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<br /> EVC��"S C�F DEFAULT, T�rustor wiEl b� in d��au�t und�:r this peed o�Yrust i�any of�he follawing happen: �A} Trus�or
<br /> camrn�ts fraud or rnakes � material misrepresen�atian at at�y �ime in connection wi�h the Cred�t Agreernent. This can
<br /> . �nclude, for example, a fafse �ta��ment abouf Trus�ar`s inc�me, �ssets, IE�bi�#t1�5, or any oth�r aspects af �t�us�or's
<br />� f�nancial condition. �B} Trust��does not meet�h� repayment terms o�the �re�it Ag�eement. ��} Yrusfa�'s acfiion or
<br /> inactia�i ad�erseiy a�ffec�s th� coiiateral or Lender's righ#s in the �o��atera�. This can �n��ude, #�or ex�mple, �ai�ure to
<br /> maintain required insurance, waste or destructi�e use o��he dwe�ling, fai�ure to pay taxes,death a�ali pe�sons liable on
<br /> �he account, t�ans�er o� fitle a� sale o� the dv�rell�ng, �reatian o� a seniar iien on the dwe�ling withou# Lender's
<br /> permission,�areclosure by the ho�der of another i�en, or the use o��Funds or fihe dwelling for prohib��ed purpos�s.
<br /> R�C�HT� AiVfl RE�EDIES C�N p�F��LT. I�an Event o�F❑efau�t occu�s under�his Deed o�T�us�, at any time thereafter,
<br /> Trustee o�Lender may exe�cise any an�ar mare of the�ol�ovuing rights and rernedies:
<br /> Accelera�ivn ���n De�ault; Add�tiflna[Remedies. If any Event of De�ault accur�as per the term�of the Credi�
<br /> Agreement se�ured hereby, Lender may declare al� �ndebt�dness secured by this Deed of Trust to be due and
<br /> payabl� �nd the same sha11 �hereupon becorne due and payable withaut any pres�ntmen�, demand, protest ar
<br /> notice of any kind. Thereafter, Lender may:
<br /> �a} Either in person or by agen�, with or without bringing any a�tian or p�o�eeding, or- by a recei�er
<br /> appo�n�ed by a �ou�t and withou� �egard to the adequacy af its secu�ity, enter upon and take possession
<br /> �f�he Prope�ty, ❑r any pa�t fhe�eof, in its awr� name ar�n the narne of Trustee, and da any aG�s which i�
<br /> deems necessary or desirable to preserve#he va�ue, mark�tability or rentabii�ty of the Property,ar part af
<br /> the Prap�r�y or�nterest in the Proper�y; incr�ase the�income f�-om �h� Property o�pro�e��the security of
<br /> the Pr�perty; and, with or without tak�ng possessian af the Property, sue ��r or otherwise �allect the
<br /> rents, issues and pra�its of the Prope�ty, inc�uding those past due and unpai�, and apply the same, less
<br /> cas�s and expenses ot operation and col�ec�ion atto�-neys'fees, to any indebtedness seGured by this Deed
<br /> �� Trust, a�l in such order as Lender may d��e�m�ne. The entering upan and takEng possession of�he
<br /> Prope�ty, #he cailection of such renfs, issues and profi�s, and the application thereof shall nofi cure or
<br /> wai�e any default or notice afi de�ault under�h�s Deed of Trust or in�a�idate any act done in respanse �a
<br /> such defauit or pursuant to such na�ic�of defaul�;and, na�withstanding the continuance in p�ssession o�
<br /> �he Property or the calle�t�on, rec�ipt and applica��on of�-ents, issues o� prv�its, Trustee or Lender sha��
<br /> be ent���ed ta ex�rcise e�ery right pro�ided for in the �redit Agreemen� or the Related Documents �r by
<br /> law upon�he occurrenGe o�any e�ent a�default, including the right�a exer�is�the pawer o�sale;
<br /> �b} �ommence an action to f�reclose this Deed o�Trust as a m�rtgage, appoint a recei�er or specifically
<br /> enforce any o�the co�enants hereof; and
<br /> �c} �eii�er to Trus#ee a wri#�en deciara�ion of de�ault and demand for sale and a w�-i#ten r�atice af default
<br /> and election t��ause T�ustor's interest in�he Property�o be s��d,wh�ch notice Tr-ustee shall cause�o be
<br /> duly f�ed for record in the apprapriate o�fices af the County�n which th� Prop�r�y is laca�ed;and
<br /> {d} With respect to ali or any par�of the Personal Property, Lend�r shall ha�e all �he rights and remedies
<br /> of a secured pa�ty under fhe Nebraska LJni�orm Commercial Cade.
