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��15��7�4 <br /> The Funds shatl be held in an ins�itu�fln ��h�se depnsit� are insured by a federal agency, inst�vmentality, nr <br /> entity �including Lender, if I�ender is an institutian whv5e depasits ax�e sa� nr in any Federa� Home <br /> Lvan Banks Lender sha�l app�y the Funds to pay the Es�raw It�ms nfl later than t�� time �pe�ified under <br /> RESPA. Lender shall not charge Bv�rower for hvlding and applying #h� Funds, �nnually analyz�ng the <br /> e5crow �c�vunt, or �eriFying the Escrnw Iten�, unl,ess Lender pays Bvrrvwer interes� on �he Funds and <br /> App�icable Law penmits Lender to make such a charge. Ur�Qss an agreement is made Yn writing or <br /> App�icable Law requ�re�interest to be paid on the Fu�.nd�, Lender shall not be required to pay Bvrrower any <br /> int�res�ar earnings nn t�e Fund.s. Borrower and Lender can agree in writing, huwever, that inter�e�t sh�l be <br /> paid vn �h� Fund�. Lender sha�� gi�e �v Bnrrower, wi�huut charge, an annual accaunt�ng af the Funds as <br /> required by RESPA. <br /> If�ere is a surplus of Funds held in escmw, as def�ned under RESPA, Lender shall account ta Bormwer fvr <br /> the excess funds in�ccvrdar�e with RESPA. If t�ere is a short�ge of Funcis held in escrvw, as def�ned under <br /> RESP'A, Lend�r shall nvtify Bvrnvwer as required by RESPA, axYd Borrower sha�l pay �o Lend�r the �rnourYt <br /> necessary to mak,e up the shvrtage in accordance with RESPA, but in nv mare�an 12 m�nthly paymen�s. If <br /> #here is a deficiency of Fund� held in �scrow, as defined under RESP�i, Lender shali nntif� Bvrrower a� <br /> required by RESPA, and Bnrrower shali pay tn Lender the amvunt necessa�y �a make up t�e deficien�y in <br /> acc�r+dance with RESPA, but in no mvre than 1�manthly p�yments. <br /> Upan payment in full af all sums secured hy this 5ecu.r�ity Ins�.vmen� Lender 5ha11 pmmptly refund ta <br /> $orrawer any Funds held by Len�r. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Bvrrov�er shall pay a�� taxes, assessmen#�, charges, f�nes, and impvsitions attar�ibut�a�e ta <br /> the Propert�y which�an ati�un privrity v�er�hi5 Security Ins�rurnen� lea�ehv�d payments or grvund rent� on <br /> #he Prope�rty, if any, an� Cornrnunity Associatiun Dues, Fees, and Assessment�, if a.ny. To #he extent #�hat <br /> �hese items are Escr+aw Itexns, Barmwer shall pay them in the manner pro�ided in Sectian 3. <br /> B�rrnwer shall pmmptly discharge any lien which has privr��y ��er �his Security Ins�iment unless <br /> Bnrrawer: �a� agrees in r�r��ting ta the payment v�the v��gatian secur�d�y #he �ien �n a manner acceptab�e <br /> to Len�er, but vnly sa ivng as Bvrnav�er is gerforming 5uch agreement; �b} c�ntest� #he lien�n gnod fai�by, <br /> nr defends against enfarcemer�t vf the lien in, legal praceeslings whi�h in Lender'S op�ini�n operate to prevent <br /> �he enfar�cement af the lien while th�se pr+a�eedings are pending, but only un�il such �roceeclings arre <br /> conc�uded; vr�c� secure5 from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactary t� Lender subardinating �he <br /> lien �a thai� Security Ir��n�.ment If I�nder dete�mine� that any pa�t�f the Pr�aperty is subject to a�ien which <br /> can atta�n privrity v�er this 5ecurity Instrvmen� Lender may giv� Bormwer a n�tice identifying the lien. <br /> Within 1� day� nf the dat�on which that natice is gi�en, Borrawer 5ha�i satisfy �e lien or t�ke vne vr mare <br /> nf�e activns set farth abv�e in�.is Section 4. <br /> Lender xnay re�ure Bvrrower t�o pay a vne-t�me eharge for a real estate �x �eri�i�ativn andlnr repor�ng <br /> serv�ce u�ed by Lenckr in cannection wi�h this Lvan. <br /> 5. Prop�r�y Insurance. Barrawer sha�i keep the imprv�ements now existing vr hereaf�,er erected nn the <br /> PmpeYty agairYst lo5s by fire, hazar[i� inc�uded within the �errn "extended cv�erage,"and any other <br /> hazards including, but nvt lim�ted tQ, ear�hquakes and flovd5, for whaich Lender requires insurance. This <br /> insurance shali be maintained in �he amvun�s [including deductibl� tevels} and fnr the per�ods t�t Lender <br /> requines. What Lender requires pursuant ta #�e p�ceding sentences can change dur�ng the term of�e Laan. <br /> The insurance �airier pmviding the ins�ce shalY be chosen by B�rrvwer subject ta L�nder's �ght �a <br /> disappr�ave Bvrrower's chaice, which right �hall nut be exercised un�neasanably. Lender may require <br /> Barmwer tv pay, in connect�on with �tus Loan, ei�er. (a} a ane-time charge fvr flv�d zone determination, <br /> cer�ification and �acl�ng s�rv�ces; or (b) a vne-�me charge fvr fload zane determinati�n and cer�ific�non <br /> 001124D49745 C�t�nk 3.2.91.�I3 Y3 <br /> N�RASKA-Sing�Family-Fannie M�lFreddie Mac LlNIF�i�IA INSTRUM�#T WITH MEAS Farm 3028 il01 <br /> Wofter�s Kiuwer Financial Servi�es VMR6AtN�{�e3s 2�],U� <br />