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201502709 <br /> l��Ef� t�F T�t���` <br /> �.s��n �Bca. 1 i}C&'�3512 ���A�9`�at��led) P�a�e �L <br /> au�€IaP�le remec�i�;s fnr .�r� Cwent os [>efaul[ �s �rovic�erJ t��(ow unless T�ru�tor either (1! pays the ta.x befo�e it <br /> ��;�es c#�lis�qu�rit, �r (Li �ontests ths� �ax�s �ar�vir�ecl a�iove i� ti�e Taxes anc! l.�ens sPctibn anr� r�epaslts with. <br /> I.e:�rEer c�sh trr� sufficiCriL rdor�ur�t?sureiy hc,nti �r�#h�:r sr:e,�rity satisfiae�t�ry to Lencfer, <br /> aEGUfEI-C°/ ,R�.,RE�l41�kE`JTi FI�I/�NCING 57ATEkk11E9VT5. �i'he ftill�aw'ing prr�uisic�ris relatii7y #�.� [h>s C;�e� c�# Tn�si �ss � <br /> s�+curitY�grEnmrnt�r<<3 �art c,f#his DUeci uf Trust: <br /> S�ciirity Rgre�ment. This ir��Yrurnerii �haEl con�tit��e a SnGurity Aqreement ta the extinc afi;� �# tk��; f're�::rt�y <br /> c�.�nsEit�;F�s �ixtur�s, an�f LErieler Shall ha�re a31 of the riqhts-Uf a s��ur�rl �sar-�y �ins5�t the lJ�i#�rm C'�mmc;rr.ial �t�r�e <br /> �3s �ms�nd�+� i�om time ta time. <br /> �s�cutaty Er�te�e�#, i3�c�n re�7uQ�r hy <.end�:r, Trristar skzal! tak� �uvhate��er ��tie�ri is r��uesie�i by Lenrler tQ ���rfert <br /> �nr! cc�ntinu� Let�ci�:r`� security infere�t in tFra Perscrnr�t P�npeity. �� 3�d;tion ta r�r,ordirp� t�i� �e�±i caf T�ust iri ttie <br /> te�l p�c�p�rty re�s�rr�s, Lendet may; ai. �ny "time antJ witl-I�ut #i,ril�er' a�tttt�,tii�ti�rs frc�m Ttusi4r, #i!e �:xe�;ufed <br /> �ountsrt��rts, e�i�ias ar re�istaauc;ti��s t�f thos CJ�:�:d of Trust �s � finat�c"sr�� statarnerrt. Trustor sh�l9 r�irn,�+�rs� <br /> Lencl�r ftiar �il ex�a�r�s�s incurrec! ir� �S2r�ecxia�r; or continiiing ti�is security irii�;r�st; U��n defa�lt, Trurtf�r s�i�ll nc�t <br /> r�rr�e++�, srv�r ar sie3ach the Fcr>on�l I'r�{�erty irc�m tt�e Prr��erdv. iJ�c�n def��tiz, 7rustor sh�l! ass�rrakal� any <br /> P�rse�r��l f're;��tty not afiPrxPd tc� ihe Yro�crty ir� a Rianrter and �i � �i&�� rEzsan.a�ly rc�nvanir�rzt tG Tr�iSd�r �nd <br /> t,end!:r anc} mak� ii avail�l�ie tu Le�ad�r w��it:zin t9�ree (:3) ��4�ys �fter r�eci�at c�f wriic�rb r9�m�3ncE frc�rr� Le�rter �tc� itie <br /> ext�rzt N�rmi£ted by a�i�aBic�hlc 3�v��, <br /> A�idre��e�, �t�he mail:dng addre�:�ns caf Trusinr (d��stor} anct Len�ter isecurFc! partp} firc,m avhich inf�7rmaitn;� <br /> cc�ric�rn#n� th� s�c��x�eL}�io�T�t�;��i �,rarrte��f �y�thi.