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��15�1541 <br /> Al� insurance policies r�quired by Len�.er and renewals of such p�lic�es sha11 b�sub�ect�a Lender's r�gh�to <br /> disappro��such po�i��es, sha�� inc�ude a standard mar�gag�claus�, and sha11 nam.e Lender as mor�gagee <br /> andlor as an additional loss payee. L�nder sha��have the r�ght fo hold�he policies and r�newal cer�ifica��s. �f <br /> Ler�der requ�res, Borrower sha��promptly g�We�o Lender a�l receipts of paid prem�i.ums and renev�al nat���s. <br /> �f Barrow�r abtains any form of insurance co�erage, not otherwise required b� L�nder, fflr damage�a, or <br /> destruct�an of, �he Proper�y, such po�icy shal.l�nclude a standard m�r�gage�iause and sha�� name Lender as <br /> mor�gag��andl�r as an add��xonal Ioss payee. <br /> In�he e�ent of�ass, Borrower sha11 give pr�mpt notice to�h�insuran��carrier and Lender. L�nder�nay <br /> make�roaf of�oss if no�made promptly�y B�rro�ver. Unless L.ender and Borrower otherv�xse agree in <br /> wri�ing, an�r �nsurance proc�eds, �rhet�er or not�he underly�ng insurance was required by Lender, shal�be <br /> applied�� r�s�ara��an ar repair of the Property, �f the res�ora��on or repair�s econamically feas�ble and <br /> Lender's secur��y�s n�t�essen�d. Dur�ng �uch repair and restorat�on period, Lender sha�l hav�the right�o <br /> h�ld such �nsurance prflceeds un��� Lender has had an oppor�un�ty to �nspect such Pr�perty�o ensure the <br /> work has been completed to Lender's sat�sfac�i�n, pro��ded�hat such inspecti�n shaii be under�aken <br /> prompt��. Lender may d�sburse praceeds for the repa�rs and res�arat�on in a s�ng�e pa�m�nt ar�n a ser�es of <br /> progress paymen�s as�he work�s c�r�p��t�d. Un�ess an agreemen�is made in wr�t�ng�r Applicabl�Law <br /> require� in�eres��o be pa�d on such insurance proceeds, Lender sha�l no�be requ�red to pay Borr�v�er any <br /> in�erest or earn�ngs on su�h praceeds. Fees far pub�ic ad�usters, or other�h�rd parties, retained hy Barrower <br /> sha�� not b�paid out�f the insurance proceeds and shall be the sole o�1�ga�ian of Borrovver. �f fihe r�s�.ora��on <br /> �r repa�r is not economically feasib�e or Lender's secur�t�w�uld be�essened, �he�nsurance proc�eds sha��be <br /> appl�ed�o the sums secured b�th�s Security �nstrum�nt, v�hether or nat�hen due, w��h�he excess, if an�, <br /> paid�� Borrawer. Such �nsurance proceeds shal�be a�plied in the order pro�id�d for�n Sect�on 2. <br /> �f Bnrrovver aband�ns the Proper�y, Lender may �Ie, n�go�iate and se�t�e any available�nsuran�e c�a�m and <br /> r��ated ma�t�rs. �f Borrower daes n��resp�nd within 3�days to a notice from L�nd�r that�he insurance <br /> carri�r has flff�red tio s���Ie a c�a�m, then Lender ma�r�ega��a�e and set��e the claim. The 3�µday period v�i�� <br /> beg�n v�hen�he n��ice is gi�en. �n e��her even�, or�f Lender acqu�res�he Proper�y under 5�ction 22 or <br /> o�hervvise, Borrawer hereb� assigns to Ilender�a} Borrawer's r�ghts to any insurance proceeds in an a�noun� <br /> not�o exceed the am�unts unpaid under�he Note or this Secur�ty Ins�rument, and�b} any o�her of <br /> Borrow�r's rights �other�han�he rxgh�to any refund of un�arned premiums paid b�Borrawer}under a�l <br /> insurance policies c��ering the Proper�y, �ns�far as such rights are appl�cab�e ta�he Goverage�f the <br /> Pr�per�y. L.ender ma�use the �nsurance pra�eeds e��her to repair or re�tore�he PrQper��or�o pay amoun�s <br /> unpaxd under�he No�e or this Security Ynstrument, �rheth�r or not then due. <br /> 6. �ccupancy. Borrawer s�iall nccupy, es�ab��sh, and use�he Pr�per�y as B�rr�vver's prin��pa� res�dence <br /> vvithin 6�days after the ex�cu�ion of this Secur�ty �nstrumen�and shali�on�inue to�ccupy the Proper�y as <br /> Borrower's principai res�dence far at�eas��ne year af�er the date of occupancy, unless L�nder��h�rwise <br /> agre�s in wri��ng, which�onsent shall na�be unreas�nab�y withh�ld, or unless ex�enua�ing c�r�ums�ances <br /> ex�s�v�hxch are beyond Borrow�r's c�ntr�i. <br /> 7. Pres�r►ration, �Vla�ntenance and Prfltection of the Praperty; Inspections. Borrower sha��not d�s�r�y, <br /> damage or impair the Pr�per�y, al�aw th�Proper�y�a de�eriara�e or cammi�was�e on the Proper�y. �hether <br /> ar no�Barrower�s res�ding in the Praper��, Borrower sha11 maintain�he Prflperty in order�.o prevent the <br /> Property from deteriara��ng or decreas�ng �n�a�ue due�o ��s cand�tion. Unless�t�s determi.ned pursuan��� <br /> Sectzon 5 tha�repa�r or res��rat��n�s nat ecanamically feas�ble, Borrower sha��promptl�repa�r the Proper�y <br /> if damaged�o avoxd fur�her d��er�oration ar damage. If�nsurance or cond�mnatian proceeds are paid �n <br /> connectian wz�h damage�o, or the tak�ng af, �he Property, Borrawer shal�be respansz��e f�r repa�r�ng or <br /> res�aring �he Proper�y�nly if i.�nder has re�eas�d pro��eds far su�h purpases. Lender may disburse proc�eds <br /> NESRASKA-5ingle Famiiy-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNt��RM lNSTRUMENT For�n 3�28 11�1 <br /> VMP Q VMP6�N�y{130�i <br /> Wofters Kluwer Financiaf 5er�ices Page 7 vf 17 <br />