<br /> ��EC� �� TF�R�a�'
<br /> Lo��a Ns�. 1t3{713��2 ��oe�tir��r�;ci� �ag� �
<br /> IiaE�iliiieS, ciam�qes, p�t�alti�3, an�i wxpEn�Ps vvhich �e.ntl�r rr�ay clire�tl:y ar iriciits?�tly sustai>i rir�t�#tr:r r#:sultang fr�rrt
<br /> z bre�rh �e ti��s secrion of if-�E Deed o# Tr��st or as � c�nsPr�u�;nce af �ny use, r�c:neraFion, inanufacture, st�arae��,
<br /> disp��zii, r�#r�a��pr threat�n�d reie�ae aCCurr?nc��ri�ar to�x'ustr.r's o�vnershi�qr znF�;est in t9te F'ro�lerty, whether�ar
<br /> nHt the s�rne �vas or :17r��alr# h�va neen Scnov��� ta Tr�si�r; Thv �rc�uisior�s of this seetion af r.h� {]c3ed nf Trust,
<br /> ii�c�utli�+c�tYre t�b?igafi�n to ind��nni{y ar}r:9 c3wfiend, shall s�.�fvive th� p<ayrrroent of 2hc In�Jsb[c�dr;�ss anr� Ct�e��tisfa�;ti�n
<br /> a�i� r-euanveyc�nesr:t�f rtr�: fi�n+af this Q��ci Uf Trust�r��l shall nc�t rja affecieci by �ender's ac�quisition o# anV in[ir�st
<br /> in th�Prc��erty, �vi�eei-��:r tay tore�lpsi3rc rr o�herwi5e.
<br /> Nuisanc�. Waste. Trust�r �hail not c�t�se, confiuc;x �r uz:rmit �ny nuis�ric� nr�r rQmmit, nermEt, or ss�F#et a�y
<br /> str;�i�irrc� nf �r w3sii. �n or to th� f'rc�}�erty Q�� ar+y�csrtion pf the F'ro�3�:rty. Vsdo[hout i�rnitir�� ih� c3eneraditY ci fihe
<br /> �are,y�ainr�, Trustr.r uuvili nnt rEmov��;,nr grant Ec� ariy oth�r �ar�ty tha right#o r�n�r�ue, e�ny timk���, rnirrE=r�ls (inclac!inr�
<br /> oii and gaa1; caai, �;iny, scqri�, soi1, gt�vel nr rock �.�roda�cf5 with�ud L�nd�r':s prior Lvxittr n rc�ras�:irt.
<br /> f�emoval of Isa�prav��nen�s. �Crtr�rnr�hall�c�i c�s;mc�lish nr r�ms�ve�i�y irr��ar�veni�nts frnzr#he F:eai;P.a�F�ert��snriChs�ut
<br /> l_�ntinr's ��r"tt�r vtirrittury cv+rtsenY. As a c�ndiii^.n t�ths ram�v7! �f aray lrnG�rnvemer�[s, Lencier rrzav re�uife'�`rustnr to
<br /> mafce �rrarag�rr�enTs satisfaetc�ry t� Lend�r to r��l�4e si_�c;�� Imrx��v�:ments wii€� Irnprc�v�:m�r�ts of at leaut �qual
<br /> v�iue:
<br /> l:ender.s F�igt�t tza Er�tee, (_�nder �nci L:endFr,� agenas �nc1 re�re�eritatriv�s r»av entgr u�on tne He�l Pr���eriy at all
<br /> re���nablc tirnes ?o at��n�I ta L�.r7��.r`s intn,rests anrJ �o ins�,f,cE t3�e R�al Frtzp�rty for �ur�aUs�c vf TruStt�r's
<br /> cdrnp#iance'�.uith the te�rn:r an�:i r.rancl3tiur�s c�4`thi� C1��s��f Tr�ssti.
