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��15��7�4 <br /> �. A��ication of Pa�yrnents or Pr��,s. Excep� a� vtherwis� described �n this Sectian 2, all payments <br /> accep�ed and applied �y Lender sha�l � applied in�he follnwing vrder of pr�ar�ty: (a� Ynteres��ue under the <br /> Nute; (b) princYpal due under the Note; �c} amount� due under Sectivn 3. Su�h payments shali be applied tu <br /> each Periadic Payment in#he nrder in wh�ch it became due. Any remairung amounts shall be appiied fir5t ta <br /> late charges, se�ond �a any vth�r amaunt� due under this Se�urity Instzwmen� and �en ta reduce the <br /> princi�ba�ance of the Nvte, <br /> If Lender re�ei�es a payment from Borrower f�r a delinquent Pe�odic Payment which includes a suffi�ient <br /> amaunt ta pay any late charge due, �he payment rnay be applied �v the delinqu�nt payment and the late <br /> charge. If mare than nne Periacli� Payment is �ut�tanding, Lender rnay apply any payment recei�ed from <br /> BBrmwer ta �� r+epayment of the peri�dic Payment� iF, and ta the ext�nt tha� each payment can b� paid in <br /> ful�. Tv the extent that any exce�s exis#� after the payment is applied �v �he Fu�� payment vf vne ur mvre <br /> Periodie Payments, such excess may be applied ta any �a�e charges du�. Valunt�ry prepayment� shall be <br /> �pp�ied�rst to any prepayment charges and then as describ�d in the Note. <br /> Any applicatian nf payments, insur�nce pm�eed�, vr Miscellane�u� Praceeds ta princi� due under the Nvte <br /> sha11 nat extend ar postpone the due date, or change the amvunt� oF the Periadic Payments. <br /> 3. Fund� far Escrow ltems. B�rmwer sha�i p�y t� Lender on the day Perivdic Paymer�ts are d�e under#he <br /> Nvte, un�l #he Nvte is paid in full, a sum[the "Funds"} t� pr+a�ide fvr payment vf amnun3s due far: (a} taxes <br /> and ass�ssments and o�her item5 which can attain priar�ty over this Security Ins�vment as a lien �r <br /> encumbrance an the Praperty; (b} l�asehold payments nr ground�ent� on the Praperty, iF any; �c� premiums <br /> fnr any and all �nsux�n,ce required by Lender un�er Sectinn 5; and(d} Mvrtgage Insurance premiums, if any, <br /> vr any sums payab�e by Barrower �v Lender in lieu af the payrnent nf Morfgage Insurance premiums in <br /> �car+dance with �e pro�isivns vf Sectivn 1�. These i�ms are ca�led "Escr+aw Itiems."At originatifln or at <br /> any f�rne during #he term of the Luan, Lender may require fhat ��mmunity Assvciatian Dues, FeeS, and <br /> Assessment�, if any, be �5crowed by Barrower, and such dues, f�es and assessments shall be an EScraw <br /> Item. B�rmwer shai� pramptly furrush �n Lender al� notice5 of amnunts tv be pa�d under this Sectivn. <br /> Bvrnvwer 5ha11 pay Lender the Fu.rtds far Escrow I�ems untess Lender wa��es Ba�rawer's vbligahan �o pay <br /> the Funds for any vr a�� Es�rnw I�ems. Lender may wai�e Borrower's ab��gativn ta pay tu Lender Funds for <br /> any nr aI� Fscraw I�ems at an� time. Any such wai�er may �r�y be in wr�ting. In the e�ent vf such wai�er, <br /> �urrawer sha�l pay directly, when and vvhere payable, the amaunts d� far any Es�row I�erns for which <br /> payment aF Fund.s has been wai�ed by Lender and, if Len�er requures, shall furru5h ta Lender r�ceipts <br /> ev�dencing such �yment with�n �u�h tim� period a5 Lender may require. Burrvwer's vbligatian �a make <br /> such payments and tiv pro�ide receipt� sha�i far all purpvses be deemed t�a be a cav�enant and agreemen� <br /> cvn�ined �n t�us Security Ir��umen� a� the phrase "cv��nant and agreement" is used in Sectivn 9. If <br /> Borrower is ab��g�ted to pay Escraw Items d�irectly, pw�suant to a wai�er, and Borrow�r fails to pay �h� <br /> amvunt due far an Escraw Item, L�nder xn$y exercise it� righ� under Sect�an 9 and pay such amaunt and <br /> Barrower sha11 �hen be abligated under 5ection 9 �a repay t� Lender any such amaunt Lender may r��vke <br /> the w�u�er a� to any or al� Escrow Items at any time by a nntice gi�en in accardance w�th Sectian 15 and, <br /> upon such re�vcat��n, Barmwer shall pay �a Lender all Funds, and in suc�x amaunt�, #hat are #hen requ.ired <br /> under this Sectivn 3. <br /> Lender may, at any time, cvllect and hald Funds in an amvunt �a) sufficient to permit Lender ta �pply the <br /> Funds at the time specified under 1tESPA, and �b) not ta exceed the maximum amaunt a len�r can require <br /> under RESPA. Lender sha�l estimate �e amvun� of Funds due on the basis of cument�ata and reas�nable <br /> estimates af�xpenditures of future Es�mw Items ar ath�rwise in accvrdance with Applicab�e Law. <br /> D01�24D49745 Citibank 3.�.9'�.15 113 <br /> NEBRAS�CA-Single Farnily-Fanni�MaelFreddia Mac UNIFORM�NSTHUMENT VYITH ME,RS Form 3a28 11Di <br /> 11MP� VMPfiA{NE,y(13D2�.a� <br /> Woaters Khn�ver Fnancta�Serr►ioes Page 5�7 7 <br />