� L�€�cc� c�f�rus� rnay t�e c��t�ined (e�i;h as rcc�laireci L�Y [h� Ll�aiiorrn <br /> ��,�mer�iat Cc�cie4 �rre as saatec� ori th� fi��s,����a ut tkii� faeeci�t�`rur,t. <br /> FUgE-�Fi�f� t�S�uURANGEa� ATT�JRl1E�Y-IN-FAGT. `f h� fi�IBr�wing �rovis�ons r�IaYit�g C:J further assurances an�i <br /> attnrney-in-f�rr.are a p�art r�t thir> �::etd t�f Truu�t: <br /> Futth�� �swear�n�es. �.i any tim�, an� frr�sn tirs�z te� t�m�. �2p�i�� rc:qtiest of t_Qn�fQr, 7rust�r w�311 m�k�:, nxe�;ute: <-�nc1 <br /> clalavFr, ra�wifl cause�ts-s i�c3 tnad�, ex�cu'ted or dwl�ver��i; Lt� 4�txi�s`+ar to LeFit€er"s clesii�nae, ari�l wE��n r�questE�1 by <br /> Lersder; c.ause. t� t�e iller�, rec�rr�ed, r�filFr�, or rcreccatde=�, a�; the cas� maV b�, at s•uch time:� a�id iro w�i�:h offi�:�s <br /> anrJ plar.�:s as Lencier rns�v u�Lm a��rap€i�te. �ny atzcl �I� stir.'7 a�c�rtg�ges, c}s;eds nf tru5i, sec�rity deeds, s�cu�`sty. <br /> agrr�emrnt�, iint;nCing s#:<ie_crzturats, s:onYir,uat�s�rt staienienTs; i:�strs�ments of ftErtl7Qr �sSur�nr.�, cert`Eticate�, �nrJ <br /> �th�r J��ument5 �s �'nay, i�the s�le a{�inirn r�F Ler�r�er, be: nF:�:�;ssary s�r da�irataie in ar�i�r ta wfifectuate, com�l�t�, <br /> p�efict, cr,ntiriu�, ar pres�r�:�� {1] Tr�astor's o�iti��tic,ns under the Nnt�:, this �Je�;d r,f 7ru�r, an� th� i;olate:� <br /> 17nciimsnt�, and ;21 ih� l��rts �r�d sei;urit.y+r:twrests crwt�tPd l.y tf�is C���cJ .f�1-riast an thf £'rcanerty, +mhether nc,w <br /> c�u,���ed nr tZc:reait�r at;c�t3irei! b��r Trustt�r. Urtie�s pr�hit�ite� Uy Idvu t�r L.��ze��r ��r�ws fr, tFt� �orZErary en tearotirit�, <br /> Tru�#v��hr�ll r�i;i7burse Le�ir#er ic�r �11 c�c.ts nnr� exp�nsa5 irZ�aJrree�ie��;�nnP.�tinn rNsth ihe 3iai?Yt�rS r�te�r�:t� tts ia this <br /> nar�graF}h. <br /> Attorroey-in-Fact. If�'rustar fr�iEs tc� cfr� any�f tV��thir7y� reFe:-��d to in xhe pre��ding �aara�r�F,h; l.endet !n�y dr�sn <br /> fr�r <nci in th� namc af T;ust+�r ansi ��t 1'rustrir'� �x�eri5e. �=oi s�cti pur�;cis�a, Ts�srur h�r�by irr��vvc��ily ����ir�Fs <br /> LPt7c1�r a�Tr�sti��":; attt�rr�ey-in-fact for th+: p�urp��r; �;f rnaiting. executir,g, r�eliv�riny, fil�r�y, reccrd'snc�, fln�;rjair�t��Il <br /> oti�er th,inys as rn�y t�e rz�c���ary e�r r3�sira�ii�. i� L�nder's �c�is �a�ainio��, te 3cc�m�fi�h ih€: mlrt�rs refc;rrecl tr� in <br /> the �r�:��r�iag p�ragr��ah, <br /> FI�LI_ PE�Fq63NiANGE, If Trustgr p�ys �I! SYse lrtt�et�fi€sciness w�fzer� �i:p, and �ifz�twis� p�rinrrr�s aEi [h� oGlir�atinri� <br /> 'rmpus�i� u�iin 7"r�us#ris ��nder ti�i� l�ec:rJ of Trust, [_nnc�er shali exe�:cir.e and �9eliv�;r t�a Trus�ee a r�qu�st f�r fu#I <br /> recofrl�ya�3ce ��r� shall �xecute anci d�liv�r to �1';�sror suita�lE st�cem�;r+ts a#terrn4nat�a�of any fir��r�cing st�t�ment c�rz <br /> fil� �vsrJeni;inp L�nd�r'c scc�arity inter�st i� tf�es R�nts and th� €'ers�a��r�i f'ro�aerty. .�tr.y rec�rrv�yance f�� r�quir��i hay !aw <br /> sh�31 �e p�aiti �y 7'r.E�tQr, i#�wrmiFted!�y��lpiic�hlF 13w. <br /> �'et�NTS E�� f]�F�tUE�'1'. At L�sni��s's n��ion, Tr-�asts�r wi!! he �n cl�t�ulfi i9nrier th3� 17�r:d o£ 'fr�ist i# a�y�f the fnilc�vvinc,� <br /> f13�n��, <br /> PayrrFsnt LeisuEt. l-r�ubtc�r;aiis Yo rrsak�ai�y�ay�rie�it va�her��iu�. unrler tl�e Ensil�:btedness. <br /> �re�k t]Yher Pram9ses, Trus:tur far��ks ar..y pr�mise rnade ta Lenci�r er fails to �er��r�n �romptly a�th� time ar�fi <br /> stri�.rty in th�m3nner prouid=..d sn th€s �?t,cci�f�'ru,t er in�ny agre�ment rei�xeci to tt�is Deeci d�Trust. <br /> Corz�p�ianc� qef�uit. Failur� tca comply with an�y other terrr,, otaliyat'son, c.;venant r�r ran3ition conEainE� in thi� <br /> [�eecJ �#�l"rssi. th� Nc�i��r i�any�,i[3�� �el�tac! �)rac�rzer+ts. <br /> ��f�ult an�tk5er�a�rRxen�s. F�:ilEara ai Tre:st�r uvi€hin tl�a tim� ��q[sieec! L�y this 7�;�d c�f Tri�3t't:n rrr�ke.'any}��y�rr�n?. <br /> ft�r ta�tes cir ir�ststariie, or a�iy��th�r p�yrn�r3t t�ec��s�ry to pr�uanC iiling o€or tc� �fitE;t�ischa�-r�e nf�i�y lie:�. <br /> f�ef�utt%r� ��v�r uf'Chird Parii�s, �hou�d �e�r�tr�r ii�ia:�h �;r�d�r �ny I�an, e�tensir�n �t rres�it: se:.�rit�r ac�reeir�n�-�t, <br /> �iurr,h�:�f3 t3r salfls �+�reim�:3�t,c�r�ny r�the� �tclr��:m�sit, isa f���t��' of �rty t�Eii�r t�r�t�itc�r Ur ��rs�n tft3t ���y ar�at�ri�lly <br /> atier.t: �nv c�# Gr��it�r's prr�p�riy �r C;r��rtc�r'� �L�ility tc� re�iay thF Intlr;bt�;dna:ss �r ur�nE�,r`s atrilsty ta nerfcrrr-n <br /> Caran[c�r's�bli��titi�r�� unc3�r thi� C�eed �fi-rrust o�any c�fi Ehe Reiated C3�c�lments. <br /> Fal�e �tz�t�rnents. ,4esy repr�se�ltatic�n �r siai�rn��t ina�e c�; furni�h�.? tc L�nd�r �y Trusst�r ar un Trustr�r�`s ta�l7a#f <br /> imder this Caer1 0`Tr��st or th�: Re£�sted Dcr�.uments es f�1se ar rnis9ehciing in any m�teriai res�er.