<br /> in�he Proper�y and ri�hts under�his Secur��y �ns�ru�nent; and �d� �akes such actian as I�ender may
<br /> reasnna��y requ�re to assure�ha� Lender's interest�n the Property and righ�s under th�� Security Instrumen�,
<br /> and BQrr�wer's�b��gat�on to pay the sums secur�d by this Secur��y �ns�rument, sha�� continue un�hanged.
<br /> L�nder may require that Borrower pay such rein��atemen� �um� and expenses in one ar more of the fol�ow�ng
<br /> forms, a� sel�cted by Lender: �a}cash; ��}maney o�rd�r; �c} cer�ified check, �an�check, �reasurer's check�r
<br /> cashier's ch��k, pro�ided any such check�s drawn upan an instxtution wha��depos�ts are insured by a
<br /> federal agency, instrumen�ality�r�nt�ty; or�d} Electron�c Funds Transf�r. Upon reinstatemen�by Borro�ver,
<br /> this Securi�y �nstrument and��Iiga�ions secured hereby sha11 r�main fu��y�ff���i��as if na acce�era��on had
<br /> occurred. �owever, this r�gh��o r�insta�e shal� not app�y in the case of acce�erat�on under S�c�ion �S.
<br /> ��. Sale of Note; Change �f Laan Ser��cer; Notice of �ri�Wance. The Note or a partia� in�erest in the
<br /> Na�e �t�gether w�th th�s Security Instrument}can be sald one or mQre��m.es w�thflut prior natice to
<br /> Borrower. A sale might resul� zn a�hange in�he entzty �l�nawn a�the "Laar� Servicer"}that c�1le�ts Periodxc
<br /> Pa�ments due und�r�he N�te and th�s Securi�y Instrum.en� and perfarms�ther mar�gage l�an serv�cxng
<br /> �biigat��ns under the Note, th�s Security �nstrument, and App�icabie Law. Ther�a�so might be one ar more
<br /> �hanges af the Loan Servic�r unrelat�d to a sa�e af�h�Note. �f�here is a chan�e of the Lfoan Ser�i�er,
<br /> Borr�wer w��l b�given wri��en notice of the change which w�ll s�ate th�name and address of the ne� Loan
<br /> Ser�icer, the addre�s t��hiGh paym�nts should be made and any o�h�r informatian RESPA r�qu�res in
<br /> connec�ion with a notice of transfer of s�r��cing, �f�he N��e is sa�d and thereaf��r the Loan is serv�ced�y a
<br /> Loan Serv�c�r ather than the purchaser of the Note, the mortgage loan servic�ng Qb��gat�ons�o Borrower wz��
<br /> rem.a�n w�th the Loan Ser�icer or be�ransferred�Q a success�r Loan Servicer and are nat assumed by the
<br /> N�te purchaser unless�therw�se pravid�d by the N�te purchaser.
<br /> N��ther B�rr�wer nor Lender may Gammenc�,jo�n, nr�e��ined to an�judicia� act�on�as �ither an
<br /> �nd��idua� l�t�gant ar the member of a class} tha� ar�ses from�he other par�y's actions pursuan�to this
<br /> Se�uri�� �nstrument or that alleges that th��ther par��has breached any pro�ision af, or any duty aw�d b�
<br /> rea�an�f, this S�cur�ty �nstrument, until such Bnrr��er or Lender has n�t�f�ed the other par�y �w���such
<br /> no��ce���en in conr�p��ance w�t�a the requiremen�s af 5ect��n I S}�f sueh a���ged breach and afforded�he
<br /> other par�y hereto a rea�anable p�riod af�er th�gi�ing of such no�ice t��ake c�rrecti��act�an. �f App�icab�e
<br /> Law pravides a t�me per�ad which must elapse before cer�ain act�on�an�e�aken, tha���m.e perx�d wili be
<br /> deemed�o be reasonab�e far purpases af th�s paragraph. Th�natice of accel�rat��n and oppor�un�ty to cure
<br /> g�ven to Borrower pursuan�to Sec�ion�2 and the not�ce of aGceleration given ta B�rrawer pursuant ta
<br /> 5ec��an �8 sha��be deemed�a sati�fy the no�ice and�ppor�uni�y to ta�e eorrectiv�ac���n pro�is�ons�f this
<br /> Section�D.
<br /> �1. �a�ardaus Substances� As used in this Se����n��: �a� "I�a.�c�rdous Subs�ar�ces"are those substances
<br /> def�n�d as toxic or hazardous substances, poliu�ants, ar wastes by Env�ronrnenta� Law and the folla�ving
<br /> sub�tances: gaso�ine, kerosene, o�h�r�amma��e or tax��petro�eum products, �oxic pes�iczdes and herbicides,
<br /> �o�atile sol�ents, materials con�a�ning asbes��s�r formaidehyde, and radioactive materials; �b}
<br /> "Envirortr�2ertta�Law"means federal law� and�aws❑f the juri�diction�vhere the Praperty is located tha�
<br /> re�a�e to health, safety or en�ironmen�a�protectian; �c} ".�nviran��tenta� �`lQar�up"�nc�udes any response
<br /> act�on, remedia� acti�n, or remaval actian, as defined in�n��r�nm�n�a1 Law; and �d} an ".�javirar��T�entQl
<br /> Cor�di�ion"means a c�ndzt�on tha�can�ause, can�ribu�e ta, or�therw�s�tr��g�r an Environmental Cleanup.
<br /> Borrower shal�not cause�r perm�t the pres�n�e, use, d�sposal, s�orage, or r��ease of any Ha.�ardous
<br /> Su�stances, �r�hreaten t� release an� �azardous Subs�ances, on or in�he Praper�y. Borro�rer shall not do,
<br /> nor all�w anyone e�se to dn, anything affecting the Proper��r �a}that �s in�i�lation of any Envxranrnen�al
<br /> Law, ��} wh�ch creates an �n��ronmenta� Cond���on, or�c} vvhich, due to�he presenc�, use, or re�ease of a
<br /> � Hazardous Substance, creates a cond�tion tha�adversely affects�he va�ue af the Propert�. The prec�d�ng two
<br /> N�6RASKA-5ingle Famiiy-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFDRM 1NSTRtJMENT �orm 3a28 11d1
<br /> VMP a VMPfifN�1 413�2}
<br /> Walters Kluwer Finsnciat Ser�ices Page 13 v#17
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