<br /> Cn��Ei�anGe witts Gauer�rn�nt�l Requcr�m�n�Es. �,ru�tcr s1��ll �,r�m�tiy r.caxnply w�th all 13ws, urdinances, ancf
<br /> ric�ulatic�a�s; r�uLv a� her�a#tir in eff�rt, �f �II g�v�rriment�tl �t�sthor�ti�s sWplica4�i� to the tss� nr c�Gcupar�y c,f the
<br /> Prr���r[y. 1'rustcr rn�y cc'azt�st in �300� ia�tlz a��y sa�ch 1aw, arclinan�ae; c�r r��gufatie?n and v�iithh�ie! cc4rn�.�lianc� �I�riric�
<br /> ariy �rs��e�rii��� i�r�;I�ac�Er�g ap�rapriat� �p�cals, sra lony a5 Tru�ti�r t�as izcstifietl L�ntJe.r in writqnc� rrior t� r�C,sng Sr,
<br /> �st�c.� �� iUn� vs: "sn L�niler'� s�sle n��ini�n. 1_r;ncl�r':�interests in the 1�«p�rty ar� ric,t jea�aartlic�c�. L�r7�'�.r m�y reG�airQ
<br /> Trus-tor t�:a �cst aci�c�uc�t� sN��rity�e� s�rety bon�1, re1��n��t�Ey s�t'E5#ar.r.�snf r.o Len�ie€, tio prc�tect LEnci�r's in.ter�st.
<br /> U�ty ta F*rot�s:t. Trustr�r dr�r�es neFtl-r�� tQ �i�t-�nclan ar i�:avf unati�ncl�r9 th� Pro�r�rty, l'rus�t�r shdll �in al1 aif3�r
<br /> ��t�, in �cl�J6finn tr,ihase acts sc:t fr.ar�h aUc=v� in th#s��cti�r�; wnici� ir�rrs the rl�aracrer and us� af t#�F �rap�rty �re
<br /> re�,sn,�abiy rir.r,��s�ry tn �rnt�:ct ar�i-i �resarv�fhe Pr�a�a�rty.
<br /> C?UE QI� S,4f��-E:C1fl4SEPdT l34'L�fUI3ER. Lender eray, at Lena3er's�a�rtion, declar�e i:rsmez�i�tely r�u� �ncl R�y��iEG �li sums
<br /> spc;u�ecl �y� [�1i� D�ec� �ii Trust u{�c�n t#�e s�le c�r tr�n�t�r, w#fhn�ft L�;nci�r`s pric�r written eonser�; of all or any��tt Ut Cl�e
<br /> Rna! Prs��?erig+, of �ar�y� int�r�st ir7 tF}� f�eaE �'res�erYy. R ":�ale :�[tr�nsfer"' m��:�5't#i� cc;nvey�nc:� ar` Real Prra¢�r£y c�r�ny
<br /> rigt�ii, tifi� c;r irrterest in t�� R�ad Prr,}�:rty; tivheEher I�gal, ��ri�fic�sal ar er�i,ita�3E; wt��ther �ralur�tary dr i�v�tuo�ta:-y;
<br /> wheth�r #��� r,uirie:ht ��31z�� d¢ec9, ins€ai£mQnt sai� r,onY.r�ct. Eantf �ontraet� cc�nir�c:t frar c1e�c1, le���hc�lci irs;�resT witli a
<br /> term s.�reat�r than tha-e�� �3) y��rs, iease-ti�rti��n r.antr��rt, or �iy �aE�< 2ssic�nr��;nt, nr irar�.�fer of arry ber�efic.a�l infere::i in
<br /> �r tr� <3ny land trust hc�idiiit� ti:l� tcr the �wa9 F'ro�aWrty, ar �ay any ucrsRr rr�eC�'a�d uf vdnusyance c�f �ri ii��erest ii� ths F�z�l
<br /> f�ra�c�rty. Howev�r, this ��ticsn s�al� niaY. �e: exErcis�d by� Lender ii su�h exerr.ise is prot�ii�ited �y f��1eF�1 law ar by
<br /> Net�r�sic� law.
<br /> 1'�4)C�� Af11[� E.BEir��; `1'li� €olfow,;iny �ar�uisi�rts rfllatisa�to tils i�x�� �r�ct iierla t��i ti7�; Prr�p�;rt'y ar�; ��tt af Thi:< (7�:r;d �f
<br /> Trust:
<br /> �ayment. �rust:c�t;st�al!�,ay v�ih�en c#u� i�rsd iri a!I �ue�is �rior io r7elii�rr�z�ency? z+!!Caxes. s�e�iaB t�xQs, ass�ssi��nts,
<br /> �;harges fsnci�idfne� water �nr� sevv�-;r1, finss ancE imp��iYirns ��;vierl ��airist�r c�r� accGjur�a�f the }'r��r�vrty, �rz+� �h�lf
<br /> �t�y ,r•h�n due �d! claia�s f�r' u��nrl. �or�s� on dr for ,�er�rires rend�re�i �r materi�i ti�rr�is�er� tr. t�e Property: Trlist�r
<br /> sh�Il rrt�intain tize Prop�rty 1r��w vf a#) ("s�ns h�viro�� rarfcar"sty rav�s ar at��aal t�Che irster�st.s�t LBnder und�f tliis L�eed c�i
<br /> �€'r��st, �xr,e�-,r. far th�; iicr� of taxes anti �ssessmer�ts ±�nt clue, exc�P�t for ihe �xostir.g indebt�:dri�:ss rc.#�:rred ic3
<br /> �ielaw, and 6xCe�at�S others�ri�� pravi;tad ir�tJ�is Lwe� ^.f l�ru5t.