[� either nc�v� c�r rst <br /> thr�tin�� in��1� ot fumis£i��.. <br /> C?ef�cfiive f'oll�rt�aaEiz�tian. Th;s C:�er� of Trust oa� <3ny c,f the FteE�tccJ �rlc�im:ents ���se5 tic� tie ir� full fo�u� anci <br /> �E+`�ci iinc;lur�ir7� fziilur� nF aa�y �allat�ral dacurtierat tr� r_reai� � v�#is� �nr� ��eY#ectec� sacurity iniere�t r�r li�n) zi# any <br /> timf� an�i for�ny*rensran. <br /> D�saih csr Insolue��y. �'h�cl��tk��f TeusFor. the inscilve�e��t�f Trustor, tn� ���c�iri�m-r.nt��f a rec�iaer for�:hy parY of <br /> 7"ru�tnr's F�rrapert��r; any flssiy��r�j�.rst fi7r ktz�: �i�ne:fit ofi z.r�ciit�rs, �riy' tyk�c: o# rretlitur w�,rkc�ut, �r the <br /> ct�rn�ner,�;erric;at csi ar;y pr�Ce�+�dny und��c�r�y b�rakruptuyar ii:saEv�rFcgi#aws'�y�ar�y�inst Trustr�r; <br /> Ta�iris� af ttae ProperPy, �#riy cr+:c�i�ar r�r�ov�rr�m��ita! ag�nc4 t3�ies tc� ?z�ice any c�� th� F'rq��rty Qr ar.y oih�r of <br /> 7r�asYr�r's pra{�crty ia which Lc�ncler has � lien. Ttxis or�elud�s t�E:in� �af, c��rnishing of or 9evying or� Tr�sYt�r'� <br /> a�couras wiih �wniler. Ho�vever, if �1��ustor�ispu#?s ii� c�ooc� faith 4vh�ther t.i-�e claim or� ��rhich t�-ie takii�c� e,t th� <br /> �ra�ierty is bas�i� is valid t�r re�s�nal�le, �nc1 if `(`rustcir t3iv�s �.C��dCr wri,t��r n�tiG� of tt�� �lairn �tzt� furn(SF�es <br /> Len�iF r w�itfi moni�� a� a �urety k�ancl sati�i�cz�,ry ta 6_enri�r Yt� s�tisfy fhe cl�irn, thwn this da}�uit prnvisiar��vi#f r�nt <br /> appiy. <br /> E3reach af OtEier ,�kgre�m�t3t: Arty Faceaci� ti`�TrustUr urider tl-�e t�rr?t�t�fi�iny c,tti�;r agr��rner�t I��tweer�-1"ru�tc�r�n�J <br /> Lencler that is nnt rerr�wdie�� ZvitY�in ar�y grar.c: peri�cl g�raviriccJ therefn, incEur�ing v�fithr,ut IEmit:�ti�,n any 3grecrneht <br /> cori��rnir�c� a��y ii�el��tetlne�5 c�r ot9�r:i oialir�ation af 7r���fi�r t� Len�es�', vuHeth�e exs.stin� ndv�.� ur later: <br /> Events Ai`far.#i�rog Uuarao�tor. +0.ny �f ihe �rece�ling ev.a,nts �scr.c�ss wit6� r��;spFct tr, G�ny guar�ntar, �ncli�rsFr, st�rety, <br /> r�r acnortzr�tc�t�atdon �arfy s�f drny of th� #n�let�t�rin�s� c�r any c�uarantrar, endcar�wr. s�irPE��, c�r ac.eoreimod�ti;;r� �arty <br /> d'tes �r beic�mes ii��ompeYent, pr revcxkes or dispuces th� vaiie�ify �f, c�p� Miak�ility unri�r, ar�y Guararrty� cif the <br /> lnci�t�t�cin�:�s, <br /> I�se�uaity. l_en��1�r'in�c�c�rJ faith hefievc;s itself ins�rure. <br /> Existin� lndebtedn�ss. 'T'h� Ki�ysr.ent t�t any instali�ncnt�i �einctnai �r any 3nt��;resr s�n ihe �xisting Incieht�;dness [s <br />