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��15��31� <br /> 9. DUE 4N SALE UR ENCUMBRANCE. Beneficiary may, at its option, declare the entire ba�ance of the <br /> Secured Debt to be immediately due and payable upon the creation�f, transfer or sale of ax� or an.y part of the <br /> Prvperty. Thrs right is subj�ct to the restrictions imposed by federal Iaw �12 C.F.R. 591}, as applicab�e. Th�s <br /> covenant shall run with the Pr�perty and sha11 remain in effect until the Secured Debt is paid in fu11 and this <br /> 5ecurity Instrument xs rel�ased. <br /> 10. PRUPERTY C�NDITIUN, ALTERATI�NS AND INSPECTIUN. Trustar will keep the Property in goad � <br /> condition and make all repairs �hat axe reasnnably necessary. Trustor shall not cornmit or al�ow any waste, <br /> impairment, or deterioration of the Property. Trustor wi�l keep the Property free of noxiaus we�ds and <br /> grasses. Trustor agrees that the nature of �he occupancy a.nd use will not substantially change wi.thaut <br /> Beneficiary's prior written consent. Trustar will n�t permit any change in ax�y license, restrictive covena.nt or <br /> easement without Beneficiary's pr�nr v�ritten consent. Trustor wi11 notify Beneficiary of all demands, <br /> proceedings,claims, and actions against Trustor, and of any loss vr damage to th�Property. <br /> Benefrciary or B�n�ficiary's agents may, at Beneficiary's optxon, enter the Property at any reasonable time for <br /> the purpase of iansp�cting the Property. Beneficiary sha1� gi�e Trustor notice at the tim� of or before an <br /> inspection specifying a reasonable purpose for the inspection. Any insp�ction of the Properry shall be entirely <br /> for Beneficxary's benef t anc�Trustor will in no way rely on Beneficxary's i_nspection. <br /> 11. AUTH�RITY TU PERF4RM. If Trustor fails ta perform any duty or any of th� covenants Contained in <br /> this Security Ins�rum�nt, Beneficiary ma�, without notice, perfvrm or cause them ta be performed. Trustor <br /> appoints Beneficiary as attomey in fact to sign Trustor's nam� or pay any amount nece�sary for performance. _ <br /> Beneficiary's right to perfarm for Trustor shal� not create an obliga#ion to perform, and Beneficiary's faiiure <br /> ta perform wi11 not preclude Beneficiary from exercising any of Beneficiary's other rights under the law or <br /> this 5ecurity Instrument. If any construction on th� Praperty is discontinued or not carried an in a reasonable <br /> manner, Ben�ficiary may take a11 steps necessary to protect Beneficiary's security interest in the Property, <br /> xncluding comp�etion of the c�nstruction. <br /> 12. ASSIGNMENT �F LEASES AND RENTS. Trustvr irrevocably assigns, grant�s and conveys, to Trustee, in <br /> trust for th� benefit of Beneficiary as additional security al1 the right, title and interest in the following �a11 <br /> ref�rred �o as Property}: existing or future leases y 511�31ta5P5, licenses, guaranties and any oth�r written or <br /> verba� agreements for �he use and occupancy of the Property, including any extensions, renewals, <br /> modifications or replacements (all ref�rred to as Leases}; and rents, issues and profits �a�� referred to as <br /> Rents}. In th� e�ent any itern listed as Leases or Rents is determined to be personal properry, this Assignment <br /> w��l alsa be regarded as a security agreement. Trustor w�11 promptly provide Beneficiar� vvith copies of the <br /> Leases and will certify these Leases are true and cvrrect copies. The existing Leases wi11 be provided on <br /> execution of the Assignm�nt, and all future Leases and any oth�r information with respect to these Leases will <br /> be provided immedxately after they are executed. Trustor may cv�lect, rec�i�e, enjoy an� use th� Rent�s so <br /> long as Trustor is nvt in defau�t. � <br /> Upon default, Trustor will receive any Rents in trust for Ben�ficxary a.nd wi�ll no� commingle the Rents with <br /> any other funds. Trustor agrees that this 5eeurity Instruxnent is unmediately effective �etween Trustar and <br /> Beneficiary and effective as tv third parties an the recording of this Assignment. As long as this Assignm�nt <br /> is in effect, Trustor warrants a.nd represents that no default exists under the L�ases, and the parties subjec� to <br /> the Leases have not violated any applicable�aw an leases, �icenses and landlords a.nd tenants. ; <br /> 13. LEASEH4LDS; CQND�MINIUMS; PLANNED LTIVIT DEVEL4PMENTS. Trustor agrees to comply <br /> vWith the pro�isions of any lease if�his Securxty Instrument is on a leas�hold. If t�e Property in�lud�s a un�it in <br /> a condominium or a planned unit development, Trustor wi11 perfarm al� af Trustor's duties under the -- <br /> covenants,by-�aws, or regulations of t�ie�ondominium or p�anned unit development. <br /> 14. DEFAULT. Trustor wi11 be xn default if any party ob�igated �n the Secured Debt fails to make payment when <br /> due. Trustar wi11 be in default if a breach occurs uncier the terms of this Security Instrument or any other <br /> document execut�d for the purpose of creating, or guarantying the Secured De�t. A good faith belief <br /> by Bene�ciary that B�neficiary at any tim.e is insecure with respect to any person or entity obligated vn the <br /> Secur�d Debt or that the prospect of any payment or th�value of the Property is impaired shall also constitute <br /> an e�ent of default. <br /> 15. REMEDIES �N DEFATILT. In some instances, federal and state 1aw wi11 require Beneficiary to provide <br /> Trustor with notic� of the right to cure or other notices and may esta�lish time �ch�dules f�r foreclosure <br /> actions. 5ubject to these limitations, �f any, BenefiGiary may accelerate the 5ecured D�bt and forecXose this <br /> 5eeurity Instrument in a manner pro�ided by law if Trustor is in d�fault. . <br /> A� the option of Beneficiary, a11 or any part of tlie agreed fe�s and charg�s, accrued interest and principal <br /> shall become immediately due and pa�ab�e, after giving not�ce if required by 1avv, upon the accurrence of a <br /> default or anytime thereafter. In addition, Beneficxary shall b� entitled to a�l the remedies provided by law, <br /> the terms of �he Secured Debt, this Security Instrum�nt and any related documents, including without <br /> limitation,tehe power to seli the Property. <br /> 5ecurity Ins#rument-Consumer-NE RE-aT-NE Z1112013 <br /> VMP�6ankers 5ystemsT� VMP-C1 fi5{NEy (1302y.�0 <br /> Wvlters Kluwer Financial 5er�ices�'t 994,2011 Page 3 of B <br /> , �� � <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> -— ----- ------- ----- ---- - ---- — -—---- . �_ _ <br /> - - _ - ----------- - -.�.����•,�.���:�.,, - - - - _ . _ -. � , . <br />