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��15��311 <br /> senten�:es shai� not appiy to the presence, use, or storag�on the Proper�y of sma11 quan�iti�s�f Hazardou� <br /> Subs�anc�s tha� are generally rec��nized to b�appr�priate t�normal residen�ial uses and to ma�ntenance of <br /> th� Prop�rty �including, but not l�mited to, hazardous substances �n�onsum�r products}. <br /> Borrow�r shall promptly give Lender wri�ten notice of�a� an� in�es���ati�n, �laim, de�m.and, �awsui�or other <br /> actian b� ar�� g��ernmen�al ar regula�ory agen�y or pri�ate par�� in�fllving the Prapert� and any Hazardous <br /> Suhstan�e or En�ironmentai Law of vvh�ch Borrower has actuai knowledge, �b} any En��ronmen�a� <br /> �ondit��n, including but no�lirni�ed tn, any spiiiin�, �eaking, discharge, re�ease or threat of release nf any <br /> Hazardous Substance, and �c� any c�ndition caused by the presenc�, use or release af a�3azardaus Subs�ance <br /> which ad�ersely affe�ts�he va�u�of the Pr�p�rty. �f B�rr��rer learns, or is na�i�ed�y an� ga�ernmen�al ar <br /> regulatory authori��, �r any priva��par�y, �hat any �emo�al�r oth�r rern�diation of any Hazardous Substanc� <br /> affecting th�Prnper�y is nec�ssary, Borrower shall pr�mptly �ak�al� necessary remedial ac�ions �n <br /> accordar�ce wi�h En�ironmen�a� Law. No�h�ng here�n sha11 Grea�e any ob��ga�ion on Lend�r for an <br /> En��ronmen�a� C�eanup. <br /> Non-L�nifarm �orrenants. Borrower and Lender covena.n�and agree as follows: <br /> �2. Accelerat�vn; Remed�es. I.�nder shall give notice�a Barrower prior�a a�ce�era�ion fol�ovw�ng <br /> B�rrovver's breach of any cQ�enant ar agreemen�in�his Security Ins�rumen� �bu�not prior�o <br /> acce�era��on under Sect�on 18 uniess App��cab�e La�v pr�vide�otherwise�. The notice sha�l spec�fy: �a} <br /> �he defaul�; �b} �he action requ�red�o cure�he defau��; �c} a da�e, n��less�han 3D days fram�he da�e <br /> the natice is gi�en to Borrawer, �y v�hich�he default must be cured; and�d} tha� failure�o cure the <br /> defau�� on or before�he date 5p���f�ed�n�he notice may resu�t in acce�era�ion of�he su�cns secured by <br /> this Security Ins�rument and�a�e of the Property. The nvtice shal� further�nForm Borrawer af the <br /> r�gh��o reinstate after a�ce�eration and�he right�o bring a c�urt ac�ion�o assQr�the non-existence of a <br /> defau�t or any other defense af Barrower to acce�eration and sale, If�he default�s not cured on or <br /> befor�the da�e specif�ed�n�he no�i�e, Lender a�its op�ion may re�uire immediate payment�n Full�f <br /> all sums secur�d�y this Secur�ty Ins�rument w��hou� fur�her dernand and rnay�n�ake�he po►�rer of sa�e <br /> and any o�her remedies permitted by Applicable Law. �ender��a��be ent�t�ed�o cal�ec�a�� expenses <br /> in�urred�n�ursu�ng�he remedies pro��ded�n this Sec��on 2�, inc�uding, bu�not�imi��d to� reasana�le <br /> at�orney�' fees and cos�s of t�tie��iden�e. <br /> IF�he power af sa�e�s�n�oked, Trustee shall record a natice of defau��in each county�n which any <br /> part of the Proper�y is located and shall mail copies of such no�ice�n�he manner prescri�ed by <br /> App���a�Ie Law�o Barrower and�o�he other persons prescribed by App��cab�e Law. After�he time <br /> required by App��cab�e Law, Trus�ee sha�i�i�e pub�ic notice of sale to the persons and in the manner <br /> pre�cribed by Applicab�e Law. Trustee, wi�hou� demand on Borro�ver, shall seil�he Property at pub��c <br /> auc�ion�o�he h�ghest bidder at�he time and��ace and under the term� designa�ed in�he nat�ce of sa�e <br /> �n one or mare parce�s and in any order Trus�ee deterrnines. Trustee may postpone sale of ail or any <br /> parcel of the Proper�y by public announcenr�ent at�he time and p�ace of any pre�iousiy schedu�ed sale. <br /> Lender or its des�gnee may purchase the Proper�y at any sa�e, <br /> IJpon receip�of payment of the pr�ce b�d, Truste�shall de�iver to the pur�ha�er Trustee's deed <br /> can�veying the Property. The re�i�als�n�he Trustee's deed shal� be pr�ma facie e�idence of the�ru�h of <br /> the s�atements made therein. Trus�ee Shall appiy�he proceeds of the sa�e in the fol�nvving arder: �a} �o <br /> aii cos�s and expenses af�xercising�he pa«er of sa�e, and�he sale, including the payment af the <br /> Trus�ee's fees ac�ua�ly�ncurred and reasonah�e a��orneys' fee�as permitted by App�icab���aw; tb� �o <br /> a�i sums secured by this Securit�Instrument; and �c} any exce��to the person or persons�ega��y <br /> ent�t�ed fo��. <br /> N�BRASKA-Sir�gie�amily-Fanr�ie Ma�l�reddie Mac L1NIF�RM INSTR�M�NT Form 3028�101 <br /> V{111P� VMPfi�N�3�13�2) <br /> Wc�tters Kfuwer Fina�cia!Ser�ices Pac�e 14 of�7 <br />