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��15��7�4 <br /> Parcel �D Number: whi�h current�y has the address vf <br /> 1115 E 5TH ST (,5�reet) <br /> Grand Island �Ci�y}� N ebraska 688�1- {?i�r Cad e} <br /> ("Praperty A ddress"}: <br /> TUGETHER WITH a�l the imprn�ement� now ar hereafter erected c�n #he property, and all easemenf�, <br /> appurbenances, �nd fixtures naw or hereafter a part of the prope�ty. A11 repl�cement� and �ditivn.s shal� a�so be <br /> c��ered by tihis Security InStrument Ali of the Fvreg�ing is reFerred to in this Security Ins�rument as the <br /> '"Property."Borrower understands and agrees that MERS holds only legal htle tn the interest gran�ed by Burrower <br /> in �us 5ecurity Irls�umen� but, iF necessary to cvmply with law �r cu�tvm, MERS (a� naminee fvr Lender and <br /> Lender�s successors and a�sign5� has the right: #�a exercise any vr all vf#hose interests, including, but n�t �imited <br /> t�, #he ri�ht ta fareclose and sell the Prope�ty 3 and ta take any �ctivn requ�red of Lender including, bu� nvt <br /> limitied ta, releasing and�an�eling this Se�urity Ins�ument <br /> BURR�WER �QVENANT5 that Borrower is lawfully seised vf the estate hereby cvn�eyed and ha� the r�ght to <br /> grant and cvn�ey �e Property and #hat the Property i5 unencumbere�l, except far encumbrances of recard. <br /> Borrower warrant� and will defend general�y the �tle �a the Praperty �gainst all claims and demands, subje�t ta <br /> �ny encumbrances nf record. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambines unif�rm ca�enant� fQr nativnal use and nan-unif�rm �a�enant� w�th <br /> linu�e���iations by jurisdict�on ta cfln�titutie a u�uforrn security ins�iment cv�ering real prope�ty, <br /> Uniforrn Co►►enants. Bornawer and Lender c��enant and agree as fvll�ws: <br /> 1. Paym�nt of Principal, Intenest, Escrvw Iterr�s, Prepayment �har�es, and Late Charges. Barrower <br /> shall pay when due tihe principal vf, and interest on, the debt evidenced by #he Nv�e and any prepaym�nt <br /> charges and �a�e charges du� under the Note. Barrower shall aisv pay funds fvr Escrow Iterns pursuant to <br /> S�ctivn �. Payment� due under #he Note and this Security Ir�strurnent shall be made �n L�.S. cwmency. <br /> Howe�er, if any check or v�er ins�i.iment rece��ed by Lender as payment under the N'ate �r tius Security <br /> I�nsfn.ament�s returned to Lender unpaid, Lender may r+equire that any or all subs�quent payrnents due under <br /> the Nvte and t�us Secu.r�ty Insf�vment be made in one�r rnone vf the f��lowing farxns, a5 se�ected b� Lender: <br /> �a} �ash; �b} maney arder; �c�certified check, bank check, t�easurer's check ar cash�er's cheCk, prov�ded any <br /> such check is drawn upan an�nstitution wh�se deposi� are insured by a federal ag�r�cy, in5�xment�Iity, ur <br /> entity; �r(d} Ele��anic Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are deemed recei�ed by Lender when recei►v�d at the loca�on designated in the Nvte ar at �uch <br /> other �ocativn a� may be �esigria�ed by Lend�r �n a�cord,ance with the nvtice pro�isivns in Sectian 15. <br /> Lender may return any payment ar part,ial paymerrt if the paymerrt or partial payment� at�e insuff�cient to <br /> br�ng the Laan curren� Lender may acc�� any paymer�t ur partial pa�ment insuff�c�ent to bring #�e Lvan <br /> current, without wai�er of any night� hereunder or prejudice #av its rights tv reFuse such payment vr��al <br /> pa�rnent� in #he future, but Lender is nat abiigated tn apply such paymerrts at the time such payments are <br /> accepted. If each Perifldic Paymen�is a�pl�ed� vf i#s s�heduled due c�ate, then Lender need n�t pay interest <br /> �n unapplied funds. Lender may ha�d�uch unapplied funds until Bnrnower makes payment�a bring the Loan <br /> current� If Barrower does nat dv s� within a reasanable periud�f time, Lender shall either appiy such funds <br /> vr neturn them ta Barrawer. If nvt applied ea.rlier, 5uch fund� wi�� be applied to th� vutstanding principal <br /> ba�ane� under �he Nate immecliately prior ta foreclasure. Nn nffset vr ciaim which Borrower m�ght ha�e <br /> now nr in the futurre against Lender shall re�ie�e Bnrrower frorn ma�ng paymen�ts t�ue under the Nvte and <br /> this Security Instiv.m�nt ar perfvrnung the co��nant� and agreements secured by this Security Instrurnent <br /> �D1124�49745 Citrt�ank 3.2.9�.15 V3 <br /> NEHRASKA-Single Fam�ly-Fannie MaelFr�dd#e M�iJNIPDRAA iNSTRUMENT WtTH MER5 Form 34�8�1D� <br /> VMP Q VMPfiA{NE,�{f302}.00 <br /> 1Nd#ers iCk�wer Fnancia�Servi�es Phage 4 a�1� <br />