<br /> ���� �� ������ .
<br /> ����������� ���� �
<br />� writ�en notic� �o �he other per�on o� per�nns, specEfying that �he purpose o� th� not�c� is fo �hange the persor�`s
<br /> add�ess. Fo�-nat�ce purposes, Trus��r agrees to keep �ender informed at aI! �imes o�Trus�or`s �urren�address. Ur�les�
<br /> o#her�rvise proWid�d o� r�yuired by �aw, ifi the�e is mare than one Trustor, any noti�e given by Lender t❑ �ny �!-rustor is
<br /> deemed to he no�ice gi�en to all Trusfors. I�wiil �e Trus�or's �esponsibility�o�ef�the othe�s o��he not�ce fram Lende�-.
<br /> ��SC�L�.�1����� ��C71l�Sl��I�. The fo�iowing misc��laneous provisions are a p�r�o��his Deed o�Tr-ust_
<br /> �4mendm�n�s. Wh�t �s wri�ten in this Deed o�Trus� and in #he Refa�ed Do�uments is Trusta�'s en�ire agreement
<br /> with Lender concerning the matters co�ered by this L7eed ��Trust. To b� effecti�e, any chang� ar amendmen��o
<br /> this Deed of Trust n7us� be in w�it�ng and must be signed by whae�er wif 1 be bound or ob�igated hy the change or
<br /> amendment.
<br /> �a���vn Head�ngs. �aption headings in this Deed of Trust a�e far convenience purposes anly and are not #o be
<br /> used�� interpret o�define�he pro��sions o##his Deed of Trust.
<br /> IIl�erger. There shall be na rnerger of the interes�or estate crea�ed by this Deed of Trus�with any o#her�nteres#or
<br /> esta�e in �he Property a��ny#irne held by or�ar�he benefi�a� Lender in any capacity, without the wri#�en consent
<br /> a�Lender.
<br /> �o�erning Law. 1"his �3eed o� T�usf w��l be go�ern�d b� �ederal la� applicabl� �a Lend�r and, ta �he extenfi no�
<br /> preempted Eay�ed�ra� �aw,th� laws o�fh�5�afe �f N�braska wi�haut�-egard�v its �onfl�cts of law prar►isions. Th�s
<br /> Deed af Yrust has been ac�epfed by Lender in #he�ta�e a�1�e�raska.
<br /> No�ai�rer by Len�er. Trustor understands L�nder w��f nat give up any of Lender`s �ights under this Deed of Trusf
<br /> unless Lender does so in writing. The fact �ha� Lend�r de�ays or om�ts �o exe�cise any righ� wi�! not mean tha�
<br /> L�nder has gi�en up that righ�. lf Lende�does ag�-ee in wri�Eng to gi�e up ane o� L�nde�'s rights, tha� do�s not
<br /> mean Trustor will nat have to comp�y wi�h th� othe� pr��isions o�F�his Deed o�Trust. Trustor alsa understands
<br /> that if Lend�� does consent �o a request, that does not mean that Trustar wil� not have to get Lender's consent
<br /> again i#��he situa�ion happ�ns again. Trustor�u�ther und�rstands thaf�ust because Lender cons�nts to one or more
<br /> of Trustor's �equests, that da�s not mean Lender w�ll �� r�quired �o consen� �o any o�Trus�or`s�uture re�uests.
<br /> Trustor waives presen�men�, demand far paymen�, protest, and no�ice of dishono�-.
<br /> Se�erabil��y. If a �our� finds that any pra��sion o�this Deed o�Trust is not �alid ❑r shauld not be enforced, tha�
<br /> �act by i�self wi�l not mean th�t�he rest o�this D��d of Trus#will no� be�alid or enforced. Therefiore, a court wil�
<br /> enfo�c�the res�of the p�o�isions�f#h�s Deed o�Trus#even �f a pro�ision of this Deed o�Trust may be found fo be
<br /> . in�a�id or unen�orceab�e.
