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��15��7�7 <br /> �EE� �F �R�J�`� <br /> r <br /> �o�n C�o; '��1'���4•��� ��[��1`�Bl�u� F��g� <br /> in e�fect, compliance with �he insuran�e pro�isinns contain�d in the ins�rument evidencing such Exis�ing <br /> Indebtedness shall COC15�i�u�� campliance wi�h the insurance pravisions under this De�d of T�ust, ta fihe extent <br /> carnpiianc� wi�h �he terms af �his Deed of Trust wouEd consti�ute a dupli�ation of insu�anc� requir�ment. If any <br /> proceeds fr�m th� insurance b�come pa�abl� on loss, �he pravisions in �his Qeed of Trust far division af pro�eeds <br /> shall apply an[y to that par�ion a�f t}�e proceeds no�payable ta the holder of the Exist�ng lndeb�edness. <br /> LE�D�R`� C�PE�l�]ITU�E�. l� Trus�ar fails �A� �:o keep the Proper�y �r�e ❑f a�1 �axes, I�ens, securi�y ir��erests, <br /> encumbrances, and o�her claims, {B} �n pr��id� any requEred insuranc� on th� Pr�perty, {C} �o make repa�rs �a �he <br /> Property or to comp�y with any ob�igatian to main�ain Existing lndebtedness in go�d standing as required belaw, then <br /> Lender may do so. If any action or p��ceedtng i� commenced �hat would materially a��ect L�nder's interests En �he <br /> Prap����, �hen Lend�r on Trustor's beha�f may, bu� is n�� required to, �alce any acti�n that Lender believes to be <br /> appr�pria�� �� pr��ec� Lender's int�rests. A!I expen�es incurred or paid by Lender fa� such purposes wil! then bear <br /> in�eres� at the ra�e charged under the Nat� from �he date incurred or paid by Lender �o �he da�e a� repayment by <br /> Trustar. Ail such expenses wilf b�come a part a�f th� Indebt�dness and, at Lender's option, vuiil {A� �e payable an <br /> demand; �B} be added t� the baIan�e �f the Note and be appor�ioned among and be payable wi�h any ins�aliment <br /> payments ta become due during �ither ��7 the term �f any app�icable insuranc� pa�i�y; or {�} the remaining term o� <br /> the f�ote; or 4C} be �reated as a hall�on paymenl: whi�h wil� be due and payab[e a�the Nate's maturi�y. The Deed of <br /> Trus� also viri[I seGure paymen� �f �hese amaun�s. The rights pr��ided �or in th�s paragraph shall !�� in adc�i�ion �o any <br /> ��I��r righ�s flr any remedi�s �to which Lender may b� entitled an accoun� o� any de�au�t. Any such ac�ion by L�nder <br /> sha[l nat be c�nstru�d as curing the�1e�au[�so as to bar Lend�r frvm any rem�dy�hat it��cherwise w�u�d ha�e ��ad. <br /> V�II�RR�4,�T�C; I�EFE[VaE�JF T'lTLE, The follovving p�o��sions reiating ta awn�rship o�the Pr�perty are a part�'i�h�s Deed <br /> af Trust: <br /> �'i���. Trus�or warrants that: {a} Trus�or holds ga�d and marlcetable �itle of record �o the Proper�y in fee simpie, <br /> �free and clear of ali liens and encumbrances other fihan th�se se� f�r-�h in the Fi�a! Property descrip�ian or in �che <br /> Exis�in� Indebtedness section belaw ar in any title insuran�e palicy, �itle repor�� or final title opin�on issued in �a�or <br /> of, and accep�ed by, Lender in connection wi�h �his Deed o�Trus�:, and {b) Trus�ar has the full righ�, power, and <br /> au�hari�y�o ex�cu�e and d�liver this [7eed of Trus�to Lender. <br /> D���ns� �� �"i���. 