<br /> 13ighi ia Cc��atesi_ .I.rustat srz.ay v�iti�ekiotd ��a��rr�ent ,;f any iax; ass��sir�errt; �r ela"sm iri cerisi�ction u�iith a i7ocd �aitYt
<br /> dis��iu[e t,ver ths ota9i�atir�n to pay, so lon� a� €.�:nde:r`s ir�terest �n thc:Pr�,�ertv is nc�t j�:raparciiz�d. I�a 3i�n dris�;� or
<br /> i� #i9�r1 �s a re�,u�t of ncsn��ym�:nt, 7rustor shafl wit�in fift�r�n 11 a) d�+,rs �fter rh� €i�n ari�es Qe, iF a ft�;n is til�s�,
<br /> +�viChirs fif[eEr� (1�A t1�yg �fter Trustor has nciice of th�: fslis�r, secufe the cli�charge uf ths fiea, or if ree����stPrl F�y
<br /> �end�r; d�pbsit .vith Ler�c�€�r casi�s�r� suffici�nt z>atpUrate sur�ty b�nd�ar other 5ecurity s�+tisfiactory ia L�ncJ�r fn�n
<br /> am�,unt:�ufifieient t� cfisr,h��rc��the lien nIE,� a�ay cns�s ;3�c# �,ttcarneys" fee5, �r�th�r rt��rqcs th�t ea�alc� ac�cru� 7s �
<br /> res��lt of a fivr�clt�sure c�r strle �an�iet the lier�_ In an�c��r�i��t,`f�r��st�r�hall cicfiend it�nlfi ao�i! l.�nrler�nc� sl-,all s�tisfy
<br /> any+ �+.7verse judtlr��ni �i�icrse�:nfar[;�ment a;7�irtst t9`��i�ra�aerLy. Tr�stor Sta�il n�rri�L�nd�� aS �n adtlitiortal c�l�iig�.�
<br /> i�arler any s�:re�y l�onri furnis;�e� in t£�e e.antest�rt�rcec#ing,.
<br /> �.vi��nc� e�f F'ay�r�e�Y. 7�rc��tar ah�all u�,�n demflnsi r'urn:sFs t� Lender�atisfar,tory eui�fc�nc� �f paysnent of fih� taxes
<br /> r�r �ss�ssmW�7ts ai�c� sh�ll a��thuriz� the a�}�rrpri�te c��v�rn�sent�l otficial t� tla{iu�r tc� �.ec�s��r at �ny tir�ie a �+rritt�n
<br /> sia+�m&nt of the ta:t�s drid ass�ssmerits against tlze F'rr�p�riy,
<br /> �afic� of Csan�tructi�i�. �fustor sf�alP ��atifY L�ncEWr�i I�ast iiite�n d1 a? u��y� bWf�re any w�rk is com�eac�d, any
<br /> ;eruir,�s art� turnishr:d, ctr 3ny r.�aic,ri�ls �re suF�pii�d tp tht;�'r�sperty< 3i 3ny m�C�ianic'� lien, re�at!�ri�3finen's lo�n. �r
<br /> t�#f�er lic*ri ct��:l�i Es� a�s�ct�d r��7 �acr_.c�ur�t c�i Fhr_: vu�irk, serui�.�s. oe rrs�teri�)s. Tr�istnr will �ipon r�c�u�st nt Lenr_1er
<br /> fvrriis� ficr L�n�er �cv�sr3ce assuraf�c�s satisf��tury tc� Ler��er tl�aF Tru�tc�r �an anci .vill �ay th� cvst �;f su��t,
<br /> :rnF rovemant:�.
<br /> PRL��E6iTY t3AI�fAG� IN�URi'��i�E. Th� folEawing {3rr�visions ret�iirzg to inst�rir�� the �roG3ert�r ar� � �Qart�f this l�e��r� �f
<br /> Ti��sT.
