<br /> Any app�i�ation of paym�nts, in�urance pmceeds, or Misce�laneous Prviceeds to princ�pa�due under the N�te
<br /> �ha11 not extend or postpone the due date, or change the a�nount, of�he Per�odic Payments.
<br /> 3. Funds for Es�r,ow Items. B�rr�wer shatl pay to Lender�n the day Feri�dic Paymen�s are due under the
<br /> Nate, unt�l the Note is pai�l in fu�l, a sum�the "�unds"}�o prov�de f�r payrn+ent af amounts due for: �a)ta.xes
<br /> an�l ass�ssments and vther iterr�s�hi�h can attair�priarit����er this Se�urit�Instr�ment as a�ien or
<br /> �ncu.mbrance on the Praper�y; �}leasehn�d paym�nts or�rou.nd ren�s on�he Prop�rty, if any; �c)premiums
<br /> f�r any and a11 insurance required�y Lender under Section 5; and�d}Mortgage�nsurance premiums, if any,
<br /> or any sums payabl��y Barrawer to Lender in lieu af the payment�f Mortgage Insurance premium.s in
<br /> accordance with the provisions of Secc�ion 1�. These it�m5 are called "Escr�vv It�ms." At o rigination�r at
<br /> any tim�e during the term of the Loan, �.ender rnay requ�re that Community Association Du�s, �'ees, and
<br /> Assessmen�s, if any, �ae es�ravved by B�rrower, and such dues, f�e�and ass�ssrnents sha11 be an Escrow
<br /> It�m. Borro�ver 5ha11 prompt�y furnish�o Lender a11 n�tices of amounts to l�e paid under this Sec�ian.
<br /> Barrv�ver shall pay Lender the Funds f�r Escrow Iterns uniess Lender waives Borr��ve�'s o�I�gati�n to pay
<br /> the Funds for any or a11 Escraw items. Lender may wa�ve Borr�wer's obligation to pay tv Lender Funds far
<br /> an�ar a1I Escrow Items at any time. Any such waiver may�rily be in writ�ng. �n the�vent of su�h�vai�er,
<br /> Borr�vver sha11 pa�direc�ly, �vhen and where payable, the amaurrts due for any Es�r�w�tems for whi�h
<br /> p�.yment af Funds has been�va��ed by Len�ler and, if Lender requires, shall furn�ish to Lender receipts
<br /> evidencing such payment within such time pe�iad as Lender may require. Barr�wer's otrligati�n to mak�
<br /> such paymen�s and t�pr�vide receipts 5ha1I for all purposes be deemed t��e a�ovenant and agreement
<br /> contained in this �ecurity Instrum�ent, as the phrase "�a�en�ant and agreement" is used in S��ian 9. if
<br /> �flrrovver�s��ligate���pa��scrow Itern�d�rectly, pursuan�to a waivera and Borrower fai�s t�pay the
<br /> amount due for an E�crow Item, Lender ma.y exercise its rights under S�ction 9 and pay such amount and
<br /> B+�rrower shali�hen be o�ligated under Section 9�a repay to Lender any �uch arriount. Lender may revoke
<br /> the w�iver as ta any or all Escr�w Item.s at any time by a notice given in accardan��with Sectiofl 15 and,
<br /> upon su�h revocati�n, Borrower sha11 pay tv Lender al1 Func��, and in su�h amoun�s, that are then r�quired
<br /> under this Section 3.
<br /> Lender may, at any time, coll�ct and hold Funds in an amoun��a� sufficient to permit Lender to apply the
<br /> Funds at the tim�sp�cif'�ed under RESPA, and�}r��to exceed th�maximum amoun�a lender can require
<br /> under RESPA. Lender sha11 estimate the amount�f Funds due on the�asis of current data and reasonab�e
<br /> e5tima.tes af expenditures of future Eseraw Items or otherwise in ac�ordance with App�ica���Law.
<br /> The Funds shall�e held in an institu�ion vvho5e deposits are insured by a fed�ral agency, instn�mentality, or
<br /> �ntit� (inc�uding Lender, if Len�er is an institution wh�se depos�ts are so insured}or�n any Federa.l H�r�e
<br /> L�an Bank. Lender shall app�y th�Funds t�pay�he Escrow Items no�a.ter than the�i.me specif'xed under
<br /> RE SP A. Le nder shaJ.l no�charge B�rrawe r fo r ho lding and applying th�Funds, annua.11y analy zing�he
<br /> escrow accou.nt, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pay�Borr�wex interest on�he Funds and
<br /> Applica�Ie La�v permits Lender t�make such a charge. Ur�less an agreemen�is ma.de in vvrit�ng or
<br /> Applicahle Law requires in�terest to be paid an the Funds, Lender s�a11 not be required to pa�Borrower any
<br /> in�erest ar earnings on the Fun�s. Barrnwer and Lender can agr��in writing, however, that interest shall be
<br /> paid on the Funds. L�nder sha.11 give�o Borrvwer, without charge, an annual accounting af the Funds as
<br /> required hy RE SP A.
<br /> If there is a 5urplus 4f Funds hel�in escr�w, a�de�ned under RESPA, Lender sha11 account�o B�rrow�r far
<br /> the ex�ess fun�s in a�cordance with RESPA. If there is a 5hortage of Funds hel�in escrow, as defi.ned under
<br /> RE SP A., Le nder s hall n�tify Bo rr��ver as required by RE SP A, and Bo rrower shal�pay to Lende r the am�unt
<br /> ne�essaYy t�make up the shortage in acc�rdance with RESPA, but in no more tha.n 12 monthly payment�. If
<br /> there is a deficiency of Funds heid in e�cro�v, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall notify Borrower as
<br /> z3aa3��a�7 D VBNE
<br /> N EBRASKA-Sing�e�amily-Fan�ie M aelFreddie Ma�L1NIF�RM INSTRUM ENT Form 3�2$11�1
<br /> V M P� V M P6�NE�{1302)
<br /> Vllalters Kluwer Financial S�rvi�es Page 5 vf 17
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