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. ��15��7�7 <br /> ���� �� ����� <br /> �c��� ��: ��������� ����������} �ac�� � <br /> wt�ether by ou��ri�f�� sale, deed, installmen� sale conl:ract, [and con�ract, cantra�t far deed, l�asehold in�erest wi�E� a <br /> �erm grea�er �han thre� �3} years, lease-option con�rac�, ar �y sale, assEgnment, or t�ansfer o� any bEn��icial interest in <br /> or to any [and trus� h�lding title to the Rea! Praper�:y, ar by any ot��er me��od o� ��nveyan�e a� an in�eres�l �n the Real <br /> F�roper�y. H�we�er, th�� ap�ion sl�alf no� be �xer�ised k�y Lender i� such exerc�se 9s p�ohi�ited by federal law or k�y <br /> f�ef�raska law. <br /> �'���5 �I�[� �,lE��. Th� �all�wing praWisions relating to �he tax�s and iiens on the Praper�y are pai-t a� this Deed o� <br /> Trus�: <br /> �ayrrten�. Trus�ar shall pay whe�-� due �and in a�l evei�ts prior�a d�linquency} all tax�s, speciaf taxes, ass�ssments, <br /> cl�arges {in�fuding wa�er and sewery, fines a��d impositions l��ied agains� ar an accaun-� of�he Proper�y, and shall <br /> �aay when due al! cla�ms for work done an or �or s�r�ices rendered ar ma�eriai furnished t� the Prap�r�y. Trustor <br /> shalE main�ain th� P�-oper�y�r��af a!I liens ha�ing pr�ori�y o�er or equal �o �lhe in�erest of Lender under this Deed ❑# <br /> Trus�, ex�ep� fa�• the lien o� �a�es and as��ssm�n�s not due and excep� as a�hei-wi�e provided in �his Deed af <br /> Trust. <br /> �'rgh��o �an�e��, Trust�r may viri�hhoid paymen�c�f ar�y�ax, assessm�n�, ar claim in cannec�io� v�rith a gaad fait�� <br /> dispute a�er�he obCigatEon to pay, so �ong as Lender's interes�in the Pr�perty is not�eQpardi�ed. I�F a Iien arises or <br /> is filed as a r�sult of nanpaym�nt, Trus-�or shall v�ri�hin �i��een �'��} days a�`�er the IEen aris�s or, i� a lien is fi[ed, <br /> within �ifteen {15} days af��r Trus�ar has no�ice af the f��ing, �ecure the dischar�e Qf �h� 1ien, or i� requ�ste� by <br /> Lender, deposit w��h Lender cash or a su-�fic�en�corporate sur�l:y band or afiher security satisfactory to Lender in an <br /> amount su�fEcien��o dis�harge the lien plus any c�sts and a��arneys' �ees, or ��her charges �ha�could a�crue as � <br /> resu��o�a foreclosure ar sale under�he lien. In any c�ntes�, Trus�ar shall defend i�self and Lender and s��a�[satis�Fy <br /> any adverse judgmen� bef�re enforcemen-�agains��he Pr��er�y. Trus�or shall name Lender as an a�ldi�fii�nal ❑bligee <br /> und�r an�sur�ty bond�urnished in th� cfln��s�proceedings. <br /> L�"rdence of P�yrmen�. Trus�or shall upan demand furnish �o L�nder satisfac�ary�vidence of paymen�o��h� �axe� <br /> or asses�men�s and shali au�horize the apprapriate goWernmen�al afficia� to deli�er�a Lender a� any time a writt�n <br /> state��nen�of�h��axes and assessmen�s against the Proper�y. <br /> lVo�c`rc� �� �ans�ruc�ion, Trus�ar sha11 notify L�nder• at leas� �if�een �15� days before any work is commen�ed, any <br /> serv�ces are �urnished, or any ma�erials a�e suppli�d �a �he Pr�per�y, if any m�chanic's lien, materialmen's lien, ar <br /> �th�r lEen could be asserted �n accoun� o� �he v�rork, servic�s, or materials. Trustor wil! upon reques� �f Lender• <br /> �urnish to L�nder advan�e assuran��s sa�isfa�tory to Lender that Trustvr can and wiif �ay �he cfls� of such <br /> impra�emen�s. <br /> IP�aPEI�TY �7,��V6A�C�� ItV�tJ�A�V�E. The following provisions r��afiing to insuring �h� Proper�y are a par�o��his