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��15�1541 <br /> required�y R.ESPA, and Barr�wer shall L�nd�r the azn�unt ne�essary to make up �he def�ciency in <br /> acc�rdance w�th RESPA, but zn no more than ��monthly paymen�s. <br /> Upan paymen� in full of all sum.s secure�by th�s Se�uri�� �ns�rumen�, Lender sha�� pramptly refund to <br /> Barro�ver any Funds he�d by L�nd�r. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. B�rrov�er sha��pay a�� taxes, as�essm�nt�, charg�s, f�n�s, and impas�t�ans at�r�butable�� <br /> the Proper�y wh�ch can attain pr�ar�ty��er this Security Instrum�nt, ��asehold payments flr gr�und r�nts on <br /> �he Pr�per�y, if any, and C�mmun�ty Assoc�a�ion Dues, Fees, and Assessments, �f any. To the ex�ent�hat <br /> these items are Escrow ��ems, Barrower sha�l pay them�n the m,anner pravided in Section 3. <br /> Borr�u�er sha�l promp�ly�ischarge any�ien v�h�ch has prior�ty��er this��curity Ins�rument uniess <br /> Barr�wer: �a} agrees �n wri�ing�o�he payrnen�af the obligati�n secur�d by th��ien in a manner ac�ep�able <br /> t�Lender, but on�y so �ong as Borr�u�er�s p�rfar�m�ng su�h agreemen�; �h} contes�s th��ien i�g��d fa�th by, <br /> ar defends against enfarcement of the�ien in, legal prac��dings whi�h in Lender's�pinian�perat�ta prevent <br /> the enforcem�n�of the l��n whi�e�hose proceed�ngs are pend�ng, but�n�y untzl such pr�ce�dings are <br /> conc�uded; �r��3 secures from the ho�der of the lien an agre�m�nt sa��sfactory to Lender subnrd�nating the <br /> lien�o this Secur��y Instrum�n�. Xf L�nder determines�hat any par�af th�Prnper�y is sub�ect to a�ien which <br /> can a�tain prior�ty over this Secur�t� Zns�rum�nt, Lender ma�give Barr�wer a no�ice ident�fy�ng�he lien. <br /> Within 10 days of th�da��an which that notz�e is given, Borrov�er shall satisfy the�ien or tak�one or more <br /> af�he ac�ions se�fo�h ab�ve in this Sect�on 4. <br /> �L�nder ma�require Borrower�o pay a one-time charge for a real es�ate ta��v�rxf�ca�ian andlor rep�r�ing <br /> ser�ic�used by L�nder in connecti�n with�his Loan. <br /> 5, Property Insurar�ce. Borrov��r s�a�.�keep�he improv�men�s now ex�sting or hereafter erec�ed�n�he <br /> Pr�perty insured agains�Ioss by f�re, hazards�nC�uded v�ithin th�term "e�t�nded co�erage," and any oth�r <br /> hazards in��uding, but not 1imi�ed to, ear�hquak�s and f�a�ds, f�r�vhi�h Lender r�qu�res �nsurance. Thi� <br /> xnsurance�hali�e m�a�ntained in�e amoun�s �includzng deducti�l��ev�Is}and for the peri�ds that Lender <br /> require�.. What L�nder requ�res pursuant to �he preced�ng s�n��nces Gan change dur�ng �he term of the Loan. <br /> The insuran�e carri�r pro�iding the�nsurance shall be ch�sen by Borrower su��ect to Lend�r'�r�gh�to <br /> disappr��e Borrower's�h�ice, wh�ch r�gh�sha��not be exercised unreas�nably. Lender m�ay requ�re <br /> Borrow�r�o pa�, in canEx�ect�on with�his Loan, e��her: �a} a one�time charge for f�a�d zone determina�ion, <br /> cer����cat�on and�racking s�r�vices; or�b} a one-t�me charge far fla�d zone determination and cert��cation <br /> serv�ces and subsequent charg�s�a�h time remappings or similar changes�ccur wh�ch reasonably migh� <br /> affec�such determina�ion or eer�z�cat�on. Borrower sha�� a�so be responszb�e fflr��e paymen�of any fees <br /> imposed by�he Federa� �mergency N�anag�rnent Agency�n connect�fln vv�th the r��ri�w of any flood zone <br /> de�ermination resu�tzn� fram an objec���n�y Borrower. <br /> �f Barr�wer fai�s�o ma���ain ar�y af the coverages descri�ed abo�e, Lender may obtain insurance c�verag�, <br /> a� Lender's�ption and Borr�wer's expens�. Lender xs under no n��iga�ion to purchas�any particu�ar�ype or <br /> a�mount of coverage. Therefore, such c�verag�sha�l ca�er Lender, but migh��r might nat protect Borrower, <br /> Barrow�r's equ�ty in the Pr�per��r, �r�he c��ten�s�f�he Proper�y, against any r�sk, hazard or�iabi�ity anci <br /> might pravide greater or�esser cflverage thar��vas prev�aus�y zn effect. Borrower ackn�wledges�ha��h�cost <br /> of th� insurance coverage so ahtained m��.gh�signi�cantly�xc�ed the cos��f�nsurance tha�Borrower cou�d <br /> ha�e obtained. An�r arn�unts disburs�d by Lend�r u�.der thzs Sect�on 5 sha��b�c�m�add���ona1 deb�of <br /> Barraw�r secured by this Securit� �ns�rume�t. These amounts sha�� bear�nteres�at th�No�e rate fr�m�he <br /> date�f disbursexnen�and sha11 be pa�a���, with such interes�, up�n not�ce from Lender to B�rrower <br /> requesting payment. <br /> NEBRASKA-Sin�le Farr�i�y-Fannie Ma�IFreddie MaG UNIFQRM lN5TRLIM�NT Form 3028 11fl1 <br /> VMP Q VMP6(N�f�i 3D2y <br /> Wolters Kluw�r Financial 5�r�ices Page G af 3 7 <br />