<br /> �EED �F �'F�LJ��`
<br /> �.aan �VQ: 1�������� ����t��u�d� , ���� �
<br /> [�EED DF T�U�T 1� �IVE�1��VC3 I�CGEPTEa❑�i THE FULL�W�N�TERM�:
<br /> PAI�MEIVT �lV� PERFDRMANC�. Excep� as o�herwise pro�ided in this Deed of Trust, Trus��r �hall pay ta Lender all
<br /> amaunts s�cu�ed by �his Deed �f Trus� as tl�ey become due, and shall striGt�y and in a timely manner perform al! o�
<br /> Trus�or's obligatians under�he No�e, this a��d �f Trus�, and the Rela�ed ❑ocuments.
<br /> PCJ�SES�I�IV AIV� �►4CIVTEI�AN�E (]F Y�-E� P�4�P'E�TY, Trust�r agrees �l�at Trus�or's passession and use af �rhe
<br /> Property shafl be go�erned �y�he fo�lowing p�o�isi�ns:
<br /> Pn�sessivn and �ls�. Un�i! �he accurrence �af an E�ent of De�aul�, Trus�tor may {1} remain �n poss�ssion and
<br /> control af�he Property; {�� use�apera�e�r manage�he Praperty; and �37 c�[Iec��he Rents�From the Praper�y.
<br /> aufy �o �ain�cain, Trustor shalf maintain the Property in good candition and prompt�y perform afl repairs,
<br /> repiacements, and maintenance n�cessary to preser�e its value.
<br /> �arnp�iance IJVE�h En�i�onr�enta� L��+rs. Trus�or represen�s and warran�s �a Lender that: (�7 During the period of
<br /> Trus�or`s awnership o�the Proper�y,there ha� been na use, g�ne�a�ion, manufacture, s�orage, �reatm�n�, disposal,
<br /> release or threa�ened release of any Hazardous 5ubstance by any person on, under, a�out or from �he Prop�rty;
<br /> �2� Trustor has n� knowledge af, or reason to be{ie�re that �here has [�een, exc�p� as preWinusly disciQsed ta and
<br /> acicnow�edged by Lender in wri�ing, 4ay any breach �r violat��n of any Cn�ironmen�al La►nr�, tby any use,
<br /> genera�ion, rnanu�ac�ure, s�arage, �reatm�n�, disposal, release or threatened r�[ease o'� any Hazardous �ubstanc�
<br /> on, under, abou� or fr�m �he Property �y any prior Qwners �r accupan�s ❑� �he f'roper�y, ❑r �c� any a��rual or
<br /> threatened I��igation or cEaims o� any lcind by any persan relating �o such matte�s; and {�} Excep�: as pre�iausEy
<br /> disclosed �o and acicnowledged by Lender in writin�, �a} n�ither Trus�ar nor any tenan�, �ontractor, agent❑r other
<br /> au�horiz�d user of the f'roperty shalf us�, genera�e, manufa�ture, s�ore, trea�� C�15�7DS� ��0�• reiease any Hazardous
<br /> 5ubstance on, under, abou�or firom�he Praper�y; and {b) any such acti�i�y shali be condu�ted in complian�e with
<br /> ai! appEicab�e �ederal, ��ate, and �ocal lawsr regulations and ordinances, in�luding wi�hout �imi�a�i�n ali
<br /> En�ironmental Laws. Trustor au��arizes Lender and i�s agen�s to en�er upon �h� Property ta malce �uch
<br /> inspections and �es�s, at Trus��r's expense, as Lender may deem apprapriate to determine complianc� of the
<br /> Proper�y wi�h this section of �he D�ed a� Trus�c. Any inspect�ons or tes�s made by Lender sl�al[ be �or Lend�r's
<br /> purposes only and sha1� not be cons�rued �o create any re�ponsi�iiity ar liability on the part of Lender �o Trusto� or
<br /> to any o�her person, The represen�a�ians and warranties contained herein are bas�d on Trustor's due diligence in
<br /> �nvesfi�gatEng �he Property f�r Hazardaus Substances. Trustar hereby {1} releases and waives any fu�ure claims
<br /> against Lender for indernn�ty or can��ihution in the e�ent Trust�r be�ames fiable f�r �leanup vr o�her casts under
<br /> any sucn laws; an�! ��� agrees �o indemni�y, de�end, and ho[d harmles� Lender a�ains�any and all Claims, I05S05�
<br /> liabili�i�s, damages, penal�ies, and expenses vvhich Lender may d�rectly or indi�ectly sus�aEn �r suff�r resulting ��-om
<br /> a brea�l� o-� this section �f th� Deed af Trust o� as a consequence o� any use, generation, manufa�ture, storage,
<br /> d�sp�sal, releas�or�hreat�ned release occurring prior�o Trustor's awnership oi�Ent���st in the Property, whe�her ar
<br /> no� �he �ame was ❑r shouid ha�e been kn�wn to T�ustar. The provisians �f -�his section v� the Deed o� Trus�,
<br /> in�iudin� the obligation�o indemnify anc�defend, shall surviWe fihe payment��the �ndebtedness and�h�satisfactian
<br /> and re�onveyance of th� lien of�his Deed of Trus� and shail na� be a�i�e�ted by Lender's a�quisi�ian af any interes�
<br /> in the Prop�rty, whether by forec[osure or o�herwise.