5ubj�ct to the exc�p�ian in �he paragraph aboWe, Trustor warrants and will fare�er de�end the <br /> ti�le ta the Prop�rty against the �aw�Fu[ claim� of al� persans. In th� e�en� any ac�ion ar proceedir�g is cammen�ed <br /> that ques�ti�ns Trustor`s �itle ar�he inter�st��Trus�e� ❑r Lender under this Deed of Trust, Trustar shall d�fend �f�� <br /> ac-�ion at Trustor's �xpense. Trus�or may be the nomina[ party in such praceedin�, but Le�tder shal[ �e enti�led �a <br /> �artic�pate in the proceeding and to b� represented in the pr�ceed�ng by counsei a� Lender's own choice, and <br /> Trus�or will deli�er, or cause t❑ b� delE�rered, �o Lender such ins�ruments as Lender may request from �ime ta time <br /> �o permit sucl� parti�ipa�ion. <br /> �vmp6Fan�e l�i�h Laws. Trustor warrants tha� �he Property and Trus�ar's us� o� the Prope�ty compli�s wi�h afl <br /> existing applicable laws, ordinan�es, and regula�ions o�F gov�rnmen�al au�harities. <br /> �urviv�l �f Prorni�e�. Ali pr�mises, agreem�n'ts, and statements Trustor has made in this Ueed o� Trust shafl <br /> sur�ive th� ex�cu�ian and deli�ery of this Deed o�Trust, shal! be continuing in na�ure and shalE remain in full �orce <br /> and ef�ect un�il �uch time as Trustar's Indebtedness is paid in�ul�. <br /> ��I�TI�V�IN�E��'EC][VE��. The fa![ov�ring provisions concerning ExistEE�g Indebtedn�ss are a part of this De�d of Trust: <br /> Existing Lien. The fi�n of thi� �eed o-� T�us� securing the lndebtedness may be secondary and inferi�r to an <br /> �xis�ing lien. Trustor expressfy �ovenan�s and agrees to �ay, or see �o the paymen��f, the Cxis�ing [ndeb��dness <br /> and to pre�en�any d�fault an �uc�� indebtedness, any�fe�fault under�he in�firumei��s evidencing such indebt�dness, <br /> ar any de�au[t under an�securi�y documents for su�h indebtedness, <br /> I�c� �Jladifica�io�. Trustor shal[ not enter into an� agreement with �he holder of any martgage, deed of trust, or <br /> ather s�curity a�reem�nt which has priari�y o�er this Deed af Trust by which tha� agreement is modified, <br /> amended, ex�enc[ed, or renewed without �he prio�- v�rritten cansen� of Lender. Trustor sha�� nei-�her request nar <br /> accept any futur� ad�ances under any such security agreement w�thau��he p�ior written consent of Lend�r. <br /> G����i1l�I�a4T`i��� The following provisions refating to condemnatian pro�eedings are a part a�tl�is Deed o�Trus�: <br /> Prviceed��tg�. I� any proceeding in condemnati�n is filed, Trus�ar shal� prompt�y natify Lender in writing, and <br /> Trustor shall prompt�y �ake such s�c�p� as may be necessary tfl defend the action and obtain the award. Trustor <br /> may b��he n�minai party in such praceeding, but Lender shall be entitled ta part�cipate in�he proceeding and �o be <br /> represented in the proceeding by caunsel of i�s own choice, and Trusfior wi�! deliver or cause �a be deliWered to <br /> Lender such ins�ruments and doGumen�ation as may be requested by L�nder from time to �ime �a permit su�h <br /> part�cipati�n. <br /> �lppii�a�ion a�F [Vet Prvice�ds, �f a�! or any part of the Property is condemned �y eminen� domain proceedings or by <br /> any proceeding or pu�chase in lieu of condemnatian, Lend�r may at its�Iection require�ha�alI or any por#ian�f the <br /> net praceeds o� the award be applied tfl �he Indeb�edn�ss or the repair or res��ration of the Pr�pert�. T��� ne� <br /> �roceeds af the award shall mean tl�e award after payment of ali reasanab�� casts, exp�nses� and att�rneys' fees <br /> incurre� by Trustee or Lender in connection with�h� condemna�ion. <br /> 111lIPC�S[TCQN ❑F Tl��ES. FEES AIVD GHRI�GES g1" G�!lERNM�NTAL AUTH���T'IE�. The foll�wing pro�isiQns re[ating <br />