<br /> ���� �� �`����
<br /> ���� ��: ��'������� {���������� ���� �
<br /> to go�ernmeE�ta!taxes, �ees and charges are a par���#;his Deed o-�Trust:
<br /> �€�r�enfi �'�x�s. Fee� �nd ���ar��s. Upon request by Lender, 7rustor shal� execute �uch documen�s in addifiion to
<br /> tl�is Deed of Trusfi and �alce whate�e� other ac�i�n �s requested by Lender �a per�ect a�nd con�inue L�nder's li�n an
<br /> fihe Real Property. Trus�o� �ha[I reimburse Lend�r #ar all tax�s, as described beiow, �ogether viri�h all expenses
<br /> �hcurred En recording, per�ecting or �antinu;ng thEs ❑e�d af Trust, in�lud�ng without iimitatian all �ax�s, fee�,
<br /> documei-�tary 5tamps, and o�her charges �for reGording o�regisl:ering thEs C]eed of Trust.
<br /> T�xe�. The folio�nring sh�11 constEtu�e taxes to which �I-�is s��tiQn appfies: ��y a speGi�ic �ax upan th�s t�pe af
<br /> Deed �i�7rust ar upon a!I �r any �art af th� Indebtedness secured b� �his Deed o� Trust; {�y a speci�ic tax an
<br /> Trustor whicl� Tru�tor fs authori�ed or required �a deduct fram paymen�s an �i�e Ind��tedn�s� �ecured by�his type
<br /> o�D�ed a�Trus�; {3} a �ax�n this �ype afi Deed o�Trus� chargeable again�t�h� L�nde� or�he hofder o�the �lo-�e;
<br /> and {4} a �pecii�ic �ax on a[� ❑r any partion of�he inde��edn�ss or an payments of p�-incipa[ and interes� made by
<br /> ��rust�r.
<br /> ��bsequ��� �'ax��. I� any �ax ta Wf�iGh �his �ec�ion applie� is enacted �ubs�quent �:� the da�e of tl�is Deed of
<br /> Trust, �his even� shall haWe �he �ame effect as an Even� a� ❑�fault, and Lender may exercise any or all of i�s
<br /> a�aiiabCe remedi�s �ar an Ev�n� vf De�aul-� as provided �elow unless Trusta� ei�h�r ��} pays the ta� be�ore i�
<br /> becomes defin�uenfi, ar ��) cont�s�s �he �ax as proWided a�ave in �h� Taxes and Liens sectian and depn�it� w�th
<br /> L�nder cash or a sufficien�carpora�e surety l�and or o�her securi�y satisfiac�ory t� Lender,
<br /> ��CU�[T�' ►4Gl�EE��IVT; Fiili�NCE�G �T�T�:�CI�`��. Th� fo{Iowing pro�isions rela�ing �0 1:his Deed of Trust as a
<br /> s�curii:y agreement are a part of this Deed of Trus��
<br /> �ecu�i�y Agreem�n�. This instrument sha�1 cons�i�u�e a �ecurity Agreemen� fi❑ �h� extenfi any ❑� the f'roperty
<br /> cans�ifiu�es fixtures, and Lender shall have a!l o��he r•ights o� a s�cured par�y under the UnEform Gommercia[ Code
<br /> as amended from�ime to t�me.
<br /> �ecu��t� lnt�r���. Upan reques� by Lender, Trustar sha�l take whate�er ac�ion is requ�sted by Lender ta perfec�
<br /> and cantinu� Lender's s�curity interes� in th� Persanaf P�ope�ty. In add�tion to recording �his ❑eed o�Trust in �he
<br /> r�ai property recards, Lender may, at any time and wi�hout -�urther authorization �rom Trus��r-, �ile executed
<br /> coun�erparts, copies ar repraduc�ions af �his Deed a� Trust as a financing sta�emen�. Trus�ar shall reimburse
<br /> Lender f�r al{ expenses in�urr�d in perfec�ing ar con�inuing this securi�y int�rest, Upon defaul�, Trus�or sha�� nat
<br /> remo�e, seWer or detaci� the Pers�nal Property �F�Qm the Property, Upon default, Trus�ar sha11 assemb[e any
<br /> personal Proper�y not af�ixed to tf�e Proper�y in a manner and at a p[ace reasanabiy convenien� to Trus�ar and
<br /> Lender and malce it available �o Lender within �hree �3y days af�er receipfi ❑f wr�tt�n demand �rom Lender to the
<br /> ex�en�permifited by appiicabl� law.
