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��15��31� <br /> The pr�perty is locatied in ...........................H���.,........�.................. at .3978 Cameron R�ad................... <br /> (County} <br /> ..................................................... ...............Wood River,.............., Nebraslca ........fi8883,........ <br /> �Address} �City} �ZIP Cvde} <br /> Together with all rights, easemen�s, appur�enances, royalties, mineral rights, oiI and gas rights, alI water and <br /> riparian rights, ditches, and water stocl� and a11 existing ax�t� fu�.ure imprvvernents, struc�tures, fixtures, and <br /> replacements that may now, or at any time in the future, be part of the real estate described above �a1�referred <br /> to as "Property"}. � <br /> 3. UBLI�ATI�N I�INIIT. The total principa� amount secured by this Security Instrumen� at an� <br /> ane tune shall not�xceed$ ,1 D8,D�0�D.,+.............................. . �S limitation of amvunt does not include <br /> in�eres� and other fees an� charges �alidly made pursuant.ta this Security Instrument. Also, �his lirnitat�on <br /> does not apply ta ad�ances made under the terrn.s of this Security Instrument to protect Beneficiary's security <br /> and to perform any vf�he Govenan�s contained�in this Security Ias�rument. <br /> �. SE�LTRED DEBT AND ADVANCES. The term "Secur�d Debt" is d�fined as follows: <br /> A.Debt in�urred under the t�rms of aIi pramissary n�te�s}, contract(s}, guaranty�ies} ar other evidence of <br /> debt described belavv and aIl th�ir extensions, renewals, modif�catxons or substitutions. �When <br /> referencing the dehts below it is suggested that you irtclude items such as borrowers' narnes, note <br /> amaunts, interest rates, maturit�dates, etc.} . <br /> All ExistEng Pr�missory Notes and 5p�cifically a Promis�ary Nate of Even Date <br /> B. A11 futur� advances from Beneficiary to Trustor or other future ohligations of Trustor to Beneficiary <br /> under any promissor� nvte, �ontract, guaranty, or other e�idence of debt executed by Trustor in favar <br /> of Benef ciary after this 5ecurity Instrument whether ar not this Security Instru.ment is specifically <br /> r�ferenced. If more than one person signs this 5ecurity Ins�rument, �ach Trus�or agrees that thxs <br /> Security Instrument wi�� secure all future ad�ances and future obligations #hat are given to vr incurred <br /> by any one or more Trustor, or any �ne ar more Trustor and otllers. A�I future advances and ather <br /> future obligations are secured by this Security Ins�rument even though all or part rnay nat yet be <br /> advanc�d. AlI future advances and other future ahligations are secured as if mad� on #he date of �his <br /> SeGurity Ins�nun�nt. No#1�ing in this Security Instrument shal� constitute a comm.itment to make <br /> addi.tional or future loans or advances in any amaun.t. Any such commitment must be agreed �o in a <br /> separate�vriting. <br /> C.AII ob�i.gatxans Trustor owes �to Beneficiary, which may later arise, to �he extent not prohibi�ed by law, <br /> including, but not Iimit�d to, �iab�litaes for overdrafts re�ating to an.y deposit account agreement <br /> between Trustor and Benefic�ary. <br /> D.AIl addrtivnal sums advanced and expenses xncurr�d by Beneficiary for insuring, preserving or <br /> otherwise protecting the Property and its �alue and any other sums advan.ced and expenses incurred by <br /> Beneficiary under the terms of this Security Instrumen�. <br /> This Security Instru.ment wi�l not secure any other debt if Beneficiary fails ta give any requir�d natice of the <br /> r�ght of rescission. <br /> . ; <br /> 5. PAYN�NTS. Trustvr agrees that aI� payments under the Secured D�b� will be paid when due and in <br /> accordance v�ith�he�erms of th�Secured Debt and t11is Securit�Instrument. � <br /> G. �V �F TITLE. Trustvr warrants that Trustor is vr will b� lawfully seized of.the estate conveyed <br /> by this 5ecuri�y Instrument and has the right to irrevocably grant, canvey, and sel� �he Property �o Trustee, in <br /> trus�, with pnwer of sale. Trustor also warrants tha� the Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances <br /> of record. <br /> 7. PRI�R SECURITY INTERESTS. With regard to any other mortgage, deed of trust, security agreement or <br /> other�ien document that created a prior security interest or encumbrance on the Pr�per�,Trustor agrees: <br /> A.To make all payments when due and t�perform or comply with all cvvenants. <br /> B. To prompt�y de���er to Benef ciary any notices that Trust�r r�ceives from�he holder. <br /> �.Nvt ta allow any madification or extension vf, nor to request an.y future advances under any nate or <br /> agreem�nt secured�y the�ien document without Beneficiar�'s prior written�onsent. <br /> 8. CLAIMS AGAINST TITLE. Trustor wi11 pay alI taxes, assessments, �iens, encumbrances, lease payments, <br /> grouncl rents, utilities, a.nd otl�er charges relating to the Property wh�n due. B�neficiary may�requise Trus�or <br /> to provide ta Bene�iciary copies of all n��rces t�iat su�h amaun�s are due and the receipts evid�ncing Trust�r's <br /> payment. Trustor wi11 defend �i�le to the Property against any c�airns that v�ould impair th� lien of this <br /> Secur�ty Lt�strument. Trustor agrees �v assign to Beneficiary, as requeste�i by Benefi�iary, any rights, claims <br /> or defenses Trustor may have against parties vwho supply �abor or mater�als to maintain or imprav� the <br /> Proper�y_. <br /> Security Instrument-Consumer-N� • R�-DT-N� 211 lz413 <br /> VMP�Bankers Sys#emsTM VMP-C'f BStNE] t1302f.a4 <br /> Wofters Kluwer Financia�5er�ices�1994,2017 Pa�e 2 of B <br /> �� <br /> �IJ <br /> _ ___ _ ___ _____ _______________________ ____ _ _ _ .. _________ ___________ ____ _ <br /> _ . . . . . _� <br />