Deed o�f <br /> Trust. <br /> �ai�fen�nce a� Insur�ance. Trus�cor sha�� procure and maintain polici�s ot �ire insurance v�ith s�andard ex�ended <br /> co�erage endorsements an a fair value basis f�r the �uil insurabie �a[ue covering alI Impro�em�n�s on the Real <br /> Praper�y in an amount su�Fficien� to a�oid applica�ian of any �ainsurance ciause, and with a standard mar�gag�e <br /> clause in �a�or of Lend�r, together w�th such other ha�ard and �iabili�y insurance as Lender may reasonably require, <br /> Palicies shalE be writ�en in �orm, amounts, co�erages and basis reas�nably accep�ak�ie �o Lender and issued by a <br /> company ar c�mpanies reasanably acceptable �o Lender. Trusto�, upon request �f Lend�r, wi�� deli�er �o Lender <br /> from time to time �he palicEes t�r Gerfiificates �f insuran�e in farm safiis�actory�o Lender, �ncluding s�ipufations that <br /> co�era�es will nat b� cance[Ied or diminished withau� at leas� ten �1 D7 days prior written notice to Lender. Each <br /> Ensurance policy alsa shal! include an end�rsement providing that co�erage in fa�ror of L�nder wi[1 not be impaired <br /> in any way by any act, omissi�n o� de�aul� of Trustvr ar any ❑�her person, Sh�uld the Rea! Proper�}� be �ocated in <br /> an area �lesignate� by�he Administ�atar of�he Fede�al Emergen�y lVlanagemen� Agen�y as a special flood hazard <br /> area, Trus�ar agrees to o�tain and main�a�n Federaf Fioad Insurance, if availab�e, within 45 da�s after no�ice is <br /> gi�en by Lender tha�the Proper�y is focated in a specia[ flood hazard ar�a, for the �ull unpaid princEpal bafance af <br /> the �oan and any prior �iens on �he pr�per�y securing the Ioan, up t� �he maximum polic� fimits se� under the <br /> 11f atianal F�ood Insuran�e Program, �r as otherw�se requirec� by Lender, and to main�ain �uch insuranc�for the term <br /> af�the loan. <br /> ,A,pplica�ivn o�F Proc�eds. Trustor shali pr�mptly no�ify Lender of any loss or damag� to th� Proper�y. Lender may <br /> make pr�af o� lass if Trus�or fails �o do so within �if��en {15y days o� the casualty. 1Nhe�her ar not Lender's <br /> security is impaired, Lender may, at Lender's elec�ion, receive and re�ain �he proceeds �f any insurance and apply <br /> the praceeds �o �he reduction of the Inde�t�dness, paymen� o� any li�n affecting fihe Praperty, ar th� restoratiQn <br /> and repair flf the Praper�y. If Lender e[ects t� apply �he proce�ds to restoratian and repair, Trustor shali repair or <br /> repiace �he damaged ar des�royed lmpro�ements �n a manner sa�isfa�tory to Lencler. Lender shall, upan <br /> satisfactary proof �f such expendi�ure, pay or reimburse Trustor ��om �the �roceeds �ar the reasanab�e cost ofi <br /> repair or restora�ion i� Trus�or is not in de�ault under this Deed of Trust. Any pr�ceeds which have not heen <br /> disbursed within 18� days af�er �heir rec�ipt and which Lender has n�� committed t❑ the repair �r restorat�on of <br /> the Property shaE� be used first�ro pay any amaunt ovtiring �fo Lender und�r this D��d af Trust, then �o pay accrued <br /> interes�, and th� remainder, i� any, shall b� appl�ed to �he principal balance of the Indebtedness. If L�nder halds <br /> any proceeds after paym�n� in �uli of the Indebtedness, such proceeds shall �e paid �o Trustar as Trustar's <br /> interes�s may appear. <br /> Compliance wi�h Existing lndeb��dness. ❑uring �h� periad in whi�h any Existing lndeb�edness described belovir is <br />