<br /> B�E��3 �F T�3��T
<br /> Loa� ��i. `I�3(}'33512 ���r���r��eel� F�c�e 3
<br /> s�tis�e�ctc�s�r pr�c�c�fi afi �ucf� ex�er,�iit�r�. Pay c�r r�ir��bur�e Trustr�r irczrrs YFie proceec�s. for the re�sona�le eosi of
<br /> r€r�air or rflstr�ration if Trust�r i5 nc�� in dc"fac;it under fhis t�ec:d erf Trust. A�n�+ �rnce�cis whieh h�We r��t E��eri
<br /> z-?ishursecl �vitt�in 18C3 :�ys after t£r�ir ra�:ei�t ar�d �vFz'sch ��n��ar has nok �:�,en�itEec� fU th� re�air cr r�stc�raticsn �f
<br /> ih� ('rc,pertv sha�l fau us�d first tv p�y ars4� amcrun� �iu�rir�,y ta L�nd�r un�:e�r thi�€7e�r1 of Trust, then fic��i<�y accrue�
<br /> i�tnrest, and rhe remain�lcr, #f an��; shal# hr-. 1p�1�e�1 to ihc E��is��:i��i k��1�n�a �# the ind�l���cJness. �f Len�er iic;lds
<br /> anY Grr�r�Eds atter ��yrnerzt in fufl of the Incie�Cec€ness, su�.h �arc,eesc�s shall E�e paid tQ Trustc�r a� Tr��tiar's
<br /> intWrests rrzay apt�e�'.
<br /> Campli�o���with Ex'ss�in� Ind�btedraess. C�urint�;he pt;riead in auhich �rroy Existir�g fndPbtednr�ss c��scsihec-1 b�i�w is
<br /> in �fif�ct, com�liarlee witli ths insurani.� provisicsns ��ntainer� ir� t�ie ins�run-t�nt evirl�n�ang suc� Existir�g
<br /> Ind�:tsaecine��� �#�ail �.a�s�titute cam�aliancr� vuit?t th� 'snsur�nc� �rnvisinns under this t7€���J t�f 1'rEast, to tMe extpnt
<br /> r.�m�9iarre� with the t�ri3t� t�f �l�i� t�ee� i�f 7'rii5t yvould const9£ute a �up(icatsa� at ia�ur�nce re�uit'at:�ent, ii any
<br /> pr�ceec#s fr�rr tt�� ins«r�:�r.s� bucont� paya�le �n �a�s, [P�� Jro4�isior>s ir� this G+e�:ti c�f TrGs�f�� saivisi«n c�f ;sr:�c,cet7s
<br /> shaJl ap�ly only ta ri��t�oriEcan �a#tta� �ar�es€�c�� nat���yai�i�.t� th� haider ri th�; Exsstirsg Inciebt�dr�ess.
<br /> ��E�f��R`S EKPEN�317UPi�S. I� Tru�tor fai(4 dJ11 tca kEr:p thse �rca�Ertv #ree of aEl t<xes� liens� s�c�rity ir�t�res?s„
<br /> ent;ur�b�an�:�s� znd a?h�r clairns� fC�) tti prnvid� �ny r�;qzaitec] insur��ce on rhe F�r��erty, [G1 tc� make ra�air�tc. the
<br /> Pfc��eriy c�r to rpmpl"Y wiih ��iy r�t�E�c��ti�rz tc� maintaira E�cistin� Ir�cf�t�tednzs� irt y�or� star�d':r3c� �s r��uire� aeta�uv, tEZ�r1
<br /> L�nder r�ay do so. E# ar�y 3ction �r prcece��ling #s eorr�n�enc+�d ihat wiaulc3 ?ra�teeially �#€�ot l�.e��rler's inteeests in the
<br /> pr�pnrty, the:� L_en�er c,t� Tri�s:�r`� t��h�if rrsaY, but is nct requireri xa, takC any action that l�enr��.r l7�lieues fr� ��
<br /> t-�pp�n�-,ri�tiP Fo k7rt�iect l.er.cier's i�t�re�ts. ARI r_:a�ans€ss i��c�ar�re�1 r��- p�ic� f�y �es���r fc�r �uch purp�ses wilf tf��ri �iear
<br /> interest at ihe rat� �harrae� un�ier th� Nate €rc}rn th� �atG in�urre�i tsr c�aid t�y l.ender to the �iai� uf r�p�>>ment by
