<br /> Transfer of th�Prap�rty or a Beneficial Interest in B�rrower, If alI or a��y pa.r�of�h�Proper�y or any interest
<br /> in it is sold or transferred (or if a beneficial inter�st in Borrower �s soXd �3r �ransferred and Barrower is not a
<br /> natural person� without Lender's prior written consent, Lender may, at its op��on, requ�re �mm�d�a�e paymen� �n
<br /> ful� of aI� sums secured by �his Security rnstrument. H�we�er, this option shall no� b� �xercised �y Lender if
<br /> exerc�se i�prahibited by federal�aw as of�he date flf�his Security�nstrument,
<br /> If Lender exercises this flp��on, Lender shall g�ve Borr�v�er notice of acc�l�eration. Th� notice shall provide a
<br /> p�r��d �f not �ess than �he m.�nimum number of days es�ab��shed by App�ic�able Law fr�n1 the dat� �he not�ce �s
<br /> delivered �r mailed with�n wh�ch Borrower must pa� a�� sums secured �y this Security �nstrumen�. Tf Barrow�r
<br /> fails to pay �hese sums pr�or to �he �xp�ra�ion of�hrs p�ri�d, Lender may �n.voke any rem�d�es permitted by this
<br /> Se�ur��y�ns�rumen�w��hout fur�her notice or demand an Barrower.
<br /> B�rrawe�-�s R�ght �o ReinS�ate. �f Borr�wer m��ts cer�a�n cand����ns, B��rrovver sha1l have the right to have
<br /> enforcem.�n� of th�s Security �nstrumen� dis��n�inued a� any��me prior�o thE: earl��r of: (a� 5 days ��r such ��h�r
<br /> perxod as App�ica�hle Law may spec�fy for r�ins�a�em�n�)bef�re sale of the P�oper�y pursuan�ta any p�wer of sai�
<br /> cantained in this Security Instrumen�; or ��} entry of a judgment enforcing this Security �nstrument. Thase
<br /> condit�ans are tha� Barrov��r: �a} pays Lender al� sums wh�ch then would �e due under�h�s Se�ur��y zns�rument
<br /> and the C�n�ract as�f na a�ce�eration had occurred;�b�cures any defaul�of al�y other c�venan�s or agreements;�c}
<br /> pays a��e�penses incurred in enforcing thxs Securxty Ins�men�,including,bL��nat Iim�ted to,reasonable at�orneys'
<br /> fees to�h� extent permitt�d by 1aw; and (d}takes su�h ac�ion as Lender ma�reasonab�y require�o assure�ha�the
<br /> lien of�his Securxty Instrumen�, Lender's rights in�he Prop�rty and Borrower�'s ob�igation�o pay the sums se�ured
<br /> b� th�s Securi�y �nstrument shall cont�nue unchanged. LTpon reins�atement b;y Borrov��r, this Security rnstrument
<br /> and the obligat�ons secured hereby shall remain fu��y effec�ive as if na acceleration had o�curred. H�v�ever, �his
<br /> righ�ta reins�ate sha��no�apply in the case af acceiera���n un.der the section�:�tled Trar�sf�r of the Property or a
<br /> Beneficial In�erest�n�orrower.
<br /> Hazardous Substance�. B�rrovver shall not cause ar perm�t th�presence,us{:, disposal, storage, or release of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or�n�he Proper�y.Barrawer shall not do,nor al�aw anyone else�o da,anything affec�ing
<br /> the Property that is � viola�ion of any En�ironmental Law. The preceding twfl sentences shal� not apply t� �he
<br /> presence,use,or storage an the Proper�y of sma�l quan�i�ies of Hazardous Su��s�ances tha�are generally recogni�ed
<br /> to be appropr�ate to narmal residen�ral uses and to maintenance of th�Property.
