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��15���SS <br /> �.:���� ����" `������. <br /> ����������� ���� � <br /> ohligations secured by this Deed af Trust m�y now�r he�eafter be othen�vise secur�d, whe�h�r by mo����ge, deed <br /> � a��rust, pl�dge, �ien, assignment or o�hen�vise. Nei�her the acceptar�ce af th�s ❑eed o�T�us� nor its e��forcement, <br /> whether by court ac�ian or pursuant to the power o� sal� ar other powers can�a�ned in this Deed of Trust, shail <br /> prejudice o� in any manner�a#�ec�Trust��'s or Lender's r�ght�o reaiize upon or en�or�� any ofiher secu���y now or� <br /> her�a�ter held hy Trustee or Lender, i�being agreed �ha�Trusfe�and Lender, and each o�th�m, shall be en�it#ed to <br /> �nforce th+s Deed a�Trust and any other se�uri�y now or herea�ter held by Lender ar Trustee in such order and <br /> manne� as they or �����er of them may in the�r absolute discretion determine. Na remedy confer�ed upon or <br /> reserved to Trus#ee or Lende�, is intended ta be exc�usi�e o� any other �ernedy in this ❑eed of Trust or by law <br /> pro�ided �r permi�t�d, but each shal� be cumu�a�i�e and sha�� be in addition �o every oth�r remedy gi�en in this <br /> �e�d of T�ust ar naw or he�eafter exisfing at 1aw or in equi#y or by sta�ute. E�ery p�wer o��emedy gi�en by the <br /> Cr�dit Agreemen� ar any o�F the Rela�ed Dacuments to Trust�e or Lende�- or� �a wh�ch ei�her of th�m may be <br /> v�he�wis� en�itled, may be exercised, concurren�iy or independently, fr�m �ime to time and as often as may be <br /> d�emed expedien� by Trustee or Len��r, and either af them may pursue �nconsistent remedies. No�hing in this <br /> Deed o�Trust shall be construed as prohibiting Lender from seeking a deficiency judgment aga�nst the Trustor�o <br /> �he ex�ent su�h ac�ion is permitted by law. <br /> E�ec�ion o� �emedies. AI! af Lende�'s rights and remedies wil� be cumulati�e and may be exer�ised alone ar <br /> �oge�her. �f Lende�d��ides �a sp�nd money o�to per�arm any o�Trustor's obliga�ions under this Deed �'�Trust, <br /> after Trus�or's faiiure to da so, that decisian by Lend�r will no�affect Lend�r's right to declare Yrus�or in d�fau�t <br /> and�o exercise Lender's�emedies. <br /> �eques�far fVotice. Trusto�, on behalf�f Tr-ustor and Lender, hereby reques�s that a copy of any Notice a�D�faul� <br /> and a copy of any Notice af 5ale under this Deed af Trust be mai�ed to�hem at�he addresses set�orfh in the firs� <br /> paragraph o��his Deed o�Trust. <br /> A�torneys' Fees; Exp�nses, �� Lender ins�itu�es any �ui� ar acti�n �o enforc� any af the terms o� �his Deed af <br /> Trust, Lend�r shall be entitied to recover such sum as�he court may ad�udge reasonable as atto�neys'fees a��rial <br /> and upon any appeal. Whefher o� no# any cour� action is in�ol�ed, and to the �xtent not proh�bited by �aw, al� <br /> reasonable expenses L�nder �ncurs that in Lender's opini�n are nec�ssary a� any t�me far �he prvtect�on af its <br /> in�e�est or the enfarcemen�o�i�s rights shal� become a part of#he !ndebtedness payab�e an demand and sha�l bear <br /> inferest at the �redifi Agre�ment rate from fhe date of �he expenditu�e unti� repaid. Expenses co�ered by this <br /> paragraph in�lude, without iimitation, howe�er sub�ec��o any (imits under app�icabl� �aw, Lender's attorneys' fees <br /> and Lender's lega! �xpenses, wh�thet� or not there is a lawsuit, including a�tarneys' fees and expenses far <br /> bankruptcy pro�eedings �including effor�s ta modify o��aca#e any automati� stay or injunction}, appeals, and any <br /> anticipated pos�--jud�ment