �ender, uvithaur. �czric� to Trusf�r, rnsv
<br /> c���l vvithr Trustc�r'� su�cessars with refeeenc�tc this [�ead oi Tr�s�d �nd th� 1n�e17tedReS� Uy way of€c�rbe�ra�c� csr
<br /> e>;tensian vvi;h�ae�:r�Ee�sir,g�'rustor fr�rn th�otsligatio�s o#thEs Dued nf Tru:�t�r li�k�ility und�r thc� Ind�t�te�dn�ss.
<br /> �'ime is�rof i�re Essence, 'T im�:ds�zf the ���eni;r� in the�erfarrt��nc�,a(t�is peeei of Trust,
<br /> Vl+�sive Jeary. All parfie� ta thi� pee�1 �sf Trus#hereby waiv�t#�e rigE7e to any�wr�tr'paf i� any aGiion, praceeding, or
<br /> ct�urxtercl�irn brc+ray#it 6y any party agair�sE�[�y dth�r party.
<br /> 'Jtl�iuer �f �c�r��s8�x�r! Ex�rrtpti�r�, �F"���st�,n c�;rehy r�el��ses �nd w�ives all eic�hts ���i h�;n�:#it� �€ th€ hameate��#
<br /> ix�rn�tiUri lavvs of ths St�t�r�r�lebr�4ka �s tu all Inci�t�teciri�s�s�cvr��i �}y tt-sis De���f T�us,.
<br />