<br /> Su�cessors and Assign�. �ubject to any limita�ions �ta�ed �n t�is I]eed of Trust on transfer of Trustor's interest,
<br /> this ❑eed of Trus� sha�l be b�nding upon and inure ta �he benefit o�fhe parties, their successors and assigns. I�
<br /> ownership o�the Prape�ty becom�s�ested in a persan other than Trus#or, Lender, wi�haut n�#ice to Trustar, may
<br /> dea�w��h Trusto�'s successo�s with ref�rence ta this ❑eed o�Trust and fhe Indebtedness by way of forbearance or
<br /> exfensian w�thaut releasing Trustor f�om the ohligations of�his ❑eed of Trust or liabil�ty under the �ndebfiedness.
<br /> Time is o�fhe E�sen�e. Time�s of the essence in the perfarmance of th�s Deed of Trust.
<br /> Il1�a��er vf Homes�ead Exempfion. Trustor hereby re�eases and waives all rights and benefiits of �he homestead
<br /> exemption laws of�he State o�Nebraska as ta a�l Inde�tedness secured by th�s Deed of Trust.
<br /> DEFIN1Tll]NS. The fallow�ng words sha�l have�he�ol[av►�ing meanings�vhen used in this De�d af Trust;
<br /> Ben��ic�ary. The word "Sene�iciary" means BAN�❑F THE WEST, and its successor-s and assigns,
<br /> gorrow�r. The wo�d "Sorrower" means J�L1�NE K NELSEN and inc#udes a!I co-signers and co-makErs signing fhe
<br /> ��-edit Agreement and a�l th�ir suceessors and assigns.
<br /> Gred��Agreement. The words "�redit Agreement"mean the credi�agreement da�ed Aprii 23, 2�'i 5, 1l���� �r�d1�
<br /> ��m�'� �]� $��,��C�.C�(� frQm T�-ustor �a Lender, togethe�- wi�h ai� renewals of, ex�ensions of, modifications o�,
<br /> �efinancings of, consolidations a�, and subs�i�u�ions ��r the prnmissory no�e �r agreemen#. The maturi�y date af
<br /> this Deed �� Trus� is May '1, �Q��, NC�`�IG� Tp T�uSTC3�: �`�1E �R��1T AGREEI�EN�' CQNTAIN� A VAR.[A�L.�
<br /> �NTEREST�A1�E.
<br /> Deed of Trust. The words "Deed o� Trus#" mean this Deed a� Trust among Tr�ustor, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br /> inciudes wi�hou� I�mi�atian al� assignm�nt and securi�y ;nfer�st p�ovis�ons �-eia�ing �o �he Personaf Proper�y and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> Environmenta! Laws. The words "En�ironmental Laws" mean any and al� stat�, fiede�-a1 and �ocal statu�es,
<br /> �egulations and ordinances re�ating to �he pro�ection af human hea�#h or the en�iranment, in�{uding withaut
<br />. ��mitation �he Compr�hensi�e En�ironmen#al Respon�e, Compensation, and Liabilify Ac��# 'I9�Q, as amended, 42
<br /> U.S.C. S�ction 96Q1, et seq. �"C�RCLA"}, �he Super�und Amendments and Reautho�i�at�on Act of 198�, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99--499�"SARA"},�he Hazardous Materials Transpar�afian Ac�, �9 U.S.�. Se�tion �8��, et seq., the Res�urce
<br /> �anse�-vation and Recovery Act, 4� U.S.C. Sec�ion �9�'I, et seq., ar a�her applicable s�a�e or federal 1aw�, rules,
<br /> or regulations adop�ed pur�uan#�he�efio,
<br /> �►�en�of 17e�aul�. The words"��ent o��e�auit" mean�ny of t��e eWen��a�defaul�set�Far�h in this De�c� o�Trusi�n _
<br /> th�e�ents o�de�aul�sectian of�h�s Deed of 7ru�fi.
<br />