<br /> Trustc��. .zill su�h ex�cnses Lvi#I bccramc: � part a# th� Inclel�teefnEs:> <�nei, 3t lencier°s opt:inrs, vv�ill EA1 I�e: p�y�hle �n
<br /> tl�o���ncJ; {F�) b� a�Id�rl 'to th� b�Eance ot thr: Rl�ee ar�J #�E a�;;cirtivned r�rrsor��} �e�d �e �zayable witfz �ny inst�l�ment
<br /> �aaymerits ta E�eurarri� due ciuring e�ther {1} th� t:errr� of any a�plicabEe insur�ne�; pqlicy; �r {;�! th� t�rnaintng t�rm c�t
<br /> the I�i�£�; or {C1 #�� tre�te��l �s � t��li�cn �i�ymen; �,rvhich wi11 l�� r�eyc anct payabl.a t�t the f�di�`s rnat��szty. T3�e P�e�d n#
<br /> TraasE �isc� N�il!seeure payrn�nt �f tlze�e amoura;s. Tfi� rir��rts �arUvid�� fur in thi� para�cac��� �hail b� in a;�d�aian tc� ar�y
<br /> c�ther rigMtS ar �ny rernccii�;s tca vvhic;h �ec�der rn�y #�e er�tiiled c�n ace�iztnt c�f 3ny �1�fauEf. Any suah �ctic,n ray l.en��ter
<br /> srial3 nc,t#�e constru�:� <�s curinc�tl�e;ief�uit sn as ta ka�r�ern�l�r�r4rn z�ny reir�eziy tt�at it utl��rwi�� w�r��f��J t�flu� F�ac�.
<br /> VUIaRRAfdTY; L7EFENSE C3F Tll'LF, `fhe fp:lcwir,g prflvi�ions r�lating ��r�u��n�rsli��at th� F'r�l�?rty�ra a part uf ttii�C�ed
<br /> pt Tr�isY:,
<br /> Titi�. `irustor �varrarit� that; ta� Trustar hu€cis ��oc�d �r,�i rn�rketabl� title of recUrd to the I'r�p�rty irw fc:e sirc�pi�:,
<br /> r`ree �nd clesir caf aii tiens e3nd encurntarnnc�s t�ther fhan rhnse set fc��i� in the R�al �rc�perr.y r1�sGriptsn;� e�r in the
<br /> Exisl'ing Inilel�tedn��� s�ckipn t�el�,ver nr-i�7 .�rsy titie i�7s��a��n�.e pc�IsCy, title r-e�ptt, pr fin�[ ;itl� aQirtir�3� issu��i I6� �avc�r
<br /> vf, �snc€ aecc��s�ed tiy, L�r:dEr ir1 cunn��tic�n with this D�e� �f Trust, �nci ibl 'Trusfnr fixs �he fu£I riy��t,: pczsnfer, �n�i
<br /> r3efthprity to exs::uir:�ancl s9elivr;r rhis'CJFr:�U€TrE:st to Lers�#ee.
<br /> C?e�ens� c�f 'F'itt�. Subje�;z,tc� th� nxc��tir�n i� th� p�ragr�E�h �ht!v�, '1'rust�sr ve��rrani:� t�nd wi(i t�eever ciatPnc{ the
<br /> tizle tfl tt7� �;csperty ar�air-r5t tha lawful cl�"sms�f a#i }�ea�se�r.s. li5 t#�� evFnt�r�v a�ti�?n �r �ar��ct:er�inq is t:�m�r�er.�ec!
<br /> that �auestic�ns T�ustor's �itls �ar ths irit�re�t of�'rust�� ar Lsrarier und�r tF�is D�:��uf l"rust, �"r�a5tc�r�hall dfsf€:nd Yh�;
<br /> a�ti�r� st TrEist�r's ex�snn�r�. �"rustor m3y �i� the nc,mirs3l �a�r�y in s�i.h prr��:e�tfing, h+ut l�encl�r s6z�sdl he entizled tc�
<br /> ��rtiUi�ate ira t��� �rt���ecliriq and lo l�e re�r�:s�nt�� is� tha priGeecfint� �y ct�un�a� ut Lenii�r`s o�vn clloi�:�, antl
<br /> Trusior w�all delii,-er� o� eause in }�e r�efiv:�rer.', to E�:r�c3r;r s�3�:#�anstr�aments �s l�ender m�y rcc�uesr fr�orr tirrie t� tirr,e
<br /> tt�perrni[Su�;h �artici�atian.
