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��15��154 <br /> All insurance p�li�ies re4uired by Lend�r and renewals�f such�a�icies sh�.1 be subject�a Lend�r's righ�to <br /> d�sappro��such policies, sha11 include a standard martgage clause, and shall name Len�der as mortgagee <br /> andlor as�n additianal loss pa.yee. Lend�r sha11 have the right to hold the policies and r�nevval cer�ificates. If <br /> L�nder re�uires, ��rr�wer sha11 pr�mpt�y give to Lende�a11 receipts❑�paid prerniums a.n�d renewal notice�. <br /> If Borro�ver obtains any form of insuran��coverage, n�t o�herwise required by Lender, for t�, �r <br /> dest�ructi�r�af, the Property, such policy sha.11 include a Standar�i martgage claus�and sha11 name Lender a5 <br /> mvrtgagee andlor as an addit�ona.l loss pay�e. <br /> �n the�vent of lass, B�rr�wer shall g��e prompt not�ce to the insura.nce carner a�.nd Lender. Lender may <br /> make proof�f loss if nat promptly by Borrovv�r. LTniess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in <br /> writing, any �nsurance prace�ds, whether vr not the under�ying insura.nce was r�quired�by Lend�r, shall be <br /> ap�lied t�restorati�n or repair�f th�Pr�perty, if the restorati.on or is economi�al�y�'ea�ible and <br /> Lender's security is not lessene�l. During�uch repair an�r�stora�ion period, Lerider shall have the right to <br /> hald su�h insurance proceeds until Lender ha.s had an�ppartunifiy to inspect such Property to ensure the <br /> warlc has heen compl��ed t�Lender's satisfaction, pr�vided th�t such ins�ection shall�e undert�en <br /> pr�mptly. Lender may disUurse proceeds for the repairs and restorativn in a single payment vr�n a series of <br /> pr�gress payments a�the w�rk is comple��d. LJn�e�s an agreement is in vvriting�r Applicahle Law <br /> reqi�ires interest�a be paid�n such insurance prflceeds, Lend�r sha11 not be required to pay Borrower an� <br /> interest�r earn�.ngs on su�h proceeds. Fees for puhli�adjusters, or other third par�ies, retained hy B�rrower <br /> sha1�not be�ai��ut 4f the i.nsura�e praceeds and shall�e the svl��b'li��.lifln of Borrflvver. If the rest��a.�on <br /> or repair is not ec�nomical�y feasible or Lender's�ecurity w�uld�he�essened, the in�uran.ce proceeds shall�e <br /> applied to the �ums secured by this �e�u�r�.ty Instnumen�, whether 4r n�t then due, with t.�e excess, if any, <br /> paid to&�rr�wer. Such insurance proceeds shall be applied in the order provided for in Sectian 2. <br /> If Bor�ro�vver a�andons the Propetty, Lender may fi1e, negotiate a�ad sett.�e any availabl�insurance c�aim and <br /> re�ated matters. If B4rra�ver does no�respond�vit�in.3�days to a notice from Lender that the insurance <br /> carrier has offered to settle a claun, �hen�ender may negotiate and�ettle the�1aim. The 34,day period will <br /> begin when the natice is given. In either e�ent, or if Lender acquires the Pr�perty under Sectian 22�r <br /> �t�er�vise, Borro�ver h�reby assigns�o Lender(a)Borr�wer's righ�s t�any insurance praceeds in an amvunt <br /> not to exceed the amoun�unpaid under the N�te ar�us Security Ins�trument, and[b}any other nf <br /> Bor��tiver'S�ights��t�er tha�i the right to ar�y�ef�nd�f un.ear�ed prerr�iums paid��Bar�rflwer}under a�l <br /> insurance palicie�c�vering the Pr�perty, in�ofar as such rights are applicahle to the cov�rage of the <br /> Prop�rty. Lender may use the insura.nce proceeds either to repair or restore the Property or t�pa�y amounts <br /> unpa.�d under the 1�Tote or this Security Instrument, whether or n�t then due. <br /> �. []ccu�an�y. Borrower sha11 occu�py, e��abli�h, and use�he Pr�perty as�orrower's principal residence <br /> w��hin�D days after the execution�f this Se�urity Instrunvent an� continue to occupy the Prape�ty as <br /> Borro�ver's prin�ipa�residence for at�eas�one year after the date of�ccupancya unless Len+d�r vthen�vise <br /> a�rees in writ�ng, whi�h�onsent sha11 not be unreasana�l�withheld, ar ur�less extenua#ing circumstances <br /> exist which are�e�ond Borrawer'S contr��. <br /> 7. Pr�servation, M aintenance and Pratectivn af the Praperty; Inspections. Borrawer shall n�t destray, <br /> damage�r the Pr�perty, a11vw the Property to det�riorate or commit waste on the Property. �hether <br /> or nat Borrower is re�iding in the PropeYty, B�rrower shali mau�tai.n the Prop�rty in order�o prevent the <br /> Praper�y f�om.deteriorating or�1e�reasing i�va���d�xe tv its�nditiQ�. [�nless�t is determined p�rsuant to <br /> S�c�i�n 5 that repair or restvra#�on is n�t e�onomi�a�ly feasible, Borr�wer sh�a�l pr�mptly repair�he Property <br /> if da�naged t�av�id further deteriorati�n�r If�n�urance�r conc�emnation prvc�eds are paid u� <br /> cflnnecl�on wi�h damage ta, flr the taking of, the Froperty, Sorrower�hall be respansible for repairing or <br /> rest�r�ng the Pr�periy anly if Lender ha.s re�eased proceeds f�r such purpos�s. Len�er may disburse pr�ceeds <br /> 23D0381�48T D VBNE <br /> N EBRASKA-Sin�le Famify-Fannie M aelFreddie Ma�tlNIF�RM lNSTRUM ENT Fvrm 30�8 i 1D 1 <br /> V M P� V M P6�NE){1342} <br /> Vllalters K�uwer Financi�l Services Pa�e 7 af 1 T <br /> . <br />