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��15��7�4 <br /> servi�es and subsequent charges each time remappings vr similar changes vccur which �asonably mught <br /> affect such determin�vn or certifi�atian. Bormwer shall alsv be resp�nsible for the payment of any fees <br /> impased by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in connectivn with the re�iew vf any flvad zone <br /> determinatian resulting frorn an vbjectivn by Bvrrov�er. <br /> If B�rrower fail5 to maint�un any of the cv�erages described above, Lender may vbta�in insurance co�erage, <br /> at Lender's option ar�d Barrower's expense. Le�xder is under n��bligativn �a purchase any particular type ur <br /> am�unt af co��rage. Therefvre, such co�erage shall co�er I..ender, but might ar might no�prnt�ct Barrower, <br /> Barrower's equity in �e PropeYty, or the contients �f the Pmperty, against any risk, hazard vr liability and <br /> rnight prv�ide greater vr lesser co��rage th�n w� pre�i�usiy in effect B�rrower a�knaw�edges that th� cast <br /> af �he insurance ca�erage sv vbt�uned might signifi�anf�y exceed the cost�f insuran�e t�at Bvrrower cauld <br /> hav� vbtained. Any am�unts disbursed by Lender und�r �his Secti�n 5 shall become additivnal debt of <br /> Bornawer secuned by this Seeurity Instrv.rnent These amounls shall bear interest at the l�Tvte rate fram �e <br /> date af d�sbursement and shai� be payable, with su�h interest, upon natice from Lender ta Bnn�awer <br /> re�uesting p�ymen� <br /> All insurance pvli�ies required by Lender and r�enewal5 af such pa�icies shall be subject to Lender's r�ght�a <br /> di�appro�e such pvlicies, sh�11 include a standard mvrtgage clause, and shall name Lender as martgagee <br /> andlor as an�dditional Ivss paye�. Lender shail ha�� the right ta hald the poli�ieS and renewal certific�tes. <br /> If Lender require�, B�rnvwer shall promp#�y gi�e to Lender all receipts of paid prem�ums and renewal <br /> nvtices. If Borrower abtains any form of insurance cv�erage, nvt vtherwise required by L�nder, for damage <br /> t�, or destruction vf, �he T'roperty, such palicy shall include a standa.rd mortgage clause and shall narne <br /> Lender a� mortgagee andlor as an additionai lass p�yee. <br /> In the e�ent of lvss, Bornawer shall give prampt notice to �e insurance carrier and Lender. L�nder may <br /> make proof of lass �f nat made prvmpt�y by �vrrvwer. UI�e55 Lender and Bvrrawer otherwise �gree in <br /> writing, any insurar�ce proceeds, whe�her ar nnt the urYder�ying insu.�an�e w� requi�d by Lender, shall be <br /> appli�d �a res�arativn t�r repair af the PrvpeYty, i� the �staratinn or repair is econ�mically feasibie and <br /> L�nd�r'S security is not lessened. During such rep�air and res�arativn per�ad, I�nd�r shall have the right �v <br /> hnld 5uch insurance prvice�s until Lend�r has had an vppartunity t�a inspect 5uch Prvpezty ta ensure the <br /> wark has been �ompie�ed ta Lender's satisfacti�n3 pro�ided �hat suGh ir��tivn shall be undertaken <br /> promp�iy. Lender may disburse proceeds for the rep�ur5 and rest�ratinn in a single payment vr in a series of <br /> pr�agre5s payments as the wurk is cnmpleted. Unless an agreement is made in writing vr Applicable Law <br /> requ�res interest t�v be p�ud on such in�urance proceeds, L�nder shall nnt be required to pay Barrower any <br /> intere5t or earning5 vn�uch pro�eed5. Fees f�r public adjusters, vr nther third parties, ret�uned hy Burrower <br /> shal�not be paid�ut nf the insvura.nce praceeds and shall be the sale obligation nf B�rrower. If the restoratinn <br /> or repair is nvt ecanomically feasible vr Lender's security would be lessened, the insurance praceed�shall be <br /> a�piied ta the sum5 secured by �his Security Insiru.ment, whether vr not then due, with the excess, �f �ny, <br /> paid tia Barrower. 5uch insuriance proceeds sh�l be applied in the vrder pro�ide�for in Section Z. <br /> If Borrower abandvns �e Pmperty, Lend�r may f�le, negotiate and settle any a�ailab�e in5wrance clai�m and <br /> relatied mat�er5. If Bv�r�awer daes nut re5pond within 3� days ta a nv�i�e from Lender that #he insurance <br /> can�ier has a#�ered to settle a�laim, �en�ender may negotiate and sett�e the ��aim. The 34-day periad will <br /> begin when the notice is gi�en. In either e�ent, vr iF Lender acqu�r+e5 the Praperty under Se�t�vn ZZ Qr <br /> vtherwise, Barrawer hereby a5signs ta Le�der(a) Barnawer's righ�s to any xnsur�ance proceeds in an arnaunt <br /> nvt �v exc�ed the amount� unpaid ur�der the No�e vr this Security Ins�v.ment, and �b� any ather uf <br /> Bvrnaw�r'S right� �ather than the right to an� refund af une�rned premiums paid by $arrawer) under all <br /> insurance pali�ies co�er�ng the Prapert�, insof�r a� such right� are �ppl�cable t� t�e c��erage af �� <br /> Pmpe�ty. Lender may use the insurance pr�oceeds either tv repair nr res�vre #he Prvperty vr ta pay amvun�s <br /> unpaid under the Na�e or thais Security Instr�unen� whether ar not then due. <br /> D01 i 24Q49745 Citit�nk V3 <br /> NEBRASKA=Single F�mi�y-Fsnnie MpelFreddie Mac UN�FDRM INSTRIJMEh1T WITH MERS F[�'m 3�2B 1IQ1 <br /> yMP� VAAPfiA�ruq��3o2}.D� <br /> VVvE�ers K�wer Firmr�Cial Serv�es Rage?vf y 7 <br />
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