<br /> iVlai��t��e�r+ce of in�uran�e, �B�susiar She�f# �rc�Gure c��d m3inTain [J4ii�ieS r�f fir� "sn�ure�r�r� vtiith stctndcsrd axtend�r�
<br /> cc��.�er�gE �ndc,rs�m�nt��csn a reUR�cementi Ua��€s for th� fu9! irlsurata�e v�;luW c:ov�+�:ne� �II �mUrc�v�m�nts un ihe R�al
<br /> F�r����rCy� in �n �rnc�ur�a s�ffici�;ni r:q �vc�icf aFag:Eic�tir�n o# ar�y r.�in;aur�nG� r.l�u:�a, �nri wsth � :-,tansJard mortga�e�:
<br /> cluu�e in €avor�f L�nder, t�gether uviih s�r_.f�nther h�zard �nd I#ability iras�srance �s Lenc!�r r��y:-e�sanai�ly rQ;uir�.
<br /> f'olici�s s€1�iB u� writ$�t� in ftirrn, arriiunt�; +.av�rac}�s ar3d �iasis r�asc�nably acc��taEif� [.� L�r3�ier aric3 €s�u�e� kay a
<br /> r,o�nf�Zny oc cornpa�ies ra3sona��y 3r,ce�ii��#c ta Lentier. Tf�asiwr, u�;��n r�;�u�;st ef Lendec� r,vill cicl�,�er t��s Lnn�rJ��
<br /> fe+�rs� tirr�e- tc� tir�e the �otic'r�s or r�rtifiicatss r�f i».susan�� fn form satistactdry tc� ��n�er, i:�clu�iinc� �t9pulatioris#liat
<br /> caver�g�s ir;iu nc�t E�e carzceil�ci c�r t�iminfsheci withawt �t I«�st ten i'i p) �iays prior Uti�ritten ncatic� to l.�r�d�:r. �a�.h
<br /> snsurar.s:� p�afi�:y alsra sh�tf ine,lude an sr�docssment �Srcui�ing r.ha:coyer�ge in tav�ir d7t �.�;nd�r vvilt r�r�� �r� impa�rcd
<br /> Sn any v,�ay l�y any arfi, c�m`r�s#r�n c�r t�Qtauit t�f 1-rustc�r �r any �t#�ee ��rson. ShQUId �17e �eal F'ro�ert,� ��t £oCat�d in
<br /> a� �rea ��siyr��t�ci by the Adrrlinistratr�r c�€the F�deral Emerg�ney �an�gem�ht ,�.g�ncy a:� � sp�cial Flc�oci hazar�
<br /> �3r�,3, Trusfcr aca�ee:s tta at�t��tn ancl m�-�3ntz�in Fecier�l Flnc�ri Insurancc:, ir av�il��l�, for th� fi�U zinpatd �rinrip�i
<br /> i�alasiC�i�f:the It��,n dn�i arzy�rit�t tieras or� ttze Nrr�pvrty s��:u;Ariq th�#oan, up tc tt�s� m�xirrtur�t ��licy lirni.s se$un�ler
<br /> t��e �#4tiQnaf r�Uc�;� ir�suranc� F'rc�y�am, r�r as othe=wiss: rec�u�r��i by i:ender, ar,zi tia er3aintair,su�.h inswrance fi�r the
<br /> teim of the}r�ar�.
<br /> {�lpplfe�tinrr of Prc�ceet9s. `i'r�a;�Ye�r sh�li pramnTiy no#ify L�;nc��r s�f �ny 9oss C�r tJan��ge to ih£ Preper�t+,�. Le�s�er m�y
<br /> ,r�af<e �rrunfi r�f I�ss if 7rustor i7;ls si�, �1a su wi[i�ir� fifaeer� (15} d�ys of th:� c�5u€�i�y. VWh�tl»r �r i�at L�ntle;`s
<br /> s��ucFty is im�air��; L�ri��r inhy, at Lender'�el�Vtii�r�, r�e�ive �ncf r�kaiti the rsroc��+�ds af any inst��anc� ant� a�(�h,�
<br /> t?��; �rcicce�ls tc ah� red�cti�n of r.hc; lnd�;bt�dr�:ss, �,��ymr;nt �if any lier� aff�cting the Pro�i�rty; c,r t3rQ r�src,ratipn
<br /> aa-�r� re�,�ir ofi L3�e �'rop�rtjr, 14 L�nrJ�r el�r,ts ic �p�ily 2h�: �,r�c��ds to rest�rafi�n �rsd r���ir; Tr��stflr� shall rEpair r�r
<br /> r�place th� dam�r��d ur d�str�yW;� Irr��ar�i�err�ents in � n�anner satisfactosy t�a l.en�ier. Le�der shall, u�nn
<br />