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��15��545 <br /> Payment af Pr�nc�pa�and Interes�; t)�her�harges.Borrovver shall promp�tly pay when due the prxnc�pa�af and <br /> in�eres�on the de�t o�red under the�on�ract and�ate charges�r any�th�r fee;s and charges due under the Contract. <br /> Applicable Law. As use� in this 5ecurity Instrument, �he term "Applica�3�e Law" sha�� mean a�� �ontro�l�ng <br /> applica�le federal, state and Iocal statu�es, regula�ions, ardinances and admzr�is�ratxve ru�es and orders ��tha� hav� <br /> the effe��of Iavv�as v�re�l as a�l app�icable fna1,non-appealable judicial opinic�ns. <br /> �harges; L�ens. Borrower shall pay al1 taxes, assessments, charges, fnes and impositions a�tributab�e t� �he <br /> Proper�y vvh�ch may atta�n priori�over�his Security Instrument, and �easehc��d payments or ground ren�s, �f any. <br /> A�the request af Lender,Borrov�er shall promp�Ty furnish�o Lender re�eipts f���dencing the payments. <br /> Borr�v�er shall prompt�y discharge any Iien which has priorxty o�er�his Sec��r��y Instrum�nt unless Borrower: ta} <br /> agrees in writing �o the paymen� of�he ob�iga�ion s��ured by the lien in a manner acc�ptab�e �a Lender; �b} <br /> con�ests in goad fai�h the l�en by, nr defends agains� enforcement of th� l�e.n in, legal proceedings which in �he <br /> Lender's opin�an opera�e �o pre�ent the enforcemen� �f the �ien; or �c) se�,ures fr�m the holder of the Xien an <br /> agreemer��sa�isfactory to Lender subordina�ing�he �ien to �his Securi�y Inst�rT�men�. If Lender determines tha�any <br /> part af�he Proper�y is sub�ect�o a lien vt�hi�h may at�ain priority over this ��ecurity Instrument, Lender may g�ve <br /> Borrawer a natice identifying the lien. Barr�wer shal� sa��sfy�he ��en or tak�� ane ar more of�he ac�ions se� for�h <br /> abo�e wi��in �fl days of the giving of no���e. <br /> Hazard or Praperty Insurance. Borrower sha�l keep�he impra�ements no�v�xisting or herea�ter erected�n the <br /> Property�nsur�d aga�ns��oss by fire,hazards included�vithin�he term"ex�enc�ed cQ�erage" ar�d any fl�h�r hazards, <br /> xnc�ud�a.g floods or fl�oding, for vvhi�h Lender requxres �nsurance. Th�s i,r�surance shall b� maintained in �he <br /> amoun�s and for the per�ods that Lender requ�r�s. The i.nsurance carrier provi��ing�he insurance shal�be chosen by <br /> Borrower su��ect ta Lender's approva� whxch shai� n�� be unreas�nab�y withheld. If Borro�er fails to ma7ntain <br /> co�erage described above, Lexzder may, at Lender's option, obtain coverage ta pratect L�nder's righ�s in �he <br /> Property i�accardan�e vw�th sec�xon t��led Protec�ivn�f Lender's Rights in the Proper�y. <br /> A�1 insurance po��ci�s arid renev�als shal� be a�cep�ab�� to Lend�r a.nd shal� �nc�ude a s�andard mor�gage clause. <br /> Lender sha�l have�he r�ght��hold th�poli�ies and renewals. If L�nder requires, Borrower shali promptly g�ve�a <br /> Lender a��recexpts of paid premiums and renev�al notices. In the event of loss, Borrower shal�give prompt natx�e <br /> ta the�nsuran�e carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof of�oss if nnt ma��e prompt�y by Barrower. <br /> Un��s� Lender and Borrov�er o�herwise agree �n wri�ing, �nsurance procee��s sha�I be applied �a restorat�on or <br /> repair of�he Properry damaged, �f, �n Lender's so�e discretion, �h� restorat�c3n or is econom�cally feasibl� <br /> and Lend�r's security is not Iessened. �f, ua Lender's so�e discretion, the rest��ra�ion �r repa�r is no� ecanomically <br /> feaszble or Lender's security would be��ssened,the insurance proceeds sha�l��e applied to the sums secured by this <br /> Securi�y �ns�rument, whether ar not then due, v�ith any excess paid �a Barrovver. �f Borrovver aband�ns the <br /> Property,flr d�es not ans�er within�he