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��15��545 <br /> in�eres� fr�rn �he da�e of disbursemen� a� the same rate assessed �n ad�ances under �he Con�ract and sha�l be <br /> payable,wi�h�n�eres�,upon na�ice from Lender�o Borrower reques�ing paymen�. <br /> Inspect�on. Lender or �ts agent may make reas�nable entries upon and inspec�ions of the Propez-�y. Lender shall <br /> give Borr�v��r n�tice a��he time of or prxor t�an rnspection specxfying reasonable cause for the insp�ctinn. <br /> Condemnat�vn. The pr��eeds of any award or claim for damages, d�rect or consequent�al, �n cannec��an wi�h any <br /> cond�mna��on or ather�aking of any par�af�h� Proper�y, or for c�nveyance in Iieu of condernnati�n, are her�by <br /> ass�gned and shall be paid ta Lender. <br /> �n the e�ent of a�ota1 taking of the ProperCy, the pro��eds sha11 be applied ta �he sums secured by th�s Secur�ty <br /> �nstrument, whe�her or na� then due, with any excess �a�d �� Borrower. �n the event of a par�ial taking af th� <br /> Proper�y in �vhich the fazr marke� va�ue af�he Pr�perty irnmedia��ly b�far�th� �aking is equa�to ar grea�er�han <br /> the amount af�he sum.s secured by �his Security �nstrumen� xmmed�ately before the ta��ng, un�ess Borrovwer and <br /> Lender otherwise agree in wr�txng,�he sums secured by�hxs Secur��y�nstrumen�shall be r�du�ed by�he amount of <br /> the proceeds mu�tip�red by the follaw�ng fraction: �a��he�o�al amaun�of the sums secured i�nm.ediate�y before�he <br /> takir�g, divided by �b} the fa�.r marke� value of the Property immedia�ely before �he taking. Any baiance shall be <br /> paxd�o Borrower. �n th� even� of a par�ia� �aking of the Properry in whzch the fair market valu� of the Properry <br /> �mm�d�ately �before �he �ak�ng is less than the amaun� of the sums secured zmmedia�ely before the taking, unless <br /> Borrower and Lender otherv��se agree in v�ri�ing or un�ess Applicable Lavv o�herwise pravides, �h.e proce�ds shall <br /> be applied�o tihe sums secured by�h�s Securi�y Ins�rum�n�v�hether or not�he sums are�hen due. <br /> �f the Proper�y is abandaned by Borrower, or if, after no�x��by L�nder to BorrovWer tha�the condemnor offers ta <br /> make an award or set��e a cla�m far damages, Borrower fa�Is to res�ond��Lender v�i�hin the mznxmum number of <br /> days es�ablished b�Applicab�e Law after the da�e the r�otice is giv�n,Lender is au�horzzed to callec�and apply the <br /> proceeds, a� its op�i�n, e��her to res�orat�on or repa�r of the Properry ar �o �he sums secured by �his Secur��y <br /> Instrumen�,v�hether or na��hen due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherw�se agree in v�rx��ng, any app��ca�i�n of proceeds to princzpa� shall no�extend <br /> or postpone�he due da�e af the payments due under the Contract or change�he amaunt af su�h paymen�s. <br /> Borrow�r Not Re�eaSed; Farbearance By Lender Not a Wai�er. Ex�ension �f the t�me for paymen� or <br /> modif ca�ion of amor�izat�on of�he sums secured by �his S�currty Instrument granted by L�nder�o Borr�w�r �r <br /> any successor rn �nter�st af Borrav�er shall not operate to release �he ��ab��ity of the original Borrower ar <br /> B�rrawer's successors iri �n�erest. Lender sha11 not be required�o commence proceed�ngs aga�ns�any su�cessar in <br /> int�r�st�r refus���exter�d for payment ar atherwxse modify amor-�izatian af the sums secured�y this S�curi�y <br /> Instrument by reason �f any demand made by the origina� Borrovver or Borrower's successors �n �n�er�st. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender �n e�ercis�ng any righ.�or remedy shal�no��e a wai�er of or preclude the exercise �f any <br /> righ�or remedy. <br /> �uc�essars and Assxgns Baund; Join� and Severa� Liability; A�commodatian S�gners. The co�enants and <br /> agreements of�his Secur��y Ins�rument sha��bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lend�r and B�rrav��r, <br /> sub�ec� �� �h� pravisions af sec�ian �i�Ied Transfer of the Praperty or a Benef�cia� Interest �n Barrower, <br /> Borrower's covenants and agre�rn.ents sha��be jo�nt and severa�.Any person who ca-s�gns�his Security�nstrument <br /> but has no persona� l�a�il�ty under �he Cantrac� �"Accornmoda�ian Signer"}: �a} is co-signing �hxs Secur��y <br /> Znstrumen� only �o mor�gage, grant and con�ey that Accommoda�zon Signer's �n�erest �n �he Properry under �he <br /> �erms of �he Se�urz�y Instrument; �b} is na� persona��y ob�igated �o pay �he sums secured by �hzs Security <br /> �nstrument; and (c� agr�es tha�Lender and any other Borrower may agree�o extend, modif�, f�rbear ar make any <br /> accommoda��ons wz�h regard���he�erms of this Security Instrument or�h��ontract w��hou��hat Acc�mmoda��on <br /> Signer's consent. <br /> Loan Charges. �f�he �oan secured by this Security Znstrument is sub�ec� �a a �aw which se�s max�murn �oan <br /> charges, and that�aw is final�y zn�erpre��d sa that�he interest ar other Iaan charges collected or t�b� c�llected rn <br /> connec��on wi�h �he ��an exceed �he permit�ed ��mi�s, �hen: �a} any su�h loan �harge sha�1 be reduced by the <br /> amount necessary�a reduc��he charge�a�he perm�t��d iim��s and�b) any sums already colle��ed fram.B�rrower <br /> wh�ch e�ceeded perm�t�ed l�m�ts.wi�� be refunded to Borrov�er. Lender may choose �o make this refund by <br /> reducing�he pr�nc�pa� owed und�r�he �ontrac� or by makinb a direct paymen��a B�rrovver. �f a refund reduces <br /> pr�n��pa1,the reduct�on w����e trea�ed as a par�ral prepaymen�under�he�ontrac�. <br /> Notice�. Any na�i�e �o Borrower provided for in this Sec�ri�y �nstrumen� shall be gi�en by del�vering i� or by <br /> max��.ng it b�f�rs�c�ass ma��unless App�icable Law requires use of ano�her meth�d.The not�ce sha��be d�rected�o <br /> the Praperty Address vr any ather address Borrawer des�gnates by no�ice�a Lender. Borrovver agrees ta provzd� <br /> Lender v�i�h Borrower's mos� current mailxng address, as �� may change fram tim�-ta�tim�. Any no�ice t� Lender <br /> sha�l be given b�f rst class mail�o Lender`s address s�a�ed here�n or any other address Lender designa�es by na��ce <br /> to Borrower. Any na�ic�prov�ded for in�his 5�cur��y zns�rumen�shal�be deemed�o ha�e be�n given�Q Borr�wer <br /> or Lender when given as prov�ded in�his paragraph. <br /> Gv�erning Law; Se�verab���ty.Th�s Secur�ty Instrument sha�1 be go�erned by federal Iaw and�he laws af the s�a�e <br /> af Nebraska. �n �he event �ha� any pro�risxon or c�ause of�his Security �ns�rument flr �he Cantrac� �onflicts with <br /> App�zcable Lav�, such �onflic� shall not affec� ��her provisions of�h�s Secur��y Instrumen� or the C�ntrac�v�hzch <br /> �an be g��en effect withou��he�onflicting pravzsi�n. T��his end�he pro�isi�ns of�h�s�ecurz�y�nstrum�nt and the <br /> Contrac�are deciared�o be s�verable. <br /> Borrower's Copy,B�rrawer sha���e g��en ane capy of�his Security Instrument. <br /> C�ZD�4-2014 Campliance 5ystems,inc.FDda-C8�'E-2fl 13L2.t a.I.BgS <br /> Cansumer ReaI Estate-5e�urity Instrument DL2Q36 Page 3 flf 5 www.comp�iancesystems.Gvm <br />