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��15�1541 <br /> Any applica�ion of pay�nen�s, insuranc�proc�eds, or Miscelianeous PrQceeds �a pr�ncipal due under the N�te <br /> sha�l no��x�end Qr postpone the�.ue date, or change�he amoun�, of the Per�od�c Paymen�s. <br /> 3. �`unds for�scrow Items. Barraw�r sha��pay to Lender on�he day Period�� Paymen�s are due under��e <br /> Nate, unti��he Note is pai�in fu�l, a sum�the "Funds"} �o pro��de for payment of amounts due for: �a} �axes <br /> and assessmen�s an�.�ther�tems wh�ch can atta�n priari�y�ver th�s Secur�ty �nstrum�nt as a l�en�r <br /> encumbrance on�he Proper�y; �b}��asehald paymen�s�r ground rents on�he Proper�y, if any; �c}prem.iums <br /> far any and al� �nsurance required b�r L.ender under Sec�ion 5; and �d} Mar�gage�nsurance premiums, xf any, <br /> ar any�ums payah�e by Barrower to Lender in�ieu of�he pa�rment of Mor��age�nsurance premiums i� <br /> accordance wi��.�he pro�visians�f 5ec��on ��. These ���ms are Ca��ed "Escrow Items." At orig�na�ion or a� <br /> any tim�during�.he�erm of the Loan, Lender n�.ay require�ha��ommun�t�Assoc�at�on Dues, Fees, and <br /> Assessments, �f any, be escrav�ed by Borrower, and such dues, f�es and assessments sha�l b�an�scrow <br /> I�em. Borrower shal�prflmp���r furn�sh ta Lender a�� not�ces of amounts to be paid under this Sec�ion. <br /> Borrawer sha��pay Lender�he Funds for Escraw Items unless Lend�r waives Borr�wer's obliga�i�n�o pay <br /> the Fund� for an�ar all Escr�w�tems. L.ender may waive B�rrflwer's abligation��pay�o L�nd�r Fund�far <br /> an�or al� Escr�w Items at any�ime. Any such wa�ver may anly be in wri�ing. �n�he even�of such vvaiver, <br /> Borrower shal�pay dir�ctly, when and where payable, �he amounts du�for any Escrovw �tems for whi�h <br /> paymen�of Funds has been waived by I.ender a�ad, �f I.�nder requires, sha�� furnish to L�nder rece�p�s <br /> e�videncing such paymen�wi�hin such tinle period as Lend�r may requ�r�. Barr�vver's ob�xgation to make <br /> �uch�aymen�s and�o pro��de receip�s shall for alI purposes be deemed to�e a covenan�and agreemen� <br /> con�a�ned xn th�s Se�urity Instrument, as the phrase "co�enan�and agre�ment" is us�d�n Secti�n 9. �f <br /> Borrow�r is�hligated�o pay Escrow ��ems directly, pursuant to a v�a�ver, and Borravver fails to pay the <br /> amount due for an�scr�w ��em, Lender ma�e�ere�se its r�ghts under Sect�on 9 and pay such amount and <br /> Borro�ver shali�hen be ob��ga�ed under Sec�ion 9 to repay to Lender any su�h a�mount. Lender may revoke <br /> the wa�ver as�a any ar a11 Escrow �tems a�any txme by a no�ice given in accordance with Sec���n 15 and, <br /> u��n such rev�cat�nn, Barrower shal�pay to Lender a�1 Funds, and in such amoun�s, that ar�th.en required <br /> under�his Sec�i�n 3, <br /> Lender xna�r, at an�time, col�e�t and ho�d Funds �n an amaunt�a} suf���ent to permi�Lender ta app�y the <br /> Funds a�the�xme specified under R�SPA, and tb� not to exceed the max� amoun�a 1end�r can r�qu�re <br /> under RE�PA. Lender sha11 estimate the am�unt af Funds due on the basis�f current da�a and reasona��e <br /> es��m.a�e�Qf expenditures of future Escrow ���ms�r o�herv�r�s�in accordance v�i�h App�icab�e La�u. <br /> The Funds s�a�l be�e�d�n an ins�i�ut�on whose deposits are insured by a f�dera� agency, �ns�rumenta�ity, or <br /> ent��y ��nc�ud�ng I..ender, if Lender is an�nsti�ution whas�d�po5its are sa �nsured} or in any Federal �3ome <br /> Loan Bank. Lender sha�� apply the Funds�o pay the Escrow I�ems no 1a�er�han the time specified under <br /> R.ESPA. Lender shall no�charge B�rrflwer for holding and applying the Funds, annuall�analyzing the <br /> escraw ac�aunt, or verify�ng the Escraw Itern.s, unless L�nder pays B�rrower�n��rest on�he Funds and <br /> Applica�le La�r permi�s L�nder to make such a charg�. Un�ess an agr�em�n�is rn�.ade�n wri��ng or <br /> Applicable requ�res in�eres�to be paid an the Fun�s, Lender sha��not be requ�red�o pay B�rrower an� <br /> interes�or�arn�ngs on th� Funds. Bo�-rower and Lender can agree�n wr��ing, hov�ever, tha�interes�shall be <br /> pa�d on the Funds. Lender shall give ta B�rrower, with�ut charge, an annual acc�unting of�he Fund�as <br /> requ�red by RESPA. <br /> If there �s a surplus�f Funds he�d �n escro�v, as def�n�d u�ader RESPA, Lender shall accoun��a B�rr�wer for <br /> the e�cess fund� �n accordance vcr��h RESPA. �f there�s a shor�age of Funds held in escrow, a�def�ned under <br /> RESPA, L�nder sha��not�fy Barrower as required by RESPA, and Borrav�er shall pa��o Lender�he amaunt <br /> necessary to make up�h�shor�age in ac�ordance w��h RESPA, but in na more than 12 month�y paymen�s. �f <br /> �here �s a de�ciency of Funds he�d in escrow, as d��ned under RESPA, L,ender sha11 not�fy Borraw�r as <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Fa{nily-�annie MaelFreddie Mac tJNlF�RM�NSTRUMENT �arm 3�Z8 11�1 <br /> VMP Q <br /> VMPfifN�}t�3p2y <br /> Wvlters Kluwer�inan�ial Ser�ices Page 5 of 17 <br />