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��15�1541 <br /> for the re�airs and res�arat�an in a s�ng�e pa�m�n�or in a series of progress pa�rments.a� th�w�rk is <br /> completed. If the insurance or c�ndemna�i�n proc�eds are n�t suff�c�en��o r�paxr ar restore�he Prop�r�y, <br /> Borrower is not relzev�d �f Borrower's obligation far th�comp�etz�n of such r�pair ar restorati�n. <br /> Lender�r its ag�n�ma�r make reasana��e entries upan and znsp�c��ans of�he Property, If i�has reas�nable <br /> �ause, Lender may inspect�he in�erz�r�f�he impr�vemen�s on�h� Property. Lender shall give Borrower <br /> r�o�ice at�he�ime of or prior�a suc�.an zn�eri�r inspection spec�f��ng such reas�nabie cause. <br /> 8, Bvrrawer's Laan App�ication. Borrower shall be in defau�t if, during the Loan app��cat��n pracess, <br /> Borr�wer or any persQns or e�ti��es ac��ng at the d�rec�ian af Borrou�er or wi��a B�rrawer's know��dg�or <br /> consen��ave mat�rially fa�se, mis�ead�ng, or�naccura��informa�i�n or s�atements t� Lender��r fai�ed�fl <br /> provzde Lender with mat�r�a� infnrma��an} �n connection wi�h th�Laan. Materia� repr�sentat�ans �nc�ude, but <br /> are not��m��ed�o, representa���ns con�ern�ng Borrawer's occupanc�of the Proper�y as Borr�wer's pr�nc�pa� <br /> residence. <br /> 9. Prot�ctivn of Lender's �nterest �n the Praperty and Rights L�nde� thi� Secur�ty Instrument. �f�a� <br /> B�rrawer fai�s to perfo�m the covenants ar�d agreements conta�ned xn�h�s Securi�y�ns�rument, (b} there is a <br /> 1ega1 pr�ceeding that might sign��can��y affect Lender's inter�st in the Prop�r�y andlor r�gh�s under�his <br /> �e�uri�y Instrument�such as a proceed�ng in ban�ruptcy, pr�bate, for condemnatxnn or farf�i�ure, far <br /> enforcement af a�ien v�h��h rnay a�ta�n priari�y over this Securi�y Instrument flr tfl enf�r�e lav�s or <br /> regu�ations}, �r�c} Borr�wer has abandoned�he Prop�r��, then Lender may da and pay f�r whate�er�s <br /> r�asonabie or appropr�ate to pr�te�t L�nd�r's �n�ere�t in�he Pr�p�r�y and righ�s under�his Security <br /> �nstrumen�, �n��uding pro�ectxn�ar�dlor assesszng�he�alu�nf�he Property, and securing andlor repair�ng <br /> th�Praper�y. Lender's ac�ians can inciudt, but are no��im�ted�o: �a�paying any sums secured by a l ien <br /> which has p�i�ri���ver�his Secur�ty �nstrum�n�; ��} app�ar�ng zn cour�; and�c}pay�ng reasona�le attorneys' <br /> f�es to prote�t its interest in�he Pr�per�y ar�dlar rights un�i�r this Se�ur��y �ns�rumen�, including its secured <br /> posxt�on�n a bankruptcy pr�c�eding. Secur�ng the Proper�y in��udes, but�s not xzm�ted ta, entering the <br /> Property to make repairs, change Iocks, rep�ace�r baard up doors and windaws, dra�n water from.p�pes, <br /> e�iminate bui�ding ar ath�r code vi�lation�nr dangerflus c�nd�t��ns, and have utili�ies �urned on or off. <br /> Although Lender may tak�act�on under this Sec�ian 9, Lend�r daes not ha�e ta do s� and is not under any <br /> dut�r or obliga�ion to da so. ��is agreed that Lender incurs no Iiabil�ty for not takzng any or ai� act�ons <br /> au�horized under�his Se�tzon 9. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lend�r under this Sec�ion 9 sha11 become additianal debt of Borra�ver se�ured by <br /> this Se�uri�y�nstrument. These amoun�s shall bear xn�er�st at the Note rate fr�m the date of disburs�ment <br /> and shall be pa�rable, u�i�h such �n�er�s�, upan not�ce from Lender�o Barrower reques�ing payment. <br /> �f th�s�ecurity Ins�rument is�n a l�a�eh��d, B�rraw�r shall cornply w�th a1��he pro�is�ons�f the leas�. �f <br /> BvrrQw�r a�quir�s fee tit�e to th�Prop�rty, the l�aseho�d and th�f�e tit�e sha��n��merge unless L�nder <br /> agre�s �o the merg�r in wr��ing. <br /> 'I�. Mortgage Insurance. �f Lender r�quired M�r�gage��suran�e as a c�nd�tion af makin�the L�an, Borrower <br /> shal�pay the premium� requ�red to maintain the N�or�gage�n�uran�e�n effect. If, far any reason, �he <br /> Mor�gage�nsurar�C�co�trage required by Lender c�ases ta b�ava��a��e from the mortgage znsurer tha� <br /> pre�i�us�y pr�v�ded such insurance and Borrower was requ�red to make separate��des�gnated paymezats <br /> toward the prern�ums f�r Mor�gage Insurance, Barrower shal�pa��he premiums required ta obta�n cov�rage <br /> substant�ally equ�va�en�to the Mnrtgage Insurance pr��ious��r �n eff�ct, at a cost substant�a�Iy equ��a����to <br /> the cast to B�rrower�f the M�r�gage Insurance pre��ous�y zn�ffect, from ar�a��ernate mortgage�nsurer <br /> sele�t�d b�r Lender. �f substantially equ�valent M�r�gag��nsuranc�cov�rage is n��ava��ab�e, Borro�er shall <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fanni�MaeJFreddie Mac t1NIFaRM INSTRUM�NT Farrr�3028'11�1 <br /> VMP� VMPS{N�7 t7 34�� <br /> Wofters Kluw�r�inancial Ser�ices Page S vf 17 <br />