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��15��311 <br /> 23. Reconveyance. Upon paymen�of all sums se�ured by �his Security �nstrument, Lend�r shaii reques� <br /> Trustee to recan�rey the Pr�per�y and shall surrender this Security Instrumen�and a�l n�tes e�idencing debt <br /> s�cured by th�s Se�ur��y �nstrumen��o Trustee. Trustee sha�l recan�e�th�Property�i�hout warranty to�he <br /> person or p�rsons �egally enti��ed�o it. Such person or persans sha�l pay an� r�corda��on costs. Lender ma� <br /> charge such person ar pers�ns a fee f�r recon��ying t�e Propert�, bu�anly if the fee is paid to a�hird party <br /> �such as�he Trust�e} for ser�ices rendered and the charging of the f�e is permit�ed under Applicabie Law. <br /> �4. Substitute Trust�e. Lender, at ��s option, ma� from�ime�o t�me r�mo�e Trus�ee and ap�oin�a successor <br /> �rustee to any Trustee appointed h�reunder b� an ins�rumen�recorded in the count� in v�rhich this Security <br /> �nstrum�ent �s recorded. VL�'��hou�con�eyance of the Property, the successor�rus�ee shali succeed to all �he <br /> titie, power and duties conf�rred upan Trustee her��n azad h� App�i�able Law. <br /> �5. Request for N�tices. Borrower requests�hat copies of�he no��c�of d�faui� and saie be�en��o Borrovver's <br /> address wh�ch is the Pr�p�r�y Address. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fami(y-Fanni�MaelFredcfi�Mac UN�F�RM INSTRUM�NT �arm 3n28�1�1 <br /> VMP Q VMP6�N�}t134�f <br /> Wotters Kiuwer Finar�ciaE 5er�ices Pag��5❑f 17 <br />