<br /> CVuis�r�c�, 'I�las�e. Trus�or shall no� cause, canduct or �aermi� any nuisance nor commit, p�rm��, or suf�e� any
<br /> s�ripping of or waste on ar to �he �'roper�y or any portion af the Praper�y. Wi�hou� [imitEng tl�e �eneral�ty of th�
<br /> �Forega�ng, Trustor wii! no� remave, or gran��Q any other party tI-�e right to remove, any timber, minerais �inciuding
<br /> ❑il and gas}, coal, c1ay, scoria, sail, gravel or rock produ�ts wifih�ut L�nder's prior wri��en cansent.
<br /> �emvWa�❑f�mp�aver�en��. Trus�or shaEl nat demolish�r remove any Impro�rements from�he Real Property wi�hout
<br /> Lende�'s priar wri��en cons�nt. Rs a c�n�iitian t��he rema�al o�any fmpravements, Lender may r�quire Trustor to
<br /> mal�� ar�angemen�s sa��sf���ory to L�nder to replace such lmpro�em�n�s with Impro�emen�s af afi Ieast equaf
<br /> vaEue.
<br /> Lender's �igh��o �n�er. Lender and Lende�-`s agen�s and represen�a�i��s may �nter upan �he Reai Property at a[I
<br /> reasonable times ta at��nd to L�nder's inferest� and �� insp�ct �he Fiea� Pro�erty �or purposes o�F Trus�ar's
<br /> compliance with the�erms and conditions ❑�this Deed af Trust.
<br /> Campliance �i�l� Gav��n�en��� I�equir�rn�n�s. Trustor shall promp�ly �omply with a�l [avvs, ordinances, and
<br /> regu�ations, now or her�after ir� e��ect, nf a!I gaWernmental au�hori#:ies applicable �o �l�e use or occupar��y of the
<br /> Property, Trustor may con��st in�ood �ai�h any su�h law, ❑rdinance, ❑r regulafiian and wi�hhold camp�iance during
<br /> any praceeding, including appropria�e appeals, so lang as Trus�or has notified Lende� in writing prior �o doing so
<br /> and so long as, in Lender's sale apinion, Lend�r's interests in the Proper�y ar� no�jeapardized. Lender may require
<br /> Trus�or to post ad�qua�e security❑r a sure�y bond, r�asonably sa�is�actory t❑ Lender� �o pratec�Lend�r's in�erest.
<br /> �3u�y to Prv�:ec�. Trus�or agrees nei�her fio abandon or leave una�t�nded the Proper�y. Trust�r sha�l do alI other
<br /> acts, in addition�a �hose ac�s se��arth abo�� in this s�ction, whi�h firorn the charac�er and use af�:he PrQperfiy are
<br /> reas�nabfy necessary to pra�ect and preser�e the Prop�rty.
<br /> i]UE �N �I�LE-C�tVSE�{`T BY LEhl�7�F�. L�nder may, a� Lender`s ❑p�ion, de�lare immediately due and payab�e all sums
<br /> secured by this Qeed of Trus�upon th� sale ar 1:ran�fer, withou�Lender's prior wri��en consen�, of al� ar any part of the
<br /> Reaf Pra��rty, or any in�erest in th� Real Property. A "sale or�ransfer" means�he car��eyance o� Real Proper�y ar any
<br /> righ�, �itle or interes� in ths R�aE Praperty; wh��her legal, beneficial or equitab�e; whetf�er �olun�ary or invaluntary;
<br />