<br /> Cr�rn�ti�rFr;e 1N�tFi ��ws. T�ustor au�rr�n2s Ch�t tli� F'rou��ty ai'�d Trustor's us� uf tl�e �Cu�erty coir���lias wit#t �Il
<br /> existing a,{3plicaUf�#�wS, orrjinanCE.�, a�+c�rc�;e�latit�t�s t�f��v�rr:rrarv���Z aut��ori$i�s.
<br /> �urvivai b� F'rorrr3�es. ,411 �torttises, �c�r�esn�nt�, arr+� stN�tr>rrr�r�ts Trustor Pias rr�ati� iri this ���d eTi Trirst stiafl
<br /> sEarvir�� �n�:�xeciati�n and c}aiiv�ry �f ihis [?eed c�fi';ru�t, she3ll !�e�;r�ntinu%ng in n�ttsre an�� shali r�m�tn i±� f��li tr�r�;�
<br /> ar�tJ effect�an3il srrcl'i tir�i� �s Tr���t��r's Iridekits��'�r��ss i� �iaid in ft�li.
<br /> EKE�?'EfrlC If�L7�l3T�C�ftIES�. Tl�e faRlowin�3 �,7r�.uisit�ns conc�rn:ng Exis[i��3 Iris3ebietJness ad� a pa;t oi this neerl oi T�ust;
<br /> Existing i�ien. `rha lieri at Chi� C3ead �f -f�rust securin� tFie lndebtedrzess [r�ay �� �ecanr�ary and snf�rioC t•. ar�
<br /> existing li�.�n. �'rustor�;xpreusly crau�eii�r7ts,�nd a�r��s to pay, ar �ee tc., th� �ayrn�rst�f, Gh� Existinq Incl�kstedness
<br /> ��nci tc� F-�rev�;r,r�ny c3.�#ai}it rn suri� is�de[�t��ln�>>, ao�y e1�;f�ult un�er the in�trurnc>.nt� ���ider�cinr� such inc�e9�tednes{,
<br /> Qr�rty def��ilt ur�cier�ny s�:c.ti�rity dt�cua�Tents#oe sur.h ind�f�£ndnes�.
<br /> B�o IVlarJ'sficatio�i. '3"ru�tor sh�li izot er�t�r irrta any a�reena�nt with th� h�i�Je� of a�y me�rtr�ar�e, �1r:rc� nf tr�>t. �r
<br /> oiher ��curEty sgreemer�t vvhicFr h�s �rir�rity av��r this f�eecf a# Tiust by vvhich that ar�reement �� mac�itied;
<br /> �mencie:, axtencl�d, �r renr:ws�cE vvittraiti thF pricr v^:�ritt�n c�ns�nt csf LRn�l�:r. Trust.ar sh�U neit.h�� rsques# nnr
<br /> a�:c�Wt z�ny fu��r�advar�ces�nder any s��eh,eqt�rity agreerr�E�t vvitho�.:�the �eie�r+uritten�o�s�nt c�f Ler�f�r.
<br /> CF}k��GN1tU,�L"�I�N. Th;n ;nllawin� prc�visions relatEng t�c:�ndernia�tinn proc�edinc�Y srW a pc�rt of this D�ecl af Trwsi;
<br /> prc�ce�dings. If any �rc�e�ecliny in ci�r2�3e��n�tipn i� tiieci, Trust�r shal? prDr�tptly n�vtily �.�nd�t �rs Wri'tinc�, dr��
<br /> Trlistnr .�h��tll �r�,rnptl�take sueh ste�+e> <a may be ner,essary i�s riefenti the �ciinn and obtain xh� aavarcE. Trustar
<br /> may 6a th� ne�rs�irisl �ar�y in sucl� �roc:Qeding, l�ut Leazc:ar sl-s3il be es�titt�,tl tq (��rYi�i�i8£� in the proc�ec�i�rg r�ne9 Et� b�
<br /> re�res�nted �n the �rrace�dinc� hy c;Uunse! ai its c,wti GI-roiie, and '7rus�tor v�riiE d�litrer car cau5� t� t�� �eliv�ra� to
<br /> L.ender siich instr.tmec��s z�nci �ioti�mR;�tt�t`t�sn ��� rn�y i�p re+�uestec7 by Lcrrcier frarn tirne to tirn� t� pErrnit such
<br /> �as-t.icipaCfora.