<br /> Borrower shall pramptly g��e Lend�r wr�tten no�ice of any in�es�iga�i�n,��a�r�.,demand, laWsu�t or o�her action by
<br /> any �overnmental or regula�ory agency or pr�va�e par�y �nvo�ving the Proper�y and any Hazard�us Substanc� or
<br /> Envrronmental Law of vvhich Borrovv�r has ac�ual �o�ledge. If Borrt�w�r I�arr�s, ar �s nat�f ed �y any
<br /> governmen�al or regulatory auth�rity,that any remo�al or a�her remediation c�f any�azardous Subs�ance affec�ing
<br /> �he Prop�rty is necessary, Borrower shall promp�iy �ake all necessary r��m�dial ac�i�ns in accordance with
<br /> Enviranmen�al Law,
<br /> As used xn this paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are�hose su�stances defit�ed as t�xic or hazardflus substances
<br /> by En�ironmentaX Law and �he fol�owzng substances: gaso�ine, �erosene, other flamma�le or tox�c petroleum
<br /> produc�s, toxi� pes�ic�des and her�icides, wola��l� solven�s, materials �on�a;ining asbest�s or formaldehy�.e, and
<br /> radioacti�e materials. As used�n thxs paragraph, "En��ronmen�al Law"means�federa��aws and Iaws flf�he s�ate of
<br /> Nebraska that re�ate�a heaith, safe�y ar�n�ironmen�al pr�tec��on.
<br /> AcceleratiQn; Remed�es. Lender sha�� give notice t� �orrower prior ta acce�eration fol�owing Borrawer'S
<br /> breach of any co�ena�t or agreement in this Security Instrument or the+�ontrac�under which acceleration
<br /> �s permitted �bu� nv� prior tv ac�e�eration under�he 5��tion tit�ed Tran�fer of the Praperty or a Bene�cial
<br /> Interest in B�rrower, unle��AppI��ab�e Law prvvides otherwise�. The notice shai� specify: �a} the defau��;
<br /> (b} �he action re�u�red �o cure the default; ��� a da�e, no� less than the m�nimum number of days
<br /> estab�ish�d by Appl�cablQ Lavv fr�m the date the not��� is given to Barra�wer, by whi�h th�defau��must be
<br /> cur�d; ar�d �d} that failure to cure the default on ar before the date 5p�c�f�ed in �he notice ma� resu�t in
<br /> accelera�ion of �he sums se�ured by this S�curity Instrument and sal<e af the Praperty. Tfl the ex�ent
<br /> permitted by Iaw, th� na��ce �hal� further inform Bvrrower of the right to reinstate after acceleration and
<br /> �h�r�ght�o bring a c�urt a�tion ta assert the non-existence of a default o:r any oth�r defense of Barrower�a
<br /> acceiera�ion and sale. If�h� default is not cured on or before the date s��e��fied i� t�� notice, Lender a� its
<br /> option m�y require immediate payment in fu�I of al� sums 5ecured by �his Securi�y Instrume�� wi�hout
<br /> further d�mand and may �nvoke the power vf sale and any other remet��es permitt�d by Applica��e Law.
<br /> To the extent pernrt�tted by Iaw, Lender shal� be enti�led to Col�ect all +yxpenses in�urred in pursuing the
<br /> remedies provided in th�s �ectian, rnc�uding, but not�irnited to, r�asona��le a�torn�ys' fees and co��s of��tle
<br /> e��dence.
<br /> If the pov�ver of sa�e is in�aked,Trustee �ha�l record a no�ice of defau�t ir.� each county in wh�ch any par�of
<br /> the Praperty �s located and s�a�l ma�l copies of�uch notice in th� manne�r prescribed by Applica��e Lav�to
<br /> Barrower and to the other perstins prescribed by App�icable Law. After �he tim� required by App��cabie
<br /> Law, Tru�t�e shall give public noti�e of sale t� the persons and in �he manner prescribed by App��cable
<br /> Law. TruStee,wi�hou�demand on Borrawer, sha�l sell the Prnperty at p�ub�ic auction to the h�ghest bidder
<br /> at the time and place and under the terms designated�n the not�ce�f sale in one or more parce�s and�n any
<br /> order Trustee determine5. Trustee rnay postpone sale of all or any ��arcei of the Property by public
<br /> announCement at the time and p�ace�f any pre�ious�y sch�duled 5a�e.Lender or its designee may purchase
<br /> the Property at any sa�e.
<br /> Upon re��ip� of paymen� of the pri�e bid, Truste� shaZl del��er to the p�:�rchaser Trustee's deed con�ey�ng
<br /> the Property. The r�cita�s in the Trustee's deed �ha�� be prima fac�e�vid{ence of the�ruth af the�tatements
<br /> C�2004-2�14 Compliance Systems,Inc.FJ]d�-CBFE-2�i 3L2.i 4.1.895
<br /> Consuzner Aeai Estate-5ecurity Instrument DL2Q3d Pa�e 4 of S www.compifancesystems.com
<br />