<br /> Forec�asure by Pow��t�f Sale, [f Lender eleGts to fore�lose by exercise of#he Power of Sa�e he�ein contained,
<br /> Lender sha�l nati�y Trustee and shali deposit v�vith Trustee this Deed of Trus� and #he Credit Agreement and
<br /> such receipts and e�idence�f expenditures made and secured by th�s Deed of Trust as Trustee may require. -
<br /> " �a} �pon re��ip�of such no�ice from Lende�, T�ustee shall cause to be recorded, published and deli�ered
<br /> to Trustor such Natice af De#au�t and Noti�e o�Sale as then required by law and by this Deed of Trust_
<br /> T�ustee shall, w��hou# demand on Trus�or, a�ter such tim�: as may then be requir�d by law and after
<br /> recordation ❑f su�h Na�iGe o�Defau�t and after No�ice ❑f 5ale ha�ing been gi�en as�requi�ed by law, sel�
<br /> the Proper�y at the time and place of sale fxed by it in such Natice a-� Sale, ei�her as a who�e, or in
<br /> separate€o�s or parcels or i�ems as Trustee shaif de�m expedien�, and in such or�der as it may determine,
<br /> at public auc�ion t� �he highest bidd�r�ar cash in �awful money o�the Un��ed 5tates payab�e a�the time
<br /> of sale. T�usfiee sha�l de��ver tfl such pur�haser ar purchasers thereof its good and sufficiEn� deed ar
<br /> deeds canveying the praperty so sold, but wi#hout any cavenant or warran�y, expr�ss or impiied. The
<br /> recita�s �n such deed o�any matters ar facts shall b� cnn�lusi�e proof o�the truthfulness thereof. Any
<br /> person, �ncluding withaut�imi�at�an T�ustor,Trus�ee,ar L�nder, may pur�hase at such sale.
<br /> �b} As may b� permi��ed by law, af��r deducting ali cos�s, fees and expenses a�Truste� and af this
<br /> Trus#, inc�uding cas�s of e�idence of tit�e �n connection wi�h sa�e,Trustee sha�l apply the proGeeds o�sa��
<br /> to payment af �i} all sums expended under the terms of �nis Deed af Trus� or under the terms �f the
<br /> ��edit Agreement nat fhen repaid, �ncluding bu� not limited to acGrued intere�#and la�e charges, �ii} a�!
<br /> other sum� then �ecured hereby, and �iii} �he remainder, if any, �a the person or persons legaily enti�f�d
<br /> ti�ereto.
<br /> �c} Trustee may in the manner pro�ided by�aw postpone sa�e❑f ail or any part�on���he Property.
<br /> ��m�d�e� ��o� �xGlu�ive. Trustee and Lender, and each o� fhern, sha�l be enti�led �� en�orce p�yment and
<br /> pe�o�mance oi`any indeht�dness or-obiigati�ns sec��red by fh�s Deed af Trus�and �o exercise a#I rights and pawers
<br /> under- th�s Deed c�f Trus�, unde��he Credit Agr�emen�, under a�y o�the R�lated ❑flcuments, or under any a�het�
<br /> ar�reement or �ny laws nov,� o�- herea���r in for�e; notwi�hs��nding, some or a�l of s�ch �ndebfedne�� and
<br />