cfl�[ectifln services, the cost of searching �-ec�rds, ob#aining #i#�e repar�s �including <br /> foreclosure repo�ts}, surveyors` reparts, and appraisal fees, t�tle insuran�e, and fees far the Trustee, to the exten� <br /> permEtted by appli�ahle law. T�usfor also wil� pay any cau�t co��s, in addition t�ali other�sums p�ovided by�aw. <br /> Righ#s o�Trus�e�. Trustee shall have ail of the�igh�s and du�ies Q�Lender as set�or�h �n this sec�ior�. <br /> p�i�ERS AND C��L1�A,TI�NS�F T�tUSTEE. The follow�ng pro�isions re�ating to the powers and obligations of Trustee <br /> are par�o�this Deed o�Trust: <br /> �'owers o�Trustee. In add�tion t� ail powers of Trustee a�ising as a matter of iaw, Trustee sha�� ha�e the power to <br /> �ake the follow�ng ac�ion5 wi�h respec�to fhe Proper�y upon the�vritten �-equest of Lende� and Trustor: �a}join in <br /> prepar�ng and �iling a map or pla� o�the Real Proper�y, �nclu�ing �he dedi�ation of streefs or other rights to the <br /> public; (b} join in gran�ing any easement or creating any res�ric�ion on the Reai Properfy; and �c) �oin in any <br /> subord�nation or ather agreem�nt a�ffecting�hfs Deed of Trust or the interest of Lender under this ��ed a�Trust.. <br /> Truste�, T�us�ee sha�1 meet all qualifica�i�ns required far Trustee under applicab�e law. �n addition to the rights <br /> and �-emed�es set�orth aba�e, with respect to afl ar any pa�t o�the Proper�y, �he Trustee shal� ha�e the right to <br /> foreclose by nn#ice and sale, and Lender wi{I ha�e the righ# to foreclose by jud�cial foreclasu�e, in ei#her case in <br /> accordance with and to the�u�l extent proWided by applxcable [aw. <br /> �uccessar Trus��e. Lender, at Lender's option, may fram �ime to t�me�ppoint a successor Trustee to any Truste� <br /> appninted under this Deed of Trust by an instrumen� exe�uted and acknowledged by Lender and �ecar�f�� in the <br /> a�fiice a� the re�arder of HALL County, S�ate o� Nebraska. The instrument shaii corrtain, in addi�ion �o all ather <br />� matters �-equired by �t�te law, �he names af the original Lender, Trus�ee, and Trust�r, the book and page �or <br /> compu�er sys�em reference} where �his Deed of T�us� is re�orded, and the name and address of the successar <br /> trus�ee, and the inst�-ument shali be exe�uted and a�knowledged by a!1�he b�neficiaries under this Deed of T�us�o� <br /> the�r successors �n inte�es�, The successor�rustee, wi�hau# con�eyance of th� Prop�rty, shail succeed �o a�l �he <br /> tit��, power,and dutie�canferred upon the Trustee in this Deed o�Trust and by applicable law. This procedure far <br /> �ubst�tution of Trustee shal}go�e�-n f�fhe exclusion of al1 �ther pra�isions for substitu#ion. <br /> ��lTl�E�. Any no�ice required to be given under this Deed of Tr�ust, �nc�uding wi�haut �imita�ion ar�y no�ice o�default <br /> and any no�ice o� sale sha�l be gi�en in w��iting, and shall be �ffec�i�e when act�ally deli�ered, when actually rece��ed <br /> by te�efacsim�ie �unless a�h��vv�se required by law}, vuhen c��pos��ed with a national�y recogni�ed o��rnight courier, ar, if <br /> ma�led, wh�n depasited �n th� United S�ates mail, �5�FI�S�G��SS, cer�ified or regis�ered mail pos�age pr�paid, di�ec�ed t� <br /> the addresses sho�nrn n�a�th� beginning ofi this D��d o��'rus�. AI� cop�es of notices o�f forec�osure �rom the halder o� <br /> any I�en vvhi�n ha� p�iori�y Qver�his �e�d o�T�us� sha�l be sen� to Lender'� addr�ss, as �hnwn n�ar�he beginn�ng ❑f <br /> th�s Deed o�Trust. �ny perso�� may chang� his �r her address �or no�ices under t�7is C�eed o��rrust by gi�ing formal <br />