number of da�s prescr�bed by Appl����bl�Law as se�for�h in a notice fraxn <br /> Lender��Borrnw�r�ha�the insuran�e carrier has offered ta set�le a�Iaim,���en Lender may col�ec��he insurance <br /> proceeds. Lender may use the pro�eeds to repair or res�ore the Property or�:o pay sums secured�y�his Securit�y <br /> Ins�rument,whether�r no��hen due.The period of time far Borrovv�r�o answ��r as set forth in the notice v�ili beg�n <br /> when�he notxce�s g�ven. <br /> Unless Lender and Borr�wer otherwise agree �n v�r-i�ing, any appli�a��fln of��roceeds ta principa� sha��not ex�end <br /> or postpone�he due da�e of�he payments due under�he Contract ar change�he amoun�of the paym�nts. �f under <br /> �he section ti�led Acce��ra��on; Remedies, the Property is acquired by Lend��r, Borrower's right to any insurance <br /> p�licies and proceeds resu�t�ng fr�m damage to the Proper�y prxor to the acquisition shail pass �o Lend�r t� the <br /> exten�of�he sums secured�y�his Se�urity�nstrument�mm�dia�ely prior�o th+�acqu�s���on. <br /> Preservatian, Ma�n�enance and Protection af the Property; Borrawe�•'s Loan Appx�cat�on; Leaseho�ds. <br /> Borro�er sha��no�destrfly, �iamage or impair the Property, a�low the Properi.y�o de�erior�.te, or cammit v�as�e on <br /> the Praperty.Barro�er shall be�n default if any forfeiture ac�ion or proceedin.g,whe�her c�v�l ar crimina�,is�egun <br /> tha� xn Le�.der's g�od fa��h judgmen� �vuld result in fflrfei�ure of�he Proper�y or ��herw�s� ma�erially impair the <br /> lien creat�d by �h�s Security Znstrumen� Qr Lender's security in�er�st. Bor�•ow�r may �ure such a default and <br /> reinstate, as pr�v�ded in sec�ion t��led Borrovver's R�ght to ReinState, by c��using th� action�r pr�ceedrng�o be <br /> dismissed with a ruling�hat, in Lender's good fa�th determination,preclud�s fi�rfeiture�f�he Borrov�er's xnterest in <br /> the Prope�ty ar other mater�al impairmen� of the lien created by �his Secur�� Instrument or Lender's securifiy <br /> �nteres�.Borrower shall also be in defau���f Barrawer,dur�ng the ioan app��catxon process,gave materially false ar <br /> inac�urate �nformation or statemen�s �o Lender �or fa�Xed to pravide Lende.r with any ma�eria� informa��on� in <br /> connect�on�ith the Iaan eviden�ed by�he Contrac�. If�his Secur�ty Instrum��n� �s nn a leasehald, Borrower shall <br /> comp�y vvi�h aII the pra��sions af�he l�ase. If Borrov�er acquires fee title�o�he Property,�he leasehold and the fee <br /> title shal�nat m�rge un��ss Lender agrees ta the merger in v�ri�rng. <br /> Protection af Lender's R�gh�s �n �he Property. If Borrov�er faiis to per;�orm the co�enan�s and agreements <br /> contained in thrs Secur�ty rns�rument, or�here is a legal pr�ceeding tha�may�ignif can�ly affect Lender's righ�s in <br /> the ProperCy �such as a procee��ng �n bankruptcy, probate, for condemnatio�l or farfe�ture or�o enforce �aws or <br /> regulatians�, �hen Lender may do and pay fflr whate�rer is necessary to pr��tec� �he value of the Praperty an� <br /> Lender's righ�s in the Proper�y. Lender's actians may rnc�ude paying any sums se�ured�y a lien wh�ch has pr�ority <br /> ��er this Secur�ty Instrumen�, appearing i.n cflur�,pay�ng reas�na��e attorney�' f�es and en�ering on the Proper�y to <br /> make r�pairs.Al�hough Lender may take action under this sec��on,Lender does nat hav�to da so. <br /> Any amoun�s dxsbursed by Lender under thrs sec�xon shall be�o�ne add���an��l de�bt of B�rrower secured by �h�s <br /> Security Z�astrument. Unless Borrov�er and Lender agree �a other terms af payment, �hese am�unts sha�� bear <br /> C�a04-2D14 Campliance Sys�ems,Inc.FD54-CBFE-2013L2.�0.1.895 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security inst�rument DLZ435 Pa�e 2 of 5 vv�►,vw,campIiar�cesys#erns.cvm <br />