<br /> AppBicaYian af E��t f rtsc�e�Js: It �I! ;:r� arry �art of ihe prfluest� is coni��n�n�� t�y E�min�r�t cJornoir� �ro�i;rding� or hy
<br /> �ny prpc�edir�g c;r�urchasE in IiEix o#cnnderr�naEic�n, L�nder rr�ay aY its�.iection requ?r� if�at a#I or any�;ortion c�f ttie
<br /> n�t �,roceae45 �t the �3warcl 3�e ���liecl x.� thP inci�;bteda�ess r;r thc rc;p�iis or restnratiot� of t.hc F're�per[y, The net
<br /> proet;ecls Ut tYi� �warci shHEl tnsat-i the aw�,r•ci af-tee p�ytr�Pr�t of aEl e�asc�nal,ie c�sis, a�pelSPs, �n�' �ttc�rnPys° #��s
<br /> incurrPd tay Trustee or i.end�r i� c�nnection yv;tF�the �:�n�l�ertnatEorr.
<br /> 11�1RC?SITI�B�I r3F TA7CES� �£G5 AN[� �EiA3���� �il' .("vG1VEFiIVIiJfENTA€, AUl'F6QRETE��. `T'IZe fr�Ilowirrt� �rc}visi�ns r�latfn�
<br /> t�g���ernmPntal iaxPs, fees�nd ch�r�as�re a��rt c�f thi� 17��r� nf Trust:
<br /> �urser�t '�axes, ��e� an�3 �Gharges. �}�,�n reqvest E�y Lend�ri Trusxer ,��als ex,ecuie �uch ciocum�nt� in :�r�ditic�n tc�
<br /> t��is Deed c�f Trust and tai:� v�h�rtev�r �Cher ac�,ion is r�q�es[�cl by LenclPr tti� �ar€�ct and cars[it�ue L�nc���r's li�rs un
<br /> r4��; �ik:al Peo��rt��: Trustoc sh�il reim�aurse �cn�icr for ail taxes, as descc?b�r.i beln:i�v, tr�g�ther witfi ali ex�enses
<br /> ;rzcurrecl it� eer,ordirrg, ��erfec£ing flr c�niinuin� t#�i� �Qecl �fi �Trust, iraCluelsng withc�ut li��ixa3i�ri alE t�xEs, fRhe�,
<br /> clUcum�ritary starn�ts, an� c�rr�er eh�r�e� €ur recurclinc� Qr r��r�istQei�c� [i-iis �eec1 oi Tr�,st.
<br /> T�xes. 7'he f�lipwiriq sh�li consti'tute t3xe� to �.iv�icta thss sc�c.tian aq}�lir-s: {1 i � s(�ecifii, tax ��cira tMis zy�e rif
<br /> D�,e.f t�fi Trust or upc�n QII oa any par; afi th� indebtedness ��curecl #�y thi� C?�ec1 caf�T�ru�C, (21 a s�ecifi4 tax nn
<br /> Trtfstar �vh"sr.h '(`ru�ts�r is aa�thorizRcl dr r�r�iisr�:d tci d�c�ur:t trc�m ��ymenas �n t�e Ind�;btedr�ess sec�rrer� t�y�this ty�c:
<br /> cr1 fJe�d vf Trvs[; (3l a t�x c�n this ty�ae Qf I�eed of Trus�r<liargeabi� ae�ain;st the �e�c3�r flr th� hoid�r c3t t�sp Note;
<br /> 3nd 4�} � ���ecific t7x r�n �I! c3r anY E�artican �fi thC Inde'rstec�ness or�n payrrients af princi�a! anc3 inteFest ¢n;�de i�y
<br /> TruSCUr.
<br /> Su6�ac�u�ezt Taxes. if any tax tca whicF� Fhis sc:r,iir�n a��lie� is QR�rt�d sathsequer�L tn t�e cf�ts nf this f�Fe��l nf
<br /> 3rust, this �v�rrC shafl hiati�� th� �arne �ff�c;t �s an EvP�7t of DefiaulT, �r�i�9 LpnclPr mHv� �x�rcis� ar,�� �r �1[ csf it4
<br />