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��15��154 <br /> required b�RESPA, and Borrower sha11 pa�to Lender the amount nece�sa�to make up the deficiency in <br /> ac�or+da�t�e with RESPA, bu��n no more than 1�monthl�pa�ments. <br /> Upon payment in full of aIl sum5 5ecured by this Se�urity Instrurn�ent, Lender sha�l promptly refund to <br /> Borrower any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. �harges; Vens. ��rr�wer shall pay a�l taxes, assessm�nts, charges, fines, and impvsiti�ns attributa�ale to <br /> the Prvperty which can attain priori�y o��r this Secur�ty Instrum+ent, leasehold paymen�s or gr�und rents�n <br /> the Property, �f any, and�ommunity Assoc�ati�n Dues, Fees, arid A55eS5m�nts, if an�. Ta the�xtent that <br /> �hese iterns are Es�row I�ems, Barrower sha11 pay tY�m in the manner pr�vided�n Se�ion 3. <br /> B�rr�wer sha1l pramptly�li�charge aarry lien which has priori�y vver i�his Security Ins�rument unless <br /> B�rro�ver: (a}agrees in wrii�ng to the payment�f the o�ligati�n s�cured�y the lien in a manner ac�eptable <br /> to Lender, �ut only so long as Bvrr��ver is perform�ng such agreement; �}c�ntests�he li�n in good faith by, <br /> �r def�nd�against enforcement of the lien in, legal pr��whi�h in Lender's�pin�on operate t�prevent <br /> the enforc�ment of the lien while those proceedings are pending,bu��nl�until such pro�eedings are <br /> C�nC�tl���; or(c}secures fro�n the holder�f the lien an agreemen�satisfa�flry to Lencler su�ordinating the <br /> lien to th�s �ecurity Ins�n.�m�nt. �f Lender determines that any part of the Pr�perty is su�aject ta a lien�vhich <br /> can attain priority vver this Security�nstrume�t, Lender may give Borrower a noric�identifying the lien. <br /> Within 10 days of�he date an whi�h tha.�notice is given, Borrow�r shall sa�isfy the lien or take�ne�r m�re <br /> of the a�ti�ns 5�t forth above in this Section 4. <br /> Lender may require Borrower�o pay a one-time charge for a real es�ate tax�erifica�ion andl ar reporting <br /> service used�y Lender in connection with this Lvar�. <br /> 5. P ro perty I ns ura�ce. Borrower shall keep th�improvements n�w existing or hereafter erected�n tihe <br /> Propexty insured against�oss hy fire, ha�a.rds inc�uded with�n the term"extended coverag�," and any 4�her <br /> hazards including, but not limitecl to, earthquakes and fl�vds, for which Lender requires znsurance. This <br /> insura.n�e sha�1 be ma�ntai.n�d in the amounts�including deductible�evels}and for the periods that Lender <br /> requires. Wha.t Lender r�quires pursuant to th�precedir�g sentences can c�ge during the�erm of the L�an. <br /> The ir�uran�e�arrier provi�ling the insura.nce sY�all be chosen�y Borrower subject to Lende�'s righ�t� <br /> disapprv�e Borro�ver's choic�, wh�ch right sha.11 not be exercised unreas�nably. Lender may requir� <br /> B�rro�ver to pay, in c�nnection�vith thi5 Loan, either: �a}a flne time charg�for flood zone de�erminati.on, <br /> certification and�racking services; or�b}a on�tune�harg�for fla�d zone de�ermina�ion and certifica�ian <br /> servi�es and su�se�uent eharges each time rema.ppings or si�milar chra.nge�vecur which reasonably might <br /> affect such determinatian or�ertificati�n. Bvrrvwer shall also he resp�nsihl�for the paymen�of any fe�s <br /> imposed by the Federa�Em�ergency Management Agen�y in cannecrion with the review of any flood zone <br /> de�e rminatio n resul�ing fro m an�l�j ect�on by Bo rrower. <br /> If Borro�ver fails to any of the��verages d�scribed a'bove, Lender ma.y o�tain insurance coverage, <br /> at Lender's oprifln and Barrower's expense. Len�er is under no o�ligatio�ta pur� any particular type ar <br /> am�unt�f c�� Therefore, such c�verage sha.11 cover Lenc�er, but might�r might not pr�tec�F3orrow�r, <br /> Borroi�er's equit��n th�Pr�pert�, �r the contents Qf the Pr�perty, again�t an�risk, ha2ard or�iahility and <br /> nught provide greater or lesser�overage than was pre�iously in effect. Borr�wer acknow�edges that the�ost <br /> �f t�ie�nsurance co�erage so Q�taine�i might signif'i�an�1�exceed the c�st of it.nsurance that Barr�wer could <br /> ha.�e��tained. An�amoun�disbursed�y Lender under th�s Se�ti�n 5 shall became adclitional de�t af <br /> B4rr�wer secured by th�is Securi�y Instrum�ent. These amoux�ts shall bear interest at the Note ra�t�from�he <br /> date of disbux,semen�and sha.11 h�pa.yable, with such interest, upon notice from Lencler to Barrower <br /> reque s�ing pay m�nt. <br /> 23QD361487 ❑V6NE <br /> N�BRASlCR-5ingle Family-Fannie M aelFreddie Mac IJN�F4RM INSTRLIM ENT Farm 3�2�f 141 <br /> VMP� VMP6�N��1342} <br /> Wolters Kluwer�ina�cial 5ervi�s Page B of 17 <br /> � <br />