<br /> A�ddresse�. The mailing addresses o� Trustor �debtor� and Lender �se�ured party7 fr�m which in�orma�ian
<br /> concerning �he s�curEty interes� gran�ed by�his Deed of Trust may be obtaEned ��ach as required by �he lJniform
<br /> C�mmercial ��de� are as sta�ecl on 1:he�irs�page of�his �e�d of Trus�.
<br /> FURT'HEI� AS�U��[V�ES; ATTUR�VE'�'�11V�FI�CT. The �o[iowing pro�risians rela�ing to fur�her assurances and
<br /> attorney-in-fac�are a part af�his ❑eed afi Trus�:
<br /> Further�assurances, At any time, and �r�m �rime to tim�, upon request a�F Lender, TrustQr wifl make, execute and
<br /> deli�er, ❑r wEll cause�❑ be made, e�c��uted ❑r deliver�d, �a Lender❑r�o Lender's designee, and when r�quested by
<br /> Lender, cause to b� fiil�d, recarded, re�iled, or ��reGorded, as �he case may �e, at such times and in such Q��i�es
<br /> and places as Lender may deem appropriate, any and a1[ such mor�gages, deeds ��t�ust, securi�y deeds, s��urity
<br /> agreements� �inancing sta�ements, con�inuatian sta�emen�s, ins�ruments of �urther assurance, certi�i�ates, and
<br /> other documents as may, in the sa�e opinion o� Lender, be necessary or desirabl� in order�o �f��ctuafie, camplet�,
<br /> perfe��, cantinue, ar preserve �1 y Trustor's abliga�iQns und�r the hlote, �his CJeed o� Trust, and �he Rela�ed
<br /> Documents, and �27 �he liens and security interes�s crea�ed by this D�ed of Trus� as first and priar liens on the
<br /> Praper�y, whsther now owned �r hereafter acquired by Trus�are UnIess prohi�i�ed by law or Lender agrees t� the
<br /> contrary in wri�ing, Trustor shal[ r��m�urse Lender for afl cos�s and e�penses incurred in �annection with the
<br /> mat�ers refer�ed to �n�this paragraph.
<br /> �4�torney-in�Fact. [�Trustor fails �a da any�f the things refer�-ed ta in �he p�eceding paragraph, Lender may do so
<br /> �For and in the name of Trustor and a� Trus�or's expense. For such purposes, Trustar here�y irrevacab�y appoin�s
<br /> Lender as Trustor`s attorney-in-�a�t for the purpose of making, execu�ing, deli�ering, filing, re�arding, and doing al[
<br /> o�her thin�s as may be n�cessary ar desirable, in Lendsr's sole apin�an, ta a�c�mpl�sh 1:he ma��e�s referred to in
<br /> the pr�ceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL RERF�R11�1�4CVCE. if Trust�r pays aEl �he 1nd�b�edness, including v�rithaut limitafiion all future aduances, when due,
<br /> and otherwise performs aIl the obligations impased upan T�ustor und�r �his Deed Qf Trus�, Lender shai! execu�e and
<br /> deli�er to Trustee a reques� for fu[I recon�eyance and shall execute and deliWer to Trustar suitable s�a�em�n�s �f
<br /> termina�ion of any financ�n� sta�ement on �ile e�idencing Lender's security intsrest in the Rents and th� Personal
<br /> Property. Any reconveyance f�e required by law shal� be paid by Trustar, if permit��d by applicabl�law.
<br /> DEF�IULT. A� Lender's op�ion, Trustor wil! be in de�ault under this [3ee�Q�Trus�i�any ofi the follnwing happen:
<br /> Fraud or Illla��ria! Misrepresen�a�ion. Trus�or comm�ts fraud or material misr�presen�ation in connec�kion wi�h the
<br